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WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Required rule-breaker response: Physical transformation: Anything into Anything Else.


2nd required rule-breaker response: cosmic VPP


semi-serious response: yeah, probably complete life support (Inherant not being really required, so you could turn it off anytime you wanted.)

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Well, for use in real life. Either Flight or Teleportation. No more having to put up with stupid drivers on my way to work.



Though as I've mentioned before, I already have a superpower. The ability to screw up anything electronic just by walking by it. :(

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


INT. Much INT. It makes life easier.


Or Duplication, that's one of my standbys.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Full Clairsentience with retrocognition. It would be nice to know next week's lottery numbers or the winner of next year's Super Bowl, but I'd like to know the objective truth about a lot of things and this would make it easy.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


My power is to prevent anyone else's powers from ever working. Not because it would be the most fun, but because it is the only way to prevent myself and/or other people from becoming slaves to the mind controllers, mental transformers, and such. It also saves us from the inevitable *&^%* out there who will choose a power that just kills everyone.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Iceman has "ONE super power", but he needs an EC to deal with the ramifications. If that means frameworks are fair game (tightly bound by a single concept, of course), I bet it'd change a lot of people's answers.


My all-time #1 wished-for power is hard to do in Hero, and no fun for a game character anyway: The ability to psychically jump back in time at will to my earlier self and circumstances and play it all out differently, with my accumulated memories, as often as I want. Subjective immortality, 'precog' limited by the fact that every jump will alter what I remember about the last time through, the chance to explore every possible way of being me. With infinite subjective time and as much gambling winnings as I want, I expect at some point I'd start working on physical immortality too - but meanwhile I'd be content with a few subjective centuries bounded by the latter half of the twentieth century and as much of the twenty-first as I get before I'm too physically decrepit to have fun.


If we're stuck with one Hero power (like I'd feel gypped), I'd be torn between teleportation with all the trimmings, full shapeshift, or mental transform IPE (sorry Deejmeister and Outsider).

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Amazing how many people want to enslave their fellow man.


Welcome to being a villain!




PS : Yes, I realize that one could, theoretically, use this power in a non-villainous manner, but I never get the feeling that such usage is what those who want it want it for.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Amazing how many people want to enslave their fellow man.


Welcome to being a villain!




PS : Yes, I realize that one could, theoretically, use this power in a non-villainous manner, but I never get the feeling that such usage is what those who want it want it for.

Dude. I'm not a villain til I get the dang power, if then - though you're right in that the part of me that wants *that* one is one of the darker (and, frankly, more sexual) bits. And I've already posted on here about how I'd probably be in the mob with a torch and pitchfork (or rather, way back from the mob with a sniper rifle) if I believed Charlie Xavier or anyone like him existed. It's a wish-fulfilment fantasy, though; I'm not really all that malevolent in real life. :rolleyes:


I'd really rather have that first one, if you're giving them out.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Is Magic allowed as a superpower and is it one superpower?


If yes, I will become the first real world Dr. Strange (but I will use a trenchcoat instead of a cape... you know... capes are bad)


for no, well... ok, do you consider "The Shadow(s)" (movie version) abilities as one power? Then I want to have the abilitie to cloud the minds of other people. (as far as I see it all his powers are different forms of telepathie)

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


My power is to prevent anyone else's powers from ever working. Not because it would be the most fun' date=' but because it is the only way to prevent myself and/or other people from becoming slaves to the mind controllers, mental transformers, and such. It also saves us from the inevitable *&^%* out there who will choose a power that just kills everyone.[/quote']


Would it help if I limited my mental transforms to 'only willing targets'? 'Cause I'm totally okay with that.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Some kind of Extra-Dimensional Movement, to my own past only. I mean, I have a great life. I adore my wife and kids, have a good job, and I live a very comfortable existence. I'd never want to be 22 again. I would, on the other hand, very much like to visit 22 for a day or two every few months or so.


I don't want to be young again. I just want to stop by and say "hi" every now and then.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Considered, thought out response: End Aid, only to mechanical devices. And never pay for fuel again...(Or minor Transform: Empy fuel tank to Full fuel tank)


Gut response: Telekinesis. Librarians do a -lot- of lifting. not necessarily heavy lifting, but there is a lot of it. And think of the benefits when shelving...

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


I'd like to be able to alter my perception of time, so that I can get a full night's sleep in a minute or so. It would be way better than no sleep LS, because I could also use it to go take a whiz during a no-intermission Peter Jackson flick without missing anything. It would be a lazy man's superspeed.


And then, the other end of the scale would allow me to get through annoying waits or speeches or what not without the murder-fantasies. Long, slow line at the DMV? Altered time perception, and you just walk up to the clerk without cutting line. Long, boring speech before dinner is served? Zone out and, hey, there's the soup!


Nothing would make me happier than to feel like I'm using my time as efficiently as possible. Maybe I'd even get cheery enough to go for that great power/great responsibility stuff too.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Actually, about a 100 recovery would be pretty sweet...


Using full STR (even pushed) while heavily encumbered and running all out would still be well under 1/2 REC per turn, and would incur no LTE loss (it would be non-tiring) You'd also heal about as much in a day as most people do in a month...

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


I wanna fly. I wanna fly really fast and really far. I wanna fly where ever I want to go, be it Paris for lunch or Olypus Mons for a sunset (though life support might be needed for that one). Face it -- we all want to fly just like Superman (or Supergirl, if you prefer). Anybody who says any different is lying because flying is just so damn cool.


Matt "The-only-slightly-opinionated" Frisbee

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


Emotion control. Total manipulation based upon touch, probably an odorless secretion from the skin.


Why? Mellow people out or excite them as required. Stop the arguments and petty fights without changing peoples minds.

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Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power


i think i must be odd i don't want to fly i want teleportation via pocket dimension i just love the idea of being able to step in and out of reality at will and also having a cool place to keep my stuff.


as a bonus it would make for a great job in couriering .


second choice 5 - 10 strength telekinesis with fine manipulation and area effect lie in bed and tidy my room yay

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