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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Tivoed X-Men Origins: Wolverine


I was mentally taking notes and at the same time realizing this movie lacked fire. It's like somebody's fanfic put on film. Trying to cram four (or more) hours' worth of information into a 1½ hour movie leaves no time to develop characters or plot before the credits roll. This would have been much better as a made-for-TV "miniseries".

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Killer Drag Queens on Drugs




Newsradio Seasons 1-4


Wonder Woman Seasons 1-3


Rifftrax Planet of Dinosaurs, Night of the Living Dead, Missile to the Moon, House of Haunted Hill, and Plan Nine from Outer Space.


J-Men Forever


The Collector


The Wild Geese

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I think the issue was making it PG-13. Also' date=' it was a Hollywood production, so I think the over-the-top violence we might expect from something out of HK just wasn't there.[/quote']


I think you've pretty much nailed it. If they'd been willing to take the action out to where it would have been in an HK production, this would have really worked for me. As it was, someone was thinking "kid's movie" as they put it together, and while it was pretty good, it didn't quite live up to the source material.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Watched Godzilla: Final Wars again as I got my GenCon game ready. For gamers of any kind, that is an Awesome movie. Super powered mutants and incredibly skilled humans versus shape shifting aliens and giant monsters, with three giant monsters siding with the humans. It's practically my dream campaign.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend: In tone....much like Godzilla: Final Wars....but for Ultraman...and WAY better executed. Totally fun, if a bit illogical in places. The movie portrays the various Ultra beings as almost akin to the green lantern corps. The CGI is a bit uneven, but generally good.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Watched Godzilla: Final Wars again as I got my GenCon game ready. For gamers of any kind' date=' that is an Awesome movie. Super powered mutants and incredibly skilled humans versus shape shifting aliens and giant monsters, with three giant monsters siding with the humans. It's practically my dream campaign.[/quote'] So do superheroes fit in at all? if so how? Kinda interested. been playing around with a similar idea.
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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


So do superheroes fit in at all? if so how? Kinda interested. been playing around with a similar idea.


The Superpowered Mutants are Superheroes; they've been recruited by the Earth Defense Forces to form Task Force M, and lead the response to Giant Monster attacks.

The mutants fit well into the Godzilla mythos. Eiji Tsuburaya, the SFX man behind the 1954 Godzilla, did a series of horror films about human mutants. Tsuburaya also created the Ultraman series. Final Wars is a great nod to Tsuburaya's body of work.


We get to see super strength, speed, toughness, energy blasts, telepathy, mind control, mental defense, force wall, and healing. Other powers would make sense based on the stuff that shows up in Tsuburaya's original work.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


The Superpowered Mutants are Superheroes; they've been recruited by the Earth Defense Forces to form Task Force M, and lead the response to Giant Monster attacks.

The mutants fit well into the Godzilla mythos. Eiji Tsuburaya, the SFX man behind the 1954 Godzilla, did a series of horror films about human mutants. Tsuburaya also created the Ultraman series. Final Wars is a great nod to Tsuburaya's body of work.


We get to see super strength, speed, toughness, energy blasts, telepathy, mind control, mental defense, force wall, and healing. Other powers would make sense based on the stuff that shows up in Tsuburaya's original work.

Ah cool. I think it would be pretty cool for big hitters / main lineups of JLA & Avengers to challange Godzilla and the monsters from his series.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Ah cool. I think it would be pretty cool for big hitters / main lineups of JLA & Avengers to challange Godzilla and the monsters from his series.


I've run games like that. :)


It's fun, and sort of fits with things like the Ultraman-Masked Rider team ups and Japanese Super Squad type shows.


That said, almost always in the Japanese shows that only Heroes who can grow to Giant size can go one-on-one with Giant Monsters using inherent powers. Heroes who can't grow need weapons and vehicles.


The Science Patrol from Ultraman had weapons that would injure Giant Monsters.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Just caught up with the latest Burn Notice and Lie to Me episodes. Good for a bit of distraction. Also started watching Ark, a bunch of short clips that tie together into a larger story. Production is cheap, but the story is something I can sink my teeth into. Stars Renee O'Connor of Xena fame. All nine episodes of Ark roughly equal 1 episode of a standard US broadcast show. I hope there are more in production, but it appears to have been made in 2008 so I am not holding my breath.

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