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Superdraft: All Your Earths are Belong to V'han!


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Card draw: 18.png


Spade (or, perhaps, "spayed").  Fritz the Cat makes the ultimate sacrifice, as described a page or so back.  Because a real sacrifice is one the sacrificer has to live with.



Option 2: Rat Fink, announced as Commander East Cattitude Occupation Forces during the early phases of the invasion.  The cats panicked when they realized that "rat fink" is just an earlier version of "narc".


Option 3: The mad genius of Cheshire Cat and Emperor Krosp's ability to recognize and use mad genius led the two to realize there was a McGuffin that could save their world ... they just had to go to Germany and recruit him from Koppelberg Hill.  Happily, they could break the Fourth Wall and talk to me, who's been there.


Savior of that degenerate segment of Earth: legendary figure, the Pied Piper of Hamelin.


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By the way, Magneto is making the ultimate sacrifice, giving the last moments of his life to pull the remaining adamantium out of the Borg.


Leeloo takes on Ultron, separating him from the Borg, and breaking control on the Ravagers.  Optimus Prime and Terminator do battle with them.


Meanwhile, the Borg gets taken over by Brainiac


Is that better?????

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25 minutes ago, Psybolt said:

By the way, Magneto is making the ultimate sacrifice, giving the last moments of his life to pull the remaining adamantium out of the Borg.


Leeloo takes on Ultron, separating him from the Borg, and breaking control on the Ravagers.  Optimus Prime and Terminator do battle with them.


Meanwhile, the Borg gets taken over by Brainiac


Is that better?????


Nope. Brainiac is far more dangerous than Ultron. In one cartoon Brainiac collected bottled cities like the one from Krypton. Ultron would more likely raze everything to the ground (more predictable). 

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Colonel Braxton Bragg looked over his post from the height granted by the shoulder
of the Enforcer robot he used as his command vehicle. His men moved with purpose.
Vehicles and armor were positioned to shoot at the target in the center of the ring of
steel he had thrown up.


No one fired. Everyone was ready to fight, but Bragg had ordered a siege after the 
first attack had ended in destruction for most of his armor and a warning had been
issued in the air by a glowing symbol in the sky.


None of the buildings in the new city had been touched by the fighting as far as he
could tell.


He didn’t know what the response would have been if his men had hit one of the
buildings with their energy weapons and missiles. He had a feeling he didn’t want to
find out.


He contemplated the city and thought about the orders that had brought him here.

A city had appeared in the middle of nowhere. Nothing uncommon about that. Whole
peoples had been transplanted to the Earth from the various Ley storms that roared
along opening gates to anywhere. Things had settled down, but monsters and
inhuman creatures still showed up that needed to be stamped out.


The city, Metroville, had landed close to the Coalition held territories. Chi-Town had
ordered Bragg’s division to take it over, clamp down on any civilian population, kill
anything not human enough, burn anything that wasn’t useful to their science


The initial assault seemed easy enough to do. A wall surrounded the towers, but there
was an absence of weapons pointing away from the city. The plan was a flyover with
Samas and bombers to soften the target while giant bots like his Enforcer and mobile
artillery pieces punched holes in the walls for ground forces to swarm in and take the
city block by block.


Anti-magic forces were to be moved in as quick as possible to shut down a magic
response to the invasion.


Everything went wrong as soon as the first Samas pilot fired his railgun at a target
over the wall.


A wall made of the same repeating symbol of a cross with a loop at the top leaped
into existence to protect the city. The railgun bullet was stopped cold by the field.

Bragg ordered his armor to attack. The combined firepower should have punched a
hole through the wall at ground level with his psychics trying to suppress the magic
with their minds.


Something resembling a pink blur came out of the city and his vehicles turned into
debris as he watched. His own Enforcer had an arm ripped off and used to trip the
giant robot.


ATTACKS THE CITY,” said a voice in the air. “THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING


After that, Bragg pulled back to ring the city with replacements for his division. He
had requested more troops to fill out the living wall he was constructing. Engineers
had been flown in to design a barricade to keep the city residents from leaving, and
any forces inimical to the Coalition outpost out.


Samas flew day and night to keep flying machines from the city so it couldn’t get
supplies flown over the wall.


The problem was the city was built on a nexus point and the occasional storm
attracted monsters to the area. His psychics and dog boys were kept busy running
down predators while the regiment kept an eye on the city.


