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https://www.computerweekly.com/news/366567750/GenAI-tools-could-not-exist-if-firms-are-made-to-pay-copyright Am I missing something here or are tech companies claiming copyright shouldn't apply to their AI because it's all expensive and hard? I myself think Copyright extensions have gone insane the past decades plus, but it does seem they want a 'corporations can break copyright all they want; go after citizens instead' ? Maybe my anti-corporate lenses are blinding me.

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13 hours ago, Hugh Neilson said:

So...a rhinoceros?


Not quite, but I picked one with a horn for Christopher.


The AI doesn't like mashing different things together still.


12 hours ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

Yeah see that's the kind of thing I keep getting, the AI doesn't seem to know what a Warthog even looks like


I had some where it had a bit more of a side view on the head, and it was getting a general warthog shape, but the elephant elements express excessively. Sorry, had to. But it seems like in mash ups, it really likes to have one of the things dominate more of the features.

Edited by Pattern Ghost
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For the elephant/A-10: /imagine an A-10 Warthog crossed with an elephant


For the elphant/warthogs: /imagine illustration of a huge animal on the savannah that is a cross between an elephant and a warthog that has four majestic tusks and no trunk --no trunk


These were on MJ.


I just noticed it was set to 5.2 for those. Going to try the elphant/warthog on 6.


It really leaned into Elephant on version 6, but added bristly hairs. Ignored the --no trunk completely:



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Here's one with the prompt: illustration of animal that is a cross between an elephant and a warthog in sketchnote style --no trunk --v 6.0




Again, ignored the --no trunk. I like sketchnote style a lot. I tried to erase the trunk with vary(region), but it really, really wants its elephant hybrids to have a trunk.



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Mainly what you're doing with the prompt is telling MJ which images to steal from use as a reference.  If MJ can't quit trunks, you might look into prehistoric pre-elephants like platybelodon or deinotherium.  There will be a smaller base of images to pull from but that might work in your favor in this case.

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On 1/28/2024 at 10:03 AM, Hermit said:

https://www.computerweekly.com/news/366567750/GenAI-tools-could-not-exist-if-firms-are-made-to-pay-copyright Am I missing something here or are tech companies claiming copyright shouldn't apply to their AI because it's all expensive and hard? I myself think Copyright extensions have gone insane the past decades plus, but it does seem they want a 'corporations can break copyright all they want; go after citizens instead' ? Maybe my anti-corporate lenses are blinding me.


Their first line of defense is fair use, but I seriously doubt they have a snowball's chance of that holding up.

https://www.copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-fairuse.html#:~:text=Under the fair use doctrine,news reporting%2C and scholarly reports.



Under the fair use doctrine of the U.S. copyright statute, it is permissible to use limited portions of a work including quotes, for purposes such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, and scholarly reports. There are no legal rules permitting the use of a specific number of words, a certain number of musical notes, or percentage of a work. Whether a particular use qualifies as fair use depends on all the circumstances. See, Fair Use Index, and Circular 21, Reproductions of Copyrighted Works by Educators and Librarians.


They're trying to use the ambiguity WRT the amount that can be used, but my understanding is they're ingesting entire catalogs of writers, composers, and musicians.  Basically, anything published conventionally, physically or electronically, that is covered by copyright...they can't do that.  In music, this applies to specific recordings of public-domain material...the DG collection of all 9 Beethoven symphonies, with von Karajan conducting the Berlin Phil is from the early 60s, and is still, I believe, considered one of the seminal versions.  The sheet music?  Public domain.  Those performances?  Copyrighted.


I think they're desperate, as much as anything.  They view AI as the goose that lays the golden eggs, but the goose has to be fed to do so.  So, I see some of this as corporate greed, some as technocratic arrogance...AI will advance the world, so what's good for AI is good for the world.  And season it with "you can't do that, you can't take my toys away!"   


At this point, I don't see any way the AI companies win in the end, nor do I think they *should* win, generally.  

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I am loving Midjourney V6, but I'm hitting some of the same obstacles. I can't show a broken bottle used as a weapon (the algorithm has a hard time showing broken things, and bottles aren't normally held by the neck like that). I can't show a creepy pyramid levitating upside down (because it is so trained on pyramids pointing up). I can't have people reaching inside things, like a magician reaching inside a hat.


And I still can't put shuriken on Seeker's sash/bandolier.




Read about Googles AlphaGeometry.

It did well on geometry proofs at the International Mathematical Olympiad. What makes it really interesting is the way it makes a machine learning system and a symbolic logic system work together.



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On 1/28/2024 at 10:52 PM, Pattern Ghost said:

/imagine chaotic hellbeast that looks like a cross between an elephant with no trunk and a warthog --v 6.0


This one landed closer -- sort of -- but 3/4 of the generations had trunks:


Seems like "chaotic hellbeast" shifted the context enough to allow more of a hybrid, maybe?

That is a lot closer to what I as looking for yeah.  But I like the A-10 Elephants :))

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