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Everything posted by Grailknight

  1. Pathfinder Pawns are pretty nice. They are not cheap as lump sums but you get quite a few in each package.
  2. He was practicing medical hypnosis therapy without a license. I'd equate it to passing out mood altering drugs and hoping nothing bad happens.
  3. The Internet strikes another American institution. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/playboy-to-drop-nudity-as-internet-fills-demand/ar-AAfnWTw?li=BBgzzfc&ocid=UP97DHP
  4. Nothing except my stubborn need to use anything before CE, XDM and Transform.
  5. Hmmm, off the top of my head. Simple way, Telekinesis with Trigger Hard way, (but probably best) Automaton with single function , Martial Throw.
  6. To do the Transform in 5th, requires this construct: Major Transform 1 point, Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (17 Active Points); Activation Roll 8- (-2), Gradual Effect (20 Minutes; -1), No Range (-1/2), Restrainable (-1/2) (3 Real Points). Visible not legal on this power. The 0 END means it lasts until a stop method is applied or the Transform takes effect. Woodblight Catalepsis also needs Uncontrolled unless the attacker maintains the power by keeping LOS on the target. I added Penetrating because otherwise a target with Power Defense is immune. Hero Designer does have a 5th Edition mode. I copy pasted directly.
  7. Okay, here is something I worked up for a Vampire Plague in a Supers setting. This will add a 500 point template to its target over the course of 72(no Power Defense, 8 BODY) to 85(any combination of Power Defense + BODYx2 <56) hours.Base power is a Transform with Damage over Time. Hero Designer will let you easily adjust the charges and frequency to get what you want. Severe Transform 1 point, Damage Over Time, Target's defenses only apply once (129-256 damage increments, damage occurs every 20 Minutes, +5) (30 Active Points) There are 3 variables you need to consider: 1- Points added by the template. The formula for points works out to 1 BODY added to the target's effective BODY for every 5 points added and you need 2x that BODY in order to Transform the target For the 500 point example, I added 100 BODY in excess of the target's BODY to get 108 Body for a Normal needing 216 pips of Transform completely. 2- You need an onset time. This will allow you to determine the number of charges and the frequency of triggering. I wanted the traditional 72 hours for vampires and divided that into the points needed to Transform and the math spat out 3 BODY/hr. The combinations of charges and increments closest to this were 1 point/20 minutes with 256 charges or 1d6 points/hr with 72 charges. Either works but the full 1d6 Transform is more expensive. 3-You need methods to stop the Transform in progress and to cure it. Transform cannot kill so the targets are still "alive" somewhere inside in their new form. Curing them makes for a more heroic ending. Or you could go the horror route and say the infection kills them and Transforms their corpse to an Automaton. You'll have to link a Killing Attack/Body Drain of some sort to kill your victims. Bonus topics 1 and 2 are easy if you go for the kill them/transform corpse option. Two can be worked in using partial Transform in either option. Bonus topic 3: I'd use fruits and seeds here.
  8. An interesting way of doing it. It works well but not as well as Invisibility. Remember, once people do make their EGO rolls they will recall you and everything you did barring an additional +20 effect. People will see you on camera and then not see you when they personally investigate. In a crowd, someone will see you. No special senses are required, but senses will not help until the EGO roll is made. Major plus. Anyone with good range modifiers is a problem because the area cost on this will be prohibitive. Would the power be gone once seen, or would you reapply it after a successful sighting? Would there be modifiers for subsequent attacks?
  9. And the answer I gave him was: Maybe. Because some SFX for Change Environment will interact with differing SFX for Invisibility in different ways. The SFX , he gives for his VPP in a later post would reveal Light based Invisibility but be ineffective against Mental based Invisibility.
  10. You cannot assume that the SFX interaction of two powers will allow the results you desire. Change Environment: Dust storm/torrential rain might reveal an Invisibility: Light refraction but do nothing for Mental Images. Other powers can also interfere. Damage Negation/Reduction defined as partial Desolidification would allow the invisible character to cruise through dust/rain. In short, the SFX of X's powers cannot impose limitations on Y unless Y purchased their powers a certain way that allows the interaction. (Transform is a mechanic not a SFX.) What you should to do is buy a Dispel/Drain/Supress AoE or (gasp) an Enhanced Sense with the SFX of the Change Environment. You can define it in such a way that some SFX of Invisibility are not detected but that is a limitation X imposes on their own power not Y's.
  11. The Aeronaut's Windlass: Cinder Spires Book , by Jim Butcher. A new universe of steampunk, age of sail, etheric magic and talking cats in Butcher style. This one is filled with interesting characters and a smooth, fast paced plot. A notch below Dresden at his best but an excellent read.
  12. I wonder if this is the start of something. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/air-france-workers-rip-shirts-from-executives-after-airline-cuts-2900-jobs/ar-AAf7ybI
  13. The worst and most common mistake I've see in getting new interface portals is not showing the developers the old portals. You get something designed from bottom up instead of keeping what worked with improvements.
  14. I'd just average them. Don't overthink this one as it's not likely to come up often or matter much when it does.
  15. The sticky body is usually handled by Clinging with Damage Shield and extra STR.
  16. The look will be fixed somewhat by CGI. I really hope they cover the eyes, he needs to look mechanical.
  17. That's so minor compared to the typical "lose" and "loose" usage that I barely noticed.
  18. Some of the works that won awards in the 50's were pretty bad, but I haven't read the losers so maybe the best of bad lots.
  19. You forgot the part where the comic MU forms Hit Squads of convicted murderers and terrorists whenever the heroes step out of line.
  20. Any further reply would be spoilers and I think several people here read the series.
  21. Wearing the Cape: Ronin Games, Astra has a problem. The dreamworld that her adversary Kitsune uses to communicate is trying to tell her something. And its starting to do this by pulling her in while she's awake. She needs to find Kitsune, but that'll require sneaking into Japan and facing ghosts, yazuka, kaiju attacks and trickster spirits while dodging Japanese government supers. An excellent addition to the Wearing the Cape Universe.
  22. The CU has the All-American as a patriot hero. The Golden Avenger is usually portrayed as an antagonist(if not outright villain) but he also fills the Cap role. Most Silver Avengers are used more heroically though.
  23. That's the damage for one moving tank ramming a stationary one. Add another 12d6 for a head-on collision at full speed.
  24. There are random power generators in the Champions book Pennies into silver sure, steel to lead will depend on the amount/time available and may require a major Transform. Work with your GM here. You can't change yourself (beyond a change of clothes, makeover or tan) with transform. Use Shapeshift to change features.
  25. In the early issues he needed the cape to fly. If they keep that as part of canon then the cape is necessary. Besides that it looks cool and the high collar and the Orb of Agamotto are kinda his trademark look.
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