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Cap is dead!!!!


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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Ugh. I think all they'll need to screw the next Cap up (before the original is hopefully resurrected due to massive fan outrage) is let the Punisher keep his mask. New Cap = gun-toting vigilante is a direction I could see them going, and should (on principle) go over like New Coke or The Clone Saga.


Marketing plan, or hero-haters calling the shots? Probably both, I'm afraid. While I doubt they plan to kill Cap off permanently, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth - and I'm Canadian!


(Not that I think us Canucks can't love Cap - just that we don't have the same patriotic pride concerning him.)

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Did you know that a good pair of tailor's scissors has a "sweet-spot" where you can push them through fabric like a hot knife through butter without having to make the traditional cutting motion with the blades? Absolutely awesome. I love that.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


This is Marvel Comics you're talking about. Do you really expect anything respectful to come from them? They're targeting teens in the "trying to identify myself" age. What better way than to promote cynicism and slutty dressed outfits? :straight:

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I read somewhere that Steve actually survived the attack' date=' although he's in critical condition ... [/quote']




They reported him DOA at the hospital and showed him with a sheet over his head, so within the Marvel universe everyone believes he's dead right now.



Still, it's comics so that may not mean anything.


My only fear is that they will pull a Death of Superman. Think of all the guys that could try to take up the mantle:



US Agent (probably not since he's in Omega Flight right now)

The Winter Soldier/Bucky

Punisher (he has Cap's mask...)

Iron Man

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I'm actually surprised at how underwhelmed I am.


I'm more upset about the apparent lobotomy of my inner-fanboy than anything.


I saw it as a major headline on CNN and beyond wondering why it wasn't in the entertainment section where it belonged I sat their with an unusually strong sense of absolutely nothing.


Its odd. I used to be able to get worked up about this sort of thing. Now I'm only worked up that someone turned my inner-fanboy into a drooling catatonic without telling me first.


Oh well.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Did you know that a good pair of tailor's scissors has a "sweet-spot" where you can push them through fabric like a hot knife through butter without having to make the traditional cutting motion with the blades? Absolutely awesome. I love that.


And once you use the tailor's scissors on, say, paper, they're pretty much hosed. It's nearly impossible to get that sweet spot back.



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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I could see that Killing Cap as a plot device might work, in the hands of some good writers.


You could have the American people realize what gits they're being. You could even get away with having the Punisher take over, if you were to use it as a redemptive storyline, in the end Punisher either gets killed, or takes up the mantle for real and becomes a better person.


But I don't know if the current creative team could pull it off, or if it's going to be an excuse to frag with stuff because the editorial staff can.


This story line might be redemptive of the whole Civil War mess.


Based on my scissors comment above, it's going to take a ton of work to get the metaphorical "sweet spot" back, though. If it's even possible.



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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Anybody else here remember the death of Superman?



Unfortunately I do since I was working in a comic shop at the time. I still have nightmares from all the horrible people complaining that we were limiting how many copies they could buy. Then few years later it was even worse when they tried to sell them back and I said no because they are worthless. The whole experince taught me to get a real job which has now lead to a wonderful career in the fusion research business. (yes, my job in the comic world would create superbeings. It will also be my focus in a dark Champions game I am slowly developing.)


I called up my local shop pretending to be a potential speculator and got "grumpy" when hey told me they were sold out. I thought it was funny.



It's too bad that Marvel and DC think they have to pull stuff like this to get sales. Maybe decent writing and not charging 3.00 minimum per book would bring people back.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Anybody else here remember the death of Superman?
Yes, that was back in the day (for me, at least). It was a bad plot IMHO and the spin-off stuff I ignored. This is the time I stopped reading the various Superman comics. IIRC, I stopped reading comics a bit after this as well.
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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Maybe decent writing and not charging 3.00 minimum per book would bring people back.
I used to love comics back when they were 75 cents. When the "technology" of the art change started making comics jump to $1 to $1.50, I noticed the stories weren't getting any better. By the time comics were at $1.75, I thought those stories were poorly written. Sort of like the SW prequel. Lucas decided to use computer graphics for a trilogy instead of a decent story.
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Guest steamteck

Re: Cap is dead!!!!


