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  1. Like
    archer reacted to Vondy in Problem With Mobile Phone Distractions   
    This is such a basic soft skill (socially) that my mind boggles at the notion while at the same time finding myself  teaching younger co-workers how to be professional in the office.
    Gaming is just like having a work meeting and the same expectations apply: be on time, wear clean clothes, smell nice, put your phone on vibrate and leave it in your pocket, chat with the people who are in the room with you before and after the meeting. You make contacts and build teams and trust that way.
    Its discourteous and says "I'd rather be doing something else" than participate in your boring game. Call it out and don't budge. Its bad behavior stemming from dopamine addiction. If their kids or SO or work must be able to call them in event of emergency they can set a unique ring tone and leave it in their pocket forsaking all others. If they are there to play they owe every person at the table their undivided attention and active partcipation.
  2. Thanks
    archer reacted to steriaca in Grenade Pool   
    You honestly want to know about Pornpool?
  3. Haha
    archer got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Grenade Pool   
    Grenadepool sounds like Deadpool’s younger brother.
    After being attacked by ruthless cloned mutant squirrels who were after his brother, Deadpool, Suede Wilson lay close to death.
    Deadpool, thinking quickly, emptied a pile of pixie sticks to build a crude transfusion device and infused his own blood into his brother’s dying body.
    The regenerative factors of Deadpool’s blood brought Suede back from the brink of death...but unfortunately did nothing to fix his chronically bad eyesight.
    Deadpool brought his brother into the merc business but after several unfortunate incidents with innocent schoolchildren, it became clear that Suede should leave firearms to the professionals.
    So today as “Grenadepool”, Suede Wilson uses his mercenary skills in an unending battle against armies of mutant squirrels...which hopefully exist in the real world and not just in his head.
    After all, if the squirrels really exist, he might win his battle someday and quit shooting grenades all over the place.
  4. Like
    archer got a reaction from 薔薇語 in Questions regarding running HERO Fantasy   
    For bringing a group together, if they’re wanting to play younger people, they could be cousins coming of age at roughly the same time. Or perhaps the offspring of a group of former adventurers.
     They could be coming together for an anniversary service commemorating some great victory or defeat, a funeral, or some family event. Their travels on the road could be the first adventure and their shared background would provide plot hooks for the future.
    Perhaps inherenting personal rivalries, enmity from some organizations and gratitude from others. People could show up looking for help from the original heroes and have to settle for the kids.
  5. Like
    archer got a reaction from RDU Neil in Questions regarding running HERO Fantasy   
    For bringing a group together, if they’re wanting to play younger people, they could be cousins coming of age at roughly the same time. Or perhaps the offspring of a group of former adventurers.
     They could be coming together for an anniversary service commemorating some great victory or defeat, a funeral, or some family event. Their travels on the road could be the first adventure and their shared background would provide plot hooks for the future.
    Perhaps inherenting personal rivalries, enmity from some organizations and gratitude from others. People could show up looking for help from the original heroes and have to settle for the kids.
  6. Thanks
    archer reacted to Tom Cowan in Two antagonist ideas.   
    Warlockz look ok
    The Rustlers may be a bit old if they are from the ' The Silver Age '  are they 2nd (or 3rd) gen?
  7. Like
    archer got a reaction from Hermit in Titans   
    Some YouTube channel will get a hundred thousand hits per Titans episode by splicing in Cap admonishing “language” after Robin’s every swear word.
  8. Like
    archer got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Titans   
    Some YouTube channel will get a hundred thousand hits per Titans episode by splicing in Cap admonishing “language” after Robin’s every swear word.
  9. Haha
    archer got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in Help with some Power Ideas   
    Darkness, heat, flames, fear, hopelessness,   sulfur stench, summoning demons or imps, transformation yourself or others into their “worst selves”, a variable result draining which affects whichever power or trait the victim most values, a general sense that you’re in Cleveland....
