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Purely Positive Thread


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Happiness, rainbows, puppies and all of that....


I'd like to hear from the people that are generally happy with Hero as its going now. Is anyone out there enjoying the new rules? The new books? Or running excitring campaigns in the published settings?

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


I'm having fun with Hero!


I'm running a great Star Hero game in my own megaverse. The rules seem to be holding up fine. I also got a LOT of great advice from the Star Hero book. :)


I'm also playing in a great Hero game that Derek is running. It is really fun to play once in a while.


Huzah! :D

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


I love 5ER! I love Hero!

I play in a Champions game, a FH game, and GM a Champions game. I tried the Fantasy game and I liked using Hero for fantasy. Hope to GM pulp soon.

I love Hero for it can simulate anything.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


Is anyone out there enjoying the new rules?


I use the core rulebook for non-fantasy games and have since the 1st edition. These core rules are amoung the best rpg rules ever published.


The idexing and layout work of the newest edition is first rate and a pure joy to use.




The new books? Or running excitring campaigns in the published settings?


Since I can't say anything good...

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


After watching Sin-City, and Batman Begins, I ran out and picked up Steve Long's "Dark Champions", and "Hudsen City"... and they rawk!


With the help of these two books, the DC campaign I'm getting started, is whipping into shape nicely... this makes me very happy.


The end.


~ Mister E


P.S. And I have a cute little kitty in my lap, too.


The real end.


~ still Mister E


P.P.S. And the kitty is nice and warm and fuzzy... and I think she likes me, because I just gave her tuna-water from the can of tuna I opened a little while ago.


Really the real end, this time.


~ Mister E, again.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


P.P.S. And the kitty is nice and warm and fuzzy... and I think she likes me' date=' because I just gave her tuna-water from the can of tuna I opened a little while ago.[/quote']

I think this thread is bordering on the verge of beastiality now and needs to be closed. :)

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


Until last year, when I moved to a new city and had trouble finding Hero gamers, I've played Hero almost exclusively for all RPG genres since the mid-eighties. I think the system is light-years ahead of the competition.


I recently bought Champions Battlegrounds even tho I hadn't played supers in years - had so much fun just reading it that I ran out to get Champs 5ed, and now I'm jonesing for a supers game.


And as long as we're in a happy place: the flu bug that I picked up seems to be fading!




"Raise the defensive shields!"

"An excellent idea sir but with just two minor drawbacks. One, we don't have any defensive shields and two we don't have any defensive shields. I know that is technically one reason but it was so glaring that it is worth mentioning twice."

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


I still love the system. I don’t have much time to dedicate to it this summer, but luckily the system doesn’t need a lot of follow up. Learn the rules, and things can then be done in short sessions, without the feeling of missing out on the latest twist.


With that said, I’m of course eagerly awaiting some of this years releases. I need extra ammo for the master plan… of total world domination.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


I am overall quite pleased with FrED and even moreso with 5ER. This has been my one and only system for a long time. Though there is no one support book I'm jumping up and down about, there's some nice stuff in most of the one's I've bought or been able to looked in.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


The thing I like most about the Hero system in general is that after you manage to move past the initially problematic stage, called the learning stage, the sky is the limit. Few systems manage to keep the promise like that of being the ultimate toolkit, but this system truely does. :thumbup:


Of the books in my possesion that I'm most glad to own, I'd like to list the following:

  • G&G: It was a nice help to see the pre-built gadgets when I was new to the system, and the book is still nice even if it lately more has been a reference book
  • Reality Storm: Not so much for the adventure, as for the conversion matrix and the cool idea of two corporation working together.
  • UMA: Probably the best RPG MA book written ever. The only one that I think is even close is GURPS.
  • USPD: See G&G.


There are several others I enjoy reading, but I have had most help from the above mentioned books.


Darn you! Darn you all!

I once had a character named Darn. In my former group some of the players always made fun of my characters name, but for some reason they couldn't come up with a parody on the name Darn.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


This site is awesome. My name is Captain Obvious and I can't stop thinking about the Hero system. This game is cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.


The Hero system is sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. This game is totally awesome and that's a fact. The rules are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start a new game next year. I love Hero with all of my body (including my pee pee).

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


Said it elsewhere, but loving the books I've most recently gotten.

Villainy Amok is chok full of ideas. Hidden Lands, particularly the Empyearan section, rocks muchly, and Gadgets and Gear has one of my players wetting her lips in anticipation of her next gadgeteer character. I'm even trying to incorporate articles from Digital Hero's "You've got to have character" to fit into my champions game and high end Herc will be making an appearance.


Sweet stuff.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


Rapture! Delight! Jubilation of Biblical proportion!


Ah, sweet HERO. Would that I had gainsayed the negative murmurings long ago and delved into thy sweet embrace, rather than blowing wads of cash on Heroes Unlimited. Sigh, the follies of youth.


As someone who loves rules-light games such as Fudge and Dying Earth (and indeed my main claim to published fame is for some rules minimal additions to TWERPS) it confounds me that HERO should appeal so much. The books are wonderful to read, absolutely brimful of ideas, research and options, and a very large percentage of the published line is of exemplary quality; I shan't touch on the very rare lapse.


To top it all, Pulp HERO looms large on the horizon like a beacon of hope and virtue. Verily, 'tis a golden age to be a gamer, methinks.

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Re: Purely Positive Thread


This site is awesome. My name is Captain Obvious and I can't stop thinking about the Hero system. This game is cool; and by cool, I mean totally sweet.


The Hero system is sooooooooooo sweet that I want to crap my pants. I can't believe it sometimes, but I feel it inside my heart. This game is totally awesome and that's a fact. The rules are fast, smooth, cool, strong, powerful, and sweet. I can't wait to start a new game next year. I love Hero with all of my body (including my pee pee).


I agree!


Only with HERO can one obtain...





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Re: Purely Positive Thread


I like the suggestions for FH for modern magic, I like how some things are more consistent in 5ER, there's lots of stuff, sure, of course I like Hero. :hex:


What I also like about Hero is that it's so nuanced an academic discussion on an arcane game point can last for days if not decades...meanwhile, pragmatically, the actual game play revolving around said arcane game point can actually proceed without reference to the discussion by all participants! :D

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