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Whats the Weirdest Character?

Black Drake

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Re: Whats the Weirdest Character?


Originally posted by Black Drake

Unfortunatly one of the players wifes became a little gelous and made him drop since we had "girls" there.

Really? Did she also become cubical?


I was just having a discussion with a few other patrons (one of whom was female, more or less) at my FLGS about women in gaming, but this is something else. Talk about insecure. You already married the guy, lady. How much more possessive do you want to get?

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Strangest I've encountered in our games was a 3 foot tall alien mushroom with a barbed tail, flight and a cape. He was world famous and mobbed by beautiful women wherever he went. I think he actually took that as a disad.


Weirdest I ever did was the not-so-weird-compared-to-the-troll sentient necklace that Possessed its wearer and was Evil.


My fave was for a pickup game, a Ravnos vampire thief that had been shapeshifted into the form of a scottish wolf hound as punishment. Fleas loved him and became powerful ghouls after many generations lived and died off of him. He hung out for awhile with a gangrel that thought he was a normal dog and had a habit of stealing things and burying them. Made a great spy too.

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In a groups I'm currently in we have a character named "O'Neckieo". He's an Irishman with a LOT of stretching (neck only). He has several extra limbs (same neck) so he can maintain several "neck grabs" at the same time, and lots of extra strength (with neck), and his neck is indestructiable (lots of damage reduction).

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Hmm, some of my weirdest...


Green Liberty - A Green Lantern ripoff, he was an idiot-servant that had an initutive ability to use a Power Ring but had the mind of a child. At one point, a dinosaur attack the city and my character made a huge green hand. "Bad Dinosaur! BAD! BAD! BAD!" Picking up the model dinosaur and pretending to hit it repeatly on the table like a spoiled kid. When the rest of the players recovered, they quickly checked the Strength chart, "Yeap, he has enough Strength to do that."


Captain Power - Shape-shifting Demon w/Memory Loss. Loved to mimic the other heroes. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Actually came in handy to protect someone's Secret ID.


Little Green Man From Mars - Never actually wrote him up, but he was based on a Loony Tune cartoon where a little martian baby accidently gets born on Earth. He flys around in a homemade spaceship that's small enough to fit through doorways. Would have given him tractor beams, heat beams, force fields and Life Support.

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Originally posted by Mayday

Strangest I've encountered in our games was a 3 foot tall alien mushroom with a barbed tail, flight and a cape. He was world famous and mobbed by beautiful women wherever he went. I think he actually took that as a disad.

Okay, that's almost as weird as the brick rodeo clown with a lariat and a mindflayer. :D
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Originally posted by Doug McCrae

That's a good one. Did it come from the Microverse?

Well, we never did exactly figure where it was from. It was more a combination of Star Trek and Hitchhiker's Guide than microverse. Didn't have the problems with small dogs though.


I'll see if I can find it and update it.

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I tend not to allow overly weird characters in games I run, and not to actually play the weirdest characters I build. Oh well.


Grimir the Dwarf Tank: A player wanted to 'port over his Dwarf Fighter character from D&D to Champions. He also wanted him to have tracks instead of legs and a Bag of Holding full of concussion grenades. I disallowed the character.


Black Hole: A living space anomaly, Black Hole was basically a floating sphere with awesome gravity powers but no limbs or manipulatory organs. It was also unable to speak any Earth language. I allowed it, but since my games are usually more about character iteraction, the player quickly retired it.


Nicotine: I Wrote this up but never played it. A detective with mental powers, he looked like Humprey Bogart and always smoked cigarettes. Actually, the true character was a sentient cigarette with psionic powers, and the detective was just his DNPC.

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one of my GMs characters:


Gummi Bear.


He was an eight foot tall Green Gummi Bear. very creepy in and of itself.


His powers involved a bucket of Absorotion into a Transform. The Transform turned the enemy into a Gummi Bear, not like the character but like the snack food. He turned all his enemies into Gummi Bears. He shows up as an NPC every now and then.

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Re: Whats the Weirdest Character?


Originally posted by Black Drake

Hi All,


I was wondering what strange and crazy characters you have ever allowed in your games, whether as a GM or a Player, and what were the consiquences.


I allowed a Ripoff of Gloop from the Herculods, and regretted it.


One of the players brought his girl friend who did a version of "Stripperala" that has led to the best role playing ever in our group. She was new to RPG stuff and asked lots of question, the group was quiet energized by her "new blood". Unfortunatly one of the players wifes became a little gelous and made him drop since we had "girls" there. But the rest of the group goes on!


My strangest character was in AD&D 2nd Edition. He was a giff (they look like hippos; think of Peter Potamus) named Orville, who was an opera singer and sumotori. Orville the singing Sumotori. Unfortunately, he died in that first session. He got into a fight, and I didn't get a decent roll that entire fight. :mad:

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The odd ones I recall are the ones the GM threw at us.


You Can't See the Join Man. a pilot rebuilt by aliens including bits of his aircraft.

And Morphisto. Think of a Skrull and you get the idea. He could change into anything. Wierdo.

Dr Strangefruit. Think Carmen Miranda crossed with Dr Doom.

Dr Jackal and Mr Punch. Think of a Jackal with a top hat, cloak and impeccable manners like a version of Noel Coward. And if you know Punch and Judy. Think of a giant Mr Punch.

Punch's dialogue with the funny speech consisted of usually

'Can't I hit them, Dr Jackal'

'No, Punch'

'Oh, what a pity !'