  10. Thanks
    archer reacted to Hermit in Titans   
    LIGHT, I need some fricken LIGHT so I can see people
     Robin in the shadows, okay. Trained by the bat got it
    Raven? she was Goth before Goth was cool.. (was Goth ever cool?)
    But son of a gun,  why can't we  get a good look at  Starfire, Beast Boy and others... 
    could one of you step into the sun or even a cloudy day for five flipping seconds
    Also, someone needs to edit the film so what when Robin says "F**k Batman" Captain America's shield flies from off screen to hit him in the back of the head
  11. Like
    archer reacted to Iuz the Evil in Titans   
    I'll just leave this here.

  12. Like
    archer reacted to zslane in Titans   
    This looks like it is going to be truly awful. It doesn't even look worthy of being on the CW to me.
  13. Like
    archer reacted to Psybolt in Titans   
    Looked good, but kind of murder-y for the Titans. 
  14. Like
    archer reacted to Christopher R Taylor in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    While it was a great line and it worked in the movie, it was a depressing precedent for Marvel Cinema who then decided that pretty much NOBODY has a secret identity despite the clear drawbacks to the entire planet knowing who you are.
  15. Like
    archer reacted to Bazza in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    Marvel news:
  16. Like
    archer reacted to clnicholsusa in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    If they wanted to start a limited series, but have the potential of continuing the series without having to keep the cast on the books, it would be best to center the series on a location. Project Pegasus would work, and would allow them to pull in characters from other works when it was feasible without requiring them to do so.
    Besides, they'd get to use Wundarr the Aquarian and who doesn't love THAT character.
  17. Like
    archer reacted to Lord Liaden in A world building exercise   
    The implication here is that the people of Kemet still believe in an afterlife. Hence being preserved after death isn't the only form of reward they can expect for their labors. Moreover, being forced to continue their labors for centuries doesn't seem like that great a reward.
    If you want to make Kemet an "evil" antagonist for your PCs, I would suggest that the skeleton/zombie-type undead they use are essentially mindless automata. The souls of the Kemet-folk (Kemetians? Kemetites?) move on to their next existence, leaving their bodies as empty husks to be used as the state sees fit. They could think of those creatures as less than slaves -- the equivalent of industrial robots. The living people of Kemet might not be able to supply all the kingdom's labor and military needs through their own deaths. That would lead them to kidnap their neighbors, like the European/American slave trade... except those captives would be promptly executed so they could be turned into obedient undead.
  18. Like
    archer reacted to dsatow in Sending baddies flying   
    Just to help emphasize my argument for the flight issue, here's how I would build the power.
    3 Real Points: Flight 2m, AoE 2m(+1/4), Selective(+1/4), 0 end (+1/2), Usable as an Attack (+1 1/4).  6 Active points.  Lim: Only to fly away from PC (-1/4), Restrainable (-1/2)
  19. Thanks
    archer reacted to massey in Tips for conversion from Mutants and Masterminds to Hero   
    A lot of conversions require eyeballing it.  After all, you want the characters to be useful in your campaign.  Following a formula can result in villains who are either far too powerful or far too weak.  I don't have the book you're trying to convert (don't have much M&M stuff), but I do have Freedom City.  It's 2nd edition M&M, and I really don't know if they've changed things since then.
    Going to a random bad guy, how about Devil Ray, page 146.  He's a Power Level 10 character, so he's basically a "generic" villain.  Since I'll be converting him to 5th edition Hero, I'm going to say this is the equivalent of a 350 point character.  I'm not worried about keeping him within this budget (some powers may just be more expensive than others), but I have an idea of what I'm aiming for.
    Starting off, we'll see that Devil Ray has +11 Str.  That's about normal for a character of that power level, so to me that says he's about 12D6 or so.  We'll go with 11D6 damage just to keep it simple.  His attack is +8, so let's just say that's an 8 OCV.  He's got +12 Toughness, and that's pretty good.  If we say an "average" PL 10 character would have 25 Def, then that means this guy probably has about 30.  Now that we've got a rough sketch of about how powerful he is, it's time to get a little more specific, iron out the details.
