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Favorite Hero Names?


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So what are some of your more favorite HERO names and WHY?


Some I've used in the past to excellent fun were:


The Grail - kind of a daredevilesque character

The Seventh Sign - seismic power energy projector

Jake Baker - martial artist

Polecat - martial artist

Cinder - fire thrower

Blaque - a teleporter



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Daring Dustin Blake - a Luck manipulating bounty hunter turned Hero later changed his name to Jinx


Myriad - Nano-tech Hero that could do almost anything with his body


Flashburn - Second Generation Hero with cosmic energy chanelling powers


Brawl - Italian-American Chicago native, streetfighting Brick who just keeps getting back up...and craving "samiches" This guy also has one of my favorite civilian names Nico Brantonelli

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Chameleon - Team's Predator Alien / Romulan science experiment gone awry

Black Dragon (I & II) - Martial artist / Team mentalist

LaGrange - Power Aromored Knight

Badger - Wolverine clone / team brick

Unit - Android / Team government liason

Wildfire - Plasma-based energy projector

Siren - Sonic based projector / Team artillery. Wife of Black Dragon II

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So far...


Uncle Slam - My Super Patriot character

Dead Ringer - A guy who caused sonic damage when he laughed

Nomad - A time traveler doomed to wander the ages

Usurper - A doppleganger type of character

Laser Lash - Okay, you had to see the character drawing to understand why the name was so cool

Gridlock - Used entangles, Drains, and transformations to immobilize people

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Besides my organizational Acronyms (which I love), I enjoyed:


Raven - rather common but it was the name of a mutant who found other, new fledgling mutants and then grabbed them and took them back to a safehouse - sort of like the way a raven collects shiny objects.

Umbra - A shadow based hero

Capasitor - A Russian Energy hurler with absorption powers to EB.

Four Score - a Duplicator that would have a total of four forms and do a coordinated autofire (5 shots each).

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Since I am the GM in the current campaign, I have created several character recently. Two of these characters that are the best liked by the group are:


Phantom: she can make an illusion of herself somewhere that she is not and fustrates the entire team to no end.


Master Ju: Origianally designed as the primary villain for this campaign he has done such a good job of engraciating himself with the PCs that now he is an honorary hero by default. Despite normal convention, Master Ju is his true name and not an alais. Due to this (amongst other reasons) the primary villain has changed.


There are a lot more possibilities that I could show and if I am pressed hard enough I could post them sometime.

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Some villains from my most recent campaign, set in the UK:


Sidhe Hulk - Monstrous, muscular fae

Haemogoblin, the Blood Boggart

The Beast of Brent - an oil monster

Mother Goose and her Rhymes of Crime

Elephant & Castle - Small-time, thuggish duo from London.

Vermiflame - A dragon. No pun, I just like the sound of it.


Some other characters I haven't used yet, but like the names a lot:


Shadow Boxer (I thought of it first!) - Golden Age Wildcat/Atom-type superhero

The Phantasmic Four

Whistlin' Dixie, and her partner Southern Bell - One has a magic whistle, the other a magic bell. Their comic is called Bells & Whistles.

The Underlings - minions of a Moleman-type.

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some names Ive had fun with in the past, either my own idea or those of my players (*):


*Lance Dashing: Vain genetically engineered Super-Wrestler from an alternate dimension where the Media has gone mad (sort of a Mojo-verse in that respect, but not silly -- deadly serious; similar to Running Man); Medium Brick w/ some Martial Arts and a massive Presense & COM.


Relentless: a regenerating martial artist NPC; in the 4th edition built as an automaton.


Farad: an Electricity based uncontrolled Damage Shield character


Javelin: flying light brick with visible Armor (bronzed skin).


*The Logician: A strange character who was basically a wizard/mage in effect, but whose schtick was he altered reality by stating and enforcing "Irrefutible Constructs of Enforceable Logic". A Reality-bender with a Transform, Change Environment, and a VPP. Didnt work well in application (too inefficient points wise) but I always liked the concept/name.

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Almost anything with the word "Thunder".


Valor (Reformed Hideous)

Avalon (Arthurian themed gadgeteer)

Foresight (telepath)

Insight (Blind Martial artist)

Purple Haze (apparently I took it from a GURPS Supers side bar but i love the name)


Silk Dragon

Stone Tiger

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Personal favorites of my own devising:


Deadeye (undead private investigator);

The Wrath (summoned supernatural assassin/ punisher of the guilty);

Airborn (super-acrobat hero);

Newtron (genius gadgeteer, pun on "new", "neutron" and "Newton");

Hegira (Middle-Eastern speedster hero - name for Mohammed's flight from Mecca to Medina);

Killer Bee (South American villain with shrinking and insect powers).

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The Disruptor -- gadgeteer with an anarkist bent (villain)


Hexadecimal, formerly the Hexadecimal Heroine -- 16 multiforms, with the base form also having 16-unit Duplication. (villain)


Alexandria, the Librarian -- originally created as an example of a non-combat nova, developed into an interesting character


Aurakill -- originally a Halo (of the original Outsiders) one-off, the name and character grew on me


Gargantujuan -- shamelessly lifted from The Crossovers when I discovered the CU already had a Gargantua


Baethan Electrum -- one-off of Booster Gold as a female


The Yellow Journalist -- Can't take credit for this one ("Brave New World" system character), but I love that name :D


Flying Squirrel -- One-off of Batman, the way Batman would really be in a world of super-powered people (by the by, I'm not a bat-fan).


