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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


The last Hubble Servicing Mission was launched today with Atlantis.


I was at the meeting in January 1994 ... over 15 years back now ... when they announced the results of the first servicing. Near the end of the talk, after the ooh-aah pretty pictures from the newly corrected optics, the reporters and spouses and other non-astronomers were baffled near the end when the scientists (myself among them) broke into spontaneous applause at an ugly, skimpily-labeled black-and-white Y-versus-X dot diagram put up on screen ... applause that had not happened for the earlier pretties.


But in that diagram, there ... there, for the first time ... was the science the telescope was supposed to be able to do, science that could not be done from the ground or from any other orbiting instrument that had yet flown. For over a decade the community had waited for that, tormented by the heartbreaking disappointment in the discovery of the misfigured primary mirror, ... and there in one casual working diagram was the irrefutable evidence that HST was, indeed, going to be the Great Observatory everyone hoped for.


When the data-handling hardware gave out last fall, science from the telescope went into arrest. We shall see in the coming month or so if the old lady can be woken for another few years of things we have never been able to see before.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Got back from three day trip late last night. A university flew me out of state for an interview, and I think it went great. I don't say that easily given my naturally cynical and pessimistic perspective (no, it's true!). Perhaps more importantly, I like it there and think i could be happy there for the long term, something I never felt here. My current job was simply a 'take whatever you can' position.


I'm feeling very good right now. :bounce:


And that is despite the bovine scat that i came back to. I was awakened by a phone call telling me to go to a different branch because the Headquarters branch, which was supposed to be opening this week, is still not ready. They discovered yet another problem. Ridiculous. :rolleyes:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A co-worker sent me an adopt-a-pet page spotlighting a dog that her mom wants to adopt. At the bottom of the page were other pets, including a cat that looks like Hitler. I clicked on his picture to read his story. My heart broke.


Someone go adopt Willie. I can't because I'm not in Iowa. :(

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


For sheer fun, listening to Japanese being taught English is hard to beat. Partly because they put it to music in order to repeat it.

And such useful phrases like

'Two men robbed me'

'Please spare my life'


but this one beats all. Everyone after me

'I have a bad case of diarrohea'

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


It's not that I'd want to be anyone else.


I'd like to be more successful at being myself.


Lucius Alexander


You wouldn't believe how helpful it is sometimes to have a palindromedary.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


We had a lecture on the vomiting reflex on friday ("Eating is dangerous!" -- BBE), in which we learned the secret behind one our most beloved summer folksongs, Uti vår hage.


Uti vår hage där växa blå bär.

Kom hjärtansfröjd!

Vill du mig något, så träffas vi där.

Kom liljor och akvileja, kom rosor och salivia!

Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtansfröjd!


Fagra små blommor där bjuda till dans.

Kom hjärtansfröjd!

Vill du, så binder jag åt dig en krans.

Kom liljor och akvileja, kom rosor och salivia!

Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtansfröjd!


Kransen den sätter jag sen i ditt hår.

Kom hjärtansfröjd!

Solen den dalar, men hoppet uppgår.

Kom liljor och akvileja, kom rosor och salivia!

Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtansfröjd!


Uti vår hage finns blommor och bär.

Kom hjärtansfröjd!

Men utav alla du kärast mig är.

Kom liljor och akvileja, kom rosor och salivia!

Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtansfröjd!


Basically, it's a list of herbs used for abortion.

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