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WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Ok, if you can be twinkie it is simple SUPER BRAINS!!


I want to fly. Ok, invent personal jetpack

I want to be strong. Ok, invent practical powerd skeletion

I want to . . . .


But if the whole 'wishing for wishes' of super intelect is outlawed, I guess that Flight would be the most fun.

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Guest daeudi_454

Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


I would be happy just buying off some of these damn disads, really.




Gut reaction is Teleportation, but after careful thought...

Naked Advantage: Variable Advantage (+1/2)

O end, Increased range, explosions, +2 levels of ammo clips, double knockback, so many great things.... <>>

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Shape shift (all senses, 0 END persistant or inherent)

It would help so much in...


Getting money: "Are you sure you would you like us to give that to you that in cash Mr. Gates?"

Getting chicks: "Wow, you're like my favorite (film/rock/porn) star, of course I'll <1.2 Meg deleted for sake of decency> for you."

Getting thin: "You look taller..."


Longevity would be really nice (and runner up for second power) but it doesn't help my cash outlay, my looks or my weight directly.


Mind Control would accomplish everything but the last but its just kind of... mean.


Flight wouldn't get me any of the above.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power



Ideas that come to mind are:

a Variable Advantage Teleporation (Safe Teleport would almost be a default)


Transform anything to Anything... I can create diamonds from coal, help a friend lose weight, and so on. if I get jumped by a would be mugger... I guess some new statues will be collecting pigeon droppings.


Last on the list?

At least 60 points worth of Luck ;)

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


I would want total and complete Life Support. Yes it means livinmg forever and wacthing all those that I know and love die' date=' but to see what the future would bring would worth the loss.[/quote']

Ironically, the world ends the day after his immortality kicks in. :)

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Summon Any Creature, Slavishly Loyal. Summon rich friends to buy me stuff, strong friends to move my stuff, smart friends to fix my stuff, funny friends to talk with while enjoying my stuff, friends with good taste to suggest new stuff, Superpowered Friends to help me get stuff you just can't buy, shapeshifting android friends to become weird sci-fi stuff...

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Do -not- touch my stuff!


I keep it there.


Who did you think I was appointing as my lieutenant? After all, you ARE Captain America. And *I* don't want to deal with the piddly details of running the country. I just want it so I can kick the Republicans and Democrats out of office.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


FLIGHT!!! No doubt about it, Flight's the power for me! To soar like an eagle (or like an angel, to borrow someone else's idea)! Get wherever I'm going faster and easier, because of NO MORE TRAFFIC JAMS!! :thumbup::D:celebrate


Of course, I'll need to update my eyeglass prescription, and get goggles (two sets: one of them with darkened lenses, the goggle-equivalent of sunglasses). :cool:


Hmmm.... How many Active Points are we allowed? :sneaky:



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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Clairsentience with the ability to see/hear/etc. events anywhere, at any time in the past or present (regardless of illumination present). I'd use it to track down all missing persons, find wanted people and give anonymous tips on their whereabouts, and get the absolute truth as to what really happened at any point in history.


I'd want it to be a targeting sense as well. That way, if I got a second power, I could use it to target things I was viewing in the present.


A close third would be the ability to record on videotape/DVD/whatever what I was viewing/hearing/perceiving with the Clairsentience.


And if I got that first power and it became known, my life would be over in less than a day. No large organization on Earth that keeps secrets, or is illegal, would want me around. But I'd still want that power regardless.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Can it be a compound power, like Armor with PD and ED? If so, that's what I want. I don't care about immortality- I just want to be impossible to hurt, unless I want it to happen (i.e., I can turn it off briefly to get vaccinations and whatnot). Imagine how useful that would be- I'm a computer programmer, but in a pinch I could be the ultimate fire-rescue guy. They could send me into enemy territory to just confuse enemy gunmen with my unkillability. I could walk the streets of any major city at night without fear. I could go parachute-less skydiving. I'm not too interested in getting chlorine-bombed by some dictator, though, so I'd probably stick to the skydiving and part time fire-rescue.

Of course, I wouldn't have any Knockback resistance- maybe it's best to avoid situations where I'd be hit by a bus, or shot with a missile. Also, no Life Support, by this thread's condition, so I hope nobody gets mad enough at me to use biological or chemical weapons on me, or hurl me into the freezing vacuum of space.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


At first I thought about Mind Control. But after a bit of thought, I've decided:


Psychic Surgery. Mental Transform, major, any possible result, only against things with minds...

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


At first I thought about Mind Control. But after a bit of thought, I've decided:


Psychic Surgery. Mental Transform, major, any possible result, only against things with minds...


And that's exactly why I will always choose Mental Defense, because of people like you!



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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Gah! Everytime a question like this I feel like Brodie in Mallrats when he was asked that question "There's so many to choose from."


But I'd have to go with either some kind of energy manipulation power or Spidey's wall climbing ability.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


at first thought it was invisibilty (but I'm a teenage girl, that's expected ;) )


but what I'd really want teleportation with no endurance (and the one that allows you to bring people along and teleport out of a moving car without going splat, I can't remember their names :P)

This is mostly because I'm lazying and don't like walking places. :rolleyes:

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


I would want total and complete Life Support. Yes it means livinmg forever and wacthing all those that I know and love die' date=' but to see what the future would bring would worth the loss.[/quote']


Imortality and compound interest can be ahem, interesting.


However if it gets out that you are immortal it could get difficult with the authorities and other people. If you try to hide, in this day and age with documentation and the like you would have to illegally reinvent yourself.


Then there is the whole humanity dieing from large space objects, the sun blowing up, or some universe destruction thing, leaving you utterly alone forever.


Or somehow you get buried real deep and get stuck somewhere for a long time.


At the very least being able to turn it off would be a must.


Add teleportation and time travel to imortality would be sweet, when something really bad happens to you, you can get out of it. When humanity dies off, you can go back to the dawn of civ and give it another go.


And considering the odds are you are bound to get into some sort of accident, I would love to get some rPD/rED and healing.


I could live with that, no real need to have the ability to do things, just don't like the whole death thing.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


First thing that came to mind was Duplication.

That way I can go to work and get paid for doing twice as much as I normally do with a piece rate salary. Or rob a bank and have an airtight alibi.:rolleyes::angel:


Others on my list include telekinesis with fine control, flight, regeneration, and mind control - only affects computers.

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