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What would your character do? #51


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The Aquaman Effect


Your GM has ruthlessly severed your (character's) hand but they'll let you decide how to replace it or if you'd like you can have a phys disadvantage and spend the points how you like. The big question is will you let this injury have a lasting effect on your character or will it be a minor blip in their biography.

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Hmmm... Not an issue for most of my characters. Why?


Checkmate: Simply gets a friend who knows genetics better than he does to clone and graft a replacement.


Guardian: Regenerates - including limbs, internal organs that have been shot out, etc - so the hand would come back in about thirty minutes or so.


Control: See above with Checkmate - what are dads for, if not to use their contacts on occasion? :-) But if Checkmate wasn't available, Control would simply fit the stump with a prosthetic that also generated electricity for him to use.

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Hmmm.. let's see.


Paragon: Highly doubt his hand could be severed in the first place...but GM's can do anything, so.... He'd try a replacement, but somehow it would be made by one of his archenemies. This would get him into some sort of trouble, like losing control of it. Resulting in a gloating villian. Paragon would realize the problem, rip it off and live without the hand.


Patriot: Well seeing as how the world just learned that the Patriot is a clone, he'd probably have it regrown.


Afterburn: Well as both legs are paralyzed he's use to dealling with these things and gets a prosthstic and soldier on.


Did I mention I love flawed superheroes?



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Cool! I wish I had a player in my group who I could do this to and not have him hate me for it. This is similar to the "Radiation Accident" effect, you can totally reboot your hero this way.


Does it have to be his hand? Well, never mind, it's okay.




It probably wouldn't affect Bengal much. He mainly uses his off hand to attack anyway. He could continue to do this.


Hummingbird would probably use the points to pull an "omni-arm" effect, like Aquaman. Nothing better for a science hero than to show how good science can be.



I don't know, this doesn't seem like a particularly bad thing to me overall.

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Anthem has a friend who can restore limbs (if within 1 hour of severing). Assuming she can't get to him in time, I think it would definitely be a big deal. She would probably have a prosthetic, though nothing crazy. She would try to carry on like she were not injured, by inevitably the limitations of a conventional fake limb would catch up with her. She'd retire, all before she even exits her teens.


If I were writing the story of Uncle Slam's limb loss, I'd write it where he loses his hand just hours before the execution of one of the many men he's taken to jail over the years. The man would indeed donate his limb. It wouldn't be a psychotic "limb with a mind of its own" story, so much as a tale of repentance through helping the man who brought him to justice.


Audra Blue would likely get some kind of cybernetic to go with her other parts. Odd part is that none of the others are very visible. I'd make this one visible, causing her to wear a glove all the time. She'd start to have nightmares about how she's slowly being replaced by mechanical parts, one bit at a time.

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Starguard has cosmic regeneration (limbs too), so while I get to RP pain, shock, and fear for a while (she has yet to be seriously injured), the hand is coming back.


Baron von Darien -- *blink blink*. He's got vampiric regeneration at the 'restores limbs' level, and in the course of a long lifetime has had everything to him short of being burned alive. He's even had to pull stakes out of his own heart, and that hurts a helluva lot more than just losing the hand.


His attitude would literally be "Damn it, /again/? I had appointments to keep this week!"



Dr. Pain -- would hate it, wouldn't whine about it, and then would probably go get some badass metal prosthetic fist that was even handier for pounding people. Dr. Pain, with new optional steel action hand! YES! THE DOCTOR IS BACK IN BUSINESS! :)

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Aquaman Effect


Adrenaline and Realm would both get Apothecary (gadget teamate) to build them a cybernetic hand.


Assuming his regeneration and fast healing couldn't fix the damage, Hecabus would go in search of Vecna's hand or go to his home on the 113 Layer of the Abysss to build a new and improved hand and laugh about the power boost. Then he would probably look at other non-essential appendages to strengthen.

