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Dust Raven

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A few handy tips regarding dairy products:


* Milk is spoiled when it looks like sour cream.

* Sour cream is spoiled when it looks like cottage cheese.

* Cottage cheese is spoiled when it looks like regular cheese.

* Regular cheese is nothing but spoiled milk in the first place, and generally cannot spoil further.


And perhaps most important:


* Blue cheese is spoiled when you don't remember buying blue cheese.

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I was jogging by the park this morning and met a fellow jogger. He was carrying a loaf of bread, a jug of orange juice, and a car door. I had to ask him what was going on.


"I like to jog," he said.


"That's fine," I replied, "but why are you carrying all that stuff?"


"When I get hungry, I eat some of the bread. When I'm thirsty I drink some juice."


"What about the car door?"


"When I get hot, I roll down the window."

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Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr, and Dean Martin were walking along the beach when they saw a strange creature that had been washed ashore. Frank took a closer look and said, "What do you think, boys? Some weird kind of fish?"


Sammy took a closer look and said, "That's no fish. It doesn't have any fins. It's got to be a snake of some kind."


Dean took a closer look and said, "That, my friends, is neither a snake nor a fish. That's a moray."

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I went to a bar last night and saw three, um, hefty women speaking in what I thought was a Scottish accent. So I walked up to them and said, "Pardon me, are you three lasses from Scotland?"


One angrily replied, "It's Wales, you bloody idiot! WALES!!!"


So I said, "Sorry about that. Are you three whales from Scotland?"


And that's why I woke up in the hospital today.

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The best joke from the Edinburgh festival fringe has been announced. Here it is with some of the others that were in competition.

  1. "I've decided to sell my Hoover... well, it was just collecting dust" - Tim Vine.
  2. "I've written a joke about a fat badger, but I couldn't fit it into my set" - Masai Graham.
  3. "Always leave them wanting more, my uncle used to say to me. Which is why he lost his job in disaster relief" - Mark Watson.
  4. "I was given some Sudoku toilet paper. It didn't work. You could only fill it in with number ones and number twos" - Bec Hill.
  5. "I wanted to do a show about feminism. But my husband wouldn't let me" - Ria Lina.
  6. "Money can't buy you happiness? Well, check this out, I bought myself a Happy Meal" - Paul F Taylor.
  7. "Scotland had oil, but it's running out thanks to all that deep frying" - Scott Capurro.
  8. "I've been married for 10 years, I haven't made a decision for seven" - Jason Cook.
  9. "This show is about perception and perspective. But it depends how you look at it" - Felicity Ward.
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