The first time a giant monster appeared, Bragg had readied to fight. Another giant
from inside the city killed it and took it into the sky after a fierce battle. The colonel
had been glad to stand down, but requested more armor in case another one showed


The situation had stabilized for the last few months. People were getting into the city,
trading and leaving, and slipping away through the lines. Some settled down inside.
He had managed to get in two spies who sent reports on what was going on. They
painted a picture of a populace ready to fight for what they had, but growing their
own food and helping their neighbors. Troublemakers and predators who slipped
inside the city were hunted down and dealt with ruthlessly. A dragon terrorizing some
of the local ranchers was found with a hole where the front of its skull should be.


Bragg wondered what they had that could kill a dragon with one punch. That would
be great for the Coalition if it was a weapon they could take from the city.


The Battle of Metroville started with Bragg ruminating on what had gone on before
and what he could do to carry out his orders. His superiors had read and seen
everything he had sent. They still wanted him to crush this city somehow, and kill its


They had the luxury of living in Chi-Town, and didn’t care how many of his men they
wanted him to sacrifice.


He heard Dog Boys howling and looked around. What was going on?


“This is Metro One to Pack One,” he said into his helmet radio. “What’s going on?”


“The packs are picking up a heavy influx of magic energy coming down the pike,”
said Pack One, a psi-stalker named Kolchak. “Pack leaders and Auxiliaries are
reporting danger signals.”


Bragg heard a bell ringing over the camp. He knew that sound. He had heard it when
the giant had appeared to attack the city.


Metroville was going into emergency mode.


“This is Metro One to all units,” said Bragg. “Mount up. Launch air elements. Get
ready to repel the enemy. I repeat get ready to engage.”


Everywhere he looked men rushed to get to their machines so they could fight. Crews
not on rotation grabbed armor and weapons to suit up and defend themselves. One of
his psychics caught fire to power up.


“Message from Geddis,” reported Sgt. Harridan. “Should I read it in the clear?”


“Go ahead, Sergeant.” Bragg climbed into his machine, hitting switches to power it


Harridan made a sound at the end. “Dimensional force invading?”


“And it’s big enough to worry Metroville,” said Bragg. “All units brace for attack.
Kill anything that comes through a rift.”


Lightning played in the air. Holes opened above the encampment. Holes opened at
ground level. Then soldiers appeared. Everyone paused because the two armies hadn’t
expected to meet each other.


Bragg was quicker off the mark than his counterpart on the other side.


“Fire!,” he ordered through the net. He triggered the miniature missile system in the
torso of his robot. Ground troops flew from the impact. Energy weapons burned the
air as the armies exchanged fire.


“Star Fox is go,” sounded over the net. A squadron of four jet fighters joined the CS
elements in the air. Enemy fighters and troop ships blew apart under weapons fire.
“We’re clearing the air. Coalition elements look for stragglers.”


A pink stripe joined the fighters. The invaders suffered equipment losses as their
aircraft came apart under the flying thing’s touch.


“Metro One,” said Harridan over the net. “A giant monster is coming through the
biggest rift. Forward elements are sending reports. They are engaging, trying to keep
it on the other side of the rift.”


“Fox One,” said the lead pilot for Star Fox. “Commencing giant bombing run.”


Bragg used his rail gun on a low flying transport. It flew overhead as enemy fire from
ground forces chewed on his robot’s legs. He dropped a rocket on that patch of the
enemy with a satisfying thump.


His troops were surrounded with most of the armor pointing the wrong way. At least
the robots were able to turn around to support the ground troops. Air cover was
engaged with the enemy. Whomever cleared the sky first had the advantage.


Star Fox’s planes cleared a firing lane for their leader as he shot three spherical
torpedoes into the biggest rift. The overriding flashes blinded anyone without eye


“This is Metro One,” said Bragg. “Clear enemy forces as fast as you can.”


“We have negative impact here,” said Fox One. He pulled away from the rift instead
of flying through to the other side. “I repeat the target is still coming.”


“All CS elements, concentrate fire into the rift,” ordered Bragg. “Do not let that thing


He punched an enemy troop cart while firing all of the missiles in his shoulder
launchers. He didn’t worry if they were on target. Any damage done to the other side
of the rift was good.


Metroville stood inside the ring on two legs made of conglomerated buildings. It
flexed arms, as fists formed. A humanoid face rose from the chest of the thing.

The silver and red giant appeared beside the robotic city. Glowing eyes regarded
the rift as he fell into a fighting stance.