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Kenneth would design a new hand, a better, faster?, stronger hand. It would look normal in Kenneth form and look all high-tech and gizmoed out in Husky mode probably replacing his current gadget gauntlets. Concealing an artificial limb would only add to the house of cards Kenneth has built around his secrte ID. I can imagine easily imagine embarassing situations at school when suddenly the hand malfunctions and changes to Husky size requiring Kenneth to conceal the oversized hand in nearby lockers.

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Guest Worldmaker

The Shield would look bemused at whatever it was that unsuccessfully attempted to sever his hand (he's so invulnerable that something powerful enough to sever his hand would level the building he was in, plus all the buildings around it for about a ten block radius, and would likely destroy the rest of his body along with the connection between his hand and wrist), then give it the Flicking Finger of Unconsciousness.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Last year, Eliot Sihn's hand suddenly became sentient, and able to detach itself from him on its own volition. This sort of goes back to his origin - he was born without a left hand, but he managed to "grow" one due to his regeneration. He also had powers that allowed him to detach body parts, but the other parts didn't need to be cajoled into re-attaching.


I don't think this is the kind of thing a GM would typically do to a player, but I, and the rest of the group, loved it, and Zornwil is not a typical GM. It became a vehicle for personal growth for the often overly-ruthless Sihn, as he couldn't quite bring himself to snuff it out. "Lefty" developed into a key DNPC, figuring into several plots. He started off quite innocent and childlike, but he's started to mature a bit over the last sessions, and, sniff, Sihn has decided that it is time that Lefty moves on - he's been accepted to Prof. Xavier's School for the Gifted. We'll miss him, especially since he's become the best friend of one of the other PC's. It was always interesting making sure Lefty was rounded up in time for a super battle - when you carry an OAF, you need your off-hand to hang on to it. I'm sure Lefty will still show up in a lot of up-coming sessions. Sihn will finally replace his hand - a trivial operation for him.


Other characters would deal with it fine - I have a tendency to play swashbucklers, and replacing a hand with a hook, or some sort of swiss-army-knife gadget would just give them more roguish charm - several of them had hook-hands during initial design, it just has never made it into any final designs. My super-brick, "Crete! The Man of Living Concrete!", would be pretty much immune to such an injury, but he has enough normal difficulties in his every-daylife that replacing one hand with a stub would hardly be noticed.



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Ol' Todd Berrymore, the loosin'est hero in Champs Universe, would take it as given that something horrible would happen to him. "Of course. This particular torture hasn't happened to me yet. It stands to reason it was going to happen eventually."

(He's already had his face shot off by buckshot) Then he will get real depressed and contemplate darkly his purpose in life. "What's the point of having all this strength.." etc, etc.


Yeah, Todd's a real downer sometimes.

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Armando: has the regeneration schtick going for him.


Sword Dancer: Will still have her hand in her civvies (completely different bodies). Once she realizes this, she will soldier on. But she will also probably begin her search for a successor, as she would feel that this is a sign of her mortality.


Gangway: Is a temporal anomaly. She can get her hand back, but it will be a story.


Luna: Unlikely that this could happen, but if it did she would get herself a scary prosthesis (maybe a moyel's knife or a livestock castrating device, or just something with lots of sharp edges and points) and enjoy its impact . . .


Crimson Tide: Ooh, more angst! I don't precisely know its effect but it would be fun to deal with . . .

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I actually have to think about this because, as I know my friends & brothers, they'd never do this in my campaign. However, we are looking at the theoretical here, so..


Roger - not applicable. There's simply no way he'd lose his hand. If it appeared he did, it'd be because he pulled a trick. You'd have to know the character to understand.


Neutron - Yes, I know it's the same name as Neutron of the Conquerors but I named my hero before Enemies I ever hit the shelves.. and I'm dating myself here, aren't I. Anyways, he'd get a bionic replacement that looks as close to a real hand as possible. Then, I'd feel sorry for the person who did it. Kill? No. Beat him to a pulp and make sure he'd be incapable of doing it to anyone else? Yes. It'd probably make him a little more 'stern' in his dealings with people like that.

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