    Devil Ray has a power suit that gives him his abilities.  Outside of the suit, he's a normal guy.  In M&M, he's got a 14 Str, 13 Dex, 16 Con, 10 Int, 11 Wis, 11 Cha.  We could just give him those stats outside of his suit in Hero -- that would work fine, except those aren't stats you'd select in Hero.  They aren't really significant break points (there's no reason for an 11 Presence).  So let's give him a 15 Str, a 14 Dex, a 15 Con, 10 Int, 11 Ego, and 13 Pre.  That looks more like a Champions character.  His Toughness outside of his armor is +3, so let's give him a base PD/ED of about 7.  We'll give him a 3 Speed outside of the suit, because he did buy up his Dex.  Normal figured characteristics for this guy would give him 6 Rec, 30 End, and 26 Stun.
    Now, on to the suit.  The lifting chart works differently in M&M.  Devil Ray has three levels of super-strength, and his lifting capacity is rated at 8 tons.  That's roughly a 40 Str in Hero, but our guy is doing more damage than that in his suit.  So we're going to give him a 40 Str, but we're going to need to bump his damage up.  So let's give him 3D6 of Hand Attack.  Now he can do 11D6 damage with his punches.  All this is going to be through an OIF for the suit.  Now his Attack and Defense are +8, so let's say he's got an 8 OCV/DCV.  Sounds like this guy has a 23 Dex in the suit.  I'm going to make it 24, purely because it's easier to put it in Hero Designer that way (it will also bump his Spd up to 4).  His PD/ED go up to 30, as we said earlier.  He's got Protection 9, which is basically Resistant Defense, so we'll make 3/4 of his PD/ED resistant.  That's like 22 points of it.
    He's also got Sonar, Darkvision, and Radio.  Those have easy Hero equivalents.  He has the Blast power at +9.  Now... that kinda sucks for a guy at this power level.  With how we've been converting it, that would just be a 9D6 EB.  But for a 350 point villain in Hero, that's not going to do much at all.  So we're going to make an executive decision to raise that to the same level as his punches.  11D6.  This goes to what I said earlier -- a by-the-numbers conversion will sometimes result in characters too strong or too weak.  So we've got to reserve the right to interfere.
    Finally he's got Life Support, Swimming and Flight.  We'll go with LS: High Pressure, Breathing, and Cold (because that seems like it makes sense).  He's got Swimming of 8 (250 mph) and Flight of 4 (100 mph), so let's go with a Movement Multipower.  He doesn't need combat movement that fast, but his noncom should be.  So let's say maybe 3" of movement per level.  We're just picking a number that looks good here.  That would give him 24" of Swimming (let's make it a nice 25") and 12" of Flight.  We'll give him a x4 noncombat multiplier on each.  That's not going to get us to exactly the right speed, but it'll get us kind of in the ballpark (188 mph swim and 94 mph fly).
    He's got a few skills, but otherwise that's it.  Character done.  Except... well, he's not very good.  He's still only a 4 Speed, and he's got a 15 Con, and he's only 222 points.  Now we need to make sure that he looks more like a Champions character.  He's got a crappy Con, and his figured characteristics could use a boost.  In M&M, he's got a nice grapple bonus (a product of their system), and the move-by action.  It sounds like he probably needs some martial arts in Hero.  He's also got an okay Will save in M&M, but only an 11 Ego in Hero.
    So now we're fleshing out the character.  Let's give him his martial arts.  He's got Dodge Focus 2, which I don't remember what it does.  He's got Move-By Action, and a good Grapple.  So that sounds like a dodge maneuver, Martial Grab, and Passing Strike.  Let's go ahead and make it Flying Dodge so that he can do the whole "I'm faster than you in the water" thing.  We might as well give him Martial Strike as well, which means we can pull back on some of that Hand Attack damage.  In fact let's give him a Damage Class with his Martial Arts, and we can drop the Hand Attack altogether.  Environmental Movement: Water is probably appropriate too.
