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Wwycd: Doom!!!!


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You walk into your headquarters and sitting in the chair in front of your monitoring station is none other than Dr. Destroyer himself. Before you can attack him, he holds up his hand. "I need your help. One of my research facilities stumbled onto something horrific. They sent out a red alert. I sent in my destroid soldiers. They died. I sent in my Superbeings. This is from a security camera in the facility." He then shows you a video of Gigaton Being killed by monsters. "Then the base lost power. I then sent in My destroid Robots led by my Robotic duplicate. This is his last transmission." He now shows you a video of Gigaton attacking the robot. He looks mutated, almost like a demonic version of Gigaton. His costume evens has tears where the monsters ripped into him when he was killed. The video is shown as if you are looking out the eyes if the person."This is from Robotic Duplicate" The robot damages Gigaton before Gigaton rips it apart. "That robot had all of my powers. And he beat it like a red handed stepchild. I need you to go with me so that we can stop them from escaping and bringing hell on earth. I want to rule the Earth not HELL! Are you in?"


What would you do??????

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Millinnium "Lesser of two evils, the devil you know, and all that. I do so hate to be a Doubting Thomas, but would you mind terribly droping you mental defenses just long enough for me to reassure myself this isn't a trap? If this is on the level, you have my help."


Cheeta "I know Dr. Destroyer, and you're not him. You're Aston Kutchner wearing Dr. D's armor, and I'm being Punked. Didn't fall for it.


Iron Will Ask location of lab, start clairsentient intelligence gathering.


Snow Leopard "Would you mind explaining, in 25 words or less, exactly what I'm suppost to do against them? If you think my healing factor is enough to keep me from being transformed like Gigaton, I'd like to see that it's more than just a guess."


Dolphin "Three things you need to understand about this situation. First, this is a manifestation of your own Karma. Second, I am one of maybe half a dozen beings on the planet that can go up against these things without being tuned into one of them. Third, the price for my help is your retirement. You will shut down all weapons research and development, and quit any take over the world sceams. This is non negotiatiable, take it or have fun playing tag with your little friends without my help."

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Um... start going thru my stupid knock-knock jokes. Getting ready to bolt from the room when he rolls his eyes. The man leveled Detroit! Not in a good way might I remind you...


If he doesn't roll his eyes at my jokes, challenge him to a game of chess. WHEN I loose, compliment him on being a better man then I. Then run like the wind!

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Anthem would say, "You have me confused with Wonder Woman. I'm not certain my throwing stars bouncing off of that thing's teflon is going to help you any."


Audra Blue would tell him to get out of her chair NOW or there's no deal. "I can't see how this is my problem that you're getting your butt kicked. What are you really after?" Then once she's convinced, she'd negotiate. If he didn't negotiate in urnest, she'd have no problem with leaving him holding the bag.


Uncle Slam, having last seen the big D at the battle of Detroit, would offer to remind him how that ended.

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Badger- would probably let the rest of the team decide on the course of action on this one. He is not in the habit of joining enemies for any reason, and he doesnt fancy getting "possessed" or whatever happened to the flunky. But on the other hand he isnt in the habit of resisting a good fight. And I have to face it, seeing as how he is a reformed villain, he would have some morbid admiration on some level for the Doc. OK, he at least wouldnt have the same type of animosity others would have.


Though I do have to say I hope the Doc went to one of the other heroes HQ. If it was his own personal one. Badger.....well he has a blast first, then blast again, maybe ask a question (better have a short answer) before I blast some more approach to trespassers.

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!



Originally Posted by Iuz the Evil

1) Knock over the soda onto my character sheet, apologize profusely, take it into the kitchen to get a paper towel, and head out the back door.


2) Never speak to the GM again.


Ding! Ding! We have a winner!


I didn't ask what you as the PLAYER would do I asked what would your CHARACTER would do.


