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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was talking about Stargate: Universe and a topic related to my thoughts about the Lovecraft Mythos for my (hopefully actually upcoming) Post Apoc steam-punk game sparked a thought.


Godhood is sign one has moved up the Kardashev scale.


The ability to conceptualize something like the Kardashev scale is the first step towards recognizing that higher beings may not, in fact, be gods.


The Elder Race were probably a K1.X civilization in decline.

The Great Old Ones vary, but range from K1-K2

The Elder Gods are pretty much up in the K3-K4 range, as are the elusive "Outer Gods"

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just heard this today on my birthday present.

I post it in honor of my friend Hermit. Even if he might not feel the same way :)


The Fence

By Tim Minchin


Somewhere in your wardrobe I'd be willing to bet

There's a t-shirt probably bearing the silhouette of Che Guevara


He was revolutionary, yeah, he wore a cool hat

But behind the design I think you might find it's not quite as simple as that


Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe

Che was a bit of a homophobe, Che was a bit of a homophobe



This is my song in defence of the fence

A little sing along, a tribute to ambivalence

The more you know the harder you will find it

To make up your mind it doesn't really matter if you find

You can't see which grass is greener

Chances are it's neither and either way it's easier

To see the difference when you're sitting on the fence


Somewhere in your house I'd be willing to bet

There's a picture of that grinning hippy from Tibet - the Dalai Llama


He's a lovely, funny fella, he does good stuff galore

But let's not forget that back in Tibet those funky monks used to **** the poor yeah


And the bullsh*t line about future lives is the perfect way to stop the powerless rising up

And he tells the poor they will live again, cos he's rich now so it's easy for him to say



I'm taking a stand in defence of the fence

I got a little band playing anthems to ambivalence

We divide the world into terrorists and heroes

Into normal folk and weirdos, into good people and pedos

Into things that give you cancer and the things that cu-ure cancer

And the things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance they will cause cancer in the future

We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened

Into wrong and into right and into black and into white and

Into real men and fairies, into status quo and scary

Yeah we want the world binary, binary, but it's not that simple.

And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

Yea your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

And your dog has a bigger carbon footprint than a four wheel drive

Well so does your baby, maybe you oughta trade HIM in for a Prius




I'm taking a stand in defence of the fence

I got a little band playing tributes to ambivalence

We divide the world into liberals and gun-freaks

Into atheists and fundies, into tee-tot'lers and junkies

Into chemical and natural, into fictional and factual

Into science and supernatural, but it's actually naturally not that white and black


You'll be

Dividing us into terrorists and heroes

Into normal folk and weirdos, into good people and paedos

Into things that give you cancer and the things that cu-ure cancer

And things that don't cause cancer, but there's a chance that in the future

We divide the world to stop us feeling frightened

Into wrong and into right and into black and into white and

Into real men and fairies, into status quo and scary

Yeah we want the world binary, binary, 00 11 - 01!

The more you know the harder you will find it

To make up your mind it doesn't really matter if you find

You can't see which grass is greener

Chances are it's neither and either way it's easier

To see the difference when you're sitting on the fence

Cause it's not that simple.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I met Ron in the computer lab my first year at the university. He may have been the first friend I made there. He was easy to notice because he was always in there--and by always, I mean always, afternoon, after dinner, after midnight. He was certainly having more fun in the lab than I was. One day I leaned over and asked him what game he was playing. "Nethack," he grunted. After that, well, I found myself spending a lot of time in the computer lab too.


Ron and I suffered through the computer science curriculum together, as well as Nethack and Conquer and many games of SFB and Car Wars. Through him I met most of the people that today are my best friends. He was always kind of a punk, prone to little practical jokes. He liked to get a rise out of people, including me. But he always knew when to break it off, too.


I got in the habit of bumming rides from Ron on Friday afternoons, because otherwise I'd have to take a city bus that was full of private high school kids that were, frankly, awful. He always said it was on his way, but it really, realy wasn't. I never pressed the point, though, because I needed the ride.


So we'd talk for half an hour about photon torpedoes and Nethack Random Dick Factor and whatever the plan was for that evening. I think, or hope, that Ron liked the company. But he also got a kick out of dropping me off, because the A/C in his car was set to "Arctic", and when I got out of his car, my glasses would fog up. He thought that was the funniest thing. Well, if that was the price of the ride, I thought, so be it.


It was early on Friday morning when the civil defense sirens announced the approach of Hurricane Iniki. I froze up for a few minutes, wondering what to do. Then I glanced at the clock--Ron was due to end his graveyard shift in a few minutes. There weren't going to be any classes today. I got my stuff together and hurried up to the computer lab.


I actually got there a couple of minutes late, but there he was, as always, as though nothing out of the ordinary was going on. He didn't even look up, and before I could say anything, he said, "I was wondering when you were going to get here. Give me five minutes to finish up and we'll go." That was Ron: I didn't even have to ask.


So once again Ron drove way the hell out of his way to take me home, this time as a major storm was bearing down. I don't remember what we talked about other than that it wasn't the hurricane. But thanks to him I got home in 30 minutes rather than two hours, which was a big deal under the circumstances.


It's hard to believe it's been over six years since Ron died. We had gradually drifted apart after he dropped out of school, and he spent an awful lot of time in bars. Hardly anyone knew he had high blood pressure, and I really don't think he told anyone just how bad it was.


The resulting stroke and brain hemorrhage were devastating. I remember looking at his monitor in the ICU; his blood pressure was so high the line was transposed on the readout above it. I tried to be casual about leaving, shaking his hand and making some comment about seeing him later, but my voice cracked as I said it, because I knew he was already gone. I rushed out of the room, and that was the last I saw of him.


Now and then something, or nothing, will remind me of Ron. I often wonder where he'd be now, and what games he'd be playing, if he hadn't been killed by Nethack Random Dick Factor. And I'll always remember the way he laughed when my glasses fogged up, that day when Iniki hit.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


9/11/11 isn't even here yet, and already I'm sick of it. Don't get me wrong; it was a tragedy that changed my nation seemingly forever and not for the better. It was a time of heroes and I honor them. I'm delighted the new WTC seems to be looking nice as it (finally) goes up. Heck, I even wrote a 'draft' with 9-11 as a setting. Of couse, when that draft was going on I didn't realize the media would be beating the September 11th stuff near 24/7 on the news for two weeks before the date even rolled around.


I feel a bit bad about this... it makes me feel like an insensitive jerk to say it, but good grief when september 11 DOES get here I'll probably put something in the DVD totally unrelated to it or go out to a movie if I can afford it. ANYTHING to get away from the media clumsy attempts to play my heart strings for the last month.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


One of the guys in my Tuesday night gaming group is a Star Wars re-enactor. As in, he has his own Stormtrooper armor and is in a club with several other guys who do appearances as a Stormtrooper unit for various SW-related things.

Well, this weekend, Weird Al Yankovic came to Vegas for his Alpocalypse tour and one of the encore songs was "The Saga Begins" (the one where he does the story of The Phantom Menace to the tune of 'American Pie').

And they had the Stormtrooper unit on stage with him, at first standing at attention and then bobbing their heads with the music and finally putting on a choreographed dance.

My friend had one of his friends record the thing on his iPhone so he could show it to me tonight, but I don't know if it's been made public.



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