    For skills he's got Disable Device, Knowledge Earth Sciences, Notice, Search, Survival, Swim.  Well, those are pretty generic.  His background says he was a military diver, who then worked as a pirate and a smuggler.  So let's give him Breakfall (a necessity for Hero), Demolitions, Survival, Systems Operations, and Tactics.  We'll give him KS: Smuggling Rings, and some kind of Science Skills.  How about just SS: Earth Sciences, cuz that's what they've got on the sheet.
    Now our guy is 257 points.  He still needs some more stuff.  Since his Toughness in the suit is high, let's give him a 25 Con to prevent him from being Stunned (still OIF).  We'll also give him a few points of Body, let's make it a 15 because why not?  12 normal, 15 in the suit.  Now he looks like he can survive a fight.  Since he's bought up his Intelligence skills in M&M, let's give him a 13 Int.  And since his Will save is pretty good, let's go ahead and give him a 15 Ego.  Since he's still a 4 Speed, let's bump him up to 5 because he is not a big bulky guy.  And we'll give him an 18 Pre in the suit because he looks cool.
    Now he's 300 points, but he's fairly powerful for that level because he's getting an OIF discount.  He looks pretty complete to me.  Throw in some Contacts that a high seas pirate might have, a couple more skills wouldn't really hurt.  You might give him a level with OCV.  He's pretty dangerous, now that I look at it he can do a 14D6 Passing Strike.  You might give him some Flash Defense or something else exotic.  And I imagine that he's got some kind of pirate Followers who he can order around, maybe a Manta-Mobile vehicle.  That'll get you up to 350, but I'm not too worried about exact points.
    Anyway, that's how I would convert a character.  All told it didn't take me that long, most of the hour or so I spent doing this was typing the post, not making the character.
    Devil Ray
    Str 15/40
    Dex 14/24
    Con 15/25
    Body 12/15
    Int 13
    Ego 15
    Pre 13/18
    Com 10
    PD 7/30
    ED 7/30
    Spd 3/5
    Rec 6/13
    End 30/50
    Stun 28/49
    MANTA Suit (OIF)
    +25 Str, +10 Dex, +10 Con, +3 Body, +18 PD, +21 ED, +1 Spd, +5 Pre
    22/22 Damage Resistance, 11D6 Energy Blast
    Active Sonar 360 degrees, Nightvision, Radio Transmit/Receive
    LS: Breathing, Cold, High Pressure
    Multipower (OIF)
    +23" Swimming x4
    12" Flight x4
    Breakfall 12- (14-)
    Demolitions 12-
    Survival 12-
    Systems Operations 12-
    Tactics 12-
    Science: Earth Sciences 12-
    Knowledge: Smuggling Rings 12-
    Environmental Movement: Water
    Flying Dodge
    Martial Grab
    Martial Strike
    Passing Strike
    +1 Damage Class
  20. Like
    archer reacted to BoloOfEarth in Supers Image game   
    Great pic!  I have to add him to my game world!
    The call came in at 2:19 a.m.  - three car accident on Halsted and 18th.  Given that it was less than 20 minutes since bars close their doors, it's a pretty safe bet the police report on this will include the words, "alcohol was a factor."  And being just south of the university, I'd give it even odds the DUI is underage as well.  I sighed and hit the lights and siren while my partner Caren did a quick U-turn on Roosevelt and started heading east at a good clip.  While she dodged around the nimrods driving late at night, I moved to the back to prep our stuff. 
