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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Heh :thumbup:


And I like the art, Aylwin


Thanks Hermit.


I'm thinking I'm going to lose the staff. He has most of his mom’s powers: light brick with flight, but without the power drain/theft. He has dad’s energy power and thing about playing cards, and maybe knows some MA. Anyone think he really needs the weapon?


EDIT: After thinking on it a bit more, I've decided to keep the staff. It is Dad's actual staff, which he handed down to him when he go into the biz.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's Harland. He was pretty easy. =)


Harland Bernard Addison was my first Supers RPG character. I played him in a friend's campaign, in Berlin when I was in the Army. He's a basic Hulk homage, though he was written up a bit more powerful than the MSH version of the Hulk. (He had insanely high stats across the board, though he lacked the increasing STR of the Hulk.) I was basically handed his stats, his name, and a general description ("big and gray").


To that, I added his heroic ID, background, personality, and ... quirks. Basically, he was retired and kicking back at the beach. He acquired his powers while meditating under the influence of some fungus or other. His mind reached toward the stars (shiny man...) and made contact with an alien intelligence, and he became their -- somewhat flawed -- vessel on Earth. Considering his state of mind, he never did quite get the whole message, just the powers. So, he could be a harbinger of peace, or an engine of doom. He doesn't care, he prefers to use his powers for more important pursuits, like combing the beaches for stuff to add to his salt water aquarium, or impressing the ladies with his strength.


As to the ID, I initially named him Goliath Toad, defining his Protected Senses as a nicitating membrane over the eyes and covered external ears (he has human-ish ears from the char generator). His Life Support, while handy for surviving in space for short times, was also perfect for the semi-aquatic life of a beach bum.


Of course, I'd seen these giant FROGS on TV at least ten years before the campaign started and had forgotten they were not toads.... so that kind of blows his nom de guerre!


His costume is simple: The loudest, most obnoxious swim trunks money can buy, with a Lone Star Avengers communicator strapped around his waist on a belt. He tried pinning on the fabric, but later decided he'd lose less of them if he strapped it around his waist with a more solid belt made of stronger stuff.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


More more more...


Well, I'm working on a Superman/Captain Marvel (Shazam style) type with a twist. So here goes


Probably never get to play him


Nicknames from villainous types will include "My Purple Pain" "The Dumb Plumb" and "The Purple Pollyanna"


His motto? "Dare to do Right"

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Well, I'm working on a Superman/Captain Marvel (Shazam style) type with a twist. So here goes


Probably never get to play him


Nicknames from villainous types will include "My Purple Pain" "The Dumb Plumb" and "The Purple Pollyanna"


His motto? "Dare to do Right"

this hero lives up to his name
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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's The Amazing Bill. He was the second hero I made for the same campaign. After we new players got the hang of things, we each created a second hero. These were randomly rolled.


Bill came out as a Robot with Sonic Projection at a high rank, lower ranks of Stunning Missles (he fired bean bags with smiley faces out the palms of his hands through a pneumatic system that he could also use for doing magic tricks), Invisibility, and Electric Resistance. He had Acting, Disguise and Sleight of Hand (remembered lol... the SoH was why I made him a magician in the first place). For his disguise talent, he simply removed his face and stuck another one on. He wasn't a complicated guy. He did manage to freak out the maid at the mansion/base when he was walking around between face swaps.


He was placed in an animatronic display in an amusement park, and one night became self aware. How a sophisticated (ok, maybe that's the wrong word for Bill...) android/robot came to be in such a place, and why, remained a mystery up to the end of the campaign. (Give a GM a plot hook... ).


One of the highlights of his career was finding out his entire team had been kidnapped and racing to the facility where they were being held in the team van. He figured out the basic driving OK, but not the speed or traffic signal laws, and ended up being followed by a large number of state troopers. He eventually became concerned that he may be causing trouble for the team, so he decided to cover for them. Knowing people were superstitious, when a trooper pulled along side his van to tell him to pull over, he turned invisible. That caused a minor accident between the troopers' cars. When he arrived on scene, one of the team's heavy hitters had already inadvertently brought the place down, and the warehouse sized building was in flames. (The scenario was that each of the characters awoke in a cell along with their double. Funny RP ensued as each of us played someone else's double.)


So, Bill, now ahead of the police, jumps out of the van, just as his team is safely exiting the building. Since he's not needed and he doesn't want the team to get into trouble for his driving, he completes his ruse. He lifts the van over his head and flies into the air shouting, "I AM THE GHOST VAN!" Then he flings the multi-million dollar van into the burning building.


That one got caused the team leader to have the team scientist put an "Off" switch in Bill. He got heavy handed in using it, and caused Bill a minor bout of depression, as this wasn't very encouraging for his quest to fit in with the normal humans.


