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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Archons arrive, a little late:(, to halt a daemon summoning.

Heriophant: Now you will all fall befo..

Darkfire: Silence! You sir are an idiot. This summoning is a disgrace! First you used 13 sacrifices instead of the required for 5, a gross misuse of resources. second your binding circle is clearly marked to contain a daemon of pestilence while your invocation is for summoning a daemon of war. Third you are using clockwise gestures where you should be using counterclockwise so much for commanding it. Finally take a Latin course your pronunciation is an insult to all educated mages. God, I was doing summonings like this when I was 12! By the Nine Hells I hate amateurs lets annihilate these fools.

GM and the rest of the party: seconds of horrified silence


MR. Universe: what is wrong with you

Darkfire: I'm a perfectionist I can't help it.


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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Archons arrive, a little late:(, to halt a daemon summoning.

Heriophant: Now you will all fall befo..

Darkfire: Silence! You sir are an idiot. This summoning is a disgrace! First you used 13 sacrifices instead of the required for 5, a gross misuse of resources. second your binding circle is clearly marked to contain a daemon of pestilence while your invocation is for summoning a daemon of war. Third you are using clockwise gestures where you should be using counterclockwise so much for commanding it. Finally take a Latin course your pronunciation is an insult to all educated mages. God, I was doing summonings like this when I was 12! By the Nine Hells I hate amateurs lets annihilate these fools.

GM and the rest of the party: seconds of horrified silence


MR. Universe: what is wrong with you

Darkfire: I'm a perfectionist I can't help it.


That sir, is hilarious! I hope you got an extra xp point out of this.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a friend's new Star Trek (Original Series) campaign:




GM: ...And you hear that the Vulcan and Andorian teams are playing baseball tomorrow.


Saven (PC Vulcan) (OOC): I shall have to go, and NOT cheer for my team. The Vulcans make a home run, and we all nod our heads sagely....




Daphne Chambers (Chief of Security): What are you planning on wearing to the Captain's BBQ?


Delilah Young (Chief Medical Officer): I dont really know yet. What are you wearing?


GM: OH MY GOD!! :nonp:




Delilah Young (OOC): Can we wear whatever we want? Or is the Art Director going to make Daphne wear something red, and me wear something blue?


GM: No; that guy was fired at the end of last season ;)




GM: And in the center of the picnic area is a whole pig, roasting over an open fire, with an apple in its mouth.


Delilah (OOC): Ah! The Ambassador from Tellar :P




[Delilah looks at the dessert table, piled high]


Delilah: Wow. My clothes dont fit anymore, and Ive just been looking at it!




B'lynn (Vucan medical officer): ...And the venom of this seventeen-legged spider can be used to cure a wide variety of nerve ailments.


B'lynn: *Turns to pick up the spideroid*


Delilah: *Flees out into the hallway* ...How nice

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a Space Opera campaign many moons ago...


Dr. Yagairith: (coming to the end of a minute-long monologue on the possible problems of trying to capture a hostile alien animal) ...all of which means whoever is doing this must be very careful and remain in contact with the rest of the team at all times!


Ensign Belkiana: Have you decided who the unlucky stiff is going to be yet, Captain?


Captain Kelvin: Originally, I was going to ask for volunteers, but since the good doctor is quite clearly the expert on the subject --


Dr. Yagairith (OOC): Hey!


Beliana (OOC): Serves you right for hogging the spotlight, you ham!


Matt "Fond-memories-of-that-ungainly-rules-system" Frisbee

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The Archons arrive, a little late:(, to halt a daemon summoning.

Heriophant: Now you will all fall befo..

Darkfire: Silence! You sir are an idiot. This summoning is a disgrace! First you used 13 sacrifices instead of the required for 5, a gross misuse of resources. second your binding circle is clearly marked to contain a daemon of pestilence while your invocation is for summoning a daemon of war. Third you are using clockwise gestures where you should be using counterclockwise so much for commanding it. Finally take a Latin course your pronunciation is an insult to all educated mages. God, I was doing summonings like this when I was 12! By the Nine Hells I hate amateurs lets annihilate these fools.