Millennium, He takes off his helmet and lets you read his mind about this. When you do, you realize he was sugarcoating the disaster that will result from this debacle. He is scared ****less and is on the level. You will have nightmares for weeks as a result.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Firedrake: Would agree right off the top to go, and likely try to kill Destroyer in the process. (Enraged: presence of demons, 14-, 8-)


Ion:Positive: Ask how close this base is to a populated area. If far enough, discuss nuking it. Negative: Wait till Destroyer is fighting some horrendously powerful demon, THEN nuke the place. Wherever it is.


"The PC": (Yes, I have a super who knows he is a PC, and is really paranoid about it. Thinks I will write up a new one far too easy to care if he gets killed. At least he stoppped trying to tell all the other PCs:idjit: ) Will pray to his maker to attack the GM. Then will go hunting for a BFG. "I knew you'd screw me someday."


Quantum Cat: "Magic is merely an energy wave we haven't developed a unified theory for yet. Please give me all research data related to this experiment. Meanwhile, I will send several of my q-ghosts to gather recon."

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Blackcat (after the aforementioned telepathic scan) would call the team together and go in. This team was made to be the JLA, in the first major adventure they took out Dr Destroyer in about 4 segments.

Ballistic would do the same as the above (he's the secondary character on the same team).


Meeb would get help but try and do something. He would also insist the the Dr come along as well, to act as sniper fire. Given that the team he belongs to has a guy turning into an alien, and a alternate dimension cyborg assassin, and are know unofficially as the "Freak Squad," they would likely end up recruiting one of the monsters to join.


Terminal Velocity would stammer and say something to the effect of "Why are you asking us, we could barely deal with Ogre".


Angelfire would agree, at least for reconisense. Being a half demon in a hell influenced place might help her.

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


The Silver Knights are the JLA/Avengers of the current generation of their world and would be the team to come to. They also have had several nasty encounters with the not-so good Doctor, including one that a team member dead and a few others in the hospital. Oh yeah, Lady Silver used a black magic spell to lobotomize Dr. D as well during that fight: needless to say, the team is not on good terms.


Lady Silver would immediately call the entire team to stand down but be ready. She'd savvy to realize that if Dr. Destroyer wants to talk, they should listen. If he just wanted to attack, he would have done so already. In addition (although not stated in the original post), she knows that DD is going to have a ton of Destroids ready to swoop in for a fight. This would be a very bloody battle and she'd rather avoid that for the moment.


After hearing Destroyer out, she'd be very skeptical since she trusts him as far as she can martial throw him. While she thinks the basics are truthful (if only because Destroyer thinks too highly of himself to feign weakness), there's no doubt something else he's not saying even if it's only that he intends to use the Knights as cannon fodder (although that's a given).


In the end, her call would be for a deal: surrender to us with the information and we'll deal with it. YOU'RE going to jail. It would probably lead to a huge slugfest although he might have the information ready and then escape through a method already planned out: he has what he wants at this point.


The rest of the team would be similar and few would want to work willingly with him given the personal history, the attack on Detroit, and his complete treachery. Tyr, Nova, Sentinel, and Star Knight would all want to arrest him on the spot certainly.


After everything works itself out, next would be a call to the UN to let them know the story and prepare for a possible military/nuclear strike after the Knights hit the base for a recon. Although the team would want to rescue survivors, no one working at a DD base is probably going to be innocent. Reserves would also be called in for added firepower: anything powerful enough to compel Destroyer to ask for help is going to take a lot of firepower although the team would be careful to keep themselves safe in case this is DD trying to gather the team in a known place to nuke them himself.


Edit: if this is a breach from hell, it's possible that Lady Silver (a powerful mystic) already knows or at least something feels really wrong. It would be easy for her to confirm that SOMETHING is screwed up.

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Golden Eagle: "'Red headed Step-child?' 'Am I in?' You are not Doctor Destroyer. I don't even believe you are Bachelor's Degree Destroyer. You've had your fun, Yo-Yo, but I am not falling for another of your Pop Culture inspired Robot-filled capers. Now take off that Destroyer costume before the real Destroyer kills you for your insolence..."


Bouncer "Um, I bounce into things. Really hard. That's about it. I think maybe you are confusing me with Buster.."


