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Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)

Doc Samson

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After a decent run as GM, it's my turn to play again. I plan on playing a Brick as they are my favorite archetype. Also, the previous team brick is taking over as GM so the group can use one. The problem is, I am all out of ideas. I have done Standard Bricks, Elemental Bricks (Metal, Stone, and Wood), an Animal Brick (shapeshifter), A Growth Brick, a Density Increase Brick (gravity based), a Duplicating Brick, an Armored Brick, a Stretching Brick...the list goes on. Please help me find some inspiration by telling me about your Brick. Please answer any or all of the questions below. Thanks for your help!


What was your favorite Brick? Include as much detail as you feel like.

What was your most fun brick and why?

What was your most powerful Brick?

What is the most unusual Brick you have played or seen played?

What is your answer to any Brick question you feel like answering that I haven't asked?

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Hmm... My fav was Tank.


a standard Brick, built on a starting 270 (including disads). Super tough, a level of growth, some density and a lot of defenses plus strength. Slow though. Spd 4 and a avg Dex. Usually the last hero standing if it came to that. Built in the late 80's so all of the neato brick tricks and stuff didn't exist yet. I sometimes think it was more fun that way ;)

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've only played one brick, Plex. He was a set of identical twins that could combine to form a stronger version of himself. (Or they could stay separated and fight. They had a 60 str when separated and a 75 str when combined- along with more body, con, stun, end, etc... I usually played them separate because they had a spd of 6 and I would alternate moves so technically I had a character with a spd of 12.) He was originally built up with the 2nd edition books, and eventually retooled when the hardcover 4th edition came out. I based him off duplication but made it where there could ever only be 1 other.


He was a lot of fun to play, though I don't think the GM really liked him- I was really playing 2 characters. But since I didn't really crunch the character he let me stick with it. One was a practical joker, the other was the set-up man. (think Penn and teller) I know one of the twins ended up being married to the Shadow Queen, Jean Green. (I think that was her name, he turned her from the darkside.)


I played this character for years until I had to start traveling for my job. He was one of the core members of the team, the Enigma Force, that was based in NYC. The character is still a NPC in the GM's universe, though Dr Destroyer stole one twin and had his brain- or something like that- placed in the body. (Actually Destroyer killed one twin, the other twin went berserk and thought he had killed Destroyer, but alas no.)

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Bricks are one of my favorites and there are many good ones at the above link whuch Certified gave including several of mine. You can find more of mine here.




and I will be happy to provide you Hero Designer files for any of them. Just drop me a PM.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


My favorite brick to play was Jack "Crash" Parker. He was a mutant and a stunt man by profession. With 50 STR and huge resistant defenses he would take real gun fire and just off of buildings without airbags to land on. This would keep costs down and increase the realism in the shots. He also did gigs like coating himself in napalm like gel and lighting it to be a burning man in a rock video.


He also had clinging. His skill set included PS: Stuntman, Acting, and TF: All. The reason I bought all transport familiarities was that he had pretty much crashed any vehicle you can think of for one movie or another. His leaping was bought up to 20", as well.


Crash had a super-vehicle. A submersible helecopter. It had a hover mode so he could leap out of it, and into action.


Jack was a fun, blue collar brick involved with a flashy Hollywood super group. They needed a reliable brick after theirs was lost mysteriously. The typical "Worlds richest man" in the group actually owned the studio Jack was currently working for. The day they invited Jack to join the group, he had just got a check for $25,000 for the movie stunts he had just completed. The rich hero asked jack how much $ he had made in the last month. Jack pulled out the check signed by the rich hero. Rich hero asked Jack if he wanted to make that much each day. Jack signed on with the group.


The only catch to the $25,000 a day pay checks was that Crash had to make sure that rich hero was protected during battles. This was funny since he was the minor brick/weapons master in the group. It was nice working for the Worlds richest man. One Christmas, he gave Jack the mansion next door to his and had a tunnel built between them and an underground super base accessible from both mansions (We both paid character points for it).

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


What was your favorite Brick? Include as much detail as you feel like.

Riot, my Duplicating Brick is my current favourite.



What was your most fun brick and why?