GM and the rest of the party: seconds of horrified silence

haha that was awesome....good work. :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Singirl is called to headquarters, and is confronted by two teachers and a sobbing teammate. She takes in the scene, then blurts, "I didn't do it."


A portion of the team is transported to an alternate reality, where there are giant talking bunnies, and it's freezing cold. Thus follow many OOC remarks about how we're in Narnia.


Singirl turns to one of the talking rabbits and remarks, "Y'know, there are these people, called 'furries,' where I come from. They'd be really fascinated by you guys."


As they're drifting off to sleep, Brick makes several jokes about what to do if their rabbit escort is hurt on their way to get them to the Ice Queen's castle. Perhaps lopping off a foot as a lucky charm? Striking Tiger hushes him. Then Owlet says, pensively, "Well, we were saved by a hare."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This was from awhile ago our speedster Supersonic had been captured by mystical alien lizard men. We had located their hideout in the sewers, and were carefully moving toward it. our light is provided by a mystical green orb hovering over Jade(another mage).


Darkfire: Alright we need a plan of attack and then a back up plan just in case. these walking suitcases have surprised us once before and we need to be ready.


commence much arguing and discussion on what our plan should be.


Mr. Universe: (frustrated) See this is why I never have a plan it takes to long, we know where they are I know where my fists are end of plan!

*goes charging off, rapidly outdistances the light and falls in overflow cistern*

Mr.Universe: Jade bring the light over I can't see.

Jade & Darkfire: idiot! use the Maglight you took form the cops.

Mr. Universe: ops. lights on. uh oh I found the lizardmen. see my plan worked.

rest of team: Dammit!




later during that combat after finding out the lizard men had a nasty 31/2D6 AP HKA bite. :shock:

Mr. Universe: Hay! I'm the one whose supposed to take a bite out of crime, your not supposed to take a bite out of me!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We did an origin session for my first Champions campaign in several years. It's going to be an interesting group.


(My memory isn't great with quotes, so I'll probably edit this post after my players correct me...)


The math club is getting a tour of OmniCorp's new theoretical physics laboratory as a prize for winning the county math challenge. They manage to convince the tour guide to give them a peek at the partially-completed particle accelerator. As they walk into the room with the particle accelerator, the tour guide has a heart attack. Fidget, for reference, is a hyperactive 14-year old.

GM (me): (to Fidget's player) "Ok, your character Farrah sees the tour guide fall over. You see a big red emergency button. And, I believe you have the Impulsive psych lim. What do you do?"

Fidget: "I push the button!"

GM: "Suddenly, the safety doors drop down, closing you off from the group. You see that they're trapped inside with the particle accelerator. Oh, and you realize that the button isn't an emergency help button...it's the activation button..."

Fidget: "Oops. Um...sorry?"


One of the players (who decided to change his character after the session) gets stuck in the decontamination chamber when the safety doors drop down, and the decon process starts.

Player X: "I look for something to shield me from the water."

GM: "There's several suits...on pegs outside of the decontamination chamber."

Player X: (curses repeatedly)

Fidget: (grabs a suit and holds it up to the window of the sealed chamber) "Here you go!"

Player X: (holds up a middle finger to the glass...)


Luminescence's player sees that she can shut down the particle accelerator...if she reaches her hand inside to disconnect some wiring.

Luminescence: "Oh well, I think they can heal that..." (reaches in)


A few days after the accident, the math club meets at school. Fidget writes a little too quickly with her pencil, and sets her paper on fire. This is the first time Luminescence has seen Fidget do something extraordinary.

Luminescene: "Here, dear, try this ballpoint pen. Less friction..."


Later, the group is at an event called "Hometown Heroes". The secret ID characters are all part of the Math Club, which just won the county contest. One of the two Public ID characters, Ironfist, is being honored for stopping a hijacking, while the other is a former cop in a wheelchair (she hasn't gotten her powers at this point) who is being honored with a medal for being shot in the line of duty. During the event, the son of the now-deceased supervillain Hiroshima goes after the person who killed his father...


