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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Going by that picture, Captain Marvel is really tall. American standard doors are 6'8" or more and he'd have to duck to get through the one behind him. That the best looking pic I've seen of the costume but I'd prefer the boots just below the knee.
  2. That article doesn't say that the funds are mismanaged. It says that McDonald's corporation doesn't contribute a large percentage of the funds by comparison to other contributors(between 2 and 10 percent depending on the chapter) and that they get free publicity by association.
  3. And then there's this:https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/06/politics/mar-a-lago-foreign-workers-request/index.html Way to hire American and stop immigration there 45.
  4. Pathfinder is complex about what you have to know. There are so many rules that you really can't learn them all. Luckily, the huge player base will help you with building characters until you get the hang of it. Hero's complexity is in how you build with the rules. The work is all upfront and time consuming, particularly if you are doing a fantasy setting. Here the source material will give a basic set of spells, monsters and weapons until you pick up on building your own.
  5. You're no jumping up. you.re bracing for a fall equal to your jumping ability. Powers aren't a detriment to the character unless you take a disadvantage or complication.
  6. Pathfinder is as simple as old AD&D at the start but quickly becomes one of the more complex systems around as your character advances. There are many ways to build a character you want but the trick is selecting the correct class/archetype and knowing what feats to choose from an list of options that grows larger with every choice. There is an enormous amount of material but luckily due to the Open Gaming License , most of the game system is available at d20pfsrd.com or Archivesofnethys.com for free. Pathfinder 2.0 will begin an open playtest later this year with the rules document posted as a free PDF at Paizo.com.
  7. Paizo has an enormous selection in their Pathfinder Pawns line. One set for each Beastiary, NPC collection and Adventure Path.
  8. There are 3 versions. Kylo's version where he stops Luke in mid-attack, Luke's dream where Kylo attacks him first and the story Luke tells Rey where Luke stops himself but Kylo wakes up and defends himself because Luke still had his saber lit.
  9. There were X-Wings escorting the bombers. It's just that the bombers were such a poor design for attacking a mobile target and terribly fragile that when the First Order did scramble fighters, they were easily destroyed. Leia and Holdo's little side conversation about him didn't help that perception either. Its tone came across as snarky rather than 2 generals discussing the developing of a promising officer.
  10. Having just watched the movie in its entirety form the first time yesterday, I now feel I can comment fairly' The movie (and the Resistance) would have been done in the first 5 minutes if the First Order had any modicum of military sense. "Scramble the fighters to cover us!" should be Intro to Carrier Strategy 101. For that matter, they should stick with the Star Destroyers and bury the Resistance with Tie fighters in endless waves. It's got to be cheaper and require less manpower than dreadnaughts. How unlikely is it that the fleets have identical speeds to 4 or 5 decimal points? Someone should be slower or faster so that the range opens or closes. I guess hiding in asteroids would have been too shamelessly following the blueprint. The First Order must have the backing of the galaxy's wealthy, they get all the good stuff and the Resistance buys the leftovers and defects. Finn and Rose: There's no chemistry here IMO, and it takes some mental flip-flops to go from stunning a deserter to falling madly in love with said deserter over the course of 2 days. Kylo and Rey: Meh. Curmudgeon Luke: I just can't see this evolution of the character. Yeah, you made a mistake in training him. But don't give up and let the galaxy pay the consequences. Space Leia: There are no words... Snoke: He falls victim to Dark Side induced megalomania. Give any of these guys extended command and they become convinced that their plans are flawless and their underlings are too cowed to betray them yet. Holdo: Telling the commander of all your pilots the plan, (or even that you have one) is probably good for morale if nothing else, and can't really be much of a security risk in this situation. You might even keep him from some harebrained desperate scheme of his own. Poe: Respect for your superiors even when you question their orders might make them bring you inside the plans. Weaponized Lightspeed: All battles should be fought with drone ships using this strategy. Even with all that, the second half of the movie(after the casino) managed to be entertaining if not completely sensible. The action scenes were decent and the SFX were good. The final fight was a letdown( the HISHE was so much better) but didn't feel jobbed, just predictable. I give the movie a C--- overall, tolerable but I'm glad I waited for Netflix.