His character background as Legal Assistant and his brother the vigilante Knight Dragon. Not to mention the possibilities involved in Teamwork and Coordinated Attacks


What was your most powerful Brick?

So far yes. Prior to that I played Martial Artists of one sort or another and Battlesuit/Iron Man-ish characters


What is the most unusual Brick you have played or seen played?

Slow Poke - A mutant Brick with Chronokinetic Powers (Drain SPD, AER).


What is your answer to any Brick question you feel like answering that I haven't asked?

No Comment ;)






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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


After a decent run as GM, it's my turn to play again. I plan on playing a Brick as they are my favorite archetype. Also, the previous team brick is taking over as GM so the group can use one. The problem is, I am all out of ideas. I have done Standard Bricks, Elemental Bricks (Metal, Stone, and Wood), an Animal Brick (shapeshifter), A Growth Brick, a Density Increase Brick (gravity based), a Duplicating Brick, an Armored Brick, a Stretching Brick...the list goes on. Please help me find some inspiration by telling me about your Brick. Please answer any or all of the questions below. Thanks for your help!


What was your favorite Brick? Include as much detail as you feel like.

What was your most fun brick and why?

What was your most powerful Brick?

What is the most unusual Brick you have played or seen played?

What is your answer to any Brick question you feel like answering that I haven't asked?


My favorite brick is 8in x 4in x 2¼in. It has a nice deep red color, but is shiny because of the salt glaze that was used in firing.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Probably Tank Smasher to all the questions, though I've never played him. Still, he proved that a 350 point character could smash tanks without any particularly complicated builds, limits or frameworks, thus ending that tedious debate forever. ;)


Him or Cow Be Tse, The Cow that Killed Grond.


Or Flesh Gordon, a light brick with luck and sometimes a minimal gadget pool.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Soulbarb is my favourite brick. Here's one version of her -- I have a number of versions tailored to different power level games (from 250 points up) and different stages in her career. If I need a brick I often play her and just adjust her background/powers as appropriate to the campaign.


Soulbarb v1.40


She's a light, agile brick with a demonic origin and powers, but she doesn't solely rely on them. She usually has some other tricks up her sleeve as well, whether it's a variety of street-level weapons and equipment (for lower-powered games) or actual spellcasting (in higher-powered ones.) In more powerful/experienced versions of the character she's also got some martial arts. Overall she's a highly skilled and very versatile character; in concept she's something to akin to 'what if Batman were a brick.'

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've been thinking about a speedster brick and/or an archer brick (with a really big bow) which I think I mentioned on another thread.


I once tried (4th edition) to stat out a mentalist who "looked" like a brick. He tried to do everything with Mental Illusion, Mind Control, Ego Blast, and so on. One of my players tried playing the character but was not terribly successful. The character ended up being a mini-brick with mentalist aspirations.


Steve Perrin

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


My favorite brick would probably be Natasha. She wasnt too terribly oustanding in the strength and toughness department - 50 str and 30 PD/ED with 50% reduction. Tough, but not nigh invunerable.


What made her such a blast to play was that she was far more than just a brick. She had an int - oh, something pretty horrific like 30+ or there abouts. Well into the Super Genius range. She was always working on some mad scientist project or another, had a nucular bomb under her bed - and she loved to rebuild things. She had a 1-1 scale train set with a restored steam engine she recovered from 1885.


She also had a hundred or so points of shrinking and growth- which was always fun, since there was a couple of 'could go off at any time' disads on those. Fun for her, fun for the friends around her (she had the usable on others, too).


Oh, and weirdness magnet too. That kept her life . . . interesting.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've been thinking about a speedster brick and/or an archer brick (with a really big bow) which I think I mentioned on another thread.


I once tried (4th edition) to stat out a mentalist who "looked" like a brick. He tried to do everything with Mental Illusion, Mind Control, Ego Blast, and so on. One of my players tried playing the character but was not terribly successful. The character ended up being a mini-brick with mentalist aspirations.


