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Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


He can be beaten, but all it does is activate the next cascading Aid, only when Beaten, Incantations and gestures during activation of course, heh. The only thing more powerful in a manga character is the multi hundred point cosmic VPP, only usable upon death of Girl Friend, one non recoverable charge, DNPC girl friend.



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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


I wasn't a fan either, back then.

The 1st edition DC Heroes RPG came out maybe just a little before or after COIE, and before the Byrne reboot of Superman. Supes had the equivalent of a 250 STR in Champions(straight conversion), and if he rolled really well and/or spent Hero Points, he could effectively double that...and lift the Sun. Killing him(without using Kryptonite or magic) was nigh impossible, and even one-shotting him to unconsciousness would take an attack equivalent to around 80 Damage Classes.


Of course DC Heroes did have an open-ended damage system. Alfred could have knocked Superman out with a lucky enough shot.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Sensor Girl, from Legion of Super Heroes.


Sure, it's just Princess Projectra in an illusionary mask, but consider.


Range: THE UNIVERSE. That's right. Sensor Girl's powers had absolutely no range limit whatsoever.


She could mind control you from Earth while her other illusions where PHYSICALLY battling people on Deneb. Even DARKSEID and MORDRU couldn't handle Sensor Girl.


Eventually, DC removed Sensor Girl from continuity. Hmm. I wonder why.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


ROFL! Oh' date=' man. Here it comes.[/quote']


Paul Levitz created/evolved Sensor Girl and he seems to have a grasp on her abilities in the latest incarnation of LSH. Other writers reasoned from effect from a description of PG/SG's abilities and elevated her to redonkulous extremes.


But yeah, she could get +30 effect on an entire planet if she wanted.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


I would have to rate Any Godzilla as a Force of Nature sorta thing. Unless it's GINO, in which case it was a force of Give me back my Money kinda thing. New Godzilla flick coming out should be interesting considering who's tackling it but then, another topic for another thread. Might have to toss that one up in the pulp threads when I get around to updating my other ones there.


Some of the Sensor Girl stuff could be a thread unto itself, heh. I will say though that Levitz is really good tossing out the power in his work but then he was walking in the shadow of writers like Edmond Hamilton who gave us Duplicate Boy for the LSH universe and when you want to talk power, he's pretty much the pinnacle (If he weren't easily goaded into not using what he is capable of using the rest of the super heroes in the 30th century could probably retire, heh)....


~Rex....Colossal Boy vs Duplicate Boy, one of the best Giant fights drawn in a comic book.....

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


I've seen an issue where Duplicate Boy's power overloaded and failed (when attempting to mimic Validus), so he did have limits, and not that far above the Kryptonian/Daxamite level. Mordru, Darkseid, the Time Trapper, and probably Glorith and Pulsar Stargrave would all vastly out-power him.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Most powerful?


The Drummer, from Planetary.


Everything is information. And he can alter information if he puts some thought into it. It's like this: if matter is energy and energy is matter, why is matter solid? Because that's the informational state it's in.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Most powerful?


The Drummer, from Planetary.


Everything is information. And he can alter information if he puts some thought into it. It's like this: if matter is energy and energy is matter, why is matter solid? Because that's the informational state it's in.


Hmm....Interesting, though to be honest I tend to ignore anything and everything from any of the Image Original family. Some good stuff out of the Wildstorm print while it was around though, especially after they went their own way. Might have to get around to picking up more Planetary.


Good character pick though I had almost forgotten about The Drummer on my list of Cosmic yet simple.....



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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Planetary was a limited series, in that unlike most comic books, it actually came to a deliberate end. It's a different take on the League of Extraordinary Gentleman meets modern day superheroics meets pulp novels of all kinds; the overall villains of the piece are, in effect, the Fantastic Four. That said, it's a Warren Ellis story, so there's disgustingly graphic moments of violence.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Planetary was a limited series' date=' in that unlike most comic books, it actually came to a deliberate end. It's a different take on the League of Extraordinary Gentleman meets modern day superheroics meets pulp novels of all kinds; the overall villains of the piece are, in effect, the Fantastic Four. That said, it's a Warren Ellis story, so there's disgustingly graphic moments of violence.[/quote']


Which is a shame, because Planetary was a really good comic. The "This is the Iron Age, gotta have ultraviolence and "heroes" with no moral compass " mentality is something I utterly reject.


O'course, Jakita Wagner is also a really big reason I like Planetary.




What? :)

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Superman should always be at the top of the Power Scale. But only if he's being written by good writers. :D As for the married thing, I think I liked it better when he was just stalking her. It was one of the things you could actually write up on for moments in a Superman book when he wasn't blowing planets back into orbit with Super Breath.......*shrug* man of Steel Woan of Kleenex I suppose.....


I'm not bothered to much about the Uber Iron Age violence stuff in a Comic. I was used to that and more back from the Savage Sword of Conan days and a few of the other Magazine format books that abounded the shelves back in the day, especially in the Horror genre material. The whole Everything is Grey and the Heroes have the same morals as the villains, that does get tiresome after awhile. I think, Astro City showed you could do a modern take on a classic Idea without going overboard into not really having any real Heroes.....


Samaritan should be on the Uber Powerful list as well but then if we go that route we have to make the League of Superman Equilvalents.



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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


It really depends on the book, doesn't it? Having said that, I like all the choices so far. Two I haven't seen mentioned that I always had a soft spot for:


Martial Law


Is either the most powerful out of all mentioned so far? No. But in their own stories, they were kick-butt.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


That's why I still maintain Sensor Girl is the most powerful. She only appears in a team book and whenever she does, it's ridiculous and absurd. Her abilities don't seem to have any limits, she deals as much damage as comparable super strength superman equivalents, AND she can illusify, mind control, and do all that other stuff from her living room while fighting someone else in her basement.


I know GMs who would approve Superman. No sane GM would approve Sensor Girl.

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Re: Single Most Powerful Super Hero EVER!!!


Hmm....I actually really liked the Story arc of "Who is Sensor Girl". As far as a writing and art thing goes. I can't say I was ever a fan though of the scope scale and results of her power boosts and such. Seemed a bit of an answer to the "Can we get a really insanely powerful Mary Sue character in the Legion again without it being Super Girl?"......Still, some interesting possibilities with the set up for an Images Clairvoyance/Detect kinda PC......Not to mention having the Spirit of the 30th Century's greatest Martial Artist as a hand to hand combat instructor, heh.....


Sensor Girl definitly ranks up there though, and no, I wouldn't allow her in a game. Her power set really only boils down to 50 D6 Supress what the GM is trying to do..... :D



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