  11. From what you describe, they are right to be terrified. These guns sound like they are on par or better than the hero'es attacks in DCs. Luck of the dice can wreck a scenario or a PC.
  12. No offense taken. I will never argue that this isn't munchkin(This is a caution sign modifier to a stop sign power after all.) but it is perfectly rules legal and actually a very in concept method. As for your other concerns, the method to stop the power and to reverse the power must be defined by the builder and agreed upon by the GM. That makes finding a cure a race against time which makes for good story As a GM, I wouldn't let a player have this outside of a monster campaign and it really should have invisible power effects or everyone will notice the change as it progresses(Think District 9). But as a GM , I prefer to build out most of my plot device powers just so I know that they aren't too outside campaign limits. But there's no point in building a 300 point monstrosity when the rules allow a 50 point build that fits the concept.
  13. Yes, The attack hits once, but the target then takes 1d6/day for the next 32 days while only getting defense up to their total power defense. Because transform has codified rules for how many points you can add to the target, you can use standard effect or just take average and build exact templates for changing normals into vampires, werewolves or xenos by adding a set number of points and varying dice and onset times.
  14. Actually, this is an insanely cheap power. You just have to take your time. 1d6 Severe Transform, Damage over Time +1; 32 charges, +2; Targets defenses only apply once,+2; one charge/day , -3; 30 active points. Tack on your limitations and you've got something in the neighbor hood of 10 real points.
  15. Actually I think this draft has four potential superstars and five or six potential all-stars. Ayton, Doncic, Porter, Bamba and Young have ceilings as franchise changers if they are developed well. The first four have enormous talent and Young profiles versus Steph Curry very well( He was better if you compare their freshman years.). Bagley, Jackson Jr, Carter Jr and Sexton all look like potential all-stars but no quite at the superstar level.
  16. Saw it today and loved it. Parts that stood out to me were Elastigirl's conversations with the main villain, Edna with the baby , Violet vs Void and Jack Jack's first battle. The fight choreography was top notch throughout.
  17. I've gone from dismissing soccer to appreciating the game and skill involved. But I still place it below football, basketball, baseball and hockey.
  18. If playing loud lewd music while drunk deserves shooting then they need to fit everyone for bullet-proof vests and/or coffins from their senior year in high school until they turn 30. What it deserved was a citation, what happened was a murder.
  19. That does solve the problem of having a lower DCV than a wall but now it's not as easy to render on the character sheet. Still a net plus. Ill edit when more ideas come in.
  20. Here's my post from the other thread. That's part of my modifiers but its still a work in progress. Here's a rough draft. Take note that all these powers are being valued with 2x /Costs End because you pay End for Growth and then in some cases for the added power. Growth: Each level costs 15 points and gains the character the following +10 Str +1 OCV (HTH only) +1 PD and +1 ED Damage Negation +1" Knockback Resistance +1" Stretching +2 Meters Running (not sure here) +3 Pre ( also open to debate) -2 DCV 2x Size 8x Mass -2 Stealth Feedback is welcomed.
  21. I'll cross post when I have time to continue the discussion or you can quote me over
  22. That's part of my modifiers but its still a work in progress. Here's a rough draft. Take note that all these powers are being valued with 2x /Costs End because you pay End for Growth and then in some cases for the added power. Growth: Each level costs 15 points and gains the character the following +10 Str +1 OCV (HTH only) +1 PD and +1 ED Damage Negation +1" Knockback Resistance +1" Stretching +2 Meters Running (not sure here) +3 Pre ( also open to debate) -2 DCV 2x Size 8x Mass -2 Stealth Feedback is welcomed.
  23. Yes, martial DC's are the best buy point for point in the game.
  24. Your choke hold now does 4d6 NND. The rule is the same as 4th and 5th were.
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