Steve Perrin


Here's my favorite speedster brick. They are more challenging to play than the typical/vanilla brick. How they are played in combat vs. different types of opponents if far more important than other types of bricks where it can more easily devolve into an endless punch-fest.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Mine was BRUTE


He was basialy a hulk rip off, Rocket scientist accidentaly splashed with experimental rocket fuel, and strange radiation


He would at times transform into a caveman looking Brick


Like I said, hulk rip off


Except he retained his INT, and because of his sense of humor he would play dumb, had the group convinced he was an idiot for 3 months of bi-weekly play...Then I needed to use his int to ruin a rocket launch. The look on the players faces was wonderfull...

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Since I really don't like to play bricks, the only one I really have is my Empyrean I'll throw out some inspiration:

Wonder Woman: take away the Lasso (or heck keep it) and she can be an interesting Martial Brick. Or any Brick with ancient weapons or motif.

Captain Marvel: Both the Marvel and DC versions can be interesting.

Colossus: has always been one of my favorite Bricks

What about a shapeshifting brick like Sandman or Terminator 2?

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've only played one brick.


Jessica, at 4'11" was not exactly imposing. The idea was part shapeshifter, part mid level brick. She's a regenerating brick who has a number of forms, but the most fun is the Unkindness Of Ravens.


The Unkindness Of Ravens proved to be a devastatingly effective build completely on accident. Though looking at it I should have guessed as much.


The game is very Iron Age in play, and Jessica quickly gained a reputation as a mobile disaster. Part of the fun is it's very easy to damage Jessica, she rarely comes out of a fight with more than 1/2 her starting Body. But you just can't keep her down (Regeneration + lots Defenses vs STUN Only) for more than a second.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


Enforcer. artificially created Bodyguard/Lovemachine from a scientocracy dimension run by the decendants of Albert Zerstoiten.


Ended up on our Champions Earth and became a superhero.


Very difficult to hurt (I think in 2nd & 3rd Edition he had an "Invulnerability" elemental control)

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


What was your favorite Brick? Include as much detail as you feel like.

What was your most fun brick and why?

What was your most powerful Brick?

What is the most unusual Brick you have played or seen played?

What is your answer to any Brick question you feel like answering that I haven't asked?


My current Brick is always my favorite, but I can find something unique and exciting about each of them.


Caper's the one I have now, and as a 'Self-Made Man' (usually a power suit archetype) he gets to have fun with applying skills to change himself. I can foresee him gadgeting himself into a more and more distinctive character shaped by experiences in game. It's an exciting prospect to see a character at this stage, just starting to spread his cape and soar.


HighGuard started as a twisted tribute to Superman, but as drafts and time passed, he became both more and less like the Kryptonian Man of Steel. I like how well the tribute worked out. I'm excited by the 'twist' that makes him new and different in an 'O Henry' sense. I like that this character could be played for years and still always might bring out more depth to his complex personality.


Glazier was the character I played longest. He was fun to play because it was fun playing in the group I was in, and this was the character I played. He didn't even start as a Brick, really.


Even though I'd consider HighGuard more powerful than Glazier in concept, Glazier had over 100 XP after being played for years on end, and scales to my other Bricks in much the way Doomsday scales to Hank McCoy in X-men #3. He could stop a city block with a 12 DEF Entangle with +5 variable advantage. He could throw a grey whale into suspended animation with a thought, and had the ability to travel the dimensions and everywhere cold reached. Got boring.


Oh. Then there was Flux. Flux was a shapeshifter Brick who used his powers to imitate fallen heroes and bring their killers (and undefeated adversaries) to justice. He was sort of a low-rent Captain Universe, who relied on detective work and confidence tricks (acting, persuasion, etc.) to achieve his goals. Well, true, he also relied on the ability to shapeshift (right down to imitating EB's by stretching combined with shapeshift to look like he was shooting lightning bolts -- at 15d6, not like the first priority of his target was to carefully analyze whether it was electricity or fist doing the damage).

Flux was stylish, deeply committed, and seriously unhinged in the special obsession he had in finding his meaning by bringing a better closure to the lives of people he believed were better than himself. Even though his natural face was very beautiful, the life he was born to was easy and happy, and he had no real need to empathize with people who struggled, suffered and died, he found it brought him deeper rewards than all wealth and luck and looks could.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've only played one brick.


