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Comics are getting too steamy...


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What the heck is happening with this sexual revolution? And back then super females were perfect the way they were! If you had the job of making comics and you could remove this and another feature, what would the other one be? I would wanna get rid of the unnecessary blood that comes out when someone gets hit, even though it is realisitic...

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


What the heck is happening with this sexual revolution? And back then super females were perfect the way they were! If you had the job of making comics and you could remove this and another feature' date=' what would the other one be? I would wanna get rid of the unnecessary blood that comes out when someone gets hit, even though it is realisitic...[/quote']


Personally, I am quite confortable with the current amount of sex in comics as it stands. Pruderie was one of the CCA-generated elements that I found most annoying. Sex is one rather important topic in the life of the average person, and this is typically much more true in highly stressful or dangerous lifestyles such as soldiers, or superheroes. Brushes with death do heighten the craving for the passions of life... Speaking from personal experience, I can state that even if when it does not entail personal danger, a few hours' worth of contact with the evil and suffering life so often creates (such as in a ER) often does significantly trigger an appetite for both romantic love and steamy sex, unless you were completely spent in getting through the experience.


No, showing sex as a significant element of superheroes' lives is only realistic and appropriate.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


I have to agree with wanderer ... Sex is one of the most important parts of life in general. In fact it is one of the Four Necessary aspects of any society: Food, Shelter, Waste Management, Reproduction.


I'm not saying we need to turn comics into a XXX-fest, nor does sexuality need to occur in every issue - but to completely ignore romantic and sexual entanglements is wholly unrealistic.


Our Puritanical society is unhealthy at best.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


... Sex is one of the most important parts of life in general. In fact it is one of the Four Necessary aspects of any society: Food' date=' Shelter, Waste Management, Reproduction.....[/quote']


You make a good point but I also do not wish to read about my favorite comic book characters eating dinner, taking a crap or combing their hair either.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


Gratuitous sexuality/pandering needs to go away. Sexuality is indeed a part of life but the lame crap I've seen concerning this issue makes me think the majority of writers in comics have no business dealing with it.


And Namorita, from a few years back, having sex with Nova's roommate to get back at him is the sort of thing I'm talking about. I don't need superheroes acting like they are in a cast of a soap opera with the moral restraint of a juvenile in their ritualized fantasies.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


You make a good point but I also do not wish to read about my favorite comic book characters eating dinner' date=' taking a crap or combing their hair either.[/quote']


good point.


But, romaticism and sexuality are such large emotional drives for the human being that to blatantly ignore them is ludicrous. I'm not saying "show sex in comics" I'm saying "don't pretend it doesn't exist."


And I've seen plenty of comics where scenes have taken place over meals, we meet a character as they get ready for the day (combing their hair) ... going to the bathroom we can allude to, vaguely. I'll agree on that point.



can you imagine how cranky a constipated Wolverine would be?

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


It depends on the book but it does seem as if comics have gotten too steamy.


I consider the old Fantastic Fours when Sue and Reed married: you knew they were having sex but it didn't need to be shown. Nowadays, it can go way out of hand.


Personally, I think the IC in the DC universe went over the line with Sue's rape. Sure, it wasn't shown (the lead up was though) but I don't want that in a mainstream comic with the JLA. No thanks.


In some of the harder edge comics I don't mind but then again I don't read most of them. The Authority's very casual attitude toward sex at one point really annoyed me where just about everyone but Midnighter and Apollo were engaging in very casual sex. I was glad when they made Angela's and Jack's relationship much stronger and shown to be more than just sex.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


And don't get me started on Juggernaut and She-Hulk having a one night stand...




hey, I love sex and am a fan of naughty comics, too.

But, I'd like to keep sex in mainstream comics a) in the background, and B) at least somewhat logical. She Hulk and Wyatt Wingfoot, her longtime boyfriend? Sure. She hulk and some guy she picked up at a bar? Okay, it's not flattering but if they want to make her the female version of Hercules, alright then. She Hulk and a guy who was a supervillain yesterday and has over the course of his career tried to kill many she considered her friends? Knowingly? Uhm. No.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


I think sex in comics is important, to a point. You don't want to believe that these people live in a static, asexual environment. That doesn't mean you need to see them having sex but the fact that they do should be implied. I managed to get my share of laughs when I read a passage where Elongated Man says something to his wife about how she will never leave him because he's the man with the rubber body-parts.


As far as how characters are drawn, I remember reading that the artists used to draw Supergirl nude for fun and let the inker put the costume on. All the female characters were drawn in a fashion to stimulate the male readers. Who didn't like to see the females of the Hellfire Club make their first appearances? :)

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


Sex in Comic books is like having Wolverine show up in ALL your company's titles.

It sells. Its a gimic. Take a look at the Previews catalog and the lesser known comic company's products. Sexy Spider Chicks with large breasts trying to eat people or any other variation as long as you have gratuitous violence and big breasts.

But that's what gets the fans to buy the comic.


