Dark Champions
Modern-day action-adventure, including vigilante crimefighting, military action, law enforcement, espionage, and more!
1,243 topics in this forum
Mood Music
by Vondy- 17 replies
this is for those of us who like to have a little mood music in our games. If you know of pages with genre appropriate music links post it here. I'll start with this page of cop show tv theme songs: http://www.geocities.com/gordon0084/pg9.html
Last reply by Killer Shrike, -
- 0 replies
The Dark Champions playtest manuscript is now available in the usual place for the Digital Hero playtesters and testreaders. It's a biggie -- as with all our genre books! -- so those of you who are interested in playtesting may want to "team up" and divvy the book into manageable portions. The deadline is July 19; I hate to make it so soon; but we're on a tight schedule if we're going to make GenCon. If you have any questions or comments, please post 'em in the "Company Questions" thread of the same title.
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 26 replies
Courtesy of webmaster Ben, I now have a new smiley to use when writing about Dark Champions and fighting crime: Mwah hah hah hah hah!!!
Last reply by Rage, -
- 11 replies
Mister Magnum Player: Val Char Cost 15 STR 5 23 DEX 39 15 CON 10 10 BODY 0 13 INT 3 11 EGO 2 20/30 PRE 10 10 COM 0 6/16 PD 3 6/9 ED 3 4/6 SPD 7 8 REC 4 30 END 0 26 STUN 0 8" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 3" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 86 Cost Power 37 Master of Guns: Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); OAF (Guns; -1) 7u 1) Lethal Kata: Killing Attack - Ranged 1d6, Variable Advantage (+2 Advantages; +4) (75 Active Points) 7u 2) Non-Lethal Kata: Energy Blast 5d6, Variable Advantage (+1 Advantages; +2) (75 Active Points) 4u 3) Telekinesis (40 STR) (60 Active Points); Only to shoot foci out of a target's h…
Last reply by freakboy6117, -
- 111 replies
OK, folx, since I'm about to start working on the new Dark Champions genre book, it's time for yet another "what do you want to see?" threads. Before I get started (see next thread), I'm going to make a couple of suggestions that I hope will keep the thread focused and make it as useful as possible to me. First, please read the posted outline. If I've already mentioned something in the outline, you don't need to suggest that I include it in the book. Second, please remember that despite the title*, Dark Champions is not a supplement for Champions -- it's a genre book for modern-day action-adventure, ranging from costumed vigilante crimefighters (like Batma…
Last reply by Kevin Rose, -
- 5 replies
As the thread title reads - I liked the central premise of the book and wondered if anyone has ran a campaign or episode based on it with operatives of just-above-normal abilities. I hated the ending of the book, but decent idea. I'm thinking of running a spy game next session.
Last reply by RDU Neil, -
- 15 replies
Because it'll be discussed, might as well be here. What do you think should be done with him in the current edition?? Kept, downpowered, eliminated, boosted, in DC, in Hudson City, in Predators, what?? Me, I'd say "keep him roughly the same power level but kick him to Hudson City or Predators," so long as he isn't made the centerfigure of the setting or anything. I like examples of how far you can push a given system or genre, even if I probably would never use him.
Last reply by Teflon Billy, -
- 0 replies
another tank and nozzle weapon, using a binary epoxy type glue Sticky Gun-10: Entangle 2d6, 2 DEF, Autofire (3 shots; +1/4), 32 Charges (+1/4), Sticky (+1/2) (40 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1 1/2), Real Weapon (-1/4), Can Be Missile Deflected (-1/4), Limited Range (-1/4)
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 0 replies
Heres a rough take on the Water Knife concept Water Knife-10: RKA 1d6, 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Turn each (+0), Armor Piercing (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Continuous (+1) (45 Active Points); OAF Bulky Fragile (-1 3/4), Gestures (-1/4), Limited Range (-1/4), Reduced By Range (-1/4), Beam (-1/4), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4) Notes: System consists of a backpack type tank unit with an armored hose running to a spray nozzle mounted on the back of the wrist. designed for use in boarding actions, cutting holes in things... I could see definite rescue applications especially in areas where you could be dealing with gas leaks/flammables. its not really a weapon …
Last reply by shadowcat1313, -
- 3 replies
Ok I know that Charlemagne was one of the first Holy Roman Emporers, helped found it unless I'm mistaken, that's not what I'm asking. In terms of Champions, specifically Dark Champions, who is Charlemagne? He was mentioned in Caber's write up in the Ultimate Brick, has he appeared someplace in 5th Edition before? Please help.