Luminescence ducks behind Ironfist's massive chair (the only chair on stage that can support his weight). Not having a costume yet, she peeks out and fires an Energy Blast at the new Hiroshima, getting a massive 51 STUN on the roll.

Fidget (OOC): Ironfist's chair is attacking Hiroshima!

Ironfist (OOC): And I haven't even gone yet! (Ironfist only has an 18 Dex)


Hiroshima fires a pushed 16d6 EB at his intended target, but the cop in the wheelchair manages to throw herself in the way, gaining her powers (her character will be called Miracle) just as the blast hits her. She's blasted into the wall at the back of the stage. As far as Ironfist knows, Hiroshima just killed someone. However, Ironfist's player is a bit sleep-deprived...


Ironfist: (to Hiroshima) "Don't do that again!"

GM: "Don't do that again? Yeah, that's going to play well on tonight's news."

(fortunately, Hiroshima's EMP field messed up the cameras...)


Fidget runs over to help out Miracle, who is in the process of pulling her face out of the wall. She pulls Miracle out of the wall (with a 25 STR) and stands her up. Keep in mind that until a few seconds ago, Miracle was paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair.

Fidget: "There you go! All better."


Miracle, now standing for the first time since she was paralyzed, flies toward Hiroshima.

Miracle: "Hey, thanks! You're under arrest." (tackles Hiroshima)


Hiroshima eventually flies off, and Miracle reaches the roof of the auditorium before she turns and looks down at Ironfist.

Miracle: "Hey! How do I get down from here?"

Ironfist: (who doesn't have Flight) "How should I know?"

(Miracle begins to float down to the ground)

Miracle: "Oh, nevermind..."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Hiroshima eventually flies off, and Miracle reaches the roof of the auditorium before she turns and looks down at Ironfist.

Miracle: "Hey! How do I get down from here?"

Ironfist: (who doesn't have Flight) "How should I know?"

(Miracle begins to float down to the ground)

Miracle: "Oh, nevermind..."



I don't know what it is, but something about that quote just gets me...rep!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...




Sentinel (OOC): Why is your back hurting?

Squeeze (OOC): I raked the leaves in the yard.

Sentinel (OOC, knowing he has a bad back): And why were you raking leaves?

Squeeze (OOC): Because they're too hard to mop.


Last session, the heroes of S-Squad captured two superpowered IRA terrorists. One had the ability to become any substance he touched (kinda like Marvel's Absorbing Man, but he has no choice in changing forms). They captured him by spraying him with a fire extinguisher, turning him into foam. Now, at UNTIL's request, three of the five heroes are accompanying the villains back to Ireland to stand trial.


Styx: ...and we transport that absorbing guy in a big bucket.

GM: But as soon as he touches the bucket, he'll become steel, and in that form he's pretty tough.

Synergy: Okay, we'll use a styrofoam container instead.

Squeeze: That's gotta be embarassing, being locked up in a styrofoam cell.


Serendipity, a former member of the IRA who faked her death and went off to America, returns to Dublin to talk to her former fiance (Ronan). She's just explained how she faked her death and why she left.


Ronan: So why didn't you fake both our deaths and take me with you?

Serendipity: Um.... er....

GM: ...because it wouldn't have fit in your origin story?


Back in Chicago, Synergy and Sentinel are in secret ID with friends and family as a huge storm is about to hit the city. They hear about a tornado touching down on I-290. It then proceeds to follow the freeway toward town, so they each head toward the tornado. Inside, they find a man (Stratosfear), obviously directing the tornado. After getting close enough, Synergy tries to talk the villain into stopping his rampage.


Synergy: You have to stop!

Stratosfear: I don't have to do anything!

Synergy: Well, will you stop?

Stratosfear: What is this, "Mother May I"?


Meanwhile, Styx and Squeeze are in London, breaking into the Montenbourg Embassy to free a young girl being held hostage there. Styx enters the girl's bedroom... to find a superpowered assassin (Doubletap) standing there instead.


GM: ...and you have no way of knowing this, but he's had to do without cigarettes for the past three hours, so he's not in a good mood.


Meanwhile, out in the hall, Squeeze is jumped by the Hong Kong Kid.