One day the present group who runs marvel will die ( hopefully REALLY horribly) then maybe Cap and the real Thor will live again. Be honest guys all the real characters died a long time ago. I despise Quesada with the fury of a thousand suns. Marvel comics is obviously like a TV series that has run too many seasons. It would be better for everybody if it just ended while some of the wonder can be remembered. The idiots who run Marvel be force to ID themselves at a marine bar as Cap's killers. I weep that nothing good of the classic Marvel universe has survived except in the movies.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


If Marvel hadn't already given me enough excellent reasons to quit reading their product...I'd be upset. Now, I'm almost blase - simply because they have killed my ability to care about what they do anymore. Still, if they ever started writing comics I wanted to read again...it would be a strange Marvel Universe without Cap.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


It's too bad that Marvel and DC think they have to pull stuff like this to get sales. Maybe decent writing and not charging 3.00 minimum per book would bring people back.


Yeah really. I remember getting comics for 25 cents. With inflation that would bring that price to about 75 cents today. I would be a comic-book buying machine if they only cost 75 cents, even if the paper was kind of crappy, and you could see the little dots of colored ink. Comics have gotten too slick for their own good.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I liked the Death/Rebirth of Superman storyline. With the exception of the lame villain(Doomsday), I felt it to be well-paced and executed. Of course, I never believed that the death was intended to be permanent. I don't mind sales-driven comics if the story is well-told, and I'll stand by my guns on that one.


Keith ""No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise."" Curtis

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Hi everyone. Like most posters, I was shocked, dismayed, and angered by the assassination of Captain America. In hindisight though, I shouldn't be surprised given how he was treated in Civil War.


Just renewing my request for everyone who posts here to place in this sig:




If at least in our hearts where we hold his ideals of freedom, courage, and fighting for what you believe in, Steve Rogers aka the REAL Captain America lives on.


Wow, looking at my sig, I had no idea how prophetic it would be.



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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


[begin mini-rant]


I don't know why anyone is upset?


Cap died a while ago when marvel decided to get out of the comic business. DC died too.


Characters like Captain America and Superman were never intended to be "realistic" or to reflect real world moral and ethical thought (including grey). They are greater than life examples of perfect ethics. They represent the way it "should" be.


That is why I disliked the Superman movie. Lets see, Superman knocks up Lois lane who has his illegitimate child. Of course he didn't know because he "took off" on a personal quest and abandoned his responsibilities. Now "Superman" from DC, when it was a real comic company would never had diddled anyone he wasn't married to. He was the "boyscout".


Captain America also had a basic standard of conduct that was based on the American Ideals as they should be.


When the writers/editors (what have you) forgot they were writing COMICS for ENTERTAINMENT, they effectively killed their lines.


Its just an opinion, but I bought some of the recent issues recently and was sickened by what passes for comics these days.


I am basically only reading manga now. I get 5 times the page count for the price and actually get ENTERTAINMENT. Go figure.






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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


I'm a naturalised American citizen -- I'm originally English -- and I honour and admire the classic American icon that is the Steve Rogers Captain America.


(And my New Avengers character in the HERO Central game has sort of an infatuation with Cap's son, the hero Banner.)

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


It's too bad that Marvel and DC think they have to pull stuff like this to get sales. Maybe decent writing and not charging 3.00 minimum per book would bring people back.

I'm of the opinion that if you're going to do a death, then write it well.


I read the issue and it is stunningly well-written. But then Ed Brubaker has been kicking butt on this book since he came on board.

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Re: Cap is dead!!!!


Captain America is dead, but he's not alone. Marvel Comics is dead, as is DC. Both companies need to just start over. I'm not talking about some Crisis-type reboot. No story involved; just stop publishing, fire everybody involved right now, hire new writers abnd editors who actually like superheroes, and then restart. Don't even acknowledge the stories that have been printed the last few years (specificly Civil War and Identity Crisis, and everything that came from them), just start over. Restore these characters to what they should be. In my mind, Marvel and DC have not been published for years. These characters appear in animation and movies, and that's it. It would be really cool if somebody did comic books that used these characters, but nobody is doing it. Right now, I feel like superhero comics begin and end with Astro City. And that doesn't come out nearly often enough to be the only game in town. I would love to turn DC and Marvel over to Busiek and company, and see what they would do with it. Actually, we have seen them handle large parts of these companies before,and they do it right. I think I'm just ranting now, so I'll stop. This just p*sses me off.

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