The easiest way to let your opinion be heard is to buy or not buy the product.

You don't buy it, comic cancels. No fuss no Muss. Let the market decide.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


And don't get me started on Juggernaut and She-Hulk having a one night stand...




hey, I love sex and am a fan of naughty comics, too.

But, I'd like to keep sex in mainstream comics a) in the background, and B) at least somewhat logical. She Hulk and Wyatt Wingfoot, her longtime boyfriend? Sure. She hulk and some guy she picked up at a bar? Okay, it's not flattering but if they want to make her the female version of Hercules, alright then. She Hulk and a guy who was a supervillain yesterday and has over the course of his career tried to kill many she considered her friends? Knowingly? Uhm. No.

When did this story arc occur?


I obviously haven't been reading enough comics :D



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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


Well, I dont mind it to an extent. As in alluding to it, maybe. For the most part, I am uncomfortable with it being in you face. Maybe more behind closed doors, so to speak.



As far as using the bathroom. After eating Mexican food, my strongest drive is to get the heck to the bathroom before I explode. Too much info? Yes, I know, sorry.:o

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


I think the important distinction should be made here of -

1) In-Character (IC) sex that is important for character development, or the plot - and has believable character based motivations behind it (ie She Hulk is extroverted and quite likely to do one-night-stands or whatever).

2) Eye candy to sell more issues. Pair popular character A with popular character B and who cares about the story.


I want more of 1) and less of 2)

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


I think there is too much casual sex in comics, 'cause it's bizarre. Arsenal has had sex with every superheroine in DC comix? Say what? Jean Grey was in bed with Wolverine when he ruined the moment by telling her he killed her boyfriend? Emma frost is so hot for Scott Summers' that she violates her professional ethics (well, not hard to believe, more hard to believe she's a good guy now . . .)? Wolverine tries to have sex with a teen-aged Mary-Jane Watson simply 'cause he thinks he can (being in Peter Parker's body at the time)?

On the other hand, inappropriate sex behavior is not used enough. Sue Richards never knocked boots with Namor, never? Alicia Masters' sex life while dating Ben Grimm consisted of what? Plastic Man has not abused his abilities in the bars and clubs and maybe wound up in bed with a fourteen year old with a fake ID? Sex should be used to make stories happen, not to indulge fantasies of comic writers and artists or fans. Sex should be used because it makes interesting things happen, and it should be avoided when its results are boring or predictable or negligible.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


Blunt personal opinion:


with the declining concern about mores and morals among today's youth (witness the fact that porn has gone from 'plain brown wrapper, sold discretely from the back rooms of the finest truck stops to a main-stream diversion), sex in the comic books, while something I can't say I'm crazy about-- just something else to have to explain to the kids, possibly before they're psychologically ready-- is little more than an attempt to remain appealing to the primary audience, and thus remain financially viable as companies. It has little to do with 'furthering the plot;' it simply makes kiddies feel more grown up to see it.


There are far too many ways to further a plot or develop a relationship without having to pacify the voyeurs.



just an opinion, of course, and everyone else is bound to have their own.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


While I know some folks will disagree on either side, I am okay with it in comics with the following provisos:

1) It has to make sense for the character.

2) It should add something to the story and not be overused.

3) Like movies, I think comics should have ratings on them (and most companies already do this, so no harm no foul) of some sort to let the buyer know what he/she (or their kid) is getting into.


If someone wants to read about Lady Ultra getting it on, that's fine, but if last week Lady Ultra was typical silver age and then this week she's not, well, there should be some attempt at warning before someone finds out they aren't getting what they thought what they had paid for.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


While I know some folks will disagree on either side, I am okay with it in comics with the following provisos:

1) It has to make sense for the character.

2) It should add something to the story and not be overused.

3) Like movies, I think comics should have ratings on them (and most companies already do this, so no harm no foul) of some sort to let the buyer know what he/she (or their kid) is getting into.


If someone wants to read about Lady Ultra getting it on, that's fine, but if last week Lady Ultra was typical silver age and then this week she's not, well, there should be some attempt at warning before someone finds out they aren't getting what they thought what they had paid for.

This is a good point. Warning prospective buyers is always a good idea.

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


3) Like movies, I think comics should have ratings on them (and most companies already do this, so no harm no foul) of some sort to let the buyer know what he/she (or their kid) is getting into.



That gives a whole new meaning to the X-Men...They could spawn new sub-titles like the XXX-Men.




Couldn't resist. :drink:

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Re: Comics are getting too steamy...


2) Eye candy to sell more issues. Pair popular character A with popular character B and who cares about the story.

As a follow up to this, would it be possible to have a hero or heroine who was say plain or ugly ?

Or even a heroine's costume that was not designed as a bikini, to show off her figure etc.

Certain characters have always been that way (ie Wonder Woman) but not every heroine or villainess needs to be the same. Besides you can't fight crime in a bikini or a thong. The public would just laugh at you.

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