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Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities


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The Worst Insult Ever


Dear angry people–

It’s come to my attention many of you believe Social Justice Warrior is an insult.

For all those people, here’s an honest question: Do you know what the words social, justice, and warrior mean?

I am of the opinion they’re all GOOD things. Warrior means someone willing to fight for what matters to them. Social justice, or the concept that all members of our society should have access to the same rights and opportunities, means stuff like:

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If that's so, so is this




I admit to being surprised that when a non-marital relationship ends, it's just as likely to be the male's decision as the female's. Assuming I can take this study at face value and someone doesn't post several studies contradicting it.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y Chromosome and a Y-not? Chromosome

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"Initiating divorce" means the legal proceedings, right? I'm not sure whether I'd call that the actual point where the relationship failed. If more men cheat and then the women go to the lawyer, that would still qualify.

The question being considered is, metaphorically, "Who pulls the plug?"



Emphasis added:

"The only prior research that had been done on who wanted the breakup was research on marital divorces," Michael Rosenfeld


(By they way, I highly doubt it's true that all prior research had only considered marriages - I just don't have any other research at my fingertips.)


A husband, or male partner in a non-marital relationship, who "cheats" is not on the face of it trying to end the relationship. He's trying to preserve the relationship. He's trying to use deception to do so, he's obviously willing to put the relationship at risk, and perhaps in some cases he's actually hoping to "get caught" and induce his female partner to make that decision, but he's obviously not willing to be the one to say "it's over."


And in any case, the article isn't about infidelity, it's about relationship endings, which CAN have other causes. Although in the next few months I'm sure there will be a spike in divorce cases due to a certain hacking scandal.


What I find interesting is the assertion that either party is equally likely to terminate a non-marital relationship (in which hopefully there is no lawyer to be called) which suggests to me that heterosexual relationships have a healthier balance of power and of responsibility than I expected. But the female is more likely to terminate the marriage. I can think of a number of possible reasons for that but they'd all be pretty speculative.


Lucius Alexander


She knew about the palindromedary when she married me

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"It says here in the paper than a pedestrian in New York is run over by a car every thirty minutes."


"That poor person! Someone should help them get out of traffic and into a hospital!"



Let me acknowledge that "A man thinks of sex every seven seconds" meme has no science behind it. But I also don't think people who say it are claiming there's a seven second "pon far" cycle every male goes through, though assuming they mean that makes it easy to mock.


I for example can go a whole six minutes without thinking about sex. Then I think about it for sixty seconds.


Lucius Alexander


I'm sure I still think about sex more than I think about palindromedaries, but don't tell them that....

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"It says here in the paper than a pedestrian in New York is run over by a car every thirty minutes."


"That poor person! Someone should help them get out of traffic and into a hospital!"



Let me acknowledge that "A man thinks of sex every seven seconds" meme has no science behind it. But I also don't think people who say it are claiming there's a seven second "pon far" cycle every male goes through, though assuming they mean that makes it easy to mock.


I for example can go a whole six minutes without thinking about sex. Then I think about it for sixty seconds.


Lucius Alexander


I'm sure I still think about sex more than I think about palindromedaries, but don't tell them that....

This is merely anectdotal, but in my case, unless I am consciously thinking about something specific, its probably every 5 seconds.

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White-ish woman :), but yes. She was asked to pose for the picture and comment about her job by her company, who is doing a recruiting drive. Her image (but none of the others from the same campaign) attracted a lot of negative comments online because some dropwads apparently thought that engineers can't look like that. Just like the "fake geek" stupidity, they were claiming online that she was a "fake engineer". 


The whole hashtag thing came in response to the online trolling.


This is - unfortunately - not an isolated incident. One of our gaming group is a very attractive female electronics engineer: she's bumped into exactly this attitude in the past - both in regard to geekery, and in regard to engineering.


cheers, Mark

Pretty AND and Engineer? NO WAY. 



No one has any trouble picturing me as an IT guy. I'm beginning to think I'm unattractive. 

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Pretty AND and Engineer? NO WAY. 



No one has any trouble picturing me as an IT guy. I'm beginning to think I'm unattractive. 


Amusingly, we've had my niece visiting from Australia recently. She's really, really pretty... and she's an engineer. We put her together with our pretty engineer friend from roleplaying and not only did they hit it off instantly, but within a couple of minutes they were (without any hints from us) exchanging "sexist moron" and "office harassment" stories. Not only is it common, it appears to be quite pervasive. It seems like the idea of having a pretty female engineer - still less a pretty female engineer boss - is simply too much for a lot of guys in the field.


Medical science was still a bit like this when I started. It's not perfect, but it's cleaned up its act considerably. Listening to stories from the trenches in Engineering is like peering back 30 or 40 years into the past.


cheers, Mark

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That Gender Problem: Privileging the Blue Aisle


I think that, in my experience, a girl playing with a toy meant for boys is less scary to society at large than a boy playing with a toy meant for a girl. A girl playing with Hot Wheels is a tomboy, you see, while a boy playing with a doll, well…that leads to “problems.”


What those “problems” are, I think, is actually hard to nail down. I’ve often heard the surface argument that dolls might turn a boy gay, which is ridiculous, but I think that argument just begs the question…why would that be? Why do people think that? We are moving beyond these narrow beliefs, right? Maybe not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Male author claims women can't write "Space Opera":



What the bleep? Has he never heard of C.L. Moore, Leigh Brackett, Andre Norton?


[Note: Knee-jerk reaction. Haven't read the article yet.]


Oh. Not just space opera but sci fi in general? James Tiptree Jr., Jo Clayton, Joan Vinge?


No matter how he might feel about current authors, there's no way in hell that science fiction is a purely male domain. :mad:

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