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Your character's theme music!

DJ Blackrock

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Re: Your character's theme music!


This is interesting. Here goes


Champions: Saviors

Blade Weaver (Boris Shaumaker)

Song: No Leaf Clover, Metallica (S&M Version)



Champions: UNITY Initiative

Paragon (Kevin Knight)

Song: Angels Among Us, Alabama (if you don't like this song, you *are* a villain)



Dark Champions/Star HERO: Zero Point

Zeke Tsuriki

Song: Shout, Tears For Fears



Iron Age Champions: Funk The World

The KILLernator- with a vengeance! (Russel Wargrave)

Song: Name of the Game, The Crystal Method (couldn't find a clean version sorry)

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Re: Your character's theme music!


Not all of my characters have (or have had) theme songs. But here's some of them:


Axle: Extreme sports nut, X-game's champion turned super hero (read Night Thrasher with no SID). He started his career as a super hero as a member of the Reality show super hero team New York Justice. He has two theme songs The first one is:



Which is his In Game Theme Music


The second is the instrumental version if Kicks by MELL which I couldn't find a video of.


Rebound: She is a reluctant teen hero with energy redirection powers. Her father was a petty crook who was also an abusive drunk. She has confidence issues because of him constantly telling her that her powers were useless to him, and the fact that Absorption hurts.




Midian: Midian was the lead guitar for an up and coming heavy metal band. While the band was performing at the Wacken Open Air Music Festival in Gemany he found out all-too-late that the vocalist for the band was really a DEMON agent. The group's new song turned out to be a summoning ritual. But something went wrong with it, the demons summoned attacked the band. The lead singer, bassist and back up singers (all DEMON agents) were killed, and the drummer was severely injured. Midian tried to save his friends and the crowd, when something unexplained happened and the demons became trapped in Midian's body granting him super powers. Midian would never admit it, but he is afraid of his powers and worried that he might some day become a villain because of them. He is my 90's bad-ass style character.



Dcotor Pranava: Dr. Pranava is a blind telepath from India. As a child he was caught in an explosion and lost both his sight and hearing. His mutant powers developed during puberty in such a way so that his ESP now compensates for his blindness and deafness by allowing him to perceive the world through clairvoyance. He is an actual doctor (nobody knows he is really blind and deaf) with a very up-beat attitude and has occasionaly made people hallucinate that the world just turned Bollywood.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZC3QNyEuBgYHere is a translation of the lyrics.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Your character's theme music!


Okay, I have a hero in the works. A mystic hero that transforms into a man sized spider. He looks like a tarantula in appearance. Not a man spider you understand but literally a normal looking spider, except he's the size of a man!


I find this music oddly appropriate for him for some reason. :D


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Re: Your character's theme music!


As much as I love Bon Jovi's "Livin' on a Prayer" I can't think of a character of mine that it applies to. Sadly.


So, without further ado:


Wraith: New Fixer and eternal karma's b***h from Shadowrun


The Day That Never Comes







Fast Eddie: Mnemonic courier, mystic adept, novacoke addict from Shadowrun. He has two.

System of a Down

This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song


for obvious reasons.




Through The Fire and Flames




just because of the sheer speed, that's how fast Eddie's mind races. Often he can't keep up.



G1itCh: Paranoid pseudo-skeptic hacker, from Hunter: The Vigil.


Everything You Know Is Wrong



Jurgen Dain Olafsson III, Heavy Weapons Specialist 1st class, Valkyrie Unit, Earth Defense Forces. From Tri-Stat Space Opera:

Rob Zombie & Drowning Pool

The Man Without Fear



Jugen is considered a freak. He stands 7'5" and is built like a train. He's also not stupid, and knows that people of his genetic type do not last long. He has instead devoted his life to living every moment like it is his last, which it very well might be.

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Re: Your character's theme music!


Huh. It worked.


Yeah, for some reason I always figured Livin' On A Prayer would suit a really powered up epic war against Voldemort for the Harry Potter books. Like fleets of people surfing, 50' high, on broomsticks. And beneath them are armies of centaurs with spears and stuff. And Harry's punching ol' snakeface with a giant glowing green fist from thirty feet away, cos somehow he got a green lantern ring or something.


The whole "it's my life" part is about "screw destiny", cos he's going to kill Voldy because he wants to, not because he has to. And he sings about all the people who died or whatever.


It's a pity it didn't happen quite that way in the books. Damn. Now I want to do a Harry Potter Superhero.

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Re: Your character's theme music!


Weird Al's 'Bob'. It's a song of nothing but palindromes for lyrics.


In the meanwhile, when I can come up with something for a fun-loving metal-morphin' nanotech robot, I'll have a new entry ...

ther was a song in the power ranger the movie soundtrack titiled alpha 5 would that work

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  • 1 month later...

Re: Your character's theme music!


Doc sez...


Although not my prime PC, Breakneck's theme is Molly Hatchet's Flirtin' With Disater (If someone could link the YouTube video :o). He's an extreme sports star turned speedster turned unwilling criminal turned outcast. He sees his kinetic powers as more of a curse...ruining his life everyday.

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Re: Your character's theme music!


Here's a link to Molly Hatchet's "Flirtin' With Disaster":



I like the look of the lead singer: a little bit thin Meatloaf, a little bit Bruce Dickinson.


There is though, I think, a problem with the sound being out of synch with the video.

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