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WWYCD: Run!!


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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Uncle Slam - This would have to be Dr. Destroyer. The battle of Detroit probably had something to do with it. Or if he got some inkling that Slam knew about the location of Atlantis.


Anthem - The home-brewed villain called Zero. Her invulnerability might lead him to believe that she is durable enough to bring forth his spawn into this world (Most hosts can't handle the strain).

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Soulbarb doesn't really have a megavillain to worry about. The only thing I can think of is if Camuranima found some way to escape the Soulstone and posess another host. But something like that could have far-reaching implications that would totally change the nature of the character and the game, to the point where I don't know what her options would be.


Sylph hasn't yet met or even heard of either of the megavillains in the game. The first is a teleporting dimension-hopper by the name of Blacklight, the other is a Galactus clone by the name of Null. If either of them were personally hunting her on 14-, she'd be toast, unless Dionysus whisked her away to the Land of Legends or something.

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  • 10 months later...

Re: WWYCD: Run!!


(note: all campaigns are currently in Tribe's Uberworld)


Icon - Empowered by Cosmic Energy; probably would be targeted by Black Skull (undead energy-stealing necromacer). She'd contact the Argus City Special Case squad, who would immediately kick the call up to the feds, who would likely call in Sanction.


Widower - is empowered by a djinn wish; my current theory is that he was done so as part of an opening gambit to counter the threat of the Assembly, the Indian nationalist uber-group. Thus, he'd probably be targeted by Ganesh (incarnated god). As this would require that Ganesh invade the USA and likey start WWIII, he's not too worried about it. If that's the case, he'd run, quickly, to the government and to Sanction (the US premire superteam) in particular.


Jake the Troll - N/A - Jake's story arcs aren't about throwing down with the big baddies; he's more along the lines of "figure out why the house-gnomes are trying to summon cthullu" of modern urban fantasy.


Shinji Miromoto - East Asian dark sorcerer. Also a likely target of Black Skull. Shinji would run to the Dark Congress, of which he is a member of good standing; they have lawyers and insurance for things like this. Then, he'd probably run to one of their safe-houses in the Dark.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Worldwalker, being Hunted down by home-grown baddy Tempus, the Master of Time*. Most likely Tempus has finally figured out how to (a) survive permanently in any one time period, and can leave his fortress in 'the Stopwatch dimension', and (B) now knows just how to stop Worldwalker from bringng about that really nasty future**.


* -- Think a Kelvarite-powered combination of the Timemaster and mad scientist Simon Temple, both from the BBB edition.


** -- I'm not too clear yet on the specifics, but it's basically one of those "civilization is destroyed and humanity is doomed to a slow torturous death" futures.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


A number of my characters just don't have a campaign that fits (Smokeater for example), but for the ones that do...


Sift, a godling (who thinks she is just a normal supermage) who is dating the world's Archmage, would likely be hunted by Archimago. Scary.

Blackcat - that would likely by Skarn or Istava - she is an agent for an organization that keeps track of inter-dimensional wars, and especially and dimensional destructions.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Aquatic-The Dark Seraph of the Crowns of Krim might have some need of some half Atlantean blood for ritual. Whatever the reason, Aquatic would actually be more focused on Majestic (In this game world, the Black Paladin got a crown and joined them) because of his love interest's past encounter with that man. He would alert his team, and try to make sure she was safe.


Comet-Comet has already tangled (and gotten the stuffing beaten out of him by) with Warlord. So a round two would be natural, but I'm less sure what the why would be. The worst scenerio would be if somehow Warlord discovered about Empyreans, and decided to capture one (in this case Comet) to find out where Arcadia is. Comet has a lot of faults, but he'd die before betraying that to a villain. He might, however, be forced to come clean with the Peacekeepers of Chicago, one of whom knows what he is anyway.


Speaking of betrayal, Arvad the betrayer would be contestant #2.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Phidippus has a few options.


1) Unfortunately, one of the big baddies that fits Phidippus' background best is ol' Doc D. himself. He escaped VIPER and became a hero in the wake of the destruction of Detroit (moved ahead a few years in my campaign), as his conscience would allow no less. All those brave heroes died at the hands of a sociopathic madman - and he felt compelled to try and fill some of their shoes as best he could (also to try and erase the stains he felt on his soul).


Needless to say, if I ever get to the point in my game that Zerstoiten comes back "from the grave" (hasn't happened in my game yet - and maybe won't), Phidippus will take it very personally. He'll see it as spitting on the graves of all the heroes that he trampled under his boot.


That being said, Phidippus would realize right off the bat that he'd be way, way out his depth and get whatever help he could to stop the cold-hearted monster. He wouldn't back down from a fight, though - trusting in his stratospheric DCV to keep him relatively safe while he (hopefully) kept the Doc tied up enough for the big guns to show up and give him a pounding. Worst case scenario, he'd volunteer to be the bait to lure the Doc towards an ambush.


This, of course, assumes that Phidippus has the time to do something. With the Doc as that frequent a Hunted, "Run" may be his only option. Being incredibly fast and evasive and barely needing sleep at all (not to mention having a handy-dandy danger sense), it may be his best option!


2) Viperia, if she qualifies, would be a good fit. Phidippus is a significant thorn in VIPER's side, and they might decide enough is enough and send an "alpha-strike" his way.


3) Holocaust is decent fit too, as Phidippus was a participant in a fight that saw him on the recieving end of a nasty beating.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Doctor Sanguine- No doubt, it would be Tyrannon or Skarn. Doctor Sanguine would believe these two had mistakenly assumed he had some key or means to access Earth's dimension that he himself was unaware of. He'd do his best to let them continue this ruse if it mean keeping them from a real chance of finding the REAL Person holding it.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!




Void: "Dear, I already told you, *not interested!*" He's already got a megavillain-scale char after him, she'd just be picking up the pace (and escaping psych-containment). Powerful mentalist from his previous team... after a run-in with a fellow rather like the Slug, she's completely warped, slightly possessed, and torn between the urge to slaughter her former teammates (currently Void - girl's efficient, if nothing else) and turn Void into her chief consort and bedtoy while she rules the world.


Outsider: Ah, dear, Dr. D finally discovered that Outsider might have the potential to grant people immortality. Alternately, DEMON found out who his father is, and has decided that Black's vision of the fifth member of the Inner Circle must have been flawed, he's the perfect candidate, already being half-Edomite.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Luna Moth already has the local Demonhame after her so the next logical step would be someone in DEMON's Inner Circle hunting her for the magical shards she's been collecting, after deciding that the stone, once assembled, would be to powerful for anybody else to have. In which case she will follow these steps:

First, she will lock up her usual 'work clothes' and most of the shards she collected until something is done about this situation.

Second, she will set up a second, more heroic, identity and find a super team that has several extremely high level allies and/or members to join.

Finally, she will attract hunter's attention to this alternate identity and hope that her new allies can stop him.

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Re: WWYCD: Run!!


Though it hasn't happened yet... it will!


Soon, as professor Sebastian Castle shatters the barrier between this dimension and the myriad mysteries of the Microverse he will inevitably incur the irascible wrath of...


Mammon; mercurial materialist and merciless master of the Multiverse!!!


Run Bastion... Just run!

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