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19 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Anybody watch the first Republican "debate?"


I wanted to keep dinner inside.


Oh, and US officials now believe an explosion brought down the aircraft in Russia with Prigozhin reportedly aboard.  What caused the explosion...we probably won't know, there's plenty of ways to do it.  And Russia isn't going to exactly go out of its way to determine the cause.


The known humanitarian, Mr. V. Putin, had this to say:



“This was a person with a complicated fate,” Mr. Putin said. “He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results.”


Yeah, I think we can all name one of em..............

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45 minutes ago, Hermit said:


I saw a clip where candidates were asked if they'd support Trump even if he was convicted. Only TWO refused to support Trump if he was convicted. I confess, I got ill at that.



This point alone is all that's needed to show the state of the "law and order" party.

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23 hours ago, Hermit said:


I saw a clip where candidates were asked if they'd support Trump even if he was convicted. Only TWO refused to support Trump if he was convicted. I confess, I got ill at that.


None of them raised a hand when asked if they believed in climate change.  The GOP is now literally the mass extinction party.

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Edited by Bazza
Don't know how this happened. Cannot remove. Apologies for posting. Tried multiple browsers and operating systems to delete. Accidentally posted to the wrong thread. Can a mod/admin edit/remove/delete for me? Thanks. Send direct message to Hermit & Dan.
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Bomb threats hit California library after Moms for Liberty group kicked out: report


A public library in California has been hit with a series of bomb threats after it kicked out a group of supporters of the right-wing Moms for Liberty that was meeting there, reported the Sacramento Bee.


The Mary L. Stephens Davis Library in Davis was evacuated Monday morning after receiving a threat filled with anti-LGBTQ slurs, and students at a nearby high school and elementary school sheltered in place after the bomb threat, reported the Sacramento Bee.


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2 hours ago, Cygnia said:

And more and more, it's not even their parent's deity.  It's Becky-Sue Karen's from three counties' over.


If not even 3 states over, although that's typically ad money for issues.  


There's a growing problem, tho, of...I can't even call it tyranny of the minority.  More like tyranny of the unary.  Single (or very small numbers of) individuals who use the mechanisms in place to advance their agenda.


I'm seriously dreading the day when someone actually carries out one of these threats.  I'm also kinda glad I'm not in high school any more...




10% of high schools use random metal detectors.  60% do random drug sweeps, 1/3 do random contraband sweeps.  What does that tell the students, how does it impact their outlook on society?  It supports the notion of fear, to me...and that's advancing the Republican agenda of a corporate-police state.

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