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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: HUDSON CITY: What Do *You* Want To See? I hope the 'entertainment' section includes information on the the local sports clubs. Is there an NFL team? NBA? I like the underground newspaper idea Response times (in the enforcement section) How long will it take to get an ambulace to any given point in the city? A squad car? National guard? Include a riot scenario and a city-burning scenario
  2. Re: How to: Daredevil I wouldn't allow the -5 disadvantage for no limbs. Pseudopods is better represented with -15: no fine manipulation. I would allow Daredevil to 'sell back' his normal sight, and not give him the disadvantage.
  3. Re: How to: Daredevil He might not be able to tell with a flourecent light, but his touch has detect heat signiture, ranged. He'd know if an incandescent light was on. I doubt he could read a computer screen. I would go with discriminatory for touch.
  4. Re: [eBay] Adventurer's Club Magazine 26 Issues Excellent Condition! you might think about listing what those issues talk about (article titles and so forth). if any of them sound interesting, I might consider it.
  5. Re: Best way to strip someone down. "Yengtao"? I've never heard of it. I have "Champions" genre book, but not the setting book. Is that where it is? While I agree that this could be done with a called shot, which would result in normal damage if not rolled well, I also think this could be a 'superskill'. After all, Ninja Hero talks about drains on running and characteristics done to simulate talents/training to disable opponents. Both methods work, both methods involve points expenditure. I just like transform because it's 'safer' (the target can only be humiliated, not injured). Then again, just doing it with a strike would also let me target Inaccesible Foci, like Armor (Johny 5 could so pants defender), utility belts, and quivers. That much is talked about in the optional rules. I forget how much the values are. Would you impose penalties on de-pants-ed characters as per change environment, even if it was done with a straight up killing attack instead of a power?
  6. Re: Team Vehicle for Review Seems well rounded enough. I am curious about the heat seeker limitation. You only expect half of your targets to have heat signitures? I would have thought most targets would have them. Also, what kind of team are you to cause a major reaction at the very sight of your vehicle? If it always causes a major reaction, you can't even really ride it down main street in broad daylight. Oh, cop cars have a distinctive feature too, but it doesn't cause a major reaction.
  7. Re: Cinematic Gun Combat: "Give me that." Use Transfer? Nah, then they'd have to get the gun back after a few phases. Teleport usable as attack sounds best.
  8. Re: Best way to strip someone down. Yeah, I thought of that. The same thing applies to characters in armor. I just decided the talent shouldn't work against such special clothing. Anyway, you think a Minor transform might cover all the bases? have it make them naked and/or encumbered?
  9. One of my favorite weapon tricks from the movies is using a lazer, sword, or other killing attack to remove clothing. My favorite example is Johny 5 from Short Circuit, shooting off belt buckles, but Mask of Zorro is another good one. I thought this would be a great talent to write up, so I started off with 2d6 Cosmetic Transform (person into nakey person): 10 points (if the weapon isn't ranged, the transform should get that limitation) Now, that takes care of Humiliating your opponent with your skill (great as an add on to presence attacks), but if your pants fall down in the movies, the person generally has to muddle around until he gets them off his ankles, or use one hand to hold them up. is that Dispel foot-based Movement powers? Negative skill levels for skills performed with feet? Should the talent, then be a multipower? How would you do it?
  10. Re: Ewok, or similar beasties, stats As furry as they are, I might add LS: Cold, or at least for Temperature Level -1. Concealment, self only, only in woody areas (it seemed like they blended in with the tree's fairly well). Add PD, only to handle falling damage (ANY arboreal race should have this)
  11. Re: Desolidification Trick ... De-Armoring? I was about to suggest dispel Armor! Curses. Although, you might want to make it 'dispell any Inaccesible Focus'
  12. Re: Gods and Champions It's happened in our group a couple of times. I've posted my writeup of Porter Rockwell on the Other Genres boards (Real Guy. According to all the stories surrounding him, he was blessed with being bulletproof), so there's recieved powers from God. I once played the Greek god Helios, so there's being inherently divine. As for in the Comics . . . I don't remember exactly, but I thought there was a marvel character who had the God-given ability to see visions, future, past, and whatever. He was in that wonderful trade "Marvels". The guy who narrated most of the book, while that gargoyle guy wrote it all down.