Last reply by Steve Long, -
- 11 replies
What do you want to see in "Hudson City: The Urban Abyss". I know it's earily to start this thread, but I have been working on my own "Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengence" campaign concepts. One of the things that comes up most often is the need for MAPS. Not just Battle Maps (although they are my favourites), but City Maps, Road Maps, Building Elevations, Organized Crime and Gang Territories), SubWay, Maintenance, and Sewers maps (or mini combat Maps to gain perspective). Dock Yards, Rail Yards, Slums, etc... It's all well and good to mark it with a dot and label, but the mood of the setting becomes really important in this setting. Or you could source ou…
Last reply by steriaca, -
- 4 replies
If I ran a realistic or cinematic campaign using Ninja Hero and Dark Champions, it would be a heroic-level campaign. If I ran a wuxia-style campaign for Dark Champions, would it still be a heroic-level game or a superheroic-level campaign?
Last reply by tkdguy, -
- 1 reply
But it helps. This is just an idea for a campaign basis for Dark Champons:The Animated series style campaign that I've had for awhile. Basically, take the dark urban world of any Dark Champions game. Add the lunatic theme based villians and their improbable gadgets and small army of inexplicably loyal (despite the fact they are dressed in silly costumes, get a small cut and are sacrificed/murdered on a whim). But these guys are coming out of the woodwork. No one can explain the sudden surge in costumed villiany, where they are getting there equipment/men or anything else. Normal means of investigation have all turned up nothing, even forensics tends to draw a…
Last reply by Spence, -
- 18 replies
SuperPheemy asked for this thread, so I thought I'd start it, based on my comments in the We're Gonna Need Guns thread... I stated... my main concern is a base concern with Hero System ranged combat. Basically, that it is way too easy to hit someone. Hero is so based on supers combat of high probability to hit, high defenses, nickel and dime the enemy in a fight... that this doesn't translate well to more "realistic" gun combat. One, the range mods are ridiculous for guns. A handgun shouldn't be so accurate beyond fifty feet, unless you are braced and set. Plusses on guns (to hit) should only count if character is braced and set. Maybe some "point blank range" comba…
Last reply by Fireg0lem, -
- 14 replies
Hi all, Just got one question hear concerning any potential Dark Champs. In an even remotely realistic world, how do you show the PD's reaction to the 'vigilante cop' (Dirty Harry, etc.)? I can't help but to think that when 99% of an officer's cases end up in a blaze of gunfire, that /someone/ is going to look at the guy sooner or later... I could see something like that as a subplot in the campaign, with the resident street monster having to keep an eye on his back for the IA/rat squad.
Last reply by Kevin Rose, -
- 14 replies
So here's a goofy thought - will Dark Champions have any tips on the "comedic" or "light" edge for Starsky and Hutch/Dukes of Hazzard style campaigns? Does anyone CARE??? I don't care - as of just this moment (though perhaps that has to do with it being 4 AM and not getting any sleep) - but just thought of that as itis indeed street-level heroic fiction, just on the silly edge. And as I thought of that, it occurred to me there might be people running games like this or wanting to. And though I don't "care", I can now imagine being in a game like that or running one. Though it seems such a low priority it would never happen.
Last reply by BobGreenwade, -
- 2 replies
Hiya, What about having some information that would allow us to play in a law and order type game. What this would entail is advice on running mysteries and investigations. Polaris
Last reply by Capnloco, -
- 6 replies
Howdy, Hero gamers! As we've mentioned before, we plan to open up new forums for specific genres once we get 'em started as game lines. With the Dark Champions line looming on the horizon, we figured it was time to get this particular forum going. As with the other genre forums, this one's for discussion of a particular genre: modern-day action-adventure (which we lump under the rubric "Dark Champions" for a whole bunch of reasons). That could include just about anything modern-day -- vigilante crimefighting, espionage, cop drama, military ops, conspiracy, and on and on. Enjoy!
Last reply by RDU Neil,
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