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    massey reacted to Toxxus in Champions Test Drive   
    I actually ran that one back in the 80s and the first hit landed by our team that insta-killed one of the Gold's made my players so mad.
    Guilt felt:  None.
    Player anger towards GM:  Massive.
  2. Like
    massey got a reaction from TranquiloUno in Poisons and Saving Throws   
    Well, the big problem with Con in 6th is that it really only has one use, and it functions in a way that it's really a binary state.  You either have enough, or you don't.  That means the cost structure is all jacked up because of it.  The Con that doesn't prevent you from being Stunned is worthless.
    Suppose you are in a 12D6 game, and you've already decided to purchase 20 PD/ED and no special defenses.  How much Con should your character buy, and how much should you be charged for it?  Well, to be effective, you should probably have at least +12 Con.  That will prevent you from being Stunned by an average roll.  But of course, not every roll is average, and not every attack is a straight 12D6.
    Buying +5 Con is only going to protect you in extremely limited circumstances (i.e., when the opponent has a really low power attack or rolls really poorly).  The points that don't actually protect you from being Stunned should be worth less.  Buying +35 Con is also going to protect you in extremely limited circumstances.  If your opponent rolls great, even on a haymaker, they probably won't get 45 through.  Since it isn't actually giving you anything, shouldn't Con past a certain point be virtually free?
    I'm not going to fool around with bell curve charts to determine what the appropriate cost should be, but I think it's clear that there's a problem.  This doesn't even address the automaton power "Cannot Be Stunned", which seems to indicate that Con should never cost more than 15 points, no matter how much you buy.
    When Con added to figured characteristics, there was still a reason to buy it higher even if we all knew the cost wasn't quite right.  Of course, the costs of some of those figured characteristics have been lowered in 6th edition, so perhaps the old cost wasn't as out of whack as people thought.  +10 Con (20 points in 5th ed) with 6th ed figured pricing would give you +5 Stun (2.5 pts), +2 Rec (2 pts), 2 ED (2 pts), and +20 End (4 pts).  So were 5th ed prices actually off base?
  3. Like
    massey got a reaction from Alcibiades in Perspectival invisibility   
    I believe you are overthinking this.  You're adding in an Advantage where there doesn't need to be one.
    Zero End (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4)
    11- Activation roll (-1)
    Limited Power: roll for each target individually each phase (-0)
    Done.  The limited power is a -0 because it's not particularly advantageous, nor really extra limiting.  A basic 11- would mean that some phases, nobody can see you, while other times everyone can see you.  Rolling individually means that it'll never be as good as when you're invisible to everyone, but it'll never be as bad as when you're invisible to no one.
  4. Like
    massey got a reaction from Hugh Neilson in Poisons and Saving Throws   
    Yup.  That's correct.  The purpose of that is to show that the GM has to figure out how poison works in their game before you can make a defense for it.  I didn't quote him, but I was trying to back up the two-headed camel's point a few posts above mine.
    100% on board with you here.
    Of course, pre-5e, Life Support didn't have poison resistance either.  Life Support specified it didn't provide protections against attacks.  So we drop one special effect dependent defense and add another.
    I agree with all this too.  I think we are on the same page, and just took a different method of illustrating it.
  5. Like
    massey got a reaction from drunkonduty in Perspectival invisibility   
    I believe you are overthinking this.  You're adding in an Advantage where there doesn't need to be one.
    Zero End (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4)
    11- Activation roll (-1)
    Limited Power: roll for each target individually each phase (-0)
    Done.  The limited power is a -0 because it's not particularly advantageous, nor really extra limiting.  A basic 11- would mean that some phases, nobody can see you, while other times everyone can see you.  Rolling individually means that it'll never be as good as when you're invisible to everyone, but it'll never be as bad as when you're invisible to no one.
  6. Like
    massey got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker   
    It was a sad day for me when I realized that the amount of Star Wars I liked was outweighed by the amount of Star Wars I didn't like.
    Good films:
    Star Wars
    Okay to decent films:
    Rey movie (okay)
    Rogue One (decent)
    Bad movies:
    Luke imposter movie
    Refused to watch:
    Han Faux-lo movie
  7. Like
    massey reacted to Manic Typist in Perspectival invisibility   
    I'd add onto Massey to further save time:
    11- is a 50% success rate. So, roll 11- ONCE, and then look at the variance from that average to determine how many people fall into which group.
    So instead of rolling 11- 7 times for 7 potential observers... roll it once. You roll an 8; that's above average success. So, 5-6 people of that 7 should be affected by the power. Assign them each a number, roll a d6 or a d10.... and the ones whose numbers (or less) come up are affected.
  8. Like
    massey got a reaction from Manic Typist in Perspectival invisibility   
    I believe you are overthinking this.  You're adding in an Advantage where there doesn't need to be one.
