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Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


I've never found anything else by him' date=' anywhere.[/quote']


The latter two were by small press publishers. I'll see if there is anything about them on Amazon.


EDIT: Here's some info about Wings: http://www.amazon.com/Whisper-Wings-Kashran-Cycle/dp/1887038043/sr=1-1/qid=1171566354/ref=sr_1_1/103-8867792-7853403?ie=UTF8&s=books


And here's something on Fangs http://www.amazon.com/Fangs-Kaath-Paul-Kidd/dp/0953784703/sr=1-19/qid=1171566538/ref=sr_1_19/103-8867792-7853403?ie=UTF8&s=books


I really recommend them both to anyone with a love of fantasy. They're not the 'usual' stuff and they're both very well written.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your GM i Byron Hall, creator of FATAL (I just read his "rebuttal" and hate him all the more for it.)


1: He has all of the players randomly generate characters. And the process takes hours to do so.


2: Females get numerous penalties just because they don't have man-parts. And he claims to do the same thing on men despite not doing so.


3: Power Armor turns you into an ethnic stereotype, just because he thinks it's funny.


4: Every loss of BODY requires a Crucial Damage roll in which you only take damage to one part of the body and nothing else. (How does that happen? Every surgeon in the world would want to know.)


5: When you confront him on his mysogyny, he attempts to hold you at bay with "magniloquent (big)" words.


6: When anything is brought up against him, he actively avoids it by a rebuttal including (to paraphrase from wikipedia): virtual snickering at the content of the campaign (particularly the vulgar superpower fumbles), attacks on spelling and grammatical errors in the arguement, irrelevant personal opinions about religion and other topics, and confusing, literal-minded responses to hyperbole.


7: He insists that the campaign is as "difficult (as if that's a good thing), detailed, historically and mythically accurate" as possible "witholut sacrificing any of the fun" even though it is about as "fun" as peeling off your face a strip at a time.


8: Rape is common, everyday, and commendable in the campaign.


9: He only allows the most juvenile powers ("Evildoers! Prepare to face-- The Golden Flame!)


10: If you, the player, complain about how something isn't right, he'll say that you'll find it perfect if you have actually played the game.


11: After the players are fed up, he picks up his toys and leaves (One can presume that is with all the maturity that which has been said.)


Here's the Link to the rebuttal: http://forever_fatal.tripod.com/review.htm


It may help you better understand the jokes here.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


I'm cool with it.


Your GM is now Isaac Asimov:


1. The NPCs tend to be a bit cardboardy, but ooh, the ideas!


2. Aliens are rare to non-existent.


3. Robots are common, but suffer from a set of Total Psych Lims that make them a challenge to play as a PC.


4. Combat is rare; most of the game sessions are set up as puzzles or mysteries.


5. Romance is likewise rare, and you can forget about on-screen sex.


6. The player characters work for a mysterious NPC who claims to have a way to predict the future on a macro scale; he refuses to let them see the math.


7. When the new NPC antagonist breaks the game because the GM didn't think through the implications of his powers, the GM has you create all new characters who work for a back-up plan of the mentor's.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Say... would anyone mind if I collected all of this and added it to the Humor section of my website?


Fine by me if I've actually written anything.


Also just noticed that I have another (as yet unmentioned) novel by Paul Kidd called Fey sitting on my bookshelf. It's a pretty good read.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now Susano:


1) Your character has a unique martial arts, with enough cool maneuvers to give Bruce Lee pause. Your energy projector character. Don't even ask about the team martial artist...


2) Most of your teammates are Japanese. Which is kinda strange for a game set in Des Moines, Iowa.


3) Your team's mascot is a Nuckelavee.


4) Chances are, something from your campaign will end up in an issue of Digital Hero.


5) If you need to ask, "Ninjas or Pirates?", you're in the wrong game, buddy.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your champions GM is now ME!


(Yes! I am unafraid to laugh at myself)


10) Players sometimes ask you "How many of my PC's will be showing up THIS week?"


9) Players sometimes ask you "Will I get a higher property damage rating if I do this?"


8) People travel 267 miles or more to resolve a single massive combat once every five years or so.


7) Because the Brawling Balabanto pays for All the Food!


6) The GM's cat leaps onto the table, causing people to ask how many levels of growth it has. Usually, it sits down, allowing us to estimate based on the hex map. Picking up all the miniatures afterwards, however...


5) Your face screws up in an expression best left to cartoon characters when the PC does something completely unexpected, and then you say "I'm not sure there's rules for that..."