A giant thing three hundred feet tall came through the rift, pulling itself with its front
legs. The face resembled a bat’s. Its skin was gray and leprous looking. Something
fell off of it and attacked some of the nearby Coalition troops until they put it down
with laser fire.


Metroville opened fire with hundreds of kinetic and energy weapons on the giant
beast as it rushed toward the transformed city. The giant tried to get in the way, but
he was brushed aside. He had to leap so he didn’t fall on top of the forces still
fighting on the ground.


Bragg slumped in his control chair. How did they fight something like that. It ignored
their firepower easily. He didn’t see any way to stop it from killing all of his forces
unless he called for a withdrawal.


Some of his men were still fighting. He idly watched lasers and missiles being poured
into the thing. He couldn’t give up. There had to be a way to kill that thing.


A bald man appeared on the shoulder of the city robot. His cape whipped in the wind.
He leaped at the monster, swinging his fist at the creature’s head. The monster flipped
over and lay dead after it hit the ground.


Bragg let out a cheer. The tide had been turned instantly. He ordered a search for
survivors as the rifts closed on the invaders’ home. Technically he had helped the
enemy, but he was sure his report would not reflect that at all.


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46 minutes ago, Hermit said:

Please Double Check your lists make sure I haven't forgotten anything (or you haven't either ;)




My card was spades, not clubs. Otherwise it checks out.


Option 1 is a new protagonist, Ireland's unofficial flagsuit Shamrock!



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Catching Up.

Option #2: 

Rounding out the Zoo Crew, Rova Barkitt aka Yankee Poodle





Team rounded out we can now deal with the events!






And Captain Carrot's distraction regarding Wonder Wabbit seems to doom the Earth. Distracted, he is whooped by Thunderbunny and captured.

Missing their most powerful guardian, the Zoo Crew's ability to protect Earth C is rapidly disintegrating.



But when all things look dark. There is a light in the fog.  And when evil is on top it's time to root for....


The Under Dog




Final Option Pick. 


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Victor and his cadre were just wrapping up their meeting when the sounds of a scuffle erupted outside. Before they could make the door, a tall, broad-shouldered man let himself in, accompanied by several others in combat gear.


"Kaufmann!", Victor exclaimed.


"That's 'President-for-Life-and-de facto-Ruler-of-the-Civilized-World Kaufmann', if you please."


"What do you want?"


"The same thing you want. To save the word from the coming invasion. The way I see it, we can really help each other."


"A 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' scenario?" Magneto suggested. 


"Just so."


"Except that you have no friends," White Adam retorted. "You have enemies, and you have subordinates."


"Quibble, quibble. It goes with the position, I'm afraid. You'd do the same, were our places reversed."


"It would be a twisted world indeed where our positions were reversed," Victor said. "But you're here. Say what you have to say, so we can show you out and get on with saving the world."


"Such hostility," the Golden Avenger replied. "Relax, Victor. I'm not here to threaten you or to disrupt your operations. I'm here to save your butts. Next time, show a little gratitude."


"I'm not staying here to listen to this," Adam said, turning to leave.


"Stay," Victor entreated him. "Let's hear him out. So, what are your intentions, Kaufmann?"


"It's simple, really, You don't want Istvatha V'han taking over the world. I don't want her taking over the world either. We have a common goal. There's no reason not to combine our resources to achieve that goal."


"So, we help you drive the Empress away, and then you betray us when it's all over? Is that it?"


"What betrayal? We work together to dive the Empress away. That's it. After that, I go back to ruling the world cleanly and efficiently like I have for the past 20 years, and you go back to trying to stop me, like you've been doing for the past 20 years. That's all."


"And what do you have to contribute?"


"Manpower." He smiled a brief smile of satisfaction. "It's like the ancient Egyptians said: There's nothing you can't accomplish when you have vision, determination, and an inexhaustible supply of expendable labor."  Adam cringed visibly. 


"So your contribution is to send millions of men and women to their deaths?"


"V'han is coming. Millions of deaths are a statistical inevitability at this point. The only questions are who is going to die, and what are they going to be doing when it happens? Who would you rather have dying in droves, soldiers or civilians?"


All manner of debate broke out over this. Kaufmann let them go for a few moments, then decided it was time to rein them in. "Look," he nearly shouted." You don't like me, you don't trust me, some of you probably even want to kill me. Fine. But the important thing right now is this: Do you want to kill me more than you want to stop the Empress? I doubt it. So let's get past the name-calling and get down to saving the world. It'll be easier with your help, but I'll do it without you if I have to."


