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Alternate Earth Characters #11


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Alternate Earth Characters #11

Your GM has announced he's going to run an alternate Earth game and he wants you to make a modified version of your character to fit his "Alternate Earth Setting. The GM is being deliberately unclear about whether you'll be playing your alt character or if your regular character will be facing them.


So what is different about your character from

Post Nuclear Earth

The Cuban missile crisis just got worse and the bombs were dropped. The modern Earth is a desolate wasteland of road warriors and mutant tribes of cannibals small communities struggle to survive. In this bleak but adventure laden world how does your character appear?

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Tough to picture Anthem there. Not a place for a teenage girl. She'd become somewhat of a recluse, find a spot and fortify it. Against the cannibals and roaming gangs.


Uncle Slam would definitely find a small society and help it thrive into a larger one, trying to rebuild back to the way things were.


Audra Blue, without a network to control, without active computer systems, would feel useless. What's more, she has a dependance that will get her killed because it would no longer be available.

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Assault would have another Safe Environment (Radiation) in his Life Support. :)


Apart from that, he'd probably be a local community leader, making peace with the neighbours (where possible!), and assembling a collection of communities that could potentially form a nucleus for the rebirth of civilisation.


It would be a perfect environment for someone with his powers - especially his immunity to disease. :)

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Kenneth's parents would have been toadies to the local warlord but at an early age Kenneth's intellect would raise him from the rabble as he keeps the cars running and figures out how to run the cars on water and develops energy weapons the warlord would shower young Kenneth with praise until one day he realized Kenneth could be a threat. When the leash tightened Kenneth would develop the Husky serum in the chemistry lab and break free he'd fight defending other communities from the monstrous war machine he was guilty of creating.

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Starguard -- an amnesiac of great power is found by a settlement. She can heal even the most severely injured, purify contanimated food, create water, fly, lift large weights, and...


... well, she'll end up becoming the 'goddess-protector' of whatever settlement she's in. If there's a cruel warlord, she'll overthrow him -- she thinks people should be happy and safe and not hungry, as opposed to being beaten and robbed.


She'd probably be a very sad person, though. She was extremely emotionally vulnerable when she first started out... hell, she still *IS* in the game world we're in, although she's at least developed enough basic armor to stop the obvious users.




Baron von Darien -- he survived the fire. He survived the ashes. He survived all. And so long as he survives, knowledge survives.


Perhaps not knowledge of technology and engineering -- that was never his forte. But knowledge of history... philosophy... culture... and ethics.


Like a medieval monk after the Dark Ages, the Baron will devote himself to writing down the old knowledge and disseminating the new.


Unless the situation needs a warlord, of course. He's very good at that, as well.


And he's even better at getting rid of warlords that he thinks do more harm than good.

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Dolphin's mutant ability is adaptability. He would soon develop LS:Radiation. He would spend much time studying the ecology in the areas no one else could go into.


Millennium: if ever a world needed a messiah, it's this one. He will fly from settlement to settlement, laying on his healing touch and preaching peaceful cooperation and co-existance. Being telepathic, he will offer to mediate any disputes between tribes of survivors.


Iron Will: adapt his gadget pool to full life support, live in a cave, repair any technology brought to him.


Cheetah will either be fighting or leading the Road Warriors.


Snow Leopard will be worshiped as a goddess by a mutant tribe of cannibals.

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Mayday 's parents died when she was 4, murdered. Her grandparents would have died much earlier also due to the radiation fallout all across Europe leaving her to be raised by the family retainers. Her innate mechanical skills help her to help the small group keep going. Repairing things scavenged from the wreckage until her psi abilities appear at puberty. These allow her to help fight off marauders coming after their resources but she'll have to get strong fast to do it, and more ruthless than she is now.


As she takes in refugees her community grows and they become a fortified town that struggles to recover lost technology and literature or art (music mostly) to keep civilization alive. She marries and has children.


LineDrive is swept into a marauder gang at a young age and abused until old enough to prove his worth as one of them. With no education and not much brains he is just another marauder until the day his band attacks a group able to defend themselves and he gets shot, knocked clean off the rover and left for dead as his friends leave.


The defenders run him off but on foot without supplies or protection he has nowhere to go and is saved by a compassionate young woman who nurses him back to health. Amazed and confused, he charms her into marriage and becomes a member of her family working to improve things.


Wraithe , her father and brothers find their way back to home and set up a fortified area that she grows up in. Everyone learns to fight and when her father is killed in a raid her mother remarries. The group of ex-military has no long range goals beyond survival, eventually someone will recruit them into his vision but until then they hoard weapons and food.


ShadowCross grows up in a community that thinks it is well protected from the marauders. They are wrong. The men are killed except for her uncle, a master weaponsmith, the women are captured and enslaved and children either killed or enslaved. Elizabeth has a very bad time due to her extreme beauty and her mind snaps from it. The ShadowCross personality steals a weapon from her uncle's workshop and kills several before being gunned down herself. No chemical upgrades to render her metahuman unfortunately.


