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Your Character's Comic Book


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Let's say that a comic book company in your gaming verse makes a pitch to your character asking for permission or a deal where a comic book can be made about him/her. Your character is popular enough (being "real") that he/she gets a lot of pull and choices in the initial set up.


So, what sort of writer and artist would your character want depicting him (Feel free to assume that somewhere there are analogs to Mark Waid, Alex Ross, Busiek, Romita, etc)?


What 'age' would the story veins be? (Silver, Bronze, Iron, etc)


Assuming they have a secret ID, so that would not be shared, what career, name, etc would they give the comic book version of them? (example: "Ooo.. .make me a billionare playboy. I'm not one, but hey, I wish I were.")


Would your character want to be paid, have a percentage of the profits given to a charity in his/her name, or what?

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Honestly, my character would make darned sure they never made a comic out of his life. I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but that's how he'd react. He'd also want to know how they found out about his clandestine operations and make their life sheer hell, sicking all manner federal agents and auditors on them.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Twilight would insist that his comic be drawn by Alex Ross and, time permitting, would even pose for some of the covers himself. The writer would have to be Kurt Busiek and Twi would take steps to keep Mark Waid as far from his comic as humanly possible.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


George Perez would absoutely have to be the artist. As to writer, it could be anyone Mr. Perez would want doing it.


Ooo...Ooo...Ooo...OR Jack Kirby. That would totally RAWK! :smoke:


You beat me to it. KIRBY!


Or Perez.


OK, maybe Keith Giffen. :)


Writers: Dennis O'Neil. Marv Wolfman. Kirby, again. Giffen, again. Paul Levitz.


Age: Silver/Bronze, possibly with slight touches of wackiness.


Secret ID: Musician. Read: Guitarist.


Yes, Assault would like to be paid. It would free up his time to be a hero.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Enforcer would be all over that.

He'd want Perez, Zircher (a former heroite!), John Byrne, the guy who drew Majestik then Superman..., Frank Cho, or Mark Bagley as artist. Ross could do covers!

Writer? Busiek, Waid, Johns, definately not Bendis, Millar, or Miller.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Even though it might be a little grittier than they'd normally do*, I'd offer the option to do a Penumbra line to Antarctic Press. With a smaller company you'd have more pull, and I like the anime-esque styings of Ben Dunn and Fred Perry.


If it were a Black Rose comic, it would be completely up their alley, though.



* Although... this is the company that did some really great alt-hist WWII stuff, focussing on the Germans so I could be wrong.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Ooo...Ooo...Ooo...OR Jack Kirby.
You beat me to it. KIRBY!

:o Aw, shucks, thanks. :o






The only character I've had that I'd think would accept would be Cavalier, who was a flying semi-brick and a bit lecherous. He'd want Busiek. Or at least I hope he would.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Uncle Slam has had a few comics, mostly one-shots, put out for charity or to promote patriotism. These days he wouldn't be interested; and he doesn't know comic artists and writers.


Anthem would be impressed with anyone signed to do it who did either Captain America or Batman. She always thought she'd end up a sidekick of someone like these two, but things have worked out pretty well on their own.


Audra Blue would want Frank Miller. Girl lives her life in the dark; That lends itself well to his "negative space" style, where everything is black with splashes of white.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


The characters on our campaign haven't had a comic book made about them yet (though the players have discussed the layout of how our game would appear as a comic) but they are having a movie made about them at the moment.


This has led to interesting scenes between the characters and the actors who will be portraying them... :winkgrin:

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Dr. Anomaly would agree, with the proceeds from the sale of the comic going to charity. Since his team has a public base, he'd probably have a new "secret ID" created for the comic book version of him, and in the comic book would just "live at the base." In the comic, he'd get his money (with which he funds the team) from making hyper-accurate guesses about the behavior of the stock market, based on esoteric mathematical forumlas that no one not a super-genius mathematician could posssible understand, and that a computer couldn't be set to process -- because by the time the computer processed the equations to get the answer, the market forces would have changed enough to render the answer useless. In other words, it's a "unique source of income" with an explaination of why everyone isn't doing it. :)


Which, incidentally, is not how the "real" Dr. Anomaly funds his team. :)


As to writer/artist...well. For artist, it's a toss-up between Alex Ross, Jeff Moy, and George Perez -- and all of them have completely different styles! Ultimately, since he'd want a more Silver Age (with just a touch of Bronze) -- i.e. generally light-hearted and hopeful but with a touch of realism -- as the feel for his comic, he'd probably go with George Perez as his style fits best. If he were going more "Bronze", he'd go with Alex Ross and if he were going pure "Silver", he'd say Jeff Moy.


For a writer...tough, very tough. But having recently read Kevin Smith's collected Green Arrow work, I think I'd have to choose him. The guy has style, insight, and does excellent twists you'd never expect. My favorite thing about him is (a) his ability to revitalize a character, making changes to the character that don't invalidate anything that has gone before and (B) his utlization of minor-but-canon characters to unexpected but excellent effect.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Blazing Arrow would probably best be done by what's-his-name, oh that bugs me, the guy who does Concrete. He'd be able to expose the absurdity of the character while maintaining his basic decency and reasonable depth as a person, not over-playing his farcical side.


For our gaming group, the Justice Squad, I think contemporary "steel" as done by Matt Howarth (author of "Those Annoying Post Brothers") would be good.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Raptor, should he ever warrant a solo book (I swear I accidentally created a perpetual b-list character...) should probably be done as a mini-series by some up-and-comer and not given to someone with a good name in the business as he’d likely regret doing it later. Either that or Brian K Vaughn, with Joe Quesada doin’ the art.


Helios (and the whole Genesis team, I think) scream for the Perez/Wolfman touch. Or maybe Levitz. Yeah, Levitz and Wolfman.


Black could use the style of Mike Oeming as an artist, and maybe Geoff Johns or JMS as writer.


My as-yet-unnamed character who just turned into some sort of golden electrical guy I’d like to see done by Peter David and Keith Giffen. If everyone in the story finally gets together it’d probably be a good book for Bendis (think ‘Powers’, not Marvel books). Or maybe Kevin Smith.

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Blazing Arrow would probably best be done by what's-his-name, oh that bugs me, the guy who does Concrete. He'd be able to expose the absurdity of the character while maintaining his basic decency and reasonable depth as a person, not over-playing his farcical side.


For our gaming group, the Justice Squad, I think contemporary "steel" as done by Matt Howarth (author of "Those Annoying Post Brothers") would be good.

His name is something Chadwick. :whistle:


Paul, I think

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Re: Your Character's Comic Book


Hmm...for K-ULTRA I'd have to say the art would be by Adam Warren, since that's where I told my internal visual ideas for her armor design and the character is very anime styled. Writing I'd be tempted to pick Ostrander (Suicide Squad). K's a four color character in a more shades of grey world.


Proceeds would definitely go to charity.

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