Squeeze: Okay, I grab him. (Rolls dice)

GM: His DCV is currently 14.

Squeeze: Okay, I don't grab him.


The Hong Kong Kid KO's Squeeze, while Styx punches Doubletap through the glass doors and over the balcony railing. The HKK then moves in to attack Styx. The fight moves to the sitting room.


Styx: No way I can hit him, I'll have to use something to attack his hex. What's in the room?

GM: There's a sofa, coffee table, TV....

Styx: I don't suppose it's one of those 60" plasma TVs, is it?

GM: (rolls a die) As a matter of fact, it is.

Styx: Then I guess he's on TV now.


After Styx smashes HKK with the TV and coffee table, the martial artist runs away down the hall. Styx grabs the sofa and uses it as a battering ram to smash HKK through a door and into the far wall of the darkened bedroom where the kidnapped girl is hiding under the bed.


Styx: I make sure the Hong Kong Kid stays out by smashing his face into the wall. Then I say, "Amber, we need to go."

GM: She's screaming in fear and cowering under the bed.

Styx: I point at the Kid, whose head is stuck in the wall, and tell Amber, "Don't worry about him, he's just hanging around."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our last Valdorian Age game:


The PC's come upon a bridge attended by bandits who offer to escort them across for a nominal fee.


Brego the Barbarian's player OOC: This is a cheesy line, but I've always wanted to say it.


Brego: Certainly. Do you accept... pain!?! *promptly tackles lead bandit*




Less of a quote than a mishap of the night:


The PC's hear an elderly woman runs a bed & breakfast just outside town. Marcus knocks on the door and waits patiently.


As the door opens, Brego, thoroughly in his cups, rolls all 3 points of his Unluck, announces "I don't think she heard you", and using his full STR (Brego has Psych Lim: Doesn't know his own strength), "knocks" on the poor woman who just answered the door. She crumbles, spilling flaming lamp oil all over the floor.


Brego then attempted to urinate the flames out as the other PCs scrambled for blankets.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...




Sentinel (OOC): Why is your back hurting?

Squeeze (OOC): I raked the leaves in the yard.

Sentinel (OOC, knowing he has a bad back): And why were you raking leaves?

Squeeze (OOC): Because they're too hard to mop.



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


For Session 7 of Daybreak Rising:


*Josh rolls 4+1+1 and says "5"*

GM: "Josh? What is 4+2?"

Josh: "2."

GM: "I'm watching your dice all night."


GM: "An attack beagle. With tentacles."


"Somebody just sacked the sorceress!"


The GM on his die rolling efforts: "You've made me toss out 9 dice tonight."


Mike's OOC explanation on why Josh's character blasted a friend: "I don't know what happened! [The vampire] looked into my eyes and I felt compelled to shoot!"


GM: "...repel the hordes."

Ross: "The what?"

Several people: "The hordes!"


"He started with a cantrip... Bigby's Middle Finger."


GM: "Insanity is not limited to Normay."


"'Veskar' must be Skaven for Wolverine or something."


"Julius Caesar in an orc suit!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Quotes from Hero Con 2007:


Rod Currie: "They're wishing they went to German Clown School now."

Darren Watts: "That was their options, really. Henchmen School or German Clown College."


Michael Surbrook: "My first two die rolls were an '18'."

Darren Watts: "Well, you've made a good wizard or a paladin."


"So please, don't screw this up."


"I can pilot submarines... if you can work it in [to the plot] some how."


Emma Peel: "Just give me the bugs, as I intend to be in his room tonight."

Multiple People: "Nahh... too obvious."


John rolls a 16 to place a bug: "Let me get another cuff link."


Louis rolls an 16 and a 17: "I need new dice."

Jim: "Save those for damage!"


"The penguin is on the ice."


Bill Cosby rolls a 15 for his Shadowing: "He's stopped to make a pudding pop commercial on the way."


"I don't care if it makes sense."

"Have you seen Dean Martin fight?"


"Pick the lock with my foot."


"I don't have any fun stuff, so I'm just jumping off of the balcony."


"Unlike my mother used to say: this is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me."