Metallion the female Magneto grows up in a commune of scientists working for a warlord in Germany. Cute and precocious she grows into a vain, beautiful and powerful woman, an excellent tool the warlord uses to destroy his enemies ability to defend themselves. Eventually she realizes her love for the warlord is not returned, she gets jealous of other women he has taken to bed and throws a screaming fit. No fool, his men use non-metallic means to trap her and if she does not listen to reason he has her brainwashed to be a bit more loyal next time. She becomes little more than a mindless pet he turns on his enemies.

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Ace gained his powers about the same time the bombs started dropping. Assuming he hasn't died of radiation poisoning, he's probably the leader of a survivor community, preserving what's left of civilization.


Plasma is working for such a community, maintaining and restoring if she can. If she has her powers and scientific skills, she's fighting off cannibalistic biker gangs. Immune to disease and radiation, her main job is salvaging gear and knowledge from the burned-out cities. She'd get a nuclear reactor going, and use the electricity from it to purify water, make fuel, and operate any medical equipment that could be found.


Seraph's mission was to stop the war. Either he whiffed it big time, or he arrived too late. Now he wanders the wasteland, protecting villages from mutant cannibals. Eventually he may settle in a community and help to build it into a nation.


Lin-Si is doing Fist of the North Star.

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Originally posted by Fuzzy Gnome

Lin-Si is doing Fist of the North Star.


I've heard so much about Lin-Si already I'm tempted to beg you for war stories. :)


(Hey, I torture you guys with mine at the drop of a hat, only fair I suffer through yours. *eg*)


Edit -- I'm going to start a thread.

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Battlestaff has been around since 1620, and possesses many skills, from agricultural to organzational, that would help a struggling society survive and grow. He would find a small group of people, and help them to first survive, then to slowly grow and organize into a group that will last. Once that group was strong, he would move on to help another group. While he did this, he would encourage the creation of stories of a 'Wanderer of the Wasteland' that shows up and helps settlements (to make the people more likely to accept his help).


All the time he was doing this, he would chronicle the events of the newly re-born Earth. As an immortal, it would be fascinating to watch what civilization arises from the ashes.

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Icky setting. Never liked them. Still...


Snowbird might not know anything about the amulet that gives him his power. He'd probably be using his powers to keep people from dying of thirst (when you can create ice, water's just a campfire away). He'd protect the people he lived with, but probably not much more than that.


Comet would be a travelling hero, trying to help as many people as possible. Radiation wouldn't affect him, but emotional attachments would.


Shadowhawk would be a benevolent warlord, defending his people like a feudal lord.


Archangel would be a messenger of hope, reaching out to the few remaining faithful and trying to ease the misery of the unfortunate masses.



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My namesakes alien father would prbably have set himself up as a warlord given his superpowers. Though my character may or may not follow in that legacy. It is likely he would become a prodigal son of sorts. He would probably be a warlord of some sort(another territory) or possibly a loner who goes around doing the anti-hero thing. He probably wouldnt be helping those in need. He is a reformed villain in regular timeline.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Flippant in this land?

Just occured to me... in many of the truly horrible dimensions, he has the option of: 'Leave forever, don't look back'.

However, he would be a serious player. Able to funnel in resources from world's that can support it...



Kiwi, so maybe not such a desolate place. If so, his powers never had enough of a catalyst to emerge. Unless he visited one of the wastelands... (diplomatic?)


At which point I'd say 'Empire Building'. Mentalists can DO that. :)

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline would just be trying to help his tribe survive.


Realm would take his tribe to another dimension.


Hecabus would be thrilled about the light show, and probably a bit sorry for making such a big mess. He would try to draw all the people together for their own good (under his leadership of course). Luckily, as a vampire he is immune to radiation and he long ago figured out how to survive in sunlight.

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Pulsar would appear the same, since he came from an alternate earth in the first place. He would probably be instead of a hero though an empire builder. working to rebuild the US and searching for "lostech". with which to allow "his" people to relcaim the world. Since his powers are based of energy and radiation he probably would develop absorbtion powers to clense the radiation whereever he goes.

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Daniel "Warp" Stone: Mutant son of Franklin Stone, founder and ruler of one of the most prosperous and technologically advanced pockets of civilization left in the world, he uses his powers of dimensional manipulation to travel all over the world, gathering skilled people and collecting lost technology to help rebuild.


Spectrum: Colonel Jack Chricton was an officer in the military forces of what little remnant is left of the United States he encountered the Progenitor Probe that ventured down onto the planet to assess the current state of the devestated human civilization.


Finding him a worthy example of humanity, as in the original timeline it evolved him into a semi-energy being capable of roaming the stars and manipulating all aspects of the EM spectrum.


Now he uses his powers to help rebuild and protect his crippled nation, fighting for Truth, Justice, and The American Way.


Mystic: Has no secret ID as a writer. Still Archmage Canidate in training thanks to finding the tools of office and his mystic tomes. Destiny is destiny.