He also had a habit of avoiding combat and talking to his intended opponents, because he had a very curious nature, and wanted to know why they were up to what they were up to. This habit tended to throw monkey wrenches into villains plans.


Oh, yeah. I couldn't do a proper shirt for the tuxedo, so I just put in a red undershirt for contrast. Imagine a cummerbund and a bow tie and you get the idea. =) Or just think of a VERY manic version of Mandrake the Magician.


Edit: Updated Pic, gave him a tie, though not a bow tie, and a cummerbund of sorts.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Hmm, had an interesting thing happen with the program.


I was trying to see if the eye color was showing up on a character I was making, so I right clicked and used the Flash Zoom In on it. Which messed it up. So, I right clicked again, and hit Play.


When it restarted, it loaded the Brute template, which is still in progress (and not available from the button yet.)


Most of the features aren't working yet. The mask is working on the second tab. So, what I did to get him looking like he was in a body suit is color his skin red and use Mask A and Mask B, with one being flesh colored.


So, here's Krush, a brick of brickish proportions. I used him as a sympathetic villain once in a PBEM to encourage less jumping into fisticuffs and more RP. He's not a violent guy, and he doesn't have to be. He had 40 PD/ED in a 12-14DC campaign, Missile Deflection and extra DCV levels due to having HUGE hands, as well as extra STR for grabs and escapes, and extra STR, only to use as Casual STR, to bring his Casual STR up to his full STR level of 70. (This was a 250 pt game, btw, he was a bit of a beast.) Krush didn't want trouble, he just wanted treatments for his sick daughter. So, he acquired certain things for the real villain, in exchange for treatments.


Basically, I played him as, "Hey, I don't wanna fight. You guys do a lot of good, and I admire that. But... I got things to take care of. Go do good somewhere else." After several prolonged fights, the team finally decided to investigate what he was up to, and when the DID finally get the better of him (using coordinated attacks to get around his huge PD/ED and wear him down), and got his full story, they decided to help him out, and take on the real villain.


Oh, he didn't actually have a blue dog, at least not that I know of. I just tossed that in b/c I couldn't really get any details on his costume and it amused me. =P

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


An unofficial member of the Lonestar Avengers, Sunbeam was the heroic identity of the team's sponsor. She put up a ruse of being a local hero who operated independent of the group, but sometimes showed up in times of crisis to help out.


Her powers were superhuman strength, solar regeneration, and solar energy projection. These were mystical in nature, derived through a link to an ancient sun goddess, which her bracers provided.


She was one of the GM's PCs, who she usually just played when one of us players was filling in for GMing duties. One time she got particularly Mary Sue-ish on us, though, so I taunted her with Bill (remember the Van? This is the NPC/PC that paid for the van. And a lot of other Bill-related property damage), until she threatened to blast him. Bill promptly turned invisible, pointing out that her attacks would just pass through him and wreck the base. :D

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


When we got the Ultimate Powers Book, we all rolled up some new characters to check it out.


Striker had Iron Will (I think that's what it was), which let him temporarily ignore huge amounts of damage, and take the effects of it later. He also had very high martial arts, gun, and stealth skills. He was an agent of SHIELD, sent as a liaison to the team. Unlike Harland and Bill, Striker (Roger Stevens) was less manic and much more stoic. When he moved in, he brought two large trunks. One was a wardrobe with several identical suits for civilian dress, a tux for formal wear, and a disguise kit. The other was a well-stocked weapons locker. He was very Spartan in his decorating, and kept a strict early to rise schedule. (It's 4 am, where are you? Everyone else: Sleeping! Striker: Just starting a morning workout.)


He never really fit in too well with the team, as they were all (especially Harland, and excepting Bill) resentful and suspicious of his presence. He had physical stats on par with the US Agent, and used normal SHIELD armor and weapons straight out of the book. He usually carried and used a .45 that he could load with mercy bullets, explosive rounds, AP, and normal ammo. He also carried a katana on his back that he never drew. Ever. (The implication being that when it came out, THEN he was serious.)


He had the distinction of having the only destructible costume in the group. The GMs figured that since it was "normal gear" that when he shrugged off a super powered energy blast, his armor probably wouldn't survive. He took to carrying an extra set of armor in the van when he went on a mission. (We were too cheap for quinjets, just had battle vans.)

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Another of the Lonestar Avengers, this is Ice Maiden, Harland's love interest in the campaign. She's got, you guessed it, ice powers! Harland didn't mind that she was a dirty mutie, either.


Her personality was the polar opposite of Sunbeam's fiery temper (both played by the co-GM/GM's wife). She was always a bit of a fish out of water if stuff came to blows in combat, due to her very sweet personality. She was played as an innocent, kind of like some appearances of DC's Ice.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here I did Bob Tiger using both systems. This new one won't let me put a tail on him.





