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Posts posted by Hermit

  1. 3 hours ago, Logan D. Hurricanes said:


    Announcing the Magus University Superdraft, coming this March!


    We're going to build and populate a University of Magic. I say university specifically to imply the students will be adults. You will draft students, staff, and a department w/ dean. Want Gandalf to teach enchantment? Want Sherlock Holmes to instruct alchemy? Want Batman to demonstrate evocation to star pupil Velma Dinkley? Now's your chance! 


    Still working on some particulars. Open to ideas. 


    Does that interest everyone? 


    I actually like RPGs set in wizard schools (Some good D&D and Pathfinder games I was in) so rock on. I will try to be in on this one.

  2. 18 hours ago, steriaca said:

    What do you actually like? A "seriously funny" Deathstroke? Or The Conquerors who are worthy of the name?


    I tend to enjoy the humorous angle they've been played with in the past now and then, the 'these guys are not as bad ass as they think they are and they're going to end up on their faces again' bits, but I think I maybe in the minority. The important thing to me is you keep the brothers relationship tight.  Be they world shakers or just wanna bes, Requiem and Frost should always have each others' backs

  3. Arctic Fox laments that all her mean girl posts have suddenly vanished. She wants the tech geniuses to fix this!


    Pogo being a member of Gen Z curls into a ball and whimpers ;) After she recovered, she'd proceed to make up with it by talking everyone's ear off about all her opinions.


    Eel feels oddly pleased and wonders why?


    Aspirant worries that it's a plot to silence Canadian voices!



  4. 57 minutes ago, Khymeria said:

    I would ask the GM for suggestions since you stated they are quite knowledgeable of the setting. They might have someone in mind they are excited to have in or around the campaign. 


    15 minutes ago, steriaca said:

    What Khymeria said should be noted as the first choice. Who else knows about their world then the one who created it? If the GM has no suggestions, then it is up to you to fill in who and what should be in the world. 


    Agree, S7MichelleI'd definitely ask the GM if they had plans, or if you were allowed to make your own. Very likely the latter would be allowed, but with Veto power by the GM retained ;) 


    But you asked for examples of who to be descended from so... one thought comes to mind:

    Some previous edition adventures had some cool NPC teams that I've dusted off in the past. To Serve and Protect brought us the Protectors, and while the story line involves them not quite being themselves, I thought they were great. Mutants on that team included Brainstorm (mentalist), Maestrom (weather controller), and Ace (She could turn invisible and had martial arts). V.O.IC.E. of Doom was another adventure, where members of The Freedom Squad are being killed off by a villain organization and need help. Victrix, a telekinetic member, was a mutant . I'm not sure about the others.


    You would have to tweak timelines and such






  5. "I let my emotions take control" Dude, when you drive to DC, then spray police officers with your chemicals as you try to over throw a lawful election, then BOAST about it later, this wasn't just some slip of temper. It's premeditated, and as a Ex Marine, you're an Oathbreaker and a damned traitor.


    I'm all for mercy in many cases, but in this situation? Zero sympathy.

  6. Eel doesn't fly, and really mysticism gives him the creeps. He probably redirects folks away from it while hoping someone who knows magic shows up.


    Pogo openly agrees it's a bad idea to open it, that your average citizen should be kept away, then, when no other heroes are looking, opens it to 'just take a quick peek'. She will be missed.


    Pinprick hits the door with a shrinking arrow so no one bigger than a foot tall can get through there. There, saved the world from who knows what invasion. You're welcome!



  7. If I might suggest for research on one possible way to present Queen Nocturna, you may want to catch an old Star Trek voyager episode called "Bride of Chaotica" where Mulgrew as Janeway must play "Arachnia, Queen of the Spider People" in a holo deck adventure. The actress is clearly having a ball being over the top side by side with the guest star. I am not a big voyager fan, and it's more pulp parody than magical girl adventure but it seems to me that 'everyone having strong feelings!' is often a commonality and Arachnia ala Janeway might be worth stealing bits and pieces from for your villainess to torment your player with

  8. I love the Green Lantern Corps, so would be delighted/excited in most cases but yes, I do worry about who the WRITING Staff will be. Still Hal and John as Space buddy cops? I'm for that!

    Booster Gold has me happy period. Fond of him, and I think the 'glory hound grows up' angles are fun.

    Viola Davis is an amazing actress, give her even a half  decent script and she'll knock Waller out of the park. Only problem for me? I'm not that big into the character.

    Blue Beetle is another favorite. I prefer Ted, but Jaime was a worthy successor and a great kid. Can they capture the fun of Jaime's first comic run? BIG question. Hopeful but cautious.


    I think unless I hear great things, I'd pass on the Authority. I'm tired of 'everything's slap stick Thor' Marvel pulls sometimes but I'm also not a fan of 'darker edgier heroes aka the 90s are back'

  9. Ant Man/ Scott Lang has been my pleasant surprise turned a favorite in the MCU. I read him in the comics and liked him fine, but he's a favorite on the big screen, so this is one movie I am looking forward to! I just hope they don't doom and gloom it up too much.


    As for Burn out ... I wouldn't say I'm there yet. The new shine has worn off somewhat true. I have, some might argue, now have lived through the golden age of superheroes movies. Just as the generation before me went through a golden age of Westerns. Westerns didn't stop, though they were over shadowed, and slowed a bit, and that's fine if that happens to Superheroes for me. But I think we have a few gems that will pleasingly surprise us yet coming along.

  10. Original Series: Fire Forged Friendship between three characters so perfectly balanced against each other they would become the ur example for decades , all that plus exploration and putting the BOLD in Boldly go.

    Animated Series: A good bridge for the kids so the could get a touch of the magic of tos, also new alien species that were less human back when FX were hard to pull off.

    Next Gen: I agree with others that Next Gen showed 'the idea and ideals' achieved. Some may think humans were too perfect in it, but it was nice to see Rodenberry's belief we could be and WOULD be our best realized.

    DS9: The best overall arc in war time setting where we also study just what that Utopia costs us as we walk a tightrope between idealism and ruthless pragmatism. It saves the Ferangi species and makes them interesting  and bonus points for a Star Fleet Captain who doesn't hide in a corner at the notion of a family.

    Voyager: Beautiful intro credits scene? Not my favorite, but I will say I loved Paris' Pulp Sci Fi programs on the holodeck! I would have totally watched a Captain Proton show!

    Enterprise: Andorians! It brought us Shran, and that forgives much!

    Discovery: I only saw the first episode. I didn't  like it. What's it best at? Perhaps eventually making execs realize one can go too far in deconstructing a Utopia?

    Picard: Haven't seen.

    Lower Decks: Only seen the first few episodes! I enjoyed though. It's probably best at poking fun at the Franchise in a playful rather than cruel manner. Of course, it's a comedy show so that's expected.

    Prodigy: Saw some episodes, too slow, definitely made for kids; but a good concept for a show oddly enough. I could see a Star Hero game based on something like that.

    Strange New Worlds: Haven't seen but have heard they course corrected in the best ways for the gloom, doom and dysfunction of Discovery and Picard.


    The Orville and Galaxy Quest: The best at showing us Trek isn't just a trademarked Franchise, it's also a love of our better angels sending us striving towards a greater tomorrow.

  11. It's Jan 6. The anniversary of the sedition... I would not be surprised if today, of all days, the vote for McCarthy finally went through as a part of a ploy by the Trump delegation to distract folks news wise from the Jan 6 coup attempt's anniversary. The media will be all about it finally going through instead of 'hey, remember when Trump swayed an ignorant mob to try to disrupt a lawful election by besieging Congress?'

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