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Redstone; once an ordinary space pirate, moderately successful, but that Big Score eluded him. His policy was to leave everyone alive, a tactic that kept him low on the list of pirates to capture, but also meant he only went after low risk jobs...


Until he found one of the legendary Stones Of AvarenShen, said to grant immeasurable power to those who find and unlock their secrets.


The stone slowly corrupted him even further, no longer content capture & release, small time smuggling, and just staying one step ahead. Redstone began a ruthless campaign of terror in the galaxy, amassing a fleet of dozens of ships now... 

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44 minutes ago, ghost-angel said:

Image source https://www.artstation.com/artwork/ky44n


have fun.

She is the top Russian super-agent whose code name translates to Blue Fist Iron Star (or In her own country Siniy Kulak Zhelizanyn Zyek, and prase to Google Translate). She prefers her entire code name to be shouted, and dislikes anyone using a nickname (but they call her Siniy behind her back, and the English speakers mistake it for Shiny).


She is a bonified Russian superhero. She is formally of the military (and was let go when she lost her left arm, luckily for her a friend made her an artificial arm which can still change her powers through), and uses military tactics and her ability to charge blue energy through her arms to fight crime in Moscow.

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3 hours ago, ghost-angel said:

Stalin's Fist


How she got her powers is unknown but the woman known as Stalin's Fist was seen from early 1943 after the fall of Stalingrad to the Russians until the end of the war. What happened to her afterwards is unknown but Stalin was paranoid and there were others who would do anything to protect their position. She was most often seen leading a second or third attack if an initial one was repulsed. Those who served with her said that bullets seemed to miss her in the same way that they avoided Wyatt Earp. She often recommended other soldiers for decorations in action whilst declining ones for herself.

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Meet Wendy, the messenger of Death.


The Messengers are those who bring the soul to their afterlives.  Wendy died in the 1800's but death found her cheerful attitude so amusing he made her one of his agents.  Now she helps souls to move on to their next life, often helping them get closer before hand (Helps them do that last errant, say goodbye to someone they love, etc...).  She does her best to make people realize death is not scary, just another part of life as such...


I'm thinking of her like the old Cain and Able from Houses of Mystery and Secrets, where each of her stories start with her claiming the soul of someone, then we get to see an interesting story about their life...Often with a little bit of unfinished business getting done in the end (The weeping Widow smells a trace of her husband's cologne and knows it's going to be okay...)

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2 hours ago, JmOz said:

As I had the only entry, I am calling myself the winner

For mine I found this, I was kind of looking for a blank slate to submit,,,


See the source image

Congratulations on being the winner. I was waiting for that one more entery, and got distracted by things. The current distraction is Dome City.


Anyways, this group is called The Omegas. Father Omaga is a speedster who can run up walls and across water. Mother Omaga shoots energy bolts from her forehead and can fly. Miss. Omaga is superhumanly strong and nigh invulnerable, which ticks her off cause she wanted something cool and feminine as a power, like force fields and invisability. And finally there is Kid Omaga, who is hyper intelligence and hyper dexterous.


This family won there powers from the gameshow So You Want To Be A Superhero. They are contracted to use there powers for the greater good, or they will be repossessed.

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I totally want to be a contestant on So You Want To Be A Superhero.  :D


The O'Malleys were driving through Nevada on their way to California for Jim O'Malley's mother's funeral, when their car suddenly died.  Then, the doors all locked and the radio began flipping between stations, playing just a word or phrase at a time.  "You... will not... be... harmed... you... will... listen... you... will... decide..."  Then, a bright light shone on the road in front of them, and to their surprise Nana O'Malley was standing there, carrying a large parcel and a small picnic basket.


As she walked up to the car, Jim's window lowered an inch.  Nana O'Malley smiled.  "Jimmy, so nice to see you.  And my, how you kids have grown!  What are you, now, Tim, thirteen?  What a handsome young man you are!  I'm sorry I missed your high school graduation last month, Jenny, but I just couldn't travel."  Almost as an afterthought, she added, "Heather, you're looking good."


"Mom," said Jim, "what are you... I thought..." 

"Yes, I'm dead," she said.  "My own darn fault for smoking all those years.  But these nice alien folks came down and picked me up, said they're going to take me to a better place.  Before we go, though, I need to give you these."  She nodded at the parcel.  "They're suits, with incredible powers.  You need to use them to save the world.  There's going to be a big war if you don't find a way to stop it. I'm not sure how, but the suits will help.  I'll just put these in the trunk." She turned toward the back of the car, then stopped and waved the picnic basket.  "Oh, and I made some cookies for your trip.  I know how much you all like my snickerdoodles.  Heather, I put the recipe inside the basket, not that I expect you to use it.  But maybe Jenny might try it someday."


After she placed the parcel and basket in the trunk (which had seemingly opened of its own accord), she walked back to Jim's window.  "Now, you be the brave, strong man I know you to be, Jimmy.  And you kids, listen to your parents and do good.  I'm sure I'm going to be so proud of you."  Another pause.  "Heather, I suppose you'll do as well."  She walked away, ignoring Jim's pleas for her to stop and the family's failed attempts to unlock and open the car doors.  When she got to the center of the beam of light, Nana O'Malley turned back, smiled and waved... and disappeared. 


And thus was born The Omicron Family, aka the Greatest American Family.  Thankfully, they didn't lose the instruction manuals. (Well, Timmy misplaced his, but it helped having three other copies.) Using the suits, they managed to stop a rogue Air Force general from starting World War III, and went on to do many amazing things. 

