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The Ice Pirates: Convoluted story involving a shortage of water in a galaxy with large supplies of hydrogen and oxygen, and the pirates who steal the ice from the Templars who control the water trade. A comedy several notches below Spaceballs in quality. This was basically a nostalgia watch. (HBOmax)


The Goonies: It's good enough for me. Still fun even after nearly 4 decades. (HBOmax)

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1 hour ago, Old Man said:

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 1: Netflix is deleting its Marvel shows at the end of the month so I figured I'd see what this show was all about.  That was a mistake because episode 1 was amazing and there is no way I can finish three seasons in two weeks.

speculation is that May end up on D+. 

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2 hours ago, Old Man said:

Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 1: Netflix is deleting its Marvel shows at the end of the month so I figured I'd see what this show was all about.  That was a mistake because episode 1 was amazing and there is no way I can finish three seasons in two weeks.


Season 1 is VERY, VERY good. Maybe the best Marvel villain portrayal throughout all the MCU movies and TV.


Slowly drops in quality thru seasons 2 and 3.  3 is just ok IMO.

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I sure hope the Netflix Marvel stuff ends up on D+ or Hulu or somewhere we can watch it. I'd hate to never be able to watch S1 of Jessica Jones, Daredevil, and Luke Cage again.


Yesterday we watched Nobody on HBOMax. It's yet another movie in the John Wick subgenre. Unlike many of the imitators, this one was watchable. I like that it's somewhat realistic at the beginning, but I didn't like that as it goes on it gets more ridiculous until you end up with the bad guys' guns' narrative effect being the equivalent of shouting "I'm angry! I'm dangerous! I'm gonna get you!" as the bullets fly all around but never really threaten the hero. Still, there were funny bits throughout, and it was nice to see Christopher Lloyd being a badass.


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Boba Fett had some...uhhh...issues.  I though the overall storyline and plot was good, but the some of the dialogue was shoddy and the action was crap (if I have to watch those ugly speeder bikes racing down the street at a sleep-inducing 5 mph during what is supposed to be a thrilling action sequence i may have a stroke) except for ep 5 and some of 7.  Out of all the new characters, the best acting and dialogue came from Jennifer Beals, frankly.  Fennec and Boba had zero charisma or personality.


Episode 5 was easily the best which is incredibly problematic given that it was a Mandalorian bonus episode.  I did enjoy the Tusken flashbacks - they were solid.

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I've watched the first three episodes of Ghosts. Woman and her husband inherit an old family house that is haunted by everyone who died in the vicinity, woman falls down the stairs and has a near-death experience, woman can now see all the ghosts, husband is convinced she's having a psychotic break from reality until she starts telling him things only the ghosts would know. It has potential.

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Anyone who enjoys the US version of Ghosts may want to check out the original UK version. It's on HBOMax in the US. We liked both, and hope there are more episodes of both soon. :)


(S1E1 of each series are almost the same, but after that they diverge and mostly go their own ways, as they should, based on the US and UK's different histories.)


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Yeah, not all of the characters are great all the time. I've busted a gut a few times watching writer/creator Laurence Rickard's portrayal of the headless noble and the caveman, but the Fanny and Kitty characters can be tiresome at times. Then it's on to the next thing, and all is well again.

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On 2/14/2022 at 8:05 AM, Starlord said:

Season 1 is VERY, VERY good. Maybe the best Marvel villain portrayal throughout all the MCU movies and TV.

Slowly drops in quality thru seasons 2 and 3.  3 is just ok IMO.


Actually, I thought Jessica Jones season 3 was almost as good as 1.


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Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 2: All these characters are really likeable.  That's so weird.  Except Kilgrave, he seems like kind of a dick.


Jessica Jones Season 1 Episode 3: Wow, Trish, you're a badass!  Kind of stupid though.


I have to say this is probably my favorite supers power level.  No frap rays or flight, nothing obvious.  Two supers eating street tacos.  "So, you born this way?"  "Accident.  You?"  "Experiment."  Relatable.

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4 hours ago, Bazza said:

Like what? Curious. 


Spoiler for those who haven't seen it/them yet:


Mainly Abuela's inability to deal with her grief and the consequences it has on the people around her. She tries to make everything just perfect, but ends up making things worse for everyone in the end.


And in both shows, you don't even know that grief is the real issue until most of the way through.


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