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Everything posted by Tjack

  1. I know about the potential trouble with the name but if you call your own premier super team anything but The Champions you’re crazy. Also using as many of the original team as you can get away with would be a good thing. Marksman is a good way to teach somebody who wants to play a more flexible version of Hawkeye and Titan is a good example of how to build Giant-Man. As to a location for the base, if you’re firm on the idea of having it be a real world NYC location that everyone is familiar with you have three choices. 1) Times Square. Everybody knows the vague layout but nobody west of Albany has a concrete image in their minds. 2) The World Trade Center. The depths of bad taste surrounding a Viper attack on the hero’s base astounds even me. The same goes for the Statue of Liberty island and to a lesser extent Ellis Island. 3) The winner by default....the Empire State Building! Famed in song and story. Hangout of giant monkeys and Men of Bronze. And in the real world...not really doing much. Easy to find in any tourist map of the city, instantly pictured by the average person. Strongly worded opinions? Yeah. Snap judgements? I’ll cop to that. Maybe impossible to get done due to legalities? Granted. But tell me they don’t all make sense.
  2. I‘ve always liked the more obscure ones. When I was a little kid and everyone else liked Batman (because of the TV show we all watched on reruns) I was fascinated by Green Hornet. I got into the old radio shows and everything. Comics wise as a teen when it was either X-Men or Teen Titans my favorites were Captain Comet and the Martian Manhunter.
  3. Not a word but the song “Fields of Gold” by Sting.
  4. If anybody wants to spilt the rent for a place in a good solar system or alternate universe, I’m willing to commute and will pay my own phone bill.
  5. The Marvel animated movie “What If”is supposed to include a “What if Agent Carter got the Super-Soldier Serum?” segment. This may be just about right.
  6. That’s what I was referring to. But I was trying to be circumspect because I wasn’t sure if all the original creators were on good terms.
  7. What would be the possibility of getting an “official” update of these characters in a new playbook. Are all the rights still tied up?
  8. I’m admittedly a lousy number cruncher but I don’t see what in particular makes your guy proof against the “Freak” character as I described him. Now since this isn’t my creation so it’s not like I’m defending “my baby” and possibly I’m remembering him as a lot more powerful than he was. Unless the plan is to drill him in the head with a sniper rifle from a block away before he gets spotted, I just don’t see how Felix stands to do any better than any other hero type.
  9. I’m listening to the song Ring Capacity by the band Kirby Krackle. If you can you should check out the YouTube video by Otto Schwartzmiller that uses clips from the DC animated movie First Flight. I still think any upcoming Green Lantern movie should include it in the soundtrack.
  10. No, he thinks he’s living in a comic book and that’s bad enough. This freak (I think his name may have actually been Freak) at a glance knew your secret ID, your deepest psych lim’s, the names and locations of all your loved ones and all your physical vulnerabilities. And for the cherry on the sundae from hell, I think he could activate psych and physical lim’s with the same look.
  11. Wasn’t there a character in some villains book who after going insane knew that he was living in an RPG? He had some set of powers that basically let him see the character sheet write-ups of everyone around him. He was WAY too creepy for me to ever use in a game or I might remember him better. Great concept, freaked me out for a fairly long while after, kudos to whoever created it.
  12. Coming at this from the other side... What about a bow & arrows that are a part of the character. You tend only to see this in Fantasy settings but what about a power that manifests like the flaming B&A combo from the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon. You can check out the effect in animated style or as a live action In a car commercial on YouTube.
  13. Have your henchman begin firing up an outdoor grill using both charcoal and sweet woods (chefs choice) while you mix one third pound sirloin burger, one third veal and one third pork with one whole egg and one yolk spices to taste (salt, pepper, oregano, paprika, etc.) Divide into patties making sure to indent the middle (the thinner middle insures that the middle and the ends receive the same amount of doneness. Cook to preferred doneness...unless someone requests “well done. Then request volunteers to help restrain the sinner and mark him with a red hot spatula. Meanwhile the henchman shall prep Sweet Hawaiian rolls with melted butter for toasting on the grill. Place them to be done in time with the burgers. Assemble your creations and place them on the table next to fresh “fixins” onion and tomato slices, ketchup, mayo, a good quality BBQ sauce etc Enjoy. I’ve been in the hospital all week eating drek. This was like porn for me.
