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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The second session of Shadows Angelus was run last night. Here's what I collected.


Nathan Carpenter: "Renuka, are you making water?"


Nathan Carpenter: *picks up injured victim of Entity attack*

Sgt. Hemelshot: "We need to talk about proper medical procedure."

Nathan Carpenter: "The Doc's cleared him. No broken bones, he can be moved."

Sgt. Hemelshot: *long pause* *mutters into his databand*


Sgt. Hemelshot: (speaking to Nathan Carpenter and Jamadagni Renuka) "You two do your hummana, hummana thing."


Nathan Carpenter: "Great evil was here, but it has left the building."


Gram Burton: (Rolls a 14 on his 13- skill) (OOC) "I'm deprotagonized! I'm not a cool guy any more, since I just blew the skill I'm good at."


GM: (to Sgt. Hemelshot) "You doing anything special?"

Sgt. Hemelshot: "Not until after I call my wife."

GM: *ring, ring, ring* *click* "Hello, this is the Hemelshot residence. We're not home now..."

Sgt. Hemelshot: "Now I'm doing something special."


GM: (to Sgt. Tyger) "Your attack has no effect."

Sgt. Tyger: "Well, f***!"

Nestor (OOC): "We'll put that on his tombstone: 'well, f***!'"


Gram Burton: "Note to self: Must examine Carpenter's sword."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Last night was the first session where our characters got to do anything, and there were 5 of us against 30+ VIPER agents. Being new to heroing (both IC and OOC) we were trying to take them out quickly. I used my 10D6 EB with 5 shots autofire to hit 4 of the agents.


First agent:

GM: Make your to-hit roll, it's at 17-.

Me: Ok. *rolls dice* 8.

GM: Roll Damage.

Me: *rolls dice* Oh F***. 6,6,5,5,5,4,4,3,2,2 - 42 Stun, 11 Body

GM: Roll hit location

Me: O...k *rolls* 13 - vitals


Now note my powers are radiation based.

Technomancer: "Well that's one way to reduce the population of viper agents"

Nightshade: "Ow"

White Dragon: "Talk about mutant offspring"

Me: "Hey Cerebrex I think we've figured out your existance"

GM: Who's got code versus killing?


White Dragon and Nightshade raise their hands.

Me: umm, I do too.


GM: He's at 0 Body, and you've just seen your fellow teamate try to kill someone.


Me: Should I retire now ... ?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Everyone was kinda low-energy at yesterday's fantasy game, so only had a couple good ones:


After blowing a medic roll to stop some schmuck from bleeding to death:

"We can't rebuild him; we don't have the technology."


Later, we're questioning the corpse via a Speak With Dead spell, which gives us a limited number of questions, and one player asks a question of a different NPC:

GM: "Is that your final question?"

Me: "No, that was for the live guy, not Dead Man Talking."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


All from our Teen Champions game:




Nadia (the necromancer) to Jason (the Buddist monk): "If they try to beat you up while you're injured, I will eat their souls."






"A monk, a brick, and a necromancer walk into a bar..."






"Would that be 'frenzy on nut removal'?


"I'd say yes...but then again, most men have that reaction."






"Remember...'there is no spoon.'"


"You're right -- all they let us have are sporks."






"There's a fine line between a deep meditative state and a deep vegitative state."






"And that teaches us not to use an alcohol-based aftershave."




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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Grrr...and a couple more...


Tim (the gadgeteer): "Nadia, you don't have to come." (to the new gadget test)


Nadia (the necromancer): "If they're going to be shooting you, I don't want to not come."






Nadia: "(sigh) Mad scientists...they see everyone as one of two types...test subjects and torch-wielding mob members."


Tim: "Oh, you're just mad because we mad scientists are always stealing and animating corpses before you can get to them."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"A monk' date=' a brick, and a necromancer walk into a bar..." [/quote']

You'd think the second and third guy would have seen it.



The bartender says, "What is this, some kind of joke?"



and go Boink!