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I'd like to start by stating how completely weird it is for suits to have belly buttons, and it verges on creepy when you realize it's just the women's suits.


Omni; She was just a normal teenager in the year 2243, well until her powers manifested. And what a doozy that set of powers was. She could channel past lives into new physical bodies. Each past life a superhero in their own right. Sometimes the change was weird, like Andrew, the telepath, could only be channeled as his 10 year old self. She gets flashes of their lives when she shifts, past heroic deeds, successes and failures. These flashes have given her experience far beyond her years in the continuing battle against Mechanon...

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The Over Family


Just as the Lethal Legion had the heroes of Crescent City defeated and the populace at their mercy the Over Family came to the rescue. The super strong and resiliant Over Man. His wife, the psionically gifted Over Maiden, Their son, the lightning wielding Over Lad and their daughter the speedster Over Lass. The Over Family quickly became the most celebrated heroes in the city. Unbeknownst to all however was that this seemingly heroic family had escaped from an alternate dimension in which they were  Uber Mensch, Uber Madchen, Uber Junge and Uber Madel the genetically modified enforcers of the Fourth Reich, which in their world dominated the world until being overthrown by the resistance. They now plan to maintain their popularity and gain the trust of the citizens and governments to use this to eventually attempt to takeover and rule  this reality.

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Her name is Jamie Stephens, aka Rumble.  A member of Battleforce Titan, she possesses the strength of twenty men, and can outfight twice that many.  Her costume incorporates a force-field generator that protects her from all but the strongest of impacts.  She's still in high school, and an honor student to boot--not an easy status to maintain when she has to rush off every now and again to save the city/the nation/the world.

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As no one else has posted, and over a week has passed, I will claim my victory.  Thank You, Quackhell, for posting a nifty image.  I'm sorry it didn't get more responses, but I figure that like with Monsieur Valliant and Zenith X earlier in this thread, I got it right the first try.  :winkgrin:


Anyway, here's the next image--



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(Because you know American Eagle was taken) When you absolutely, positively need to look evil in the eye and punch it in the face. Repeatedly. It is the American Way. And not shooting people because only the cops are covered for that. You have to be American to fight evil. And you have to be buff. Really buff. Because it shows off the suit really well if you are buff. It make the chicks come over all peculiar. It does help that the suit is bullet proof. That upsets the guys with AK47s no end. Until they are punched unconscious.

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Captain Flashpants is a speedster whose costume pants were stolen during his first outing as a hero. The photo made all the tabloids and the name he'd picked for himself was never published. After fighting a losing battle with the press, he's finally embraced the name which he was given.


But now he wears a unitard in an attempt to avoid future embarrassment.

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On ‎8‎/‎7‎/‎2019 at 1:21 PM, wcw43921 said:

As no one else has posted, and over a week has passed, I will claim my victory.  Thank You, Quackhell, for posting a nifty image.  I'm sorry it didn't get more responses, but I figure that like with Monsieur Valliant and Zenith X earlier in this thread, I got it right the first try.  :winkgrin:


Anyway, here's the next image--





///A.T.L.A.S Intelligence Document Clearance Level Amber///


The following is a transcript of a conversation between Arnold Tanner and Dr. Krista Patel of Project: Blue Boy. Location: Arizona facility designated The Mesa. Lunchroom. Date and time: Friday July 12th at 1246.


Patel: "So what is it you don't like about the suit?"


Tanner: "Where do I even begin?"

Patel: "Never mind I don't..."


Tanner: "The mask, why in the world did we bother with a micro fiber ultramanium mesh armor if they are going to leave mouth and eyes exposed! Any dime store hood could put him down with a half way decent shot."


Patel: "Dime store hood? What are you Mickey Spillane? Besides you have to let the public see his face. Look at that heroic chin and those piercing eyes. I mean why do you think that got an actor to be in the suit in the first place. It's all about image and he looks damn good in the suit."


Tanner: "Oh great so that's all that matters. He goes up against somebody like Omega Black and he'll be a good looking corpse."


Patel: "Well if it's Omega Black it will be more like a charred corpse. I mean...closed casket for sure."


Tanner: "Not. The. Point. I mean this is what happens those idiots in marketing make decisions. Like those stupid little wings? They don't even do anything."


Patel: "It's, ya know, a classic design. It's a homage."


Tanner: "It's a rip-off by unimaginative hacks. This whole project is a joke. How about the name. The Victorion. Sounds like he should be wearing a monocle and drinking tea and crumpets."


Patel: "I mean it's not great but it's supposed to invoke the idea of victory. Plus, all the good names are taken."


Tanner: "Now you take this tech, the internalized power source, strength and reflex augmenting exoskeleton, the maser array gauntlets, the solid light shield..."


Patel: "The shield is glitchy."


Tanner: "Not. The. Point. If you take that tech to M.A.L.I.C.E they make a serious weapon and we would get compensated a whole lot better. I gotta tell ya all the money being pumped into this project sure isn't trickling down to the ones who made the damn thing. Patriotism doesn't pay the rent."


Patel: "Nice rant. Listen you work for M.A.L.I.C.E and you end up in jail or in a shallow grave. So you have you super-villain fantasies and enjoy the rest of that egg salad, I am heading back to the lab."


Tanner: "I'm just saying is all............stupid little wings."


End Transcript


Recommended Action: Transfer Tanner to Greenland facility designation The Ice Box. Promote Patel to project head. Oh and maybe lose the wings.


///A.T.L.A.S Intelligence Document Clearance Level Amber///

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