    Zero End (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4)
    11- Activation roll (-1)
    Limited Power: roll for each target individually each phase (-0)
    Done.  The limited power is a -0 because it's not particularly advantageous, nor really extra limiting.  A basic 11- would mean that some phases, nobody can see you, while other times everyone can see you.  Rolling individually means that it'll never be as good as when you're invisible to everyone, but it'll never be as bad as when you're invisible to no one.
  9. Like
    massey got a reaction from TranquiloUno in Perspectival invisibility   
    I believe you are overthinking this.  You're adding in an Advantage where there doesn't need to be one.
    Zero End (+1/2), Persistent (+1/4)
    11- Activation roll (-1)
    Limited Power: roll for each target individually each phase (-0)
    Done.  The limited power is a -0 because it's not particularly advantageous, nor really extra limiting.  A basic 11- would mean that some phases, nobody can see you, while other times everyone can see you.  Rolling individually means that it'll never be as good as when you're invisible to everyone, but it'll never be as bad as when you're invisible to no one.
  10. Like
    massey got a reaction from zslane in Poisons and Saving Throws   
    Yup.  That's correct.  The purpose of that is to show that the GM has to figure out how poison works in their game before you can make a defense for it.  I didn't quote him, but I was trying to back up the two-headed camel's point a few posts above mine.
    100% on board with you here.
    Of course, pre-5e, Life Support didn't have poison resistance either.  Life Support specified it didn't provide protections against attacks.  So we drop one special effect dependent defense and add another.
    I agree with all this too.  I think we are on the same page, and just took a different method of illustrating it.
  11. Like
    massey reacted to archer in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    For those who don't remember, Weld was the VP nominee for the Libertarian Party in 2016. Before that he was governor of Massachusetts from 1991-1997.
    As happy as I am to see anyone else in the Republican primary, Weld isn't going to be a serious contender. He hasn't held elected office in 22 years. He doesn't have a donor base and he's not particularly popular (or known) even in the parts of the party which detests Trump.
    However as near as anyone can tell, Weld is still on good terms with George W Bush from his time working in Bush's 2004 re-election campaign. So I guess it's marginally possible that the Bush's will work behind the scenes to help the Weld campaign if a more credible candidate doesn't get into the race. The Bush's combined do have an extensive donor base nationwide and a very strong political base in both TX and FL. If nothing else, they might quietly give him a few pointers and introduce him to a few people.
    Weld is pro-choice and pro-gay rights which isn't going to bother the Bush's at all. But Weld has been for the legalization of marijuana and in 2018 joined the board of company which cultivates, processes, and dispenses cannabis in 11 US states. That, on the other hand, is something the Bush's would have trouble getting behind because they have Jeb still wanting to run for president after Trump is done and George P Bush wanting to eventually run for governor of Texas then president.
    I think the better hope for the Not-Trump candidate would come through Bill Kristol's moderate-to-liberal establishment Republican "Never Trump" group (aka the ones who gave the rest of us NeverTrumpers a bad name in 2016).
    I'm not particularly thrilled with their version of running the country or of running a presidential campaign. But at least this time around, unlike after the Republican convention in 2016 when they tried to get an independent to run against both Trump and Hillary, they've got enough time to actually try to recruit someone with an impressive political resume' and set up a nationwide campaign structure.
  12. Like
    massey got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Teleporting Objects   
    Yeah, it sounds like he just has an interesting visual effect for Teleportation and Energy Blast.  The Energy Blast might have the Indirect advantage, or you might just use skill levels and look at the rule for "bouncing" attacks.
    I saw a character sheet once where the super-strong guy had these invulnerable plates on his body.  If the attack hit the plates, it harmlessly deflected no matter how strong it was.  The power was written up as a simple bonus to DCV.  The "vulnerable" part of him was just a lot harder to hit.  There's almost no limit to how you can visualize a power.
  13. Like
    massey got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker   
    It was a sad day for me when I realized that the amount of Star Wars I liked was outweighed by the amount of Star Wars I didn't like.
    Good films:
    Star Wars
    Okay to decent films:
    Rey movie (okay)
    Rogue One (decent)
    Bad movies:
    Luke imposter movie
    Refused to watch:
    Han Faux-lo movie
  14. Like
    massey reacted to wcw43921 in Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker   
  15. Like
    massey got a reaction from Matt the Bruins in Tactics by players, for players, against players   
    This is one of the nastiest powers I ever saw, though it was very expensive.
    Desolidification, Area of Effect & Increased Area, Usable Against Others, Personal Immunity, Reduced Endurance
    Go ahead, shoot him with an attack.  It goes right through him.  "Aha," you think.  "I'll shoot him with my Affects Desolid attack!"  It goes right through him, with no effect.  You see, he's not desolid, you are.  To affect him with an attack, you need Affects Real World (+2) on your power.  But why would you buy that, since you don't normally go desolid?  You wouldn't!
    But for him to affect you, he only needs the regular Affects Desolid (+1/2) advantage.  Or none at all, since he has to choose a special effect that will pierce his Desolidification.  And he might as well choose a special effect that he uses himself...