"Fine," Victor acquiesced. "Let's see what your troop numbers look like...."



Option (Ally): Golden Avenger and P.R.I.M.U.S.



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The invasion came, as they suspected it would, with Mary Marvel in the vanguard. Not knowing where, exactly, the invaders would strike, it took the heroes almost seven minutes to respond once the breach had been opened over Nairobi. Nine square kilometers of the city had been obliterated by the time they arrived. 


The heroes engaged the invaders, attacking enemy troops and trying to evacuate civilians from the carnage. In the midst of the chaos, Adam spotted Mary Marvel atop a hill in the center of the battle zone.


"Take care of the rest," he called back to the others, leaping into flight. "Mary is mine!"


"I'm afraid I can't allow that." A streak of white, moving almost faster than even he could see, struck Adam down and drove him into the ground, leaving a 50-meter furrow behind them. Galatea stood in the air above him, smiling smugly down at him. "You belong to me."


 With the swiftness of Horus, Adam launched forth from the hole in which he found himself and slammed into Galatea. The impact sent them both sprawling, but seemed to leave her little the worse for wear. The battle was now truly joined.


For several minutes, the two titans battled, knocking each other all over the city and causing untold destruction in their wake. Glass shattered with each punch, and buildings collapsed under the strain of their impacts. In time it became clear that while Adam was holding his own, he could not do so indefinitely. She was just too powerful.


"Just give up," she offered cheerily. "You know you'll never beat me. Why fight it? Join the Empress. Right now, you're just a king over a small backwater country. Help us, and you could be viceroy over a continent."


"My conscience is my kingdom," he replied, "and I will not sell it to the likes of you and your Empress."


"That's the problem, really," Galatea said. "You represent the gods and heroes of this world. But there can be no gods or heroes before Istvatha V'han. So you'll have to change your allegiance, and serve the Empress instead."


"It will never happen," Adam replied defiantly. "I will resist you to my last breath."


"Have it your way," she said flatly. Twin beams of crimson energy burst forth from her eyes and pierced Adam's heart. He fell, his eyes still open in shock.




The cry was nearly deafening. Victor was the first to identify where it had come from:


Mary Marvel.


She floated, seemingly transfixed, with an unearthly light in her eyes. Her movements were stilted and uncertain, but only for a moment.


Taking her completely by surprise, Mary flew and struck Galatea broadside, driving her into a nearby hill. Before she could arise, Mary was there, striking her with punches that could level city blocks.  Galatea fought her way to her feet, only to find that May had maneuvered herself behind her and caught her in a subdual hold.


Her voice echoing like a landslide, Mary Marvel cried out, "SHAZAM!"


Lightning struck Galatea, racking her body with electric agony. Her screams caused everyone around them to cover their ears.


Mary wasn't finished. Flying high in the air, Galatea still firmly in hand, she shouted once again: "SHAZAM!"


Five more times Mary Marvel did this, each time causing Galatea greater suffering. After the seventh time, Mary calmly reached her hand across Galatea's face and jerked it violently back and to the side. The sickening crack was audible from the ground below.


Mary released her hold and Galatea fell, a puppet with its strings cut. She landed, a charred and mangled heap, on the ground below.


Mary Marvel, moving seemingly not of her own volition, descended slowly to the ground and landed before the very surprised Victor von Doom.


"Mary," he said, not sure how to proceed, "what have you done?"


"I have done what they bade me do," she said softly.


Victor wasn't sure what to say.


"When Adam died, the Gods and Heroes called out to me. They raged in my mind and heart, demanding that I avenge his murder. I had no choice but to obey them. I am their agent, after all. My power is bound up in their will."


"And what will you do now?" Victor asked softly, the battle continuing to rage around them.


"I am now twice a traitor," Mary replied, "and not worthy of life or mercy. I have killed many innocent people, caused many more to suffer. So I will take Adam's place, to try to atone for the evils I have done. I do not expect that I will survive the war. But if I do, I will submit myself to whatever justice you see fit to inflict upon me."


Victor took Mary by the hand. "We will talk of justice and judgment later. For now, there is an invasion to stop."

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The armadas seem unstoppable!




Many of you are at your 12 total picks.

Others are short to one degree or another. I think I'm going to call it closed on Sunday Feb 4 sometime so please try get your last pick in or let me know what i missed etc. I hope to have the poll up by monday 

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