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[Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


I hope one day to be drawn by Alex Ross.



Who Doesn't???!!!











:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:



"Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross,--"


C'mon now, everybody--


"Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross,--"

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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


Who Doesn't???!!!











:hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:



"Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross,--"


C'mon now, everybody--


"Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross, Alex Ross,--"


"Imhotep, Imhotep, Imhotep, Imhotep, Imhotep, Imhotep, Imhotep, --"
















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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


Well, this guy came into the orphanage and said he was looking for a boy, aged 12 - 14 to become a superhero. So I said yes. The outfit he makes wear is a bit... odd. There's some brown stains on it, but he says I shouldn't worry about it.


Hmm? Oh, okay, coming! Excuse me, Bruce says we have to go out. Catch you later!

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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


Funny thread...Here are a few more:


Midlife Crisis.


Where else can I wear a codpiece these days?


When you pick up a meriorite and your skin turns into alien metal, what else are you going to do, huh?


It was either this or stay home with the wife at night...


I always wanted an Arch-Nemesis.


I'll come up with more,soon.



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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


I hope to become popular enough that Society will pay for my therapy.


Someone else always picks up the check.


To impress Jodie Foster.


I fought the law and the law won.


My high school guidance counselor said it would look good on my college aps.


If it's a "costume," you can wear less than Brazilian beachgoers.


I need something to write about in my blog.


It was either this or work for change.


My girlfriend has a fetish for it and if Momma's not happy, nobody's happy.

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Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


thanks odd hat now i have to come up with a good power set for breaks easily lad though i think maybe changing the name to disintegrating boy would sound intimidating till he broke into tiny pieces


BREAKS EASILY BOY "hold-fast villain! or face the wrath of DISINTEGRATING BOY!"

VILLAIN 1 "Uh oh i don't want to be disintegrated we better surrender"


VILLAIN 2 " Nah He don't look that tough!"




VILLAIN 2 "Huh where did he go? and whats this fine red mist?


VILLAIN 1 "He disintegrated"

VILLAIN 2 "Ewww"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


Do these count as bad:

Fore-eyes: I've seen what happens if I don't.


Karma:"Hero? Superbattles help cover the evidence of *my* criminal activities."No officer the supervillian must have given the diamonds to one of his mooks, I really hope you find them"


How about: "I get to hang around and sometimes wrestle with women in skintight clothing (and sometimes even less). Who wouldn't have this job?"


"I get to hang around and sometimes wrestle with men in skintight clothing and the WWF has these rules about superpowers"


"Nag. Nag. Nag. I had to get out of the house. I had these superpowers and if I went into villainy and got caught and put in jail wouldn't *she* have a field-day?"


"The kids won't listen to *Dad* when he tells them to brush their teeth, but Powerman..."


"It gives me a socially accepatable reason to wear a mask. Why do I want to wear a mask? Never mind that..."

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  • 1 year later...

Re: [Worst Ever...] Reasons to be a superhero


1. Because the old retired hero I gave the pep talk back into fighting the good fight sorta...


Slaughtered everyone in New York.


Now if anyone realizes that I had anything to do with that I would be lynched, so I need a good excuse for what I was doing at the time, and he happened to have a spare cape and flight belt in his closet, so I started flying grain to starving countries, and then the Justice Legion came by saying they needed new members and the telepath was giving me The Look so it all kinda snowballed into me being a hero, I may have to kill you now...




2. Because the heroes started killing all the villains, it was this or be killed by Superdude.


3. Because my parents are very religious and the only way I could explain sneaking out to see my boyfriend was saying I was Kid Crusader, and they made me a costume and bought me the nice gagets so...


4. To spend time with my dad.


5. How else am I going to get a chance to meet vampires so they can turn me?

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