    In less time that it'd take you to whistle the theme to Emergency! we were on the scene.  It was a bad one - I was pretty sure we'd need the Jaws of Life to get the driver out of one car where a black SUV had smashed into it broadside, and a Mini-Cooper had somehow ended up on its side a short distance away.  I popped open the back door, case in hand, and was hopping out before Caren even had the ambulance fully stopped.  I could see a guy and a girl standing beside the SUV, looked like some minor lacerations but judging by the fact both were standing around, and the way the guy was cursing up a storm, probably not terribly serious.  Looked like he was the one who t-boned the trapped driver, so I was guessing Captain Curser was the DUI.  I waved Caren toward the sideways Mini and headed for the car with the trapped driver. She's a good kid, smart and skilled, but let's face it, she's no superheroine like Sentinel.  Or a superhero like me, for that matter.
    That's when I smelled the smoke.
    Aw crap.  I looked at the couple standing around like morons, pointed toward the ambulance and yelled, "Get clear!" then broke into a sprint.  Sliding to a halt beside the car, I could see that it would definitely take more than a few normal tugs on the door to get this guy clear.  His head was moving, so I knew he was still alive.  But judging by the flames I could see flickering under the hood, he wouldn't be alive for long if I didn't get him out of there. 
    A quick glance told me the nimrod couple weren't looking, and Caren was busy at the Mini, so it was clear, but I'd have to be quick.  I flexed my muscles, shouldered the SUV away a few feet, grabbed the car's door by the frame, and wrenched it free in one pull. The guy's leg was still trapped, but a few pulls at the bottom frame freed it.  By then, the flames were getting bigger, so I pulled the guy out, giving him a quick dose of healing energy (and hoping nobody saw my glowing hands).  Within seconds, we were both far enough away that the fire was no danger to us, and I could lay him down and start checking his vitals.  Nobody was kicking up a fuss or asking questions, so it looked like my secret was still safe.  For now.
    - - - - - - - -
    Charlie Green is the paranormal EMT known as Para-Medic.  Super-strong, tough as nails, and able to infuse the injured with healing energy, he is a true-blue hero of the Windy City.  When he's not driving an ambulance around the city, he's usually flying overhead, helping his fellow EMTs to save lives.
  21. Haha
    archer got a reaction from phoenix240 in Supers Image game   
    Anika Hensley, aka Lady Unluck, is widely regarded as the most unfortunate mutant heroine of the modern age.
    To date, her “Staff of Power” has been documented to have set fire to her own wings no less than nine times, with two of those times winning the weekly prize on America’s Funniest Superhero Videoes. (Note the characteristic charring on her once angelic white wings.)
    Of special interest to fans of superheroics, the name “Lady Unluck” is not Anika’s name for herself. But every attempt to record, transmit, and/or broadcast that other name has resulted in spectacular accidents which have prevented that name from becoming known. Most news outlets know to bleep out her official superhero name when she says it...at least since the infamous WKRP incident of 2013.
    But despite her somewhat...uneven... record of battling villainy, Anika is still out there fighting the good fight and searching for any team which might someday be brave enough allow her onto the roster.
  22. Thanks
    archer reacted to Rebar in Brick tricks   
    It's a pity Increased knockback is so expensive.
    For a given max AP, you get no benefit.
    For a given 40AP:
    40 STR gives you average 8 BOD for KnB.
    26 STR w/ 1.5x KnB (+1/2 = 39AP) gives you average 5D6 x1.5 = 7.5 BOD for KnB.
    22 STR w/ 2x KnB (+3/4 = 40AP) gives you average 4D6+1 x2 = 8.5 BOD for KnB.
    Thus the entire net effect is that ... you have a significantly reduced STR - and that's all.
    Looking at it without an AP max doesn't help.
    You've got a 40STR, which averages 8 BOD for KnB.
    If you buy 2x KnB on that, it will cost you 30 points, and give you 16 BOD KnB.
    Or, you could just buy +30 STR for and get 14 BOD KnB.
    So, you're getting a whopping 2 BOD for KnB - at the price of 30STR (and all that you could do with that).
  23. Like
    archer reacted to Christopher R Taylor in TV characters you base game characters on.   
