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Who is your favorite character?

Doc Samson

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Hello all. I looked but couldn't find a recent "favorite character" thread. I am always fascinated by what people like to play. These boards are a vast pool of creativity. So, what was your favorite character to play? Be as specific as you wish. Pictures, character sheets, stories, ect. are all welcome. If you can't settle on a favorite, what are you playing now?


I'll get it started. I would have a hard time picking one character as my favorite, so I'll describe the character I am playing now.


Cerberus - Due to horrible cellular regeneration experiments performed upon him (and his older brother) by his father (the evil Dr. Typhon), Silas Theron gained the ability to split himself into three identical beings. After his father's apparent death (at the hands of his brother), Silas became a superhero named Triplicate. In his first outing, Triplicate was savagely mauled by the werewolf-like villain, Skinwalker. When Silas recovered from his injuries, he found that he could now assume the form of three werewolves! Changing his name to Cerberus (the three-headed hound of Greek Mythology), Silas quickly tracked down and defeated Skinwalker. Cerberus now uses his combined triplication and werewolf powers to hunt down evil wherever it may hide.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


The Lord Captain Thia Halmades. No, seriously, it's why I took the name as my avatar name (and as my Xbox LIVE ID). He's just a phenomenal NPC with his own quirks and foibles. Constantly trying to do the right thing, and do what he does best (command troops into battle and train them) but is held back by a bureaucratic Empire, enemies within that Empire, and various plots to take him from his command position. The man hasn't received a promotion in seven years; then suddenly they want to make him a Marshal and get him out of the Academy.


Which he declined. :D Caused a massive sh-t storm, which is still going on. He's just a great, moral, but conflicted character.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Black Cat.


Started life as a martial artist with Darkforce powers (hence the name), but later on, I got tired of that, and had a radiation accident that killed her powers, and I amped up the MA with Ch'i and stuff.


She has been played off and on since 1987. She's been through some campaign shifts - her first game she only played for a few months when I had to leave the game, so I rebuilt her for another campaign that ran something like 10 years, then I ran a high end game merging histories of a number of Game Worlds, including my previous champs game and the game Cat was in - so the players, if they so chose, could play their old characters there - Cat was a GM PC. She then ended up off earth in two different kinds of extra dimensional campaigns.


Right now she is an interdimensional agent. :)


Every time I start to wrap up her character story, something else comes along and revitalizes her. Longest played, favorite character. Started on 250 (under fourth), is not on over 1000 (1015 IIRC). She's my avatar on every board that lets you use custom avatars. :)


Her Char Sheet which is a bit out of date, and the thread has a number of pieces of artwork. I try and commission a new one every 9 months or so. :)


Edit: I added a post at the end with the updated version. :)

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Deadeye was originally Frank Caine, a private investigator with a personality reminiscent of those classic film noir P.I.s like Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade: tough, jaded, cynical, but with a rough code of honor and desire to do the right thing. He investigated a series of ritual killings, which culminated in him stumbling onto a fancy-dressed guy using weird lightshow powers to apparently attack three helpless women. Frank shot the man from behind, killing him instantly. The women showed their gratitude by transforming into demonic monsters and ripping Frank to shreds.


Awakening in Limbo, Frank heard voices that claimed to be Higher Powers informing him that the man he shot was a powerful white sorceror and that the "helpless women" were three succubi responsible for the ritual killings, whom the sorceror was trying to banish. They told Frank that his murder of the sorceror had incurred a great karmic debt which he would have to repay through benevolent acts on Earth. They sent Frank back; thing is, they didn't send him back alive. He looks and sounds normal, but to any close examination he is in effect a walking corpse.


Deadeye (as he calls himself) has classic detective and brawling skills, the power to detect supernatural forces, to strike blows at the souls of his opponents rather than their physical bodies, and the toughness and resilience to physical damage that comes from being, well, dead. He also has the power to drain the life force from living beings, which can be lethal if Deadeye doesn't control its use carefully. However, he sometimes has no choice but to use this power, as his body can no longer heal itself naturally; this is the only way he can repair injuries to it.


Deadeye's normally dark sense of humor has gotten even blacker as a result of his new status, which sometimes makes people around him uncomfortable. He was never much of a joiner in life, but he feels very lonely and isolated from the rest of mankind since his return, and finds acceptance among other paranormals.


Unfortunately I haven't had an opportunity to play him in years. :(

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Since I almost exclusively GM, I'd have to pick from NPCs I've run in-game. That said, I'd go with Rocker. During the course of my NYC Champions campaign he went from zero to hero.


Rocker started as Nameless/Faceless PRIMUS Iron Guard Agent #3, but a female PC (Tempest) started up a conversation with him during a battle, and (me making stuff up off-the-cuff) he invited her to hear him and his (very amateur) band play. Because of the band, his call sign was Rocker. As I told her, "they aren't very good, but they *are* enthusiastic."