4) Some people have four hour conversations with you about what's going on in game.


3) You get paged over the internet with "What the hell was so and so thinking this evening?" and then a three hour "I'm not really sure either" discussion starts.


2) You mail your stuff to the GM at 2 AM, expecting it to be ready by tomorrow's game, and he PROCESSES IT, LIKE A MORON, INSTEAD OF SLEEPING!


1) You're pretty sure the villain has a plan. Unfortunately, some of the villain's plan fruition dates are sometime in the year 2050, just before the GM dies.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now Susano:


1) Your character has a unique martial arts, with enough cool maneuvers to give Bruce Lee pause. Your energy projector character. Don't even ask about the team martial artist...


2) Most of your teammates are Japanese. Which is kinda strange for a game set in Des Moines, Iowa.


3) Your team's mascot is a Nuckelavee.


4) Chances are, something from your campaign will end up in an issue of Digital Hero.


5) If you need to ask, "Ninjas or Pirates?", you're in the wrong game, buddy.


What? No comment about how something you face is probably something he saw in an anime somewhere?

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs you champions Gm is me...


1. When you first submitted your character you were worried most of it would be thrown out for being too broken/overpowered....It came back at least twice as combat effective.


2. You are terrified of stairs.


3. Lifts are worse.


4. Paranoia starts to set in early. No-one is quite what they seem and everyone has an agenda. You certainly cant trust the other pc's...


5. You are probably playing a villains game, otherwise the setting is so dark you cant see the scary things trying to eat you- which bearing in mind your gm's imagination is a good thing.


6. Someone always makes a joke about nuclear hand grenades. (don't ask)


7.You discover early on that actions have consequences.


8. You can die. Permanently.


9. You never buy unluck as a disadvantage ever again.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs I'm your GM:

1. Supervillains are less common than hyper-intelligent gorillas.

2. Combat effectiveness is irrelevant, since your opponents are either hugely overpowered or underpowered compared to your character.

3. Your characters are built on at least 100 more points than those of a similar power level. These extra points will be spent on superpets.

4. Someone with 1337 skillz probably uses a longbow.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


6) The GM's cat leaps onto the table' date=' causing people to ask how many levels of growth it has. Usually, it sits down, allowing us to estimate based on the hex map. Picking up all the miniatures afterwards, however...[/quote']


This actually used to happen quite frequently in Lord Mhoram's campaign as well. It got to the point where the group referred to him as the Great Cat Of The Apocalypse.



RIP, Gump. :(

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs that I am your new Champions GM (Poking fun at myself here, since there is a precedence to go by)


1: On hyper intelligent animals, the GM does not stop at gorillas.


2: There are frequent puns, causing the players to pelt the GM with dice.


3: Adventures are generally based off of something the GM has seen elsewhere. And it shows.


4: The campaign changes about once every three weeks (a conservative estimate here)


5: One of the PC's Hunteds is a tiny hamster who kills for a living, owned by a little orphan girl who arranges the kills for a living.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Well, since we're all getting in on this ...


Signs your Champions GM is now me. ;)


1. Anthropomorphic animal characters become more commonplace.

2. There's no such thing as a romantic subplot.

3. If there's a 1 in a billion chance that something might open a dimensional portal ... it's a sure bet.

4. There will be appearances, at some point, by: VIPER, Foxbat, Black Harlequin, and Mechanon, not necessarily in that order.

4a. VIPER is scary.

5. If you travel by boat, it will sink.

6. Don't expect a mythological being to conform precisely to the stories you remember.

7. Code vs Killing? Good thing.

8. Anime references? Bad thing.

9. Don't try to explain your character as looking like, being like, or acting like anybody from a movie, book, or TV show. I can assure you, I have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now...Me:


1. Your new super-base comes free of charge.


2. Nobody on the team trusts the AI in the new base...and it keeps asking for a robot body.


3. Just when you thought the villians are taken care of, they teleport away.


4. The super-genius villian is more concerned with humiliating the PCs than with taking them down.


5.DNPCs are refered to as victims.


6. If you are playing an attractive female character, Foxbat will become obsessed with you.


7. When in doubt...throw Grond at the PCs.


8. I show up to the game with the plot for the day, and at least 12 ways the players can derail it. (This way they only catch me unprepaired half the time)


9. The Autodoctor in the base may cause wacky side effects.


10. The teams sub-orbital super-plane transport is a viable target during combat...and is usually hit at least once.



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