  13. Re: How To: Racing Thanks, Cutsleeve! I can even see how to adjust the scheme for different length races. This could also be a good idea for vehicle scenarios. Oh, and I might still allow a post 12 recovery. After all, you wouldn't be sprinting in, say, a marathon.
  14. I have some characters planing on having athletic (runner) origins, and I thought it would be apropos to include some physical competitions in the campaign somewhere. Thing is, how do you make a moderate race (I'm calling any race from 100 Meters to 5k moderate) interesting? As it stands, it looks as if it'd be just GM: "How many inches per turn do you have" Player: "Um, all together? 80" noncombat." GM: "Do you have enough END to keep that pace up for 4 phases?" Player: "Sure" GM: "You win." Player: "Yay." See? Boring. If he's faster, he wins, if he's slower, he loses, unless he pushes. Now in a STRENGTH competition, a guy with STR 18 could possibly beat someone else with STR 23, though the odds are against him. You can use a str roll, or even a series of Str rolls to make the competion as intense for the player as any combat. The uncertainty makes it that way. So how would you simulate the 500 meter dash?
  15. Re: persistent movement powers? hmmm, that bunny is getting kind of old, I wonder if Energizer could use a new mascot? That would definitely bring out the problems associated with the limitation. Imagine carrying out a conversation!
  16. Sociotard


    Re: Movies Willow. The whole activation roll/side effect thing that happened when a novice wizard tried to change a series of animals back into a beautiful young enchantress? very hard in D&D, but a cinch in Hero.
  17. Re: persistent movement powers? Y'know, I wonder if, rather than buying a whole A.I., I could just buy a couple of programs as being persistent? They could then work off my normal speed and KS's, as opposed to a normal A.I., which needs speed and KS's bought for it.
  18. Can ground gliding be used to "walk on water", or to do any of the other speedster tricks "surface flight" is used for? you know, running over the heads in a crowd, running on walls, or a ninja standing on the tip of an opponents sword? As a related question, does surface flight leave tracks?
  19. Re: persistent movement powers? *sigh* I was afraid of that (although, the character couldn't run out of END. All persistent powers gotta be 0 end, but then I could see ignoring that rule) Maybe I'll buy a simple navigational A.I. or something.
  20. Now, flight is given as an example of what happens when persistent is applied to movement. But, how well do they move? If I turn on my persistent running and go to sleep, can I still stay on the road? Do I run the risk of trotting off a cliff? If I'm knocked out, will I just start wandering aimlessly or will I actively seek safety? Oh, can "does not stack" be used as a limitation? What's it worth in a movement power?
  21. Re: I Hate Soft Targets Out of curiosity, what were the demands of the Terrorists? I think my brick would have been able to do something. He has invisibility and Desolid. Of course, he has to be near an 8 year old DNPC at all times (dependence). He'd just have to figure out some way for the terrorists to think she was a hostage.
  22. Re: A Modern League of Extroardinary Gentlemen Any LXG set in the Modern Era would have to include Napleon Dynamite. He has, like, only the most excellent skills ever.
  23. Re: Mental Powers: Classes of Mind Question I might chime in that, if a big part of your concept and point allocation is the ability to control animals, a good GM would then try to put more animals in the game than he normally would, so you could enjoy yourself. All the guards walk around with german shepherds, all the masterminds have DNPC cats, etc. I might also chime in that I wouldn't ever let a character take another class of minds, or, at the very least, make up some point cost for taking it. My reason? Mechanon. He's a robot, and the author could have given him the machine class of minds, but he didn't. He's described such that his cognitive circuits are so human, he can be affected by normal mental powers. That having been said, a limitation on mental powers that affect a somewhat rare class of minds doesn't sound half bad. Another possibility, a house rule I've considered, would be to allow a mentalist to affect all minds. If a mind isn't one he bought a class for, that mind is treated as if it had 50% resistant mental Damage Reduction. Oh sure, the animal-based mentalist has a hard time reading humans, but he can sort of do it. A little. I've never actually tried this, so I've no idea how it would work.
  24. Re: Character Posting Game. It sounds like, not only would he have a nice big killing attack, he'd have a half dozen other powers based on using it nonviolently (drains, entangles, etc.)
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