Well, as it's still under development, I have good news for you! If you're patient. If you're not... oh well. =P


There's a non-functioning option at the bottom left, "Cauda," which translates to "tail." So, looks like the creator plans to put some in at some point.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's the Restorer. While he did work on old cars, his name had something to do with restoring his family's honor, IIRC. He was played by my buddy Marvin.


His costume was inspired by Booster Gold with Spider-Man eye lenses. He was a typical power armor type, with flight, force fields, life support, sensors, and a NND OAF pistol that was his main attack besides super strength brawling.


He was the team's leader and often played straight man to Harland's and Bill's antics. Fun times.


EDIT: Re-did this one, didn't quite like the old one.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Focus' Mom, has got it going on...



(Actually, she's usually surrounded by shadow, so this would be a rare 'clear view' of her in costume)

Geez... A kid just goes rushing towards one little explosion. It's not like he created his own arch-enemy with it...


Here's some attempts at Secret. Didn't try to add in the ankh, but you'd posted she was kinda maybe regreting that anyway... ;)


1st image was trying for as close to the description as I could envision (minus the cleavage window, per above...)


2nd is probably my favorite -- maybe a second attempt once she's had time to think about it (though the 3rd is likely if she's really feeling self-conscious)...


5th is because I know you like fishnets... ;) (I also used that cape front with the basic bodysuit, but I can only upload 5 attachments)


6th is because I spent three hours standing outside the student union on a college campus last week, on the first day we finally had really nice weather in far too long... :eg: (Maybe when Miranda is a senior, or in college?)

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Here's another of Marvin's characters, Maniple.


He's your basic mutie scumbag.... er... he's a misunderstood mutant with a heart of gold... yeah, that's the ticket...


He was one of the random rolled characters, with Blending (Chameleon type ability) and Probability Manipulation, along with decent strength and agility. He fought with two collapsible batons that could join into a full length staff. He was a lot more light hearted than Restorer and often joined in with pranks initiated by Harland against the team sponsor and the base staff.


Marvin had one other really cool character (my favorite of his), but the generator can't do it due to the non human shape. That was Robotron, a scientist (and a bit of a gruff jerk) who became melded with his robot lab assistant. Robotron had a dome shaped "head" that came down to two flaring shoulders. He had a cylon (old school) type red light that sort of zoomed around a sensor array track in the dome in a creepy way, two guns that popped out of his shoulders on swivel turrets, providing 360 degree coverage, as well as a HUGE plasma beam generator in his chest (what the heck was this guy doing in the lab that his assistant had such armament? He ain't telling.), and a vast array of sensory powers. Of course, he was pretty heavily armored and strong as well. Comic book robots HAVE to have super strength. It's in the Comic Book Robot Union rules. Needless, to say, Robotron utterly fascinated Bill. Here we have a human trapped in a robot, and a robot trying to be human. Great RP material. Great irritation to Robotron who was mentally scarred over his condition to say the least. Having Bill point out the up sides to robotic life didn't help much, either. =P


The Lone Star Avengers were rounded out by a non adventuring blind telekinetic scientist, Michael, a seriously stupid electric blaster, Bolt (his player never provided any description to work with... the stupid aspect wasn't exactly RP), and an unmemorable teleporting mutant played by an equally dull player. The main GM had a PC he whipped out for when someone else was GMing, but I can't remember the character's name because he seldom played it. He was an American Indian with eagle wings and claws. I think he was a mutant, but took his powers as a spiritual gift rather than an excuse for excess angst. I don't think the generator can do that one quite yet, so Maniple here rounds out the team basically.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Are you or have you done the PCs?


Nah, I wasn't comfortable with taking liberties like that.


Yes, I know it's strange. I can get them shot, fold them, spindle them, and give them angst.... but I draw the line at drawing someone else's characters ;)

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Geez... A kid just goes rushing towards one little explosion. It's not like he created his own arch-enemy with it...


Here's some attempts at Secret. Didn't try to add in the ankh, but you'd posted she was kinda maybe regreting that anyway... ;)


1st image was trying for as close to the description as I could envision (minus the cleavage window, per above...)


2nd is probably my favorite -- maybe a second attempt once she's had time to think about it (though the 3rd is likely if she's really feeling self-conscious)...


5th is because I know you like fishnets... ;) (I also used that cape front with the basic bodysuit, but I can only upload 5 attachments)


6th is because I spent three hours standing outside the student union on a college campus last week, on the first day we finally had really nice weather in far too long... :eg: (Maybe when Miranda is a senior, or in college?)


On the other hand, folks just doodling the NPCs I force them to work with is fine ;)


I like #1 and #2, fishnets aside. Though yeah, as she gets older she'll probably experiment around college age...

with costume designs that is

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