Toreador teleports away before Dr. Destroyer can finish his speech, and calls The Arcanes, Good Guys Incorporated, UNTIL, and The East Coast Adventurer's Society, telling them that Dr. D is in his "headquarters", a dingy dorm room at NYU...

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Gamma Girl: She hears the would-be world-conqueror out without comment. Her only response is to narrow her eyes a little and shake her head as she watches the video footage. Then she turns and looks Dr. Destroyer directly in the eye, and says, very seriously, "We're in. Can't speak for all of the Legion, but some of the team'll be available." She grins quickly. "The Subs, too; they're fast-thinking and versatile. Let me hit Mission Monitor; I'll put the buzz out." And over her shoulder as she turns away, Gamma Girl says, "You're coming with us, right? We'll need you too."


Yes, she unhesitatingly turns her back on the villain. This nightmare situation is bigger than the enmity between Dr. Destroyer and the Legion of Superheroes, and they both know it. Attacking her would be stupid, something Destroyer is not. And besides, Gamma Girl can see what it's costing Destroyer to ask for help...he's not doing this lightly.


Assuming Destroyer answers in the affirmative -- yes, he's coming with them -- Gamma Girl uses the comm circuit in her Legion flight ring to raise whoever's on Mission Monitor duty back at Legion HQ. "This is Gamma Girl. Yeah, hi, Gim. Hit the recall, we've got major nasties popping up on Earth and we're gonna need the whole gang, whoever's reachable. Grab the Subs too. Yeah, I'll book back to HQ and brief everyone -- and I'm bringing an ally. Gamma Girl out." She turns to Destroyer and hold out a hand.


"Come on, ally, and hold on tight." She suppresses a grin. "We're gonna do a little rebound off Earth's polymer shield."

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Off-topic: I'm curious as to why so many folks seem to want to run screaming from this adventure?


Arch-enemy opens a gate that releases an evil more terrible than himself...and it is so terrible that he has to swallow his pride and ask YOU for help.


Unless you just despise DOOM the videogame for some reason, why is this so terrible a concept?

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Off-topic: I'm curious as to why so many folks seem to want to run screaming from this adventure?


Arch-enemy opens a gate that releases an evil more terrible than himself...and it is so terrible that he has to swallow his pride and ask YOU for help.


Unless you just despise DOOM the videogame for some reason, why is this so terrible a concept?


I think it's partly because it's Dr. Destroyer who is asking for help.


1. It's pretty out of character for him to ask for help. His pride would be such that he would probably come up with something rather than ask for help although it's not outside of the realm of possibility.


2. This is the guy who leveled Detroit, killed a ton of supers, lacks any redeeming qualities, and is known to have no sense of honor whatsoever. It becomes rather impossible to work with him since there can be no common ground or trust.


3. Anything powerful enough to defeat a Dr. Destroyer duplicate with all of his powers is probably outside of the PC's power levels. It's like... why are you asking US? Of course that depends on power levels of the PC's and how Dr. D is portrayed.


If the character had been someone like Dr. Doom, things might be a little different since he is known to be honorable (as it suits him and it depends on who he gives his word to although he would be unlikely to violate the letter of his word. The spirit...) and has some sense of benevolence given how he rules his people with an iron yet fair gauntlet.


As a side note, DD would NEVER say "red handed/headed stepchild." It could have been presented slightly different.

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Re: Wwycd: Doom!!!!


Off-topic: I'm curious as to why so many folks seem to want to run screaming from this adventure?

Probably the same reason we, no our characters, the us in Real Life, don't attempt to track down and capture Osama bin Laden. We've calculated the probably of sucess, and it is not encouraging.


My character Dolphin is ridiculously unbalanced toward defense, He's the only character I've ever seen with a hardened power defense and a double hardened mental drefense. That plus regeneration from the dead is why he is confident that he will not be transformed. The rest believe they are going to their death and worse, and only Millennium is confident that it will all turn out all right (no matter how may lifetimes he has to spend making it turn out all right).

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