The Meteorologist -- name of one of the 7 most powerful individuals in The Emergence continuity, he originally thought his powers were limited to weather effects ;)

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Guest Worldmaker

These are some of my favorite character names, from my own NPC stable.



!: Pronounced "bang". A teenaged energy blaster with explosive powers.


Iron Horse: An American Indian brick who can turn to metal.


Simon Bar Sinister and Penny Dreadful: Fraternal twins who are the Jokers of my gameworld.


Aryan Nation: A white supremacist who can duplicate himself.


These are from PCs in the GGU:


Statuesque: A brick made of white marble.


AniMae: A martial artist who is a living anime character. The ironic part is that she doesn't even like anime in the first place...


Gray Matter the Living Brain: A mentalist whose body is 100% brain matter.


Los Hermanos ("the brothers"): Another duplicator.


Tieresias: You don't get that many superheroes who take their names from Oedipus the King.

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From previous HERO game...



(may not sound like much, but his real-life identity was Nicholas Cannon - - I've always been so envious at how perfectly that character was named)


...and from current HERO game...




OCX (Overclock eXtreme, I believe)



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Pulp Hero who returned from the dead to foil the Bund-ists who killed him.


Johnny Angel.

60's Teen Hero with Magnetic Propulsion Wings (built by Doctor Daedalus) and a precog ability that foretold the Kennedy assassination.


Citizen Pain, Johnny's Nemesis.


Freewheeler, 80's rollerskating speedster, inspired by a spring break trip to Venice Beach.


Kid Ninja, a 12 year old samurai whose player refused to pick a hero name. Never let the New York Post pick your nom de guerre...

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Hmmm...well, these are some names that I think capture the spirit of the character and the age that they live...


Red Rocket and Bombburst - Golden Age patriotic brother team, speedster and EB, from the lyrics of the Star Spangled Banner.


Jericho Jett, Man of Action - Silver Age/Blaxploitation Luke Cage/Shaft styled hero.


Doc Atomic - Silver Age Superman/Reed Richards Clone...really think this one has a nice SA ring to it.


Hannibal aka Jumbo - An elephantine brick member of a Morlock styled mutant gang...prefers to be called Hannibal, but usually tagged Jumbo by his cohorts.

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One I liked was Crownguard, it was the guys last name,he had a PI


He was sort of a Captain Britain clone, Brick that would loose some umph outside of UK controled terretories, his powers were actualy linked to the throne of Britain (or that is to say the govermental postion of Britain) so when Britain did not have a monarch he would be powerless, the powers were passed down from father to eldest son


Powers he lossed were Hardend on his Armor and 1/2 End on his str, 10 points of Strength and 5/5 Armor, that is when he left Brittish lands, without a monarch he was powerless

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Giggling Phantom - a comically stupid hero who lived on top of Coit Tower in San Francisco. Cape, cowl, the whole 9 yards. Secret ID was Gideon Lipps.


Krakatoa (secret ID Prof. Blofess Pain) - A midget sized normal with a freakishly round head (basketball on a baby) who turned into a humongous being as hot as lava.


P.A.D. (Powered Armor Device) - Simply put, a brain in a jar. Everything was through a focus.


Lucious Laser - tough guy


Fly Eye - a flying orb with a single eye and wings out the sides.


Tarantula - the brick with NO spider powers.


Shaka Jesus - An African medicine man with a VPP. Beaten to death by another character (Power Boy, the Junkyard Hero) while riding a bus.


The list goes on...and on...

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Donald Brook -- a brick with Growth and Brawling. His name many not make any sense until you switch over to his nickname. "Donny." [if you still don't get it... look up "donnybrook"]


Bandit, Racoon of the Future! -- pulp-era animal sidekick. Only heard about him, but have loved the name ever since.


A.P.E. (Algernon Patrick Emerson) -- because every campaign needs an intellagent gorilla.


Johnathan Morganthall Nightshade -- one of my longest (and favorite) SIDs ever.

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From various concepts lying around:


Panzerfaust (Iron Fist) - Power Armour


Feedback - EP with Absorbtion


Siphon - EP with Drain


Taz - Wolverine Clone/Parody from Tasmania (natch)


Flashfire - Flying EP with light SFX


Skyguard - Flying EP with force walls


and, my favourite...


Superflous Man II - Duplicator


Rick R.

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Obi Wan Jabroni - O.G. jedi pimp of WWF smackdown fame


Cloth Cannon - robed, fireball shootin' mage


Gonad the Barbarian - nemesis of Princess Orgasmia


American Maid - the Tick's crack-whore


and of course, my namesake - Drunky McSwervenCrash


gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife...

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Originally posted by DrunkyMcSwerven



gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife, gonads and strife...


and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...........


(sorry to go OT)

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