For a while, Rocker was Tempest's PRIMUS contact. They flirted, then dated on-and-off for most of that Champions campaign, eventually getting pretty serious (though they never got to the proposal/marriage stage).


During a major story arc involving Genocide and a mutant supremacy group, all of Rocker's squad, except him, was killed trying to stop a runaway Minuteman robot from getting to Washington DC. He had major survivor guilt, and was transferred from Iron Guard to the NYC PRIMUS base security for a time.


Shortly afterward, Tempest was apparently killed fighting a nasty-evil supervillain group known as the Hellraisers. The (mentalist) head of the mutant supremacy group admired Tempest, so he took revenge by mind-controlling Rocker to drug the detention cells' security guards, then go into the villains' cells -- they were awaiting transport to Stronghold -- and kill each one.


The heroes eventually proved Rocker was mind controlled and the team mentalist helped him get past his feelings of guilt, but his career in PRIMUS was over. The heroes offered him a position in their base security, but he declined. So the heroes broke into the PRIMUS base evidence room and stole the armored battlesuit belonging to one of the now-deceased villains. The gadgeteer hero modified it and they set Rocker up as a superhero. He joined a team in nearby Albany, NY and worked with the heroes on several occasions.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


The Ruby Mage: A performing stage magician that recently inherited a mystic ruby, that contains all the knowledge of his family line going back centuries. Because of this he has an understanding of magic that should have taken him decades to learn and when needed can summon the willpower of his entire line, thus making him almost completely immune to mind-affecting powers.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


My *favorite* character? *looks at the stacks and stacks of them and whimpers* It's so hard to choose....


In the long run though... I'd have to give the points to Outsider for having the majority of the bits I like. A complex, somewhat tragic figure destined for a dark fate... and who most GM's wouldn't let me touch, not wanting the good-guy version of Wilbur Whateley in the game....

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Ms. Marvel in the Avengers TNG game on HC. Young, overconfident, cocky, and stupidly invulnerable. Charges headfirst into every situation and is, in general, a huge pain in the a$$. Is built to be significantly less effective than she could be just because it's more fun that way. Just loads of fun to write.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Olorin, a 747 year old unaging mage from another dimension. He has to be an Npc, or PC with a GM who trusts me, as he has a VPP of over 100 points. (not cosmic, takes time and somewhat limited on spells.) If he knows what he up against and its weakness, he almost always can beat it (them). His standard mix is flexible, but not awesome (entangle (area effect), invis, lighting, t-port, NND (area effect), Fireball (area effect eb), images) He is fun to play as he is a goofball most of the time and likes to boggle minds. He has a childlike wonder about the world, but it does not boggle his mind. He adapts quickly (Highest INT in my campaign - and it does not help his VPP!) He knows how to program computers already, and loves them (he loves most tech gadgets; you never know what he has in his "bag of holding" (a plot device only; only has irrelevent things or were paid out of his VPP.)) He loves life, is almost always smiling (If he is frowning or scowling, things are serious!) and likes to go on TV shows for interviews, but is not really a publicity hound; he does not seek them, but he is quite popular as he is funny. (when I created him I said to the other players "He's my sense of humor with the power to back it up." The universal response was flavors of "Oh dear God!")

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


It's a hard call' date=' but Vixen's been a blast. 13 different superpowers (albeit only one at a time), cunning, clever, sneaky, and completely irresponsible. :)[/quote']


Oh, she's responsible all right. Responsible for about half a dozen new rules at Ravenswood Academy.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Vanadis - Mr. Vanity Incarnate, demigod of Blacklight (all the best domains were taken by then), illegitimate half son of Baldur, who lived as a petty thug until he came into his rightful but utterly undeserved power, most annoyingly smug man on the planet. He is, sadly, a villain, but Vanadis never minds mocking heroic virtues by trying for ridiculously ill-advised levels of one-upsmanship: mind games with Dr. Doom, drinking games with Daxamites, attempting to seduce.. well, everyone, really (except married women -- marriage is revered by the gods as sacred -- widows are fine, though, so just a matter of getting rid of the husband).

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


PC: Marksman: Combind Batman, Green Arrow, and a pinch of the original Blue Beetle and Punisher (Reluctant but willing to kill, more than willing to steal from low lifes to pay for things). Interesting relationships with his brother and a certain super heroine, always shined out of combat, and ususaly sucked in combat


NPC: Uncle Leroy, runs a not so up an up pawn shop, the things my players did to the man...Well Leroy will probably some day go crazy because of the martial artist in our group...