"In a minute I'm just going to drop the gun, light a cigarette, and watch."


Louis: "Just don't make me roll to pick me up."


Victoria: "What do you call it when you invade a ship?"

Louis: "Piracy."


Alexander Scott: "Captain Han? You come right out of a comic book!"


"Dammit, it's 7:30 and I've yet to kill anyone."


Michael's suggestion on how to resolve the situation: "We free James Bond and let him kill everyone in the room."


John: "Now all we have left is Plan B: free Bond and let him kill everybody."


Jim: I'm going to pop Pussy [Galore]."


"You're smacking Pussy with the Twinkies."


"She pops Bond's bonds."


"Stop his fist with your face while I run."


Diana Rigg versus Honor Blackman." :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:


"It's why God made rifles."


"Who put me in charge again?"



"Humans are giant juice boxes [to the Martians]."


"Shall I curse the Tripods to fall over?"


"None of this mucking about with artillery... commoners."


"I'm prettier, so I go first."

"That's what you get for being a pompous Brit."


"Is that a special gun?"

"No. Special man."


"We're not the French, we're actually fighting."


"Better be dead than a slave to the red."


"Right! Which one of you wankers is next?"


"One a scale of one to ten, that's Scottish!"


"Pop? As in a balloon?"


One of the heroes takes 4 STUN and responds with: "Can your husband come out and play."


"That hurt!"

"It was supposed to!"


"You have to overcome 45 points of psychological disadvantages."


"I don't want to hit her, she frightens me."


"He's overconfident, but also has tactics."


"Can I ask that we not do this Japanese style and not have him go full naked while his costume changes?"


"What was your transformation phrase?"



"It's the goddess of love and beauty picking you up and throwing you."



"Hekate is still not appearing in this film."


"Maybe they'll be scrubbing bubbles and clean up this whole mess."


"All right you copper-topped chimps!"


"Blondes have more monsters."


"Once you go bat, you never go back."


"Zombie Hervé Villechaize"


"David Hasselhoff?"

"He was the one with the girly scream."


"Hey, if the taking bat can seduce the transparent cat."


"My what a cute bat... is it hitting on me?"


"Conquer Earth one blonde at a time."


"Who took Mai Jenkins?"

Someone took your Jenkins?"


"I am not seducing the dead midget."


"These children of the corn... what did you do to them?"


"Oh how I hate the outside world. Demons give me gifts and then take them away. I should have never left the farm."


"I would have made a profit at this show, if it hadn't been for those meddlesome kids."


"I love K-PLOT TV. It always tells me what's going on."


"Penn and Teller's special on Chinese Hell Magic and motorcycles."


"I've got a tambourine."

"I've got a barn! Let's put on a show!"

"My mother will make curtains."


"My ego? It sucks."


" I speak fluent Hell Horse."


"A shower cap made of fire."


"A horse riding a hog."


"I abort to get popcorn."


"I teleport my brain somewhere else."


"We're teenagers, that would be studying."


"We're not selling, we're buying. We'll take one princess to go!"


"That was the knave? That little sh*t?"

"What the hell is wrong with this family?"


"Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva! Mecha-Shiva!"


"Under their robes, Jawas are all spikes and rage!"


"We have a super-science jet! You have a powder blue Nissan Stanza!"

"No I don't! He does!"


Dr. Girlfriend: "Did you just look up my skirt?"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


That was only a small portion of the lines. Venture Brothers Hero and Laser Squid Nemesis had piles more' date=' but I wasn't part of those games.[/quote']


The lead in to the Jawa line is almost as good as the punchline.


*Henchmen 21 and 24 are debating Star Wars*


"You're insane! Jawas would totallly kick the crap out of Ewoks. They're like Ninja Kung-Fu Masters of the desert. (Punchline) Underneath those robes they're all spikes and rage!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We did. It was one of the funniest gaming sessions I've ever been in, period, end of story.


Umm, lemme see...


Ross (GM): "Okay, two of the frogmen know that Doctor Girlfriend is one of the truly capable people in the room, so they double team her."


Doctor Girlfriend: "I wish I could say this is the first time something like this happened..."


(more as a I remember them...)

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