    Looking over the build, I was understating his power.  I toned him back a little from his full display of abilities from the cartoon and he's still really, really powerful.  Superman-level.  He started as a "peacekeeper" a sort of space cop, ended up getting the bands from an alien, and got an "Inviso-Belt" from some secret police kind of guys.  He was the best of the Peacekeepers, so he's got a lot of training and skill.  The Attacks I mostly bundled into a single really expensive 12d6 blast with variable special effects and advantages to represent the ways he's used it in the past.  His force field should probably be higher, but its pretty immense as is.  He routinely flys around in base mode of 8 PD/ED force field that the Power Bands give constantly.  Most of his attacks require him to push the 3 buttons on his wrist in various combinations, so they have gestures.  Technically people could take his belt and power bands but I don't remember it ever happening so I gave them IIF for most of the powers; its not clear the bands give him x-ray vision or flight for example.
    Val    Char   Cost    Roll     Notes
    18/40  STR       8       17-      Lift 6400.0kg; 8d6 [4]
      17    DEX     14      12-      OCV:  5/DCV:  5
      18    CON      8       13-
      18    INT        8       13-      PER Roll 13-
      10    EGO      0       11-      ECV:  3 - 3
      20    PRE      10      13-      PRE Attack:  4d6
       5     OCV     10     
       5     DCV     10     
       3     OMCV  0      
       3     DMCV  0      
       4     SPD      20                  Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
       6     PD          4                   Total:  6/36 PD (0/30 rPD)  
       6     ED         4                   Total:  6/36 ED (0/30 rED +25 vs fire or cold)
       7     REC      3
      35    END      3
      10    BODY   0
      30    STUN    5       Total Characteristic Cost:  107
    Cost   Powers                                                                                   END
    48      Inviso-Belt:  Desolidification , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points); IIF (-¼) 0
    20      Inviso-Belt:  Invisibility to Sight Group , Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (30 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Decreased effect against technological detection (-¼)                                                     0
               Power bands                                                                                 
    19      Basic Defense Screen:  Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) (24 Active Points); IIF (-¼)               0
    12      Viso Penetron Beam:  Penetrative (blocked by lead) with Sight Group (15 Active Points); IIF (-¼)        0
    51      Force Field:  Resistant Protection (22 PD/22 ED) (Protect Carried Items) (76 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)        0
    19      Heat Force Shield:  Resistant Protection (25 ED) (39 Active Points); Cold Only (-½), IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)      0
    19      Freeze Force Field:  Resistant Protection (25 ED) (39 Active Points); Heat Only (-½), IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)    0
    45      Flight:  Flight 15m, Position Shift, x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points)            0
    35      Flight:  Faster-Than-Light Travel (15 Light Years/hour) (44 Active Points); IIF (-¼)                0
    15      Strength Augmentation:  +22 STR, Custom Modifier (+0) (22 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Concentration (½ DCV; -¼)         2
    8         Recharge:  Aid  Endurance 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (24 Active Points); Only Restores To Starting Values (-½), Only for mechanical or technological devices (-½), Only to Aid Others (-½), IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)                                                                                                  2
    13      Sensors:  Detect Invisible objects A Class Of Things 9- (Unusual Group), Range, Targeting (20 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)                                                                                               0
    115         Power Bands:  Multipower, 135-point reserve, all slots Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (202 Active Points); all slots OIF (-½), Gestures (-¼)
    9f       1)  Ray (varies):  Blast 12d6, Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +¼), Variable Advantage (+½ Advantages; +1) (135 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)                          0