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Originally posted by Chromatic



The Sarcoplasmic Reciprocator: He was a bricking guy with an AOE Str transfer always on. The SFX were he effected smooth muscle tissue. His name was a pun on the sarcoplasmic reticulum......ok its a really poor and esoteric pun. I think I merely threatened to play him, good thing for the other players with no power defense.


Death's Head: played only briefly in Andy Robinson's (of gadget book fame) campaign: a large disembodied skull, had mind control:single target and would order poor souls around and have them do his bidding. (since being a disembodied skull, he was pretty limited in what he could do himself.) He had pretty good presence too (oooh scary!)


Mind Strum: another horrible monstrosity played to annoy the GM so that I could get back my real character . Same campaign Sam Bell had to bring in MindFLayer. Proudly, Mind Strum was worse, and only lasted about 4 sessions, Mind Flayer was around for about a dozen. Mind Strum had ego destruction and mental paralysis, along with tunneling and n-ray vision. Truely a marvel of ingeniousness.


The Dreaded Eye Beam created steel beams (I-beams). From his eye (singular). Nuff said.



Rodin my character in Zornwil's game: early in the campaign it was erroneously thought he was a guy who could either turn himself into an indestructable statue, or turn someone else into said statue. It has now been discovered that he is actually an alien with many gestalt type forms: block of ice that can melt and become pool of water; mass of sticky goo; blob of mercurical metal; large mass of monopol sub molecular magnets; flaming ball; pile of dust; etc. As new forms are discovered, he has greater control over their automation and movement capabilities.



it's a talent.....


You didn't mention the Penial Glance. You should post his pic!

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I think the Game Show Host with his disembodied voice The Announcer and his gang of Game Show Models was kinda weird.


The Living Tongue - a giant sentient tongue.


The Ugly Thespian - I just like the name.


Blue Jay Ray - he's a bluejay. But not just any bluejay. He's that really annoying guy from the 70s who used to say "You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, but you doesn't have to call me Johnson!" A mage got sick of the schtick and transformed him into a talking bluejay. He's friends with the Ugly Thespian, by the way.


Medusa isn't so weird, except I enjoy her in an odd way in our game - as her appearance turns men to stone, of course, she's fallen madly in love with the aforementioned (see Chromatic's post in this thread) Rodin - and she's a tragically depressed goth girl.


I do have Flaming Carrot, the Bob Burden one, as well drop in.


Nemesis is based on Rachel's old handle/avatar.


Someone earlier mentioned a cat, I have an NPC Screech the Cat, he's an Indian super who is in fact a cat, though many people refuse to believe that, thinking him a robot or such.

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Y'know, after reading some of these concepts, I have only one suggestion for some of your players: Get some therapy.


I had a player make a Gloop clone. It worked real well and the character is remembered fondly. The group had aliens in the group and was space oriented anyways.


Now, on to the strangeness!


Corn King - a friend had a villain he fortunately never pulled out on us: a humanoid that had a 100 STR, more durable than anything I know of (30 PD/ED + 30 PD/ED Armor), super agile and a Speed of 8 or 10. The basis for his powers? He's made of corn husks.


Photogen - the original concept went something like this: the hero got camera implants in him so he could take pictures with his eyes and pull the photograph out of his stomach. That's it. That's all of his powers.


Man, am I glad my group convinced him to change the concept! Now, he's a cyborg and has light powers with quite a few Enhanced Senses.


I've mentioned Amoeba Man before in a different forum so I won't bring it up again.. unless you insist.

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Mr. Immortal


Mr. Immortal was one of the characters that a guy brought to a new game. His character was destined to be immortal, he just hadn't gotten there yet. He was a normal with NO powers. But if he got killed he would be reincarnated into a new body, with no memories of who he or she was, but with a new invulnerability. Everyone pretty much hounded him and made fun of him ("how are you going to be a part of the this team if everytime you die you dissapear, come back as someone who doesn't remember that we don't know and still be part of a team?") Nevertheless, he demanded to play his character but decided he would be resurrected in the same spot he died as the same guy.


He was promptly locked in an airtight box by the ubiquitious Wolverine character. He soon suffocated, then resurrected, then died of dehydration, then resurrected, then died of hunger, then resurrected, then died of self-inflicted wounds, then resurrected, then died of boredom, then resurrected.


You know, now that I think about it, 10 years later he is still in the box....

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Originally posted by zornwil

Someone earlier mentioned a cat, I have an NPC Screech the Cat, he's an Indian super who is in fact a cat, though many people refuse to believe that, thinking him a robot or such.

I had a player who's character in hero form was a humanoid cat, but a house cat in secret ID. Prowler I think was his name.

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Re: Mr. Immortal


Originally posted by Vex

Mr. Immortal was one of the characters that a guy brought to a new game. His character was destined to be immortal, he just hadn't gotten there yet. He was a normal with NO powers. But if he got killed he would be reincarnated into a new body, with no memories of who he or she was, but with a new invulnerability. Everyone pretty much hounded him and made fun of him ("how are you going to be a part of the this team if everytime you die you dissapear, come back as someone who doesn't remember that we don't know and still be part of a team?") Nevertheless, he demanded to play his character but decided he would be resurrected in the same spot he died as the same guy.


He was promptly locked in an airtight box by the ubiquitious Wolverine character. He soon suffocated, then resurrected, then died of dehydration, then resurrected, then died of hunger, then resurrected, then died of self-inflicted wounds, then resurrected, then died of boredom, then resurrected.


You know, now that I think about it, 10 years later he is still in the box....


Why was he locked in the box? Was there some legitimate reason for one of his "teammates" to murder (or attempt to) murder him?

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