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A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


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Re: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrr!


In honor of the day, I present one of my old gaming group's villains. Sailing the his draconic ship through the spaces between worlds in the vicinity of the mystical city of Byzantium, he's renowned as the most vicious, most dangerous, and most respected pirate captain in the Void. He is . . .




. . . Captain Bluebeard!

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Re: International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Arrrr!


In honor of the day, I present one of my old gaming group's villains. Sailing the his draconic ship through the spaces between worlds in the vicinity of the mystical city of Byzantium, he's renowned as the most vicious, most dangerous, and most respected pirate captain in the Void. He is . . .




. . . Captain Bluebeard!


Repworthy, but some else'll have to get you for me. I've still gotta spread some.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine



Justice is a paranormal branch of the Justice Department tasked with investigating and capturing paranormal criminals. Justice is a bit gung-ho in their procedures and somewhat arrogant in their approach. Justice is very much the bad side of the government.

Justice and the Alliance are not on good terms in any way shape or form.


The Major – The leader of Justice, The Major is a former military man who took part in an experimental program the US Army conducted in the hopes of creating paranormals. The Major can fly, project a force field around himself and others and use the same force fields to attack. The process used to create The Major was not without a price, the Major is required to take specific supplements on a daily basis or his cellular structure could begin to decay. Or so he is made to believe. The drugs he takes keep him highly suggestive to orders, preventing him from turning on his superiors. They also cause some bouts of paranoia and manic behavior, making the Major a threat whenever he gets too upset.

The Major is a bit of a prick and a very subtle racist. He won’t say anything publicly but does treat people according to stereotypes.


Partisan – Gloria Cooper, former fashion model, was attacked one evening while leaving a Hollywood party. In the attack she was severally disfigured and left for dead. Her career in ruins and with nothing to lose, she took the offer of certain doctors and allowed an experimental regenerative process to be used. The results were astounding. Her injures healed within a few hours and her face was once again fine, but there was a side effect. Gloria found herself with an almost completely new genetic coding and her muscles and skeletal structure were reinforced and enhanced to amazing levels. Gloria found that she could lift nearly thirty tons and that she could heal almost any injury if given enough time. She wasn’t invulnerable by any means, cuts still ripped through her flesh and bullets were still bullets. She has become addicted to pain killers and suffers from the typical effects. Of course this gives her handlers more control over her.


Covert – William Moore was a highly trained covert operations specialist working for the CIA. If the details of his career could be made public he would have been hailed a hero and called a ruthless killer all in the same breath. He never failed. The government eventually realized just how important someone with Moore’s skills would be in more agents. Using an experimental cloning process they created multiple versions of more. The cloning process was not without side effects. Over the years each successive series of clones has become more and more mentally unstable. Since the original William Moore was killed the government has been forced to keep making copies of the copies. Covert is very psychotic and has been known to have homicidal breaks with reality.


Atlas – Steve Brewer was a star athlete in high school always bigger and stronger than most kids. Coming from a poor family Steve had only a few choices to get out of the small Texas town he grew up in. He could hope for a football scholarship or join the military. The colleges never made any serious offers so the Army became his future. During Desert Storm Steve was seriously injured and left a quadriplegic. The government needed a volunteer for a new armored exoskeleton and Steve was perfect. Atlas is the real muscle of Justice, the exoskeleton is allows him to lift hundreds of tons and provides him with protection enough to survive most military hardware. The exoskeleton is based off of technology created by Kyle Reese, the deceased husband of Amanda Reese (Valkyrie).