    2f       2)  Energy-Enhanced Strike:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +7 ½d6 (38 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)                                                                                               0
    4f       3)  Magnetic Ray:  Telekinesis (50 STR) (75 Active Points); Only vs metallic objects (-½), IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)             0
    9f       4)  Stun Beam:  Drain STUN 6 ½d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1) (130 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)                                                                      0
    5f       5)  Locking Ray:  Entangle 6d6, 9 PD/9 ED (75 Active Points); IIF (-¼), Gestures (-¼)             0
              Self Defense Training
    5         Defensive Block                                                                       +1            +3           Block, Abort
    3         Legsweep                                                                                   +2            -1           9d6 Strike, Target Falls
    4         Martial Dodge                                                                            --            +5           Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort
    4         Martial Strike                                                                            +0            +2          10d6 Strike
    30      The Phantom Cruiser/Ghost Ship:  Vehicle
    6         Combat Luck (3 PD/3 ED)
    3         Combat Piloting 12-
    16      +2 with HTH Combat
    5         Escape Artist:  Custom Skill 12-
    3         Paramedics 13-
    2         Peacekeeper:  PS 11-
    3         Persuasion 13-
    3         Security Systems 13-
    6         WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, High Tech Firearms
    Total Powers & Skill Cost:  536
    Total Cost:  643
    643+     Matching Complications
    25      Dependent NPC:  Jan, Jace, and Blip the monkey Frequently (Normal; Group DNPC: x4 DNPCs)
    5         Distinctive Features:  Galactically famous superhero and law enforcer (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
    10      Hunted:  Zoltar Frequently (Less Pow; Harshly Punish)
    10      Hunted:  Zorak Frequently (Less Pow; Harshly Punish)
    10      Hunted:  Moltar Frequently (Less Pow; Harshly Punish)
    15      Psychological Complication:  Code of Behavior (Common; Strong)
    10      Psychological Complication:  Gullible and Trusting (Common; Moderate)
    Total Complications Points:  643

    Space Ghost.hdc
  24. Like
    archer got a reaction from tkdguy in Genre-crossover nightmares   
    Star Trek: Baywatch...chronicles the adventures of a group of ensigns who are undercover as lifeguards at the most popular resort on Risa.
  25. Like
    archer reacted to Lucius in Magical Tombs & Sacred Texts   
    The Book of Three Rings
    Dweomercraft for Apprentices
    The Book of Changes
    The Lazy Man's Guide to Enchantment
    Diabolism for Dabblers
    The Book of Prayers in Common
    The Prayer's Handbook
    The Lore Plain
    Authentic Thaumaturgy
    Approved Practical Catechism
    Orthography of Phydaux
    How to Do that Hoodoo So You Do it Well
    Codex of the West
    Common Clerical Errors
    Justice Incorporeal
    Dangers Interdimensional
    A First Bestiary
    The Book of Forty Kings
    The Arduous Grimoire
    A Field Guide to Forces
    Analects that Confuse Us
    The Bell Book
    The Codex of Silence
    The Book of Changes
    The Monstrum Manual
    Handbook of Alchemy and Metaphysics
    Libram of Useful Herbs
    The Joy of Hex
    Auric Onager
    Pictorial Key to the Law
    The Classic Way of Virtue
    The Limb of Gold
    Which World?
    Doctrine and Ceremony of the Great Work
    Book of the Undead
    Seer's Catalog
    A Second Bestiary
    Scroll of Saving
    Uncommon Clerical Terrors
    The Book of the Well Done Cow
    The Book of Splendor
    The Donjon Mystic's Guide
    The Book of Changes
    Metamagical Themas
    The Cryptic Codex
    The Jade Tablet
    The Tome of Mausoleus
    A Brief Mystery of Tomes
    Circles of Arepo
    The Tome of Horrors
    Scroll of the Bones
    The Sorcerer's Codex
    The Incunabulus of Diabolotry
    The Club of the Month Book
    The Complete Idiot's Guide to Necromancy
    The Suzerain in Saffron
    Oracle of the Thousand Hands
    The Unspeakable Cult of the Unpronouncable Name
    The Seven Hobbits of Highly Defective Purple
    Occult Blood
    Book of Fifty Shadows
    Songs of the Barred
    The Zornwil Effect
    Lucius Alexander
    The palindromedary appears in Circus of Words
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