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Taming the Slayer


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Here we go with yet another Character A vs. Character B. This time it will be River Tam versus Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


River Tam: Normal human capable of shutting off her mindand going into full combat mode. Took on first a bar filled with more than three dozen people (several of them tough bouncers) then moved onto another location where she took on several (number unknown) tough brutal killing beings (people?) who are individually capable of dealing with the previous barroom.


Buffy: Highly trained warrior with low level super human strength and minor regeneration.


If a fight were to occur between these two who would win? Also state what your reasons for this outcome would be and if any incidental damage would occur.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


When buffy knows the weakness of an enemy, she could overcome the strongest foe.


So as long as there are some old books about Tam's condition (or other ways to find her weakness), and there is a time to read/search for it between first meeting and the real battle - it might be buffy who wins.


P.S.: Why not a poll?

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Re: Taming the Slayer


First, Joss Whedon's head would explode. (If you seen it, it looks like it's pretty close to that already)


If it's the River Tam who fought the Reavers, I've got to go with River.


If it's the River and Buffy who frequently appear in fan fiction, then the winner is us.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


This is how I think things would work out:


Buffy's greater strength would allow for a greater punch when shen lands a hit, but River's greater DCV makes that very hard to do. River's ability to hit in a manner that bypasses defenses would have the effect of a stronger blow to Buffy, but that damage gets healed by her healing factor.


As for Buffy's friends, River would take them out real quick before they would have a chance to do anything to help Buffy. The way that they would help Buffy would be to get triggered spells and traps set before the combat begins.


When all is over with, the area that they are fighting in is taken care of (destroyed nicely) and they call a draw a truce since neither one able to get the advantage over the other.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


Does this fight take place in Jello, or perhaps Pudding? ;)


(Who came up with the idea of girls wrestling in jello, anywho?)


Any of these "Fictional Hero A" vs. "Fictional Hero B" really end up being decided by whoever writes the script; and as it is Whedon, they would both die, then both come back to life, etc.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


Buffy: "You're not a Vampire? How am I supposed to fall madly into the sack with you?"


River: "Your Waif-Fu is Weak, Prepare to ......OH...Shiney Object!"


Whedon: "Wait Girls I can work this into my Avengers Script!"



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Re: Taming the Slayer


Tam is variable. But' date=' it does seem certain things are more likely to provoke her into kill mode. If you manipulate such criteria?[/quote']


"Fruity Oaty Bars make a man out of a mouse..."


This is how I think things would work out:


Buffy's greater strength would allow for a greater punch when shen lands a hit, but River's greater DCV makes that very hard to do. River's ability to hit in a manner that bypasses defenses would have the effect of a stronger blow to Buffy, but that damage gets healed by her healing factor.


As for Buffy's friends, River would take them out real quick before they would have a chance to do anything to help Buffy. The way that they would help Buffy would be to get triggered spells and traps set before the combat begins.


When all is over with, the area that they are fighting in is taken care of (destroyed nicely) and they call a draw a truce since neither one able to get the advantage over the other.


Buffy's healing factor is slow. She doesn't do Wolverine style heal before your eyes stuff. In Hero terms her healing rate is something like every day, not Post Segment 12. If River could get in and do the damage fast, Buffy is still toast. Their actual combat ability is very close, especially when you are talking Buffy in the later seasons. Strength edge goes to Buffy. Ruthlessness edge goes to River. Note how she took out Jayne. She doesn't eff around when she's in kill mode. Close fight.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


Yeah queen of Waif-Fu ......great character, but Buffy the Vampire Layer (pun intended) would mop the floor with her. It's going to come down to a simple unbeatable rule. I'm Super Strong, you are Not.


~Rex....says even The Batman found that out in a fight with Deathstroke the Terminator. Being a better fighter pales in comparisson to being swatted with a car.

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Re: Taming the Slayer


I'd think Buffy. While Tam's brain been augmented such that her reflexes are at top or just over the top human physical form, Buffy has been upped magically in Strength, Speed, and Endurance. Her strength has been show where she can throw someone 10 feet in the air. Her speed has been shown where she dodges bullets and catches crossbow bolts. And as far as stamina, she has been shown to be slammed up against

brick walls after being thrown 10 feet through the air into them and get up and fight again. While Tam has taken out effectively hyped up on PCP humans, Buffy has taken on hordes of Demons. And while I haven't read the comics, they supposedly buffed her up even more in the comics.

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