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Everything posted by starblaze

  1. Re: Help me build the Civic Guard Heh, I once played in Werewolf game where we went through our rite of passage. Our mission was to run Pentex and the Fomori out of Disneyworld. We found out that their main power center was in the "it's a small world after all" ride.
  2. Re: Official Champs Uni = Marvel Uni? Actually, with Wolverine it really depends of who is writing him. His early appearances in the X-Men almost got him kicked off the team because of his reckless attitude. However when Byrne and Claremont took over the book Logan become a much more complex and interesting character. There have also been some other stories concerning the Wolverine that where IMO done really well. Then there have been stories where he is nothing more than a cliche-speaking, bloodthirsty, moron. It really depends on who is doing the writing. Oh, and SpiderMan is a good character but I have always seen him as more of a loner type than a team member. I think it would take away alot of the charm.
  3. Ok, so I am planning on a running an early 60's teen supers game. One of the players, my step-daughter, wants to play a British girl who grew up in India. She wants to sort of be an Avatar of some Hindu god/goddess. So what I am looking into is an heroic style god for her to emulate. I have seen a couple in my old copy of Legends and Lore from AD&D, Agni and Savitri. Could anyone help me with some other ideas? BTW the concept is college students starting out with 50 pts and 50 pts in disadvantages. They will recieve 100 more base pts., for super powers and 50 more disads. They will recieve the powers in game during an adventure.
  4. Re: Hulk Smash: What is your favorite version? As it turned out, the Integrated Hulk was not at all. He was really just another personality created by Banner, so he really was just a temporary solution.
  5. Re: Hulk Smash: What is your favorite version? For the most part I liked them all. The Grey, Mr. Fixit, Hulk was alot of fun as well as the more commonly known Savage Hulk Smash! Hulk. I liked the integrated Hulk as well. The Banner Hulk was good at first but thankfully didn't last as such a character would have lost some flavor overtime. I did like the story line that led to the creation of the Mindless Hulk. Don't like the Ultimate Hulk much at all. The Maestro was a way cool villian.
  6. Re: Teen Heroes & Static Shock Hey! I happened to like Kingdom Come!
  7. Re: What is it about Champions? This reminds me of an old commercial I saw on TV during the Glasnot thing in Russia. They had a commercial showing the Russian communists drinking Coca-cola and Pepsi. Then it flashed to a small group of people living in the woods drinking RC Cola. To me Hero is RC Cola. For a long time now, and even today I have had a hard time getting people heavily into D&D (Coke) and World of Darkness (Pepsi) because I played Hero System and noone wanted something that wasn't readily available (this was mainly during the dark days of CyberGames and RTS). It sometimes annoys me that people will not play Hero/Champions because they don't want to put more 5 minutes into making a character or in the case of the superhero game will not play in a type of game where they just can't go around killing everything they meet.
  8. Re: An Alternate Superman There was one SuperMan story that was set in Fritz Lang's Metropolis. In this one Clark is Federson and Luthor takes the place of Rotwang. Pretty decent read. There was another Elseworlds story using the Golden Agen JSA characters as members of a secret government agent team. In this story SuperMan appears as an agent but turns out not to be Kal-el but Zod!
  9. Re: Stereotypical British Superman This reminds me of Lord Bravery from Freekazoid.
  10. Re: How to: Daredevil Don't forget that Daredevil also can't read photographs.
  11. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions I started checking it out but after they brought up, yet again, the whole Hank/Jan wife beater thing that as far as I know was resolved issues ago. The Captain Britian story was OK, but Wasp really was acting like a rank amatuer. IMO, after Busiek left the Avengers as their writer it all started going downhill from there. Kurt had brought back the Avengers to their former glory and then Bendis had to go an kill it.
  12. Re: SuperVillian Combat problems. I love this board! You guys are so helpful!
  13. Hi, I was wondering if I could get some tips about how more effectively I can run my supervillians in combat. They seem to get beaten rather easily because it is more difficult to run 5 or more bad guys in combat as a GM than it is for the players to just play one. Could you please help me beat up my superheroes?
  14. Re: Alternate Earth #22—World of your Dreams This reminds me of that Superman story "The Man Who Has Everthing". In this one a plant makes Superman imagine a world where Kyrpton never exploded and he is a Husband and Father. But it all starts to go bad after awhile and he breaks out.
  15. Re: WWYCD #92: Back to the Future Dude, I am just way too intrigued for my own good here. Please tell me more about your Flesh Gordon (and yes, I have seen the movie).
  16. Could someone help me with some maps for a starbase? I am looking for some maps because my players just arrived at one.
  17. Hello all, I was hoping you all could help me. I have recently transported three superheroes from the year 1944 into outer space. They were sent away against their will and have now found themselves without a way home or even any knowledge about where home is. My question is that now they have managed to get to a free spaceport and have asked me what kind of movers and shakers are in power presently. Since mankind hasn't developed space travel as of yet the only beings they will encounter will be aliens. What I am trying to figure out is who are these characters in relation to the 'Hero Universe'. Can you give me a little help here?
  18. Re: Whatever happened to the Wyvern? They were Ok, the main problem I had with most of them was the terrible stun scores that some of them had. I think American Beauty had something like a 20 stun and 7 DEF. A kid with a rock could have killed her if not just knock her out.
  19. Re: The EVILLLL That is... Gentleman Jim? Yeah, you are probably right but he could have been the exception to the rule. Also I had another honorable brick character called The Privateer. He was more like a gentleman thief character. He would use dirty tricks and all but he wouldn't kill and as such my characters never tried to kill him.
  20. Re: I have it! I have it! When will it be available at the online store?
  21. Re: Would your character... Isgerd, the Valkyrie with 50 strength, would hurl the enquirer as far as she could with out seriously hurting him, then spend time visiting him in the hospital while he recovers. Being from the Norse culture where certain things are viewed differently, she would be indignant, which explains her initial reaction. But trying to acculturate herself to 20th/21st century mores in the U.S. where she now lives, she would be in a dilemma, being told, I'm certain by the enquirer, that she is considered very attractive by the readers. However, learning from other females around her that it is demeaning, she would go back to her original stand and refuse. Of my other characters, Chatra, the Yamamara shapeshifter, who is already rich, would shut the door in the enquirer's face. Jade, my golden age martial artist, who is not rich, would be motified. Belinda Wellington, whose father is a senator, would most certainly not. Starblaze's wife, Crushette
  22. Re: Surbrook doesn't know Jack So when are you going to do Samurai Jack!? Gotta get back, back to the past, back to the past, Samurai Jack, Jack, Jack.
  23. Re: The Case for Doctor Destroyer Check out some issues of Digital Heroes. They have write-ups of the Sentinals who are very similiar to the Avengers in flavor. At least I think so.
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