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Re: Black Cat & Starfire in Fabrica De Herois


The only issue I have with this program is that it's hard to make my favourite characters. Like Marvel's Black Cat, or DC's Starfire. :P


Hard, yes. But not impossible. The main problem for me is when you're doing a character who has a 'cleavage window' - it's nigh impossible to make it appear that the character has a nice rack without it looking like she oiled up her chest before posing ;). I did what I could with Black Cat (who posed another problem - no fur - at least, not where I want it :() but she clearly ran out of suntan oil halfway up her chest. Comics Starfire is much easier, since her costume helps hide the fact that she too, 'oils up' before posing :D (of course, that they've got her hairstyle in the templates helps immensely). Cartoon Starfire was of course, the easiest, since her costume is supposed to hide the fact that she's got a couple of bumps on her chest. :eg:


Now if you want impossible, try a typical Magical Girl costume (and if you're feeling brave, try some of the 'Meister Robes' from Mai Otome). All of those Frills of Justice! :eek:

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Sports-themed heroes are fairly common, right? Well, here's an American soccer (or football, if you prefer) player who uses his incredible physical skills and his superhuman agility to mix it up with the bad guys. He goes by the name...




. . . Red Card!

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Re: Black Cat & Starfire in Fabrica De Herois


Hard, yes. But not impossible. The main problem for me is when you're doing a character who has a 'cleavage window' - it's nigh impossible to make it appear that the character has a nice rack without it looking like she oiled up her chest before posing ;). I did what I could with Black Cat (who posed another problem - no fur - at least, not where I want it :() but she clearly ran out of suntan oil halfway up her chest. Comics Starfire is much easier, since her costume helps hide the fact that she too, 'oils up' before posing :D (of course, that they've got her hairstyle in the templates helps immensely). Cartoon Starfire was of course, the easiest, since her costume is supposed to hide the fact that she's got a couple of bumps on her chest. :eg:


Now if you want impossible, try a typical Magical Girl costume (and if you're feeling brave, try some of the 'Meister Robes' from Mai Otome). All of those Frills of Justice! :eek:


Your attachments are bitmaps. They work better if they are GIF, JPEG or PNG files, with PNG being the preferred format.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Sports-themed heroes are fairly common, right? Well, here's an American soccer (or football, if you prefer) player who uses his incredible physical skills and his superhuman agility to mix it up with the bad guys. He goes by the name...




. . . Red Card!


I drew a gymnast a while back(not based on anyone, I swear! :angel: ), but I haven't named her yet. High Bar came to mind, but that event is done by men, not women. Maybe Vault would work?

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Darren's recent thread got my mind going with possiblities


What do a Velarian Spiritual Seeker, a Thorgon Renegade, and a Perseid Noblewoman all have in common?


Anyone of them could end up joining the Star*Guard :)

OK, Hermit. On the renegade, how did you do the black portion of his "shirt"? I was trying to recreate him (w/out the staff) and couldn't find anything with that type of "sleeve" area (I know, he doesn't really have sleeves).

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Darren's recent thread got my mind going with possiblities


What do a Velarian Spiritual Seeker, a Thorgon Renegade, and a Perseid Noblewoman all have in common?


Anyone of them could end up joining the Star*Guard :)


Nice work. Were I a bad guy, I definitely wouldn't want to meet those three in a dark alley. :fear:


I drew a gymnast a while back(not based on anyone' date=' I swear! :angel: ), but I haven't named her yet. High Bar came to mind, but that event is done by men, not women. Maybe Vault would work?[/quote']


Vault sounds like a great name. She's got some Superleap, I presume?


Alas, I can't hit either one of you with the Rep stick right now.

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


OK' date=' Hermit. On the renegade, how did you do the black portion of his "shirt"? I was trying to recreate him (w/out the staff) and couldn't find anything with that type of "sleeve" area (I know, he doesn't really have sleeves).[/quote']


I'm too lazy to get the exact count, but to get it, I used priority A on Camisa for the Black, and Priority B for the red. The one you want for the black...well, to get there, go on until it starts dividing him, first one half then the other. When you get to the last half option (His left side sleeveless I think) 17 more clicks should bring you to the arm pit revealing shirt with the length in my pic. Then use Camisa B and use it for until you find the red triangle top that suits your needs best.


And of course, the textures to add six pack abs and the like really seem to work well in black on this program.


Hope I explained that well enough

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Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine


Thanks Hermit' date=' that took care of it. I didn't realize that another few hundred choices had been added to some of the tabs. :o I just needed to keep looking a bit longer is all.[/quote']


No worries, I know just what you mean. The creator of this thing is one busy guy. :)

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