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Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?

Steve Long

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Of the ones you listed, Steve, I'd be willing to put down 25-50 on StormLords. And if it the case that a physical and Pdf copy is the $50 level, that is what I'd go with.


The rest, although interesting, are not big areas for me.


I'd also be willing to put up $50 for a Horror HERO book, although I do not that it isn't likely to happen (saw your comment on the other thread) ^^


La Rose.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Of this list, I'd be interested in : Mythic Hero and Stormlords. However, no pledging until I get my finances back together. I've been looking at kickstarter as well for my wife's books and a couple projects of my own, but haven't delved that deep yet.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Because of my location I am only interested in .pdf products.

I am willing to pay $25-30 for a solid .pdf product.

I would only consider Cyber Hero if went beyond cybernetics and included a broader "Transhuman Space" styled tech-base.

I would put down good money for a solid hard(er) science fiction setting.

I make extensive use of Dark Champions and Pulp Hero, but if its just an update I'm not interested.


I know there are things that would interest me. Let me ponder it.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I can't say anything for certain of course' date=' but generally the way RPG Kickstarters seem to be structured, the odds are by the time you get to the $50 range you'll get a PDF and hardcopy book... possibly more, depending on the project. So I don't think you have anything to worry about on that score. ;)[/quote']


ArcDream did it at $30, included a PDF, and your name appeared in the acknowledgements. At $60+ plus Mr Detwiller was signing copies. At $3000 plus (there was somebody who committed to that) Dennis personally would turn up at your venue/home and run a game of Delta Green for you.


As for projects I would pledge $50 for Mythic Hero. I would pledge similar money for Horror/Cthulhu books if they ever stood a chance of returning to the drawing board.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Can we suggest other books?


Not at this point, please. Right now I'm simply floating a few ideas. When I reach the point where I want suggestions, I will gladly start a thread for that. ;)


Thanx for the input so far folx! Keep it comin'!

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I am definitely a fan of Mythic Hero and depending on the content may be willing to go up to the $50.


No Dark Champions. I think the problem with the 6th E conversions is that they make sense for people just getting into the system, but they don't make as much much sense for those who already own the 5th ed books. Unless there is significant amount of NEW content, rather than updating character sheets and such, I don't feel even the slightest pull in that direction....since those books are fairly costly. ($10-no brainer...but $30?.....no way)


Storm Lords...maybe..

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I bought the 6E versions of Champions, Fantasy Hero, and Star Hero, but the last one was a pretty tough decision to make. I'm finding it harder to buy 6E versions of 5E books where the content is substantially the same, with mechanical updates only. I most likely would not be interested in a 6E Dark Champions update.


I've been looking forward to Cyber Hero and Time Travel Hero, and could easily see myself contributing for those.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I bought the 6E versions of Champions' date=' Fantasy Hero, and Star Hero, but the last one was a pretty tough decision to make. I'm finding it harder to buy 6E versions of 5E books where the content is substantially the same, with mechanical updates only. I most likely would not be interested in a 6E Dark Champions update.[/quote']I can relate to this take. I happily bought the 6E versions of Champions and Fantasy Hero, but (after much waffling) chose to pass on the 6E version of Star Hero. The same might hold for Dark Champions.


For me, I've found that -- even though I generally love genre books -- the 5E versions were already so well done in terms of covering the genre, that the value of the 6E versions, for me, would mostly reside in the mechanical updates. And the mechanical updates are much more compelling for me with genres that I actually play (supers and fantasy) than they are for genres I don't (sci-fi).


Dark Champions would be on the bubble for me. I don't really play any "pure" Dark Champions (strictly modern action-adventure), but I do play games that could be said to be combinations of modern action-adventure and other genres. So I might be interested in picking up Dark Champions 6E, but that's why it wouldn't as high a priority for me as books that haven't had any previous version (Mythic Hero and STORMlords), or a book that didn't have a 5E version (Cyber Hero).

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I would pledge $50 for DC or even a High Fantasy supplement.


I have used Kickstarter a few times. One thing I have seen is it is best to build up interest before the kickstarter clock starts. I think this thread is a step in the right direction.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I can relate to this take. I happily bought the 6E versions of Champions and Fantasy Hero, but (after much waffling) chose to pass on the 6E version of Star Hero. The same might hold for Dark Champions.


For me, I've found that -- even though I generally love genre books -- the 5E versions were already so well done in terms of covering the genre, that the value of the 6E versions, for me, would mostly reside in the mechanical updates. And the mechanical updates are much more compelling for me with genres that I actually play (supers and fantasy) than they are for genres I don't (sci-fi).


