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Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Good costume changes:


Tim Drake's Robin costume from the previous, pants he has pants!


Black Canary going back to the "classic"costume after the mid 80's


Black Canary getting her Birds of Prey Costume


Bad costume changes:


Black Canary's costume new costume in the middle 80's with the huge white bucket boots and the 'wing' insigna on her chest that reached out past her shoulder.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


When did he do that? Dave Cockrum designed the Phoenix costume. If anything' date=' John Byrne put her back into it just before she her psychic clone died.


I may be misrecalling the interview as Byrne rather than Cockrum. It was a long time ago. It did begin with Ms. Marvel, not Jean Grey/Phoenix/Clone Mark 1.


My recollection was that the artist did actually note some whining about the loss of the miniskirt. He commented that the miniskirt restricted the angles from which the artist could draw - after all, there's a limit to what can be shown in a typical comic - and that the starting point for a character in a spandex full body suit is a nude figure.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Keith "He did give Invisible Woman her grown-up name' date=' along with a DD cup." Curtis[/quote']I remember what I would've sworn was a Byrne FF with the Invisible Girl defending her name choice against an obnoxious feminist type (as opposed to the more common kind) on a TV talk show. Did he later have her change her mind, or was that a different writer?
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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


For what little it's worth' date=' Spidey's had armor before ... he had a black-and-silver 'Steel Spider' suit that he broke out with exceptional rarity ... though it showed up as a hidden character in Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter.[/quote']


I like the idea of occasional special-purpose costumes for any character.


My biggest problem with the newer armor suit is the fact that it's red and gold ... like Iron Man's trying to use Spidey for free advertising or something.


That's a really great idea, though, from a story standpoint, they should have done that, made that a big angle! That would be great, seeing Tony (er, or whoever, I guess someone else is Iron Man or something?) hawking his wares to other supers, "See that Spiderman design? NIfty, huh? For a mere $20K, Punisher, just imagine having light-weight and fully flexible armor..." And with some sort of "IM" logo on the side of Spiderman's arm. Now THAT would make superhero comics more worth reading!

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Some examples from the 80s (I gave up collecting most comics in about 1987 because of the 'angst' thing and being unemployed and lacking the spare cash [:thumbdown]):


Alpha Flight's Aurora - the change from the black/white bodysuit to the black/yellow suit with the hot pants was OK, but the new hairdo was blecch!!


Ghost Rider's new bicycle (when he replaced the "fire-bike" with a flash hi-tech job which could spontaneously re-assemble after being blown apart).


While the hairdo change and increase in 'buffness' when Black Widow changed from her black/dark blue body suit to the mid-grey one with the black spider logo may have made some practical sense, I think they went a bit too far (messing with one of my favourite characters, grrr!).


The original Robin/Nightwing changeover - about time (that Robin costume was just wrong on someone that old, and the original Nightwing costume had a certain style - another nice George Perez job)


Another thumbs-up for the Aquaman blue/white camo suit - way better than the old brown/green jobbie.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Crosshair Collie:


Actually, to say that Spider-Man broke out his "Web Armour" with extreme rarity is a bit of an understatement - he made it, used it once (Web of Spider-Man #100), and decided it cramped his style. Good call, I say. Since when does Spider-Man need armour? (Oh. Right. He's wearing some now. Bleah.)


Actually, I don't mind the Iron Spidey outfit too much, but for cripes' sake, give the thing four spider waldoe-arms, not three. 8 limbs, not 7!

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I must admit that I preferred Beast when he was just a chunky Hank, rather than a furry animal. But let's be honest, it's been long enough now that I should just get over it...


Captain Britain is one change I have never liked, moving from a very stylish and original red costume (with heels!) to Generic Super Costume #14. The latest version is an improvement, but still not a patch on the original from the weekly comic and the wonderful cross-overs with Spidey.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I must admit that I preferred Beast when he was just a chunky Hank, rather than a furry animal. But let's be honest, it's been long enough now that I should just get over it...


Captain Britain is one change I have never liked, moving from a very stylish and original red costume (with heels!) to Generic Super Costume #14. The latest version is an improvement, but still not a patch on the original from the weekly comic and the wonderful cross-overs with Spidey.


Personally, I loved the second Captain Britain costume, which I felt wasn't exactly Generic Super Costume. What I didn't like is when they felt they had to simplify the costume, and genuinely make it generic.


The Red Costume was also nice, though.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Crosshair Collie:


Actually, to say that Spider-Man broke out his "Web Armour" with extreme rarity is a bit of an understatement - he made it, used it once (Web of Spider-Man #100), and decided it cramped his style. Good call, I say. Since when does Spider-Man need armour? (Oh. Right. He's wearing some now. Bleah.)


Actually, I don't mind the Iron Spidey outfit too much, but for cripes' sake, give the thing four spider waldoe-arms, not three. 8 limbs, not 7!


I'm reasonably certain he's used the Steel Spider more recently than that, though not recent as such things are measured. He didn't particularly WANT to wear it, but he was nursing a few cracked ribs and decided the extra protection was worth it.


And yeah, if the Iron Spidey armor had four waldoes, I think it might work ... except that Doctor Octopus would wander along and complain about copyright infringement!

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


I mis-read the thread title, but I'll give my original answer anyway:


I like that costume change when Diana spun around to change into her Wonder Woman outfit. I thought that was pretty cool.


OTOH, changing in a phone booth is just hookey.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Lightning Lad going from the Caped costume with the orange legs to the one that Cockrum designed in the early 70's. That was one of the best superhero costumes ever.


In fact, the whole Legion makeover from that period deserves honorable mention.


"Hi, I'm Cosmic Boy 'cause it says so on my shirt."


