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Guest Black Lotus

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This is from the score of Six, a Hamilton-like show about King Henry VIII's six wives. Think of it as a history lesson taught by Lady Gaga. The character singing is Katherine Howard, one of the two queens Henry had executed out of compromised masculinity. The common there of the six women's stories seems to be that they were caught in the web of a powerful, megalomaniac psychopath who was incapable of really caring about anyone but himself.


The story Katherine Howard tells is especially nasty. First she is sexually abused at 13 by her music teacher, then in her later teens the "sexy secretary" betrays her trust. Henry comes along, rapes her, and forces herinto marriage. Then a courtier rapes her -- and Henry has her beheaded in a jealous rage, Those were really bad times to be an intelligent woman.

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My organization had a mandatory meeting today, and my co-worker rode with me across town*. I had offered him free range on selecting music from the flash drive in my car, just choose a folder and go for it. He was reluctant, so I spun it to choose a random folder and pulled up Luther Wright and the Wrongs' Rebuild The Wall, which is a Bluegrass version of the Pink Floyd work. He had to put up with me singing along for 20 miles in both directions.




*Two in the car allowed us to use the HOV lane, which is pretty lightly used. I had to slow down a few times, however, as Bluegrass music makes me speed**. 


**I really didn't want to be pulled over for doing 80+ in a 65 MPH zone. The Prius got 71 MPG for the trip back, even with my lead foot.

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For some strange reason, I suddenly remembered this performance when I was at work today:



I know Marilyn Monroe was the original singer but I specifically remembered this performance. I haven't seen this clip in almost 40 years, and I had forgotten about it until today. I still can't figure what triggered this memory.

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George Formby was a British comedian/singer who flourished in the 30s and 40s. He was from the Music Hall tradition and spent World War II entertaining British troops and civilians. (He wanted to go into active service, but doctors found flimsy justifications to prove him medically unfit. It turned out all right, because he did a lot more for the war effort as a civilian.)


While the reference to the Maginot Line is obviously dated, there are a lot of things in the song that are universal among soldiers to this day. The "tommoyrot" reference (tommyrot is British army slang for nonsense) refers to the propaganda the Nazis sent out to discourage enemy troops (a common tactic during the war of dubious effectiveness).

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