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Who's my favorite? Probably whoever I'm playing at the time ;)


Right now that would be Robin Fletcher. He's the finest archer and alchemist ever produced by the great Nation of Texas. Part Apache warrior, part gypsy mystic, all cowboy. A true renaissances man trapped in a post-apocalyptic world full of mutants and magic.


Yeah, it would take a while to explain all that...

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


(except married women -- marriage is revered by the gods as sacred -- widows are fine' date=' though, so just a matter of getting rid of the husband).[/quote']


:lol:Must spread reputation around...


I couldn't really pick any single one. Some are likely more memorable to other players, but for me whoever I'm playing and having fun with is OK with me. :thumbup: They're (mostly) all special in their own special ways. :wub:

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


probably have to go with Vincent/Tachyon.


poor kid was born into a home of mutant-hating biochemists. he spent the first 11 years of his life in a cage being used as a test subject for some crazy bioweapons reasearch by a group called the AAL (Anti Aberration League) which gave him super-strength (although the he only recieved the first dosage, so his STR was only 20) but also woke up his latent powers of energy projection and flight. not long after, the AAL in Duluth, GA (just a bit north of ATL on I-85) lab was busted into by the current Teen GENOME class looking for one character's sister. Mahree/Impulse found the room full of kids in cages, and having a history of abuse, nearly broke down crying. she let them all out and took them outside and kept them calm with her empathic powers. Vincent was basically hanging on her leg and wouldn't let go.


turned out most of the kids there were orphans so Kurt/Vision set up a foster care unit at the GENOME mansion (and Kid GENOME was born). Mahree, being 18, legally adopted Vincent (he calls her Mommy Mahree, to this day) and set about trying to help him adjust to life not in a cage. he was beset with nightmares, still has severe claustrophobia, and was unable to speak very much (he never learned how really, most of the words he'd picked up in the normal way kids do were genetic-slurs). through Mahree's love and patience, Vincent became fairly normal, but still very shy and awkward socially, and had alot of pent up aggression and anger.


there was a traditional Japanese Dojo in town, run by a Sensei Naoe, who has already taught previous GENOME students (and had gotten somewhat famous as a sensei to superheroes) started teaching him traditional, internal martial arts. Vincent took to this very well and began meditation with sensei, and eventually adopted zen buddhism. the religion coupled with his firm discipline finally helped Vincent find his place in the world and let go of his hatred and anger.


so yes, Vincent, the self-styled samurai, who was constantly socially backwards, but morally upstanding and gentle (he became a vegetarian as a result of his conversion, and almost a parody of honor and virtue, because he was trying so hard to make Mommy Mahree and Sensei Naoe proud). he was also fairly good looking, and was pursued by Alexis/Aeon who was determined to win him over (to some success in their adulthood).


he and Alexis went on to found a GENOME school in Thailand for mutants living in southeast Asia.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Stilt-Girl is turning into my favorite' date=' which is ironic because I typically don't like battlesuits. She's a (300 foot) kick, though. :D[/quote']


Cool! :thumbup:


I don't know if I have a favorite. If I go way back into the mists of time, there was Marchhare, a wild and frenetic hero with the power to...




Jump really far. ;)




That was way back in the days of 1st edition Champs.

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Re: Who is your favorite character?


Hmm... my favorite supers PC would be Avalon (http://surbrook.devermore.net/original/champions/avalon.html) who also happens to be my first character I actually played.


My favorite non-supers PC is Jamadigni Renuka (http://surbrook.devermore.net/worldbooks/shadows/characters/jama.html) who was a PC in one of, if not the best campaigns I was ever in.


My favortie NPC is probably Shion Nys, the Empress, an esper from the world of Kazei 5.

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This probably isn't a surprise to those of you readers who know my avatar. My favorite character is Shaft.


He learned archery from his grandfather, a Navajo "Windtalker" who stayed behind in Japan after the post WWII occupation and became one of the first non-Japanese Kyujutsu masters. During the War Shaft's grandpa was nicknamed Shaft because he carried a bow and arrow on patrols to silently take out Japanese sentries.


Everyone expected Shaft to compete in the Olympics, but instead he joined the USMC, and from there was assigned to a shadow unit in the DIA. He did a bunch of Splinter Cell style covert ops for them until his brother, an Assistant District Attorney in San Francisco, was murdered by the Yakuza. He came to town to find his brother's killer and ended up joining Eagle Force, the local SuperSWAT team.


He prefers to investigate crimes instead of waiting to respond to them when they've become a crisis. His investigations are usually off the record, and he finds himself working with some of the non-sanctioned vigilantes (the other PCs: Black Crane, Lockjaw, Umbra, LongArm and Shroud) that the media call "The Night Shift")


Personality-wise, I play him like Jack Bauer (constantly breaking the rules and persuading the co-workers he hasn't alienated yet to do the same) with SpiderMan's sense of humour (taunting opponents, mocking stupid plans, etc...).

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