  16. Like
    massey reacted to Armory in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I don't hate it, but it had more problems than that.  For instance, the court scene was incoherent.  The screenwriters didn't know if he was a defense attorney or a prosecutor.
    I'll sign up for Disney+.  We have Hulu, Amazon, and Netflix.  I refused to add CBS All Access just for a Start Trek series that doesn't look much like Star Trek to me.  I refuse to get the DC streamer because it's DC.  But I will get Disney for my Marvel fix.
  17. Haha
    massey reacted to Greywind in Uses for a whip?   
  18. Like
    massey got a reaction from Armory in Have you ever given players the stats for enemies they'll be facing?   
    The JLA example shows how a lot of players will react.  I would think a lot of that comes down to the fact that you are offering the players a choice -- do you do X and win, or do you do Y and lose?  Most players are going to go with X every time.
    Suppose your average fantasy team faces off against Alan Scott.  He's a high powered wizard, as far as they can tell, and he can beat them senseless.  In a stand up fight, they have no shot.  The players don't want to lose, they want to win.  Winning the game is fun.  Then one of the players recognizes who this character is.  "Oh wow, it's the old Green Lantern!  I know this guy, he's weak against wood!"  The players are now in a rough predicament.  Now it's theoretically possible that they could have figured out the wood vulnerability on their own, without anyone telling them.  It might have come up naturally during the fight, somebody could put two and two together, and then they defeat the villain.  But when they start off the game knowing the weakness exists, the temptation is extremely tough to resist.  After all, if they play it straight, they probably lose.
    At that point, they can't really discover the vulnerability in the normal course of play.  It's like trying to solve a mystery when you've already seen the movie/read the book.  You know the answer already.  The best you can hope for is that your players will be skilled enough that they can act like they discovered it organically.  Maybe they can "sell" the fake discovery really well.  But that's all it will be.
    Now, things like Dex, Speed, and DCV aren't all that important to keep secret.  You can, but often it's a lot easier to just say "he's DCV 8, and he's got 30 PD and ED" and let your players do the math.
  19. Like
    massey reacted to Ternaugh in Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker   
    Well, I heard my friends really got in a mess
    So I'm gonna have to leave Yoda, I guess
    But I know that I'll be coming back some day
    I'll be playing this part 'till I'm old and grey   The long-term contract that I had to sign
    Says I'll be making these movies till the end of time
    With my Yoda
    Yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda yo-yo-yo-yo Yoda
  20. Like
    massey got a reaction from TranquiloUno in Poisons and Saving Throws   
    However I want.
    8D6 Hand Killing Attack vs PD -- "Poison touch".  That'll work.  Your 10 points of Life Support won't stop that.
    3D6 Drain vs Body -- "Poison touch".  That'll work too.  You need Power Defense to protect against that.
    4D6 Energy Blast NND Area Effect Continuous -- "Poison gas".  Defense is having LS: Breathing.  It's a special poison.
  21. Like
    massey reacted to zslane in Poisons and Saving Throws   
    Poisons also have different effects. They attack the body differently, and part of the difficulty in treating a poison (or venom) in real life is knowing which one has been introduced to the system, because the antidote is often highly specific to the toxin. Thus, in Hero Terms, a defense against the effects of a poison will depend highly on its effects. However, it would be reasonable to assume that all real world poisons have AVAD vs. CON and are NND with the common defense being the appropriate Life Support. But as massey points out, magical poisons or "epic" poisons (those paid for with points by the creature/villain) aren't affected by Life Support (as a defense) unless specifically built into them as a Limitation.
    Saving throws are perhaps best modeled as Limitations on attacks/spells/whatever that say something like, "Only delivers half damage if target makes successful CON roll," and so forth.
  22. Confused
    massey got a reaction from Brian Stanfield in Rolling as an offensive action   
    Roll around with no pants on, and most people will find that offensive.
  23. Like
    massey got a reaction from Spence in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    If I really really feel the need, I'll subscribe for a month or two, binge everything, and then cancel my subscription.
    But I don't think I'll feel the need.
  24. Like
    massey got a reaction from Trencher in Star Wars IX The Rise of Skywalker   
    That makes me think the plot isn't very tight.
  25. Like
    massey reacted to Spence in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Possibly because we are not talking specifically about Disney+.  But rather all of the suddenly sprouting streaming everything and they all lunge for the trough...  And in general, none of the trailers/pics for most of the new offerings that I have seen look even close.  Key note, "that I have seen". 
    And the Teen Titan comment was because it is an epic example of horrific. It actually makes the Ben Affleck Daredevil and the Jennifer Garner Electra movies look like high art, except of course a movie and a TV Series are generally not in the same league.    
    I just wonder how long all the isolated one product streaming services will last before revenue loss swings them back to a wider service model. 
    Of course, there is plenty of time to prove me wrong
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