Sorry, slight derail.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


American Ace is a little unclear what war he's in. :rofl: :rofl:


American Ace is unclear on a lot of things. He is being played in true F-up style by our new player Rob. AA has a crash-first-ask-questions-later game plan and is know to lust after one of his Hunteds.


I am sure he'll be good for a few more quotes before I wrap up the limited series.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


American Ace is unclear on a lot of things. He is being played in true F-up style by our new player Rob. AA has a crash-first-ask-questions-later game plan and is know to lust after one of his Hunteds.


I am sure he'll be good for a few more quotes before I wrap up the limited series.


So, he's like Launchpad McQuack? That has to be entertaining. :)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


American Ace is unclear on a lot of things. He is being played in true F-up style by our new player Rob. AA has a crash-first-ask-questions-later game plan and is know to lust after one of his Hunteds.


I am sure he'll be good for a few more quotes before I wrap up the limited series.


Sounds like a lot of "fun." I'll be looking for those quotes. :winkgrin:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In my Champions game, Nightfall and Shadow Wolf have gone to meet Night Fall's UNTIL Handler, Jonathon Percival.


Percival: Good Morning, Nightfall. It is a pleasure to meet you Shadow Wolf.


Shadow Wolf: How did you know my name?


Percival: (Tension building pause) I saw you on the telly.


Shadow Wolf: Oh, yeah. I keep forgeting about that.


(At one time the whole team was wanted for the murder of Michael Thompson, a reporter for the Adair Network. Thompson, an agent of VIPER, had faked his own death and VIPER had incriminating video footage that made it look like the players had something to do with his death. Later on, they raided a VIPER cell to stop Lady Abaddon from releasing an insane cosmic God onto the planet, had the fight of their lives, winning with only the barest of margins and found the evidence that would exonerate them. This was caught on film by Jenny Dugan, the daughter of the (in my game) late Jimmy Dugan, and was broadcast out live throughout the city.)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not from the game itself, but from a hypothetical situation ...


"You know, it's disturbingly easy to imagine some members of the Legion of Doom bashing down the door to a hero's HQ, levelling their weapons or powers or whatever at them, then calmly intoning, 'We're on a mission from Grodd'."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


"You know' date=' it's disturbingly easy to imagine some members of the Legion of Doom bashing down the door to a hero's HQ, levelling their weapons or powers or whatever at them, then calmly intoning, 'We're on a mission from Grodd'."[/quote']

:rofl: Repped!




Now, to find a way to use that scenario in a CU game, but inserting "Grond" instead. :sneaky:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Our new member is playing an escaped clone of a WWII Nazi super. The clone took off from the secret lab after he rejected the misson he was created for. He has been living in abandoned subway tunnels since. The player isn't a Hero player, so I asked him wat he wanted to bea able to do and built on his specifications. I had writen up his flight as an OIF (mechanical wings) and My player vetoed it.


"He's been living in squallor for months. I doubt the wings would even work."


"Nonsense! The were built by the same guys who build BMW motorcycles. They'll fly."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Hydro-Electric, who is made of water, has just been hit very hard and she's collapsed into a puddle.


Silhouette to GM: “Is the puddle moving?â€


Techno Grrl (OOC): “That sounds like spy talk. 'Is the puddle moving? The giraffe walks at midnight'â€

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This is actually a very very old quote, but I'm putting it here because I want to change my sigline now.


[new GM]: " . . . and your character is unconscious, so he can't do anything but try to wake up. It's post-phase 12, what's your REC?"

[new player]: "Fifty."

*stunned silence from around the table*

[old GM]: "He's harder to kill than a damned cockroach."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Hydro-Electric, who is made of water, has just been hit very hard and she's collapsed into a puddle.


Silhouette to GM: “Is the puddle moving?â€


Techno Grrl (OOC): “That sounds like spy talk. 'Is the puddle moving? The giraffe walks at midnight'â€

LOL. Reminds me of Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett:


"The significant owl hoots in the night."

"Yet many gray lords go sadly to the masterless men."

"Hooray, hooray for the spinster's sister's daughter."

"To the axeman, all supplicants are the same height."

"Yet verily, the rose is within the thorn."

etc., etc.



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