Dark Champions would be on the bubble for me. I don't really play any "pure" Dark Champions (strictly modern action-adventure), but I do play games that could be said to be combinations of modern action-adventure and other genres. So I might be interested in picking up Dark Champions 6E, but that's why it wouldn't as high a priority for me as books that haven't had any previous version (Mythic Hero and STORMlords), or a book that didn't have a 5E version (Cyber Hero).


I would consider getting Star Hero for the aspect that it's hardcover. I know you buy two copies of each 5th book and spiral bound one of them, but for me at least, my original SH was starting to wear out anyways.


Also, it's a very sharp looking book with some nice color to it as well.



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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


1. STORMlords ($25; $50

2. Mythic Hero ($25; $50

3. Cyber Hero ($25

4. Dark Champions 6E


I would get all books in a year for sure. in a 6 month period, it would be the first two.


Thank you for your time

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I would consider getting Star Hero for the aspect that it's hardcover. I know you buy two copies of each 5th book and spiral bound one of them' date=' but for me at least, my original SH was starting to wear out anyways.[/quote']I actually only did the "buy two and spiral bind one of them" thing with the 5E rulebook and the USPD. (Though in the case of 5E, it was "buy ten, use one, spiral bind one, keep one nice for autographs, save one for when the main one wears out, and give six of them away. :winkgrin:) 'Course, that was also when I was employed...


The hardcover isn't a selling point for me. I'm one of those folks who tends to prefer the softcover, all things being equal. :)

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


I would pay 50$ for Mythic Hero (pdf + "real" book), or 25$ just for the pdf (I don't know the possibilities of shipping in Europe from this site).

Cyber Hero may also get my attention, but this would be just for a 25$ pdf (I am limited in book storage space...).


I hope your project will be possible!



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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Of the initial books presented, only Mythic Hero is a "must buy" for me. In general, my main interests are Champions, modern, fantasy, pulp and science fiction ("hard" and "space opera" sub-genre).


I'd commit $25-40 for soft-bound books and $30-60 for hard-bound, depending on expected size. As a general rule, I won't commit to a pdf-only book, though I'm willing to commit about $10 additional if it's an "add-on" to a physical text.


There is, of course, always the caveat that what I'm willing to commit, and what I'm able to commit, might vary a great deal depending on personal/family financial speculation at the time.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


At the most basic level, I'd be willing to pay 25$ for any hero system supplement unless it gets published at a time I'm completely strapped for cash. I'm one of them completists, I guess. As for the specific examples:


Mythic Hero: 25$

I know a bit of trivia about the gods I tend to use in games, and I mostly ignore the prospect all together. It's mostly something I'd buy for the same reason I pick up GURPS books; The fact that its a detailed information source already looking at the gaming angle.


Cyber Hero: 50$-100$

I've always wanted to run this kind of setting, but never had the time to put together my own.


Dark Champions: 50$-100$

Again, one of the things I've always wanted to run, and in fact have run a couple of sessions of. An updated chapter on crime and terrorism, and how to use them efficiently in game, would be very worth while even if the gun stats and package deals don't change that much.


STORMlords: 50$-100$

That sounds awesome. I was sold at "magic from dresden files". And the rest just makes it sound even more cool.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Cyber Hero would be an odd project to undertake. The Kazei 5 sourcebook already covers a great deal of the genre, even with its more anime-styled slant. The first few sections of the book cover cybernetics and hacking, and the source material covers corporations and how they work.


If this is something to be done, I would honestly suggest working with Susano so as not to duplicate effort between the two of you.


It would be something I'm interested in, though.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Mythic Hero: 25$

It turns out this isn't the book I was hoping for as I have no use for god stat blocks; but I'd be willing to pay/pledge $25 for Steve Long to research pantheons so don't have to.


Cyber Hero: Maaaaybe $25

I like the genre, but never managed to get into a game. It depends on my financial situation at the time of the kickstart as I'd be buying it to read, not to play.


Dark Champions: Zed, no interest.


STORMlords: $50

Easily the most interesting offering and I've been keeping an eye on it since it was first mentioned. If I'm feeling flush at the time of the kickstart, I could go $100.

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Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You?


Mythic Hero- Though the name really didn't tell me what the heck was in this book. When I read your synoposis in that "What shall I include" that was when I decided this book sounded great. I would buy this one. I would pledge $25 to get this done


Cyber Hero. Mike did a great Anime Cyberpunk meets Champions supplement in Kazei 5, but it would really cool to see a Cyber Hero that is more mainstream Cyberpunk. I would pledge $50 bucks to get this done


STORMlords: It sounds like fun. I love the mix of genres it would be worth $50 to see this made.


Kind of burnt on DkChamps. The main reason that I used the book in 5e was for the Gun List and Customization stuff. That's all in HS Equipment now IIRC.

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