  14. A source material that may work for you is Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Joss Whedon was quite good at making the secret world of the supernatural fit in well with the modern day. From ancient societies protecting humanity from behind the scenes to the involvements of black bag Govt. depts. It all fit under the umbrella of the combined shows of BtVS and Angel.
  15. Some of the best comic book mages have code names based on their real names. Dr. Strange, Zatanna, Agatha Harkness, John Consindine, Jason Blood, Madame Xanadu etc. Maybe thinking in that direction might give you some ideas. On the other hand...it is a foolish thief who gives away any clue to their abilities. Perhaps a name not at all connected to her magical ability. Maybe one that the authorities or criminal underworld has hung on her. Ghost, Cat and Phantom are all classic if overdone. A name based on her motives might work. Locksley or Marian based on Robin Hood. If her targets of choice are “bad guys” themselves in one way or other. Nemesis could do. If all else fails remember Hermes/Mercury was the patron of both Mages and Thieves. Good luck, let us know what you went with.
  16. fruit....nice.....I don’t get it, is this supposed to resolve into some pattern I don’t see? If I squint do I get to see the sailboat? (Mallrats reference)
  17. Some people, myself included, despise the taste of black licorice. AnIse, Black jellybeans, whatever. I’m pretty sure I’d hate the taste of ouzo if I ever had it. Unlike my more radical brethren, while I also am not a fan of red licorice I don’t believe those who are should be put to death. Now...I have defended pineapple pizza in the past. Both pineapple and tomato are fruits with a sweet and tangy flavor high in acids. Despite the heresy of its creation it is an acquired taste. Sugar cookies should only have white frosting and that only for holidays. * Those who willingly eat candy corn should be removed from the gene pool for the public good. *
  18. And I appreciate it....but the word “love” may be a little strong coming from a guy with a Charles Bronson icon.😜
  19. This isn’t strictly political but I need a place to vent and I don’t want to infect a different thread with something so negative. Also I wanted a place where the people who might respond weren’t nuts. The U.S. Court of Appeals just commuted the death charge against the Boston Marathon bomber...WTF!!!!!!! The reasoning is that he couldn’t get a fair trial since everybody knew he and his scumbag brother killed a bunch of innocent people!! SO ****in’ WHAT!!!!! Even his lawyers never tried to say they didn’t do it. The little weasel should be happy the cops didn’t blow his brains out right there or even better turn his little ass over to the crowd. This was no political or religious battle, this was two dipshits who thought they might feel better about their own sad-ass lives if they murdered somebody. Screw ‘em and the boat they hid under!!!! Real Justice for for the families of their victims and the wounded and maimed they left behind would be a public beheading at the finish line right as the first runner crosses the line. The CoA is generally a fine thing when deciding if someone’s rights were violated and even when a bad guy is released we as a society can take comfort in the process of law. This however is ridiculous. What city or State in the Union would give a different verdict? Where’s the jury willing to say “Yeah we know he admitted it, and the physical evidence is substantial and let’s not forget they told other people they were going to do it.....”What the hell, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt!” Robe wearing jackasses make me ashamed to be a liberal. Thanks for the use of the stage. I’m stuck in the hospital right now. It makes me crabby.
  20. I realize I’m the outsider in this thread since I can’t play, but it’s always been a lot of fun to check out and I hope it doesn’t end up getting shut down. Keep the faith.
  21. Tjack

    Decoder request

    Don’t bother, every message was some version of “Buy Ovaltine”. Her and Captain Midnight both!
  22. And his grandson’s name is John Rambo.
  23. I use the Fandom.com site regularly. Their Marvel, DC, ST: Memory Alpha, and Wookiepedia are all run efficiently from what I can tell.
  24. No sorry, the images were only in my demented head. The video is just a static picture of the cover of the Excitable Boy album. Which is just a picture of Zevon himself. Thanks for looking though.
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