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WWYCD/W:The gift


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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Aquatic: "A sexy wonderlicious costume for my girlfriend, but don't tell her."

Banner: "All I want for Christmas is to make three tactics rolls in a row, Santa."

Comet: "Five minutes to talk to my dad, for real. And let him know I'm sorry I didn't come to see him before he died."

Doctor Sanguine: "Dear Santa, as you are clearly from Fairie, I would like the gift of a magical object from you so I might continue my quest to become the new Archmage"

Gaze: "Falco's head on a platter. What, oh right," *sigh* "Forgot who I was talking to."

Mole: "Brand new state of the line electric guitar would totally be cool."

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


The term "Rolling Dreadnought damage" to be a positive one for once.


(Whenever I play Dreadnought my luck seems to vanish. My group started calling it Dreadnought damage during a session where I consistently rolled 30-35 stun on a 12d6 attack. I think the highest I did in the sessions was 45 stun, but that was on a 20d6 move through!)

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Volt- I have every thing I trully need, unless you can get rid of my arthritis.


Olorin "Can you give me a map to my home dimension or otherwise allow me to travel back and forth from there and here? If not can I have an I-phone?"


Black Tiger "Santa. Right. Pull the other one." He doesn't even trust Santa - or is that especially distrusts Santa?


Futurian "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. Really, I dunno. Hmmm."

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Detritus - one day, just 24 hours, of a normal life like everyone else where mom and dad are alive and we can eat dinner together and maybe kick back and watch some tv


Alpha - To be the biggest, baddest superhero on the block!..no, I mean, truth, justice, and the American way!


Jack - err..hey, is the council listening..is this a trick?

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Darkfire: hmm she already has gained the magic of the fay, Daemonic , and Divine so Santa probably can't help with the last(plus it would wreck a main story arc) besides Darkfire wants to make Archmage on her own. So she'd probably ask to see her parents alive in front of her, this time she would not make the mistake of giving in to her hatred and killing them outright. she'd do it right, and trap their spirits so they could be tortured and killed again and again.:) Failing that the original copy of "unspeakable cults."


Ironhide: the love of a good (immortal would be nice) woman.


John O'Malley II: A week of peace and quite. also for untroubled sleep.

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Meeb - a replacement overcoat, hat and groucho glasses for his Glurb Burble ID - his current ones are wearing out.



Black Cat is something of an ascetic, and she has everything physical she needs/wants. She would probably ask for something nifty (a really nice slinky dress, or somesuch) for her best friend Gibraltar; alternately she might ask for something really nifty (and expensive) for Thunderstrike.


Ballistic would want a bigger and better lab (both a magical one and a mechanics one)


Angelfire would want a bigger/better recording studio for the band.

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


There is a story behind this' date=' I am sure. . .[/quote']


Banner, a character I play in Bill's Avengers Next Generation campaign on HC, is the son of Captain America, and currently chairman of the Avengers. He had a tactics roll of 12-, but also 4 overall skill levels (High powered campaign) which often gave him up to a 16 or less.


Yet time after time, tactics rolls failed. I bought it up to a 13-(17 with levels), but it didn't help much. In fact, it seemed almost EVERY time to fail (That's not true, once I made it exactly). Much like Dreadnoughts damage dice, when I roll for Banner's tactics, it consistently sucks. It got to the point where it was incredibly disheartening for me, and I once considered scrapping the character because of bad die rolls (It wasn't just tactics, but that was the one area where it was consistently bad) that were frankly making me feel like any character concept involving competence was lost.


If I ever run another son of type for Avengers Next Gen, I'll just make a bull in a china shop type character and not worry about what comes.

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Banner, a character I play in Bill's Avengers Next Generation campaign on HC, is the son of Captain America, and currently chairman of the Avengers. He had a tactics roll of 12-, but also 4 overall skill levels (High powered campaign) which often gave him up to a 16 or less.


Yet time after time, tactics rolls failed. I bought it up to a 13-(17 with levels), but it didn't help much. In fact, it seemed almost EVERY time to fail (That's not true, once I made it exactly). Much like Dreadnoughts damage dice, when I roll for Banner's tactics, it consistently sucks. It got to the point where it was incredibly disheartening for me, and I once considered scrapping the character because of bad die rolls (It wasn't just tactics, but that was the one area where it was consistently bad) that were frankly making me feel like any character concept involving competence was lost.