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One of Hummingbird's main villains comes from this sort of world. In fact, it's the alt of hummingbird himself, who travels between dimensions murdering other Hummingbird incarnations. So I suppose in this alt earth, Hummingbird would by definition be the bad guy. But he wouldn't stick around for long.

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Another Good One....


The Patroit: Having survived the Nuclear Strikes, Patroit would wander the land, seeking to continue the ideals of America, bringing hope to those he found, fighting despots and warlords at every turn. Just because people have made a horrible mistake, there is no need for America to be forgotten. Taking an American flag he would wear it as a cloak, the red,white, and blue shiled he wields still the symbol of America's greatest hero. Over the years he would never lose faith and conviction, but he would grow older as the cloning facility that the government uses, was destroyed in the strikes. In the year 2004 Patroit would be nearly 75 years old, but in incredible shape. His only fear that if he dies so dies America.


StarKnight: Enraged that his family was killed when missle detonate in and near Detroit City, hardly penetrating his defenses (StarKnight can fly through space) he would strike at any of the world leaders left alive. He would blame the "Man" for all his problems (I should point out StarKnight was a hero during the late 60's and 70's. Desgnined to be your typical "blacksplotation" hero). Once he realizes the Earth is usuless, he would travel to the Andromeda Star Empire and take his place as Imperial Knight and never look back ( I should mention that no one in the A.S.E. is caucasian).


Afterburn: As a young boy, he'd still develop his rugged self, but would never be injured and lose the lose of his legs in a football accident. His ability to harness and redirect solar energy would be used to provide power to his village. His powers would make them safe.


Paragon: Would be a normal person. The hopelessness of the world would not provide enough energy to power him. He's simply be a guy trying to get by. However if he ever got near Patriot he might actually gain some increased strength, speed and toughness.



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  • 3 years later...

Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11


No superpowers required (you don't have to have them in an Elseworld, after all), nor do aliens seem vital to the central idea.


Therefore - Post Nuclear Vitus is Mad Dog, horrifically scarred cannibal and genius at making broken technology work again. His camp, deep in the irradiated wastelands, is ringed with creaking, rusting windmills and pumps, and defended with a wide variety of hidden man, I mean meat-traps and tripwires. Getting an old locomotive running again is a long-term project.

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Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11


Mike the Demoness: Heaven and Hell are still as present as ever, so his succubus would still be able to find him and mind-swap with him... and so, Mike, not worried so much about the nature of the supernatural as how he/she can use it, would find any number of uses as an immortal being who can assume any number of mortal shapes and call up fire. Of course, with Hell on Earth being so literal (Armageddon already having /happened/), there are probably a lot of other demons running around, who Mike's going to /need/ all those abilities to defend his home town/tribe/whatever against...


Rubber Mousie: Aliens can pop a wormhole onto a post-apocalyptic Earth and abduct a human from there as easily as they can from the original RM's world, and all the off-Earth events that ensued, and the on-Earth ones that led to her current gelatinous state. Would probably find a struggling on-the-way-up recovering micronation to help out, and put her talents to use keeping any attackers from doing it harm.

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Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11


Hmm, I can't imagine there are too many ice-skating rinks in a post-apocalyptic wasteland....and I doubt there's much likelihood of her grandfather in Japan managing to send her magical power source to her in the USA, so she would never have actually gotten any powers and lived the morbidly depressing life of any other cancer-riddled teenager in her area.


Actually now that I think about it, the nuclear war probably would have been just the push her grandfather needed to use the Heart of Winter for himself, so Icestar in this reality may actually be an elderly Japanese hero rather than a teenage Asian-American heroine.....

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11




*a small, primitive village. . . and yet, not as primitive as one might expect. the homes and buildings seem well made, the fields well tended, with sturdy walls surrounding it. At its center, there is a fire, with many villagers gathered around it, enrapt as a man sits before them, talking*


"Let me tell you a story of a different time. A time when people needed not worry about the roving bandit, or the poor harvest."


"Let me tell you a story of a different place. A place where such worries could be forgotten, a place born of a dream, and forged by the sweat of all men."


"Let me tell you a story. . . of Thera. . ."


Basically, post-nuclear wasteland? Its more or less what he's been, on some level, preparing himself to deal with for some time. Civilization will not only be rebuilt, but by all the gods, Hermes will give the survivors the power to make a civilization *worth* creating.

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Re: Alternate Earth Characters #11


Hmm, I can't imagine there are too many ice-skating rinks in a post-apocalyptic wasteland....and I doubt there's much likelihood of her grandfather in Japan managing to send her magical power source to her in the USA, so she would never have actually gotten any powers and lived the morbidly depressing life of any other cancer-riddled teenager in her area.


Actually now that I think about it, the nuclear war probably would have been just the push her grandfather needed to use the Heart of Winter for himself, so Icestar in this reality may actually be an elderly Japanese hero rather than a teenage Asian-American heroine.....


Given the environment she grew up she could actually have mutant powers instead.

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