Jessica, at 4'11" was not exactly imposing. The idea was part shapeshifter, part mid level brick. She's a regenerating brick who has a number of forms, but the most fun is the Unkindness Of Ravens.


The Unkindness Of Ravens proved to be a devastatingly effective build completely on accident. Though looking at it I should have guessed as much.


The game is very Iron Age in play, and Jessica quickly gained a reputation as a mobile disaster. Part of the fun is it's very easy to damage Jessica, she rarely comes out of a fight with more than 1/2 her starting Body. But you just can't keep her down (Regeneration + lots Defenses vs STUN Only) for more than a second.


That's eeriely similar to my ex's Street level Champions character

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


The one and only brick I've ever played was Knockout, a kinetic absorption based brick who was in game that started at 550, making her one of the most powerful characters I have ever ran as well. As for her origin it can be summed up very quickly.


"What's that?"

*dakka dakka dakka dakka*

"hey, stop that!"

*Meaty twack then the sound of sundering concrete*

"Holy SH^* I have super powers."


The oddest one was one a friend ran named Gastonia who was your sweet hispanic girl who turned into a 50 foot tall ankilisaur-ish dinosaur.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I have only played two Bricks.


What was your favorite Brick?

My character Mesa (who is actually my longest played PC in any game. I have been playing him for about 9 years now) is my favorite.


Mesa started out as a guy-who-turns-into-an-elemental character, (back in 4th ed). After being buried alive by poachers Jim (thats his real name) was contacted by spirits of the earth. The spirits told him that they would save him if he agreed to be a guardian of the earth. He agreed and became a super-hero.


About two years later (in game) he fell in love with a native Japanese ninja and married her. Then in June of 2000 his daughter Lilly was born. It was then that Jim decided to retire from superheroing. In college he had double majored in Literature and Linguistics and minored in Cultural Anthropology, he figured getting a real job wouldn't be too hard.


Jim and his wife also decided that they wanted to be closer to their family, and since Jim's parent's traveled the world on a fairly consistent basis (scientists) they decided to move to Japan.


It was there that Jim discovered that the spirits that gave him his powers were not willing to allow him to retire. The spirits were furious with him and came very close to killing him, but instead decided that because of the good he had done they would only strip him of his powers.


No longer being Mesa almost relived Jim. He and his family could lead a more normal life. Shortly after that Jim took job in Australia with a cultural Anthropology team studying traditional aborigine life..


While in the outback Jim started having strange spasms and inexplicable growth spurts. Apparently the magic that granted him his original powers left some sort of residual effect. Jim was forced to quit the anthropology job.


The growth spurts and spasms didn't stop for 2 years (after his second child was born). The results being that Jim had grown to be 7'4" tall and close to 1,200 pounds.


It was at this point that Jim rescinded himself to the fact that he (and his family) would never be able to have a truly normal life. They moved back to the states and he rejoined his old team.


He is effectively a Power Man type. He has no "brick tricks", instead he is build on straight stats and combat skill levels.


In fact he has very little in the way of powers: His defenses are bought as Resistant, Hardened PD and ED. He has Life Support, Regeneration, Power Defense, Knockback Resistance, and some extra inches of Running, Leaping and Swimming. Everything else he has is stats, skills, and talents.


What was your most fun brick and why?

What was your most powerful Brick?


Mesa again.


What is the most unusual Brick you have played or seen played?


The other brick I play is a relatively new character called Freefall.


He is a character who could actually be categorized as either a brick or an energy manipulator.


His powers are gravity based, but his SFX is a bit different from the usual.

The GM I play with uses a variation of the Marvel/DC Graviton particle idea. So Freefall's only power (IG) is the ability to change the direction of attraction caused by graviton particles effecting an object his is in contact with.


I know that sounds like a mouthful. Basically, instead of negating or increasing gravity (like most gravity projector/ manipulators) he changes the direction that some or all of the gravity pulls an object.


For example: The special effect of his flight (yes he has flight) is him falling at terminal velocity in given direction, like up. He actually requires a skill roll to turn.


He can lift incredibly heavy objects simply by touching them and causing enough of the gravity to pull upwards so the object becomes effectively weightless while he is in contact with it. (TK, no range). He can also cause said objects to have all their gravity point oh, lets say left, at a 90 degree angle to the ground.