Keith "I used a Sharpie, and was really careful" Curtis

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


ah, I had foegotten about someof these...


I liked DD's black and red with a few strategic plates costume that he wore during the 90's at some point...


X-factor's Multiple Man I had forgotten... the costumes for that era were pretty good... just didn't like Wolvesbane or Polaris much... especially the whole magnetic but with green light effects thing. Lame, IMO. But the characters were played off well, though, I have that Psychoanalysis issue signed by Quesada, I think it was... or was it Romita Jr.... time to get the old boxes out. =)


Regarding Thor... never liked the Asgardian stuff as they approached it as a whole. The scale mail is boring, if somewhat more appropriate than the dishes glued to his chest.... they could have done better with it though, and making it blue looks dumb.


The newer Nightcrawler I saw somewhere looks good, more organic than his old Voltron style costume.


*sigh* This makes me want to collect comics again, but it sounds like its a wierd time to go back in.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes




Kitty Pride's entire wardrobe until roughly when she started calling herself "Shadowcat".


I think that was the whole idea.


Hmm... some of my favorite costumes:


Spider-man's the the classic. It's so good not even the movies guys could mess with it (and they said as such).


Thor in armor with a beard.


Manhunter's costume from the 70s (the one that looked vaguely Japanese).


Grendel's original costume (except for the white spot for the nose).


The solid, all-black, armored costumes for Batman from most of the movies.


Ones I don't like:

The costumes for the female X-men in Ultimate X-men. The guys all wear full-body clothes, yet the women have bare mid-riffs, tank-tops, and the like. It has no practical purpose except for the cheesecake value, and seems... a bit silly in the darker/grittier Ultimate verse.


Actually, now that I think of it, and female supers costume that has random cutaways, bare midriffs, bare thighs, and the like for no real reason (I'm looking at you Huntress). If we're talking invulnerable Power Girl or She-Hulk, that's one thing, but more street-level types should wear street-level gear -- which means no high-heels either.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


Black Canary's costume new costume in the middle 80's with the huge white bucket boots and the 'wing' insigna on her chest that reached out past her shoulder.


I liked that one!


In fact, I stole it for a PC of mine:



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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes






ETA: Admittedly, I realized I wasn't sure if you meant honorable mention: best or honorable mention: worst....


In general, best. Cosmic Boy's costume was inconsistent. Some artist and colorists made the exposed areas skin, others had it as a pink body suit. Sometimes within one issue. I got the feeling everyone was uncomfortable with it and couldn't bring themselves to consistently make it skin.


For a while Tyroc had the coolest outfit. Other cool legion outfits included:


Phantom Girl (big belt and bells)

Star Boy's star suit



Lightning Lad


Keith "Dream Girl could of course wear anything and make it look good" Curtis

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


In general' date=' best. Cosmic Boy's costume was inconsistent. Some artist and colorists made the exposed areas skin, others had it as a pink body suit. Sometimes within one issue. I got the feeling everyone was uncomfortable with it and couldn't bring themselves to consistently make it skin.[/quote']


And then there's the question of how it stayed on.


May favorite was magnetic fibers in the costume. :)

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes


It's been ages since I kept up with comic books but three of the memorable ones for me. I was a Marvel fan and didn't read DC often enough to know about it.


Spiderman going from his traditional red & blue to the black uniform was hands down the worst costume change I can imagine.


Marvel Girl changing into the Phoenix costume (original Jean Grey version) was one of the best changes I can recall.


I really loved the Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel uniform when she switched to the black costume, yellow lighting stripe with red sash.




Having Iron Man go from his loved red & gold to the red & silver samurai-style armor was a bit unpleasant. I was glad when he got back to a red & gold scheme again.

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Re: Best and Worst Costume/Appearance Changes



  • Classic Nova

  • Current Nightwing

  • Classic Vision

  • Classic Green Arrow or Silver Age GA (w/ Hat)

  • Dale Keown Hulk (Grey or Green, though I'm partial to the Grey)

  • Classic Falcon

  • Black Widow ('Tasha)

  • Hawkeye (see Below)

  • Furry "Wolvie-Do" Beast

  • Ms. Marvel's Black Outfit

  • Iron Man Silver Centurion Armor

  • Superman during "The Krypton Man"

  • Holy Terror Batman

  • 80s Black Canary Leotard

  • Diana Prince White Jumpsuit Wonder Woman

  • Walter West "Dark Flash"

  • Invincible

  • Shroud

  • Spider Woman I & II

  • Classic Firestar

  • Wonder Girl (Troy)

  • Classic Starfire II

  • Tempest

  • 90% of the GLC uniforms

  • Swashbuckler & Excalibur Leader Nightcrawler

  • Shadowcat's original Blue

  • Yellow Daredevil & Bio-mimetic DD

  • Namor's Black Outfit

  • Arsenal's Current look

  • Genis Captain Marvel

  • Speed Demon (Amalgam)

  • Tangent's Joker

  • Kingdom Come Superman & Batman

  • 90% of the costumes from Elseworld's Finest

  • Classic Mon-El

  • Classic Wildfire



  • Titans Hunt Cyborg

  • Spikey Thing

  • Football Armor Cap

  • Football Armor Booster

  • White Vision

  • Kitty Beast

  • Ultimate Hawkeye

  • Rage

  • Darkhawk

  • Arsenal post-Titans Hunt

  • Quasar

  • Falcon's full mask

  • Dr. Pym

  • Dr. Druid

  • Martian Manhunter

  • Red Jumper Ghost Rider

  • Iron Hawkeye

  • Iron Spidey

  • "Patch"

  • Clark Kent

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