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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I was thinking how I loathe physical mail, I hate to receive it, I don't want to get it, I don't really like checking it out. At work my physical mail will sit for days.


Whereas with e-mail, I greet it eagerly, looking for the wonders it brings.


It has a lot to do with my younger days when physical mails were more often notes about bills long owed.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I've come to the: Always someone worse theory.


I've been at my office for 8 years.

In that time there has invariably been the low rung on the social ladder. Someone who simply annoys, angers, or frustrates me and my other co-workers. However, often my management hires someone worse and suddenly all our efforts go to despising the new hire and we embrace our former bane as "Not so bad".


Then the new hire leaves and the Not so bad is redirected back to object of revulsion. Its kind of sad to watch in action really...

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Forgive me, America, for I have sinned.


I feel like I committed an atrocity against the world in November of 2000. I was one of the millions who was duped into the lies about Al Gore, how he sold nuclear secrets to the Chinese, about how he was going to rip away Freedom of Speech on the Internet, about how he was going to destroy the rights of law abiding citizens to possess guns, about how he was going to drive America into the dark ages with draconian energy laws.


This was before I learned about stuff like Enron. This was before I realized that it's been nearly four years and Bush hasn't done a thing to curtail the utterly stupid 10-round magazine law. This was before I realized that Bush took the world's good will and allegiance against the terrorists who struck on 9/11, and defiled it with monkey feces by waging a third-rate vendetta against a fourth-world dictator who wasn't even a tenth as threatening a force as Mussolini's end of the Axis powers.


This was before nearly 1000 American servicemen were slaughtered at the rate of four a day on average, and thousands more crippled. This was before Bush lit off the fuses on a boatload of psychopaths to commence the slaughter of Iraqi citizens. This was before Bush wrote a memorandum to John Ashcroft, exempting terrorists from American and international laws forbidding torture of prisoners. This was before I saw Bush kissing the ring of the Saudi Prince, calling a man who beheads and mutilates common criminals, who denies women and minorities the vote, who allows the execution of women if they are rape victims, calling this unholy, murderous excuse for a human being "a staunch defender of human rights."


I voted for this man, expecting him to live up to the ideal of the kind of conservatism I identify with - individuality, non-governmental interference, trust of the common American citizen and adhering to their wishes. Instead, I have seen the environment poisoned, "private" organizations threatening those who engage in dissident speech against him, the PATRIOT Act stripping the rights of common American citizens, and have heard lies about weapons of mass destruction and close, conspiratorial lies about collusion between the Iraqi government and Al-Quaeda.


My God... if I could wash this sin from my soul, if I could turn back the clock and put someone else, someone with honesty, courage, veracity, compassion, and dedication to American freedoms in charge of the United States, if I could just remove the past four years of history by putting a bullet through my brain, I'd suck an Uzi for the length of a whole magazine. As it is, I can see myself, after my death, just having this as being the sin that makes St. Peter look down upon me and say "GO TO HELL! Do you realize what you've done to mankind with your vote?"


Because I do realize what a sin I've committed. I was only just one poor dupe who voted for this man, but I feel the crushing weight of that sin when I hear rumors that a US Marine has been decapitated by sociopaths protesting our presence in a part of the world we should have let drop to the depths of hell, especially since we had that country sewn up tighter than a frog's rectum. I feel my heart being torn out when I read in the newspapers that three more Marines have been killed by a psychopath's car bomb, that I was the damned fool responsible for their deaths, all because I couldn't stomach the concept of President Al Gore, the soulless, stiff robot who would run only because Bill Clinton couldn't run for a third term and continue to make our nation stronger economically. My soul bleeds like a stuck pig when I learn about another stack of Enron-style swindling garbage, or a Vice President being tried for wrongdoing by the same Supreme Court judges who go out duck hunting with him on weekends.


I feel like I've sinned big time, and I don't know how to make it better, because nothing I can do can make up for the fact that without my vote, nearly a thousand brave American men and women wouldn't have been ambushed and murdered for over a year, over five thousand more would be able to walk and see and hear and use their hands if I hadn't thought one damned, despicable thought.


"How bad could a convicted drunk driver be as President?"


I hate this feeling. I hate myself for having been one part of hurting the whole world. Someone tell me how to scoop back the entrails of my gutted soul back into its rended belly and sew everything back into place, because I don't know what to do, except just confess this living agony that has haunted me for years.


Douglas P. Wojtowicz, sinner.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Can anyone help me:

When did the term "the environment" replace/mean "nature"?


I'm reading a book by a Britain who joined the Green Party. He pointed the above out but didn't give any history. I'm curious about it. "The environment" is a term we use in daily language, and after having it pointed out to me, a feel the term is ridiculous. Why not just say nature. It's simpler and more correct, as environment can mean any environment, not just the natural environment the term defaults too.


If any can help answer my curiosity, it would be appreciated.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Just a quick reminder. You're not to reply to other musings with your own musings in this thread.


Take that bang! over to the other thread. ;)

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