The reason I categorize him as a brick is that he also has a density increase (described as causing gravity particles to gather around his body). Also his powers are all Zero range, so even if he is using TK instead of STR, Density Increase, or Growth, he can perform all the standard Brick maneuvers (including hurling cars and grabbing and squeezing people).

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I like Bricks: I've played plenty. My two favourites were.


The Watcher (Byline: I can see you and I know what you're thinking!). He was an Alien Cyborg with Magnetism powers. Armoured body, some density increase, fast and strong. In addition he had a largish "magnetic powers" multipower which let him generate Forcefields (making him nigh invulnerable), enhance his STR (letting him punch stuff real good), killing attacks (pointy forcefield, like a monofilament knife), he had a weak EB and could fly - including FTL (by manipulating the universe's magnetic field). What made him stand out though, was two non-conventional magnetic powers - he could "visualise" the magnetic field and any disturbances in it, so he had telescopic/microsopic N-ray vision of a sort (he couldn't see colours, but he could see into or through "stuff" and also sense what it was made of) and he could sense electomagnetic changes in the brains of living creatures and even (since they were very weak forces) manipulate them at range, giving him slightly clumsy telepathy. He served as the team's telephone exchange being able to see the whole battlefield and pass messages around, in addition to being our most potent offense. Today, I'd probably not allow such a character - he was a bit grotesque (IIRC, he could generate an 8d6 HKA!) but give me a break - it was my second Champions character and I played him for more than 2 years. I enjoyed playing him because he was a cosmic-level combatant and was extremely flexible in combat.


Valiant! (Byline: Never fear citizens! Valiant! is here!)He was a "quick brick" with OIHID - (STR60, DEX32, PD/ED r30, SPD8). Tough and strong, but basically no other powers apart from superleap/superrunning and limited life support (he could hold his breath for 5 minutes and as long as he could breathe or hold his breath, he was otherwise unaffected by stuff like vaccuum, extreme heat/cold, etc). He was a deliberate design decision to make a character *without* a lot of funky powers and backup abilities and was a blast to play simply because with exactly one power (punch stuff) I had to be inventive and because he had a fun backstory with some interesting weaknesses. I didn't play him for long, though as he proved to be overwhelming in combat compared to the rest of the team, which was a bit sad.


cheers, Mark

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


I've played a few bricks.


Scales: Super Strong, Max Defense, 8 dex. Though levels to hit with. he also started manipulating magic and a possible future had him as Sorcerer Supreme. Which I had that picture of him in the Doctor Strange getup.

Created a backstory where he was a pulp adventurer as well.


Spitfire: Pretty strong little girl. Carried a pistol since no one took her seriously and it was better than tearing a car in half. :D

Was a genetics scientist who wound up doing some experiments on herself.


Ulrick: Ancient God from a pantheon that was destroyed by a rival pantheon. Had a worship me field which didn't have any combat effect.

Since he was so used to hiding his true origin, he would use different origins for his background. Bitten by a radioactive spider, getting a power ring from a dying alien, etc...

Other than that, standard flying brick.


Vetali: Think she's detailed somewhere on the board. Kickboxing brick with Force projection. Actually, a large number of powers that are just an odd assortment.


Mr. Impervious: He was a pilot that wound up becoming impervious to harm. Average strength, some martial arts, and good with a gun. He'd often be thrown by a brick far away after they have a try of getting thru his defenses.


Bunch of others, especially if you count the villains.

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Re: Another Brick in the Wall (Tell me about your Brick!)


This does bring to mind one Brick 'character' I used in our 'comic relief' sessions.


"The Oaf!"


165 STR 155

11 DEX 3

55 CON 90

30 BODY 40

12 INT 2

11 EGO 2

30 PRE 20

14 COM 2

33 PD 0

21 ED 10

3 SPD 9

43 REC 0

110 END 0

141 STUN 0


100 VPP

150 VP Control


Skills: uh.. yeah. Meant to buy some.


Oaf had a long-running feud with the Golden Avenger that demolished large areas of the moon's surface.. leaving a visible bas relief visible from earth that looked like the Lincoln Memorial.

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