If I ever run another son of type for Avengers Next Gen, I'll just make a bull in a china shop type character and not worry about what comes.


Yes! I'm not the only one who ran into this problem. Phew! My problem was I rolled so many 14's that I went from amused to amazed to less-than-amused to concerned to aghast to depressed to getting-ready-to-throw-character-out. Yes, it stopped after awhile (after I bought that Overall level). The other players and GM knew about the problem and a few times let me reroll... of course, one time the second roll was a 14 as well. :eek:


Anyways, regarding a gift, one of my characters might wish for a bowling ball so he can drop it on a villain's foot. He's goofy like that. :)

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Primadonna: "I'd like some jewelry. My wish would be that ring, you know which one I mean. The ring. The one! One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them! Is that possible, Santa?" :eek:


Primaballerina: "I'd like to have some magical shoes. Red would be a nice color."


Diva: "I want one of those Rubik Cubes! No wait, Santa, they are called Cosmic Cubes!"

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Banner: "All I want for Christmas is to make three tactics rolls in a row' date=' Santa."[/quote']


Ain't that the truth? :help:


Banner, a character I play in Bill's Avengers Next Generation campaign on HC, is the son of Captain America, and currently chairman of the Avengers. He had a tactics roll of 12-, but also 4 overall skill levels (High powered campaign) which often gave him up to a 16 or less.


Yet time after time, tactics rolls failed. I bought it up to a 13-(17 with levels), but it didn't help much. In fact, it seemed almost EVERY time to fail (That's not true, once I made it exactly). Much like Dreadnoughts damage dice, when I roll for Banner's tactics, it consistently sucks. It got to the point where it was incredibly disheartening for me, and I once considered scrapping the character because of bad die rolls (It wasn't just tactics, but that was the one area where it was consistently bad) that were frankly making me feel like any character concept involving competence was lost.


Banner's other rolls tend to be OK (and his Conversation/Persuasion rolls in the current arc have been stellar), but Tactics? :no: I figure it's because the shadow of his father looms so large, he blows it just because of nerves. :D

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Yeah' date=' Roger is a social critter and on a roll... I should just start having him make moves on the wimmen folk before it runs out :)[/quote']


With all the hotties on his team? He's already got Cinnabar and Arachne seriously crushin' on him. :love: 'Course, Cinnabar comes with baggage and Arachne's a wee bit young*... :D


(*No, really! I'm in college! I just... um... look young...) :o

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Doctor Sanguine: "Dear Santa' date=' as you are clearly from Fairie, I would like the gift of a magical object from you so I might continue my quest to become the new Archmage"[/quote']


Actually I think Santa would be from Bablyon since he manufactures toys and gives them to children in homes. Today's Santa is definitely a follower of Art and not Nature.

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Batroc ze Fightaire: "A present? Pour moi? 'ow very unexpected! Of course, I 'ave been a very good fille zis year. Une fille très bonne, en effet. So I will not say I do not deserve it, non! What shall I ask for? A Cosmic Cube might be nice, but non, zat is trop. Zen what I want is..."


(what follows is a list to make Eartha Kitt's Santa Baby wishlist look humble and reasonable). ;)

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Primadonna: "I'd like some jewelry. My wish would be that ring, you know which one I mean. The ring. The one! One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them! Is that possible, Santa?" :eek:


Primaballerina: "I'd like to have some magical shoes. Red would be a nice color."


Diva: "I want one of those Rubik Cubes! No wait, Santa, they are called Cosmic Cubes!"


Primaballerina: "Dear Santa, I changed my mind, when Primadonna told me, what she wanted for Christmas. I want a ring now too. Last week I saw a guy in the news who had a ring with a green glowing energy effect. I want one! Please! Well, you surely know these Guardians Of The Universe."

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Re: WWYCD/W:The gift


Cornerstone would only ack for others, but only after thanking Santa for choosing Chirst's birthday for his day.


Silver Speedster: "An intimite acting part with Angelina Jolie, no make that Jennifer Lopez, no Carmen Electra, no - I know all three!"


Mark IV would ask for his memory to be restored.


Super! Absorbant! Sponge!!!!! would ask to actually meet his favorite cartoon sponge.

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