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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. Re: A Simple rule about 5th edition material in long running campaigns True enough.In the case of Elemental Controls,I use the following house rule: "Powers that are innately Always On may not be placed in Power Frameworks without the GM's permission" and only allow Always On in EC slots if the Power was first bought Persistent and then Always On.
  2. Re: Sailor Sun, formerly Solara Mark,since you've renamed Solara "Sailor Sun" I am heretofore compelled to bring up this link:Sailor Ranko.
  3. Re: Vampire Hero "Tombs of The Blind Dead" excepted.
  4. Re: Vampire Hero Why not build a "Vampire Powers" EC? Vampires tend to have a lot of Powers,and most of them have some Mental Powers (notably Mind Control).
  5. Re: The Ultimate Weapon(s), per Wizard Entertainment I didn't see the No. 8 weapon listed,though.....
  6. Re: WWYCD: Harem Comedy from Hell Actually,Akane showed up in the first issue of the manga and presumably the first episode of the anime),so you must be confusing her with Kodachi. And I'm an Akane fan,so I've gotten very tired of ignorant so-called fans who think she's the most violent of Ranma's suitors. As for her temper,she DOES have one,but so would any normal person,if they had to live with Nabiki. And when you consider that she's had to put up with Tatekawai Kuno,and until Ranma arrived,dozens of boys trying to beat her up in order to get a date... And that was just the beginning of her problems.No wonder she's short-tempered.
  7. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon And let's not forget AKKA,the ultimate weapon from jack Williamson's The Legion of Space series.Any homemade weapon that can make planets disappear certainly deserves mention.
  8. Re: WWYCD "super" registration I personally wouldn"t play a character who would support this law. As described above,it would make Prohibition look like a reasonable law.I'd do my best to oppose it.
  9. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon And yes,the Davros boxed set will be available on DVD.(With the Big Finish Davros stories as an extra)!
  10. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon Nobody's mentioned the Movellan nova device from the Doctor Who story The Day of The Daleks.I always thought a man-portable device that could set a planetary atmosphere on fire would be SOMEBODYS favourite weapon.
  11. Re: Realism vs cynicism The world's reactions to superhumans I agree.While superhuman beings would have problems,most modern comics take it too far.
  12. Do we post new (or modified) Power Advantages here or under Hero System Discussions?
  13. Re: Favorite Online Comics? Here's a list of some interesting webcomics: A Miracle Of Science is a romantic comedy/buddy webcomic set in the year 2148 where the greatest threat to the solar system is a plague of mad scientists.It is now complete. Dasien is a manga-style superhero comic where the novice heroine is up against the supervillain team the Crimson Gestalt. Evil Overlords United The story of a supervillain team out to conquer the world of webcomics.They didn't succeed,of course. And what webcomic list would be complete without Freefall? And Magellan Justice Academy definitely deserves a mention. And,last but not least,Mindmistress.
  14. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon If we're including the Glaive from Krull can I include the Kinjakan from Ranma 1/2? An indestructible staff with a razor-sharp hoop,the hoop could be used like the Glaive,or when the hoop was attached to the staff,the Kinjakan could project flame blasts or enable the wielder to fly at high speed. And let's not forget the rayguns used by the Zero-Zero Cyborgs in the 2001 anime version of Cyborg 009.They could fire lightning bolts,laser beams,and some kind of plasma bursts-the "energy magnum" mode.They also had the traditional "stun" setting and a freezer mode-002 used this to cover the lifting jets of a Black Ghost flying tank with ice,causing it to crash.
  15. Re: Hyper Intelligence And what about skills? Superintelligent characters should spend a lot of points on mental skills and appropriate Talents. Such a character should also have Skill Enhancers,depending on concept.
  16. Re: Hyper Intelligence And may I present the webcomic heroine:Mindmistress. The artwork may not be the best(especially early on),but the writing more than makes up for it.
  17. Re: The Brat Pack The problem with Veitch is endemic in fiction today.He's forgotten that good stories require sympathetic characters. He's been infected by the popular zeitgeist that "Interesting characters have to be twisted perverts!Even -no-especially the heroes!And put them them-and the reader-through as much sex and violence as possible!" :thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown:thumbdown.
  18. Re: Istvatha V'han - why can't she conquer Earth? I remember the Micronauts too... (But what I remember is the X-men crossover issue...)
  19. Re: Random Pondering: Istvatha V'han The whole concept of using supervillains as involuntary tissue donors bugs me. My own philosophy is that sentient beings have a right to choose their own destiny,unless they seek to unfairly restrict others. This does not make me a libertarian-most people do not have the training required to live in a libertarian world. This is dehumanization at its worst.
  20. Re: Random Pondering: Istvatha V'han Does anybody else think this idea is just plain WRONG?
  21. Re: Urban Fantasy Recommendations The Quatermass TV series were published as a set of cheap paperbacks from Arrow books many years ago.While they're out of print as far as I know,they are still worth picking up,especially Quatermass & the Pit.Also,is there a novelization of the TV series The Stone Tape out there?
  22. Re: Casting "Champions Universe: The Motion Picture" Actually,I thought of James Earl Jones voicing Firewing.
  23. Re: Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved How are you going to do magic?I'd assume AE magic would be converted to the Hero system as follows: All spell-casters have a VPP that takes an hour to change.Most spell-casters would have the VPP with the Limitation Only simple Spells while magisters would have their VPP with the lesser limitation Only Complex and Simple Spells. The Complex and Exotic spell feats would be bought as Naked Power Advantages for the VPP,as would be feats such as the Elemental and Energy mage feats,Psion,and the racial feats such as Dragon and Giant Mage. Oh,and by the way,I also recommend the Spell Treasury.Despite the editing problems,it more than triples the number of spells available to AE casters,though many spells are originally core D20 spells from the SRD rebuilt for the AE system,such as soul walk (which is astral projection renamed) and wish.
  24. Re: Karate Kid vs Karate Kid No,your retcon actually shows more respect for characters than Marvel does.
  25. Re: Thoughts on some superhero origins Another option is the Hybrid character,who is only partially human.Namor and Aquaman are the classic comic-book examples (and InuYasha is the classic manga example),but this archetype is in fact the oldest archetype around-Gilgamesh was a demigod.
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