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It seems to me those voting purely for a Democratic agenda weren't going anywhere anyway.  Hiring DWS further angers Sanders voters who were waffling between Hillary and Trump - who some view as a candidate of change.


Why wouldn't you promise her something when you're President?  *facepalm*

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Strangely, Sanders himself didn't seem offended by the wiki leak.  He practically shrugged and said 'this doesn't surprise me at all'.  The DNC is supposed to impartially run the primary, and here they are figuring out ways to tear Bernie down, his faith (or alleged lack of faith) as one possible cheap shot, in what looks like a highly coordinated fashion.   And this is possibly the tip of a very large iceberg; this is going to be an interesting convention (if any can be said to be interesting).

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Trump got the usual bump out of his convention and leads by a few points now. His support, if you drill down, consists largely of non-college-educated white voters, with a substantial gender gap between men and women in that group. Clinton actually has a small lead with college-educated white voters, which Democrats haven't won since the 1960s. She has an enormous lead with non-white voters. So we have an electorate polarized by gender, education and race. It sounds like Trump has pretty much run up the score with that core group, and doesn't have more room to grow there. Clinton still has room to improve with college educated whites, white women and Latinos.

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Strangely, Sanders himself didn't seem offended by the wiki leak.  He practically shrugged and said 'this doesn't surprise me at all'.  The DNC is supposed to impartially run the primary, and here they are figuring out ways to tear Bernie down, his faith (or alleged lack of faith) as one possible cheap shot, in what looks like a highly coordinated fashion.   And this is possibly the tip of a very large iceberg; this is going to be an interesting convention (if any can be said to be interesting).


It doesn't seem strange to me. Bernie has pretty much said all this time that the DNC was in Hillary's camp, and that certain members of it were violating their duties in abandoning neutrality. He was dismissed by many in the party and in the press as delusional or making it up but the truth is now out. Naturally Bernie's not surprised... and I think if he was offended before, it's old news to him. 


And Hillary is about to rely on him a lot if she's smart, because frankly, I think a good chunk (A third or more I'd guess) of Bernie's supporters are tempted to sit this one out at this stage and he's the only one who can really sway them on the "We can't let trump win period" angle that they'll respect. 


But I'm not sure Hillary will see it that way. Not because she's dumb, she's not... but because she's acting (In my view) overconfident, and assuming that anyone afraid of Trump has no where else to go. That maybe , for practicality sake, true.... but people aren't always practical, and it may yet bite her in the ass.


Trump can win this thing thanks to the power of angry progressives too disillusioned to get out and vote. I pray it doesn't come to that.

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Well, I was offended by the religion thing - so cynical and manipulative - but that's politics in the USA of today.


Trump, for all his many flaws, appears to be the legitimate candidate of his party in terms of votes and process.   More and more folks are wondering if the same can be said of HRC.  On other forums I've seen Sanders supporters say a one-term disastrous Trump presidency would be in our overall interest, since after the crash and burn it would lead to a reformist Congress and true progressive policies.   8 years of corporate neoliberalism wouldn't.  I'm not saying I agree with that viewpoint, but I sense an element of voter despair I can't remember seeing before.

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Well, I was offended by the religion thing - so cynical and manipulative - but that's politics in the USA of today.


Trump, for all his many flaws, appears to be the legitimate candidate of his party in terms of votes and process.   More and more folks are wondering if the same can be said of HRC.  On other forums I've seen Sanders supporters say a one-term disastrous Trump presidency would be in our overall interest, since after the crash and burn it would lead to a reformist Congress and true progressive policies.   8 years of corporate neoliberalism wouldn't.  I'm not saying I agree with that viewpoint, but I sense an element of voter despair I can't remember seeing before.

I think that attitude is frankly insane. The people likely to be most badly hurt by a Trump presidency also happen to be the most reliable Democratic voters. Why cheerlead for their suffering? Also it assumes that things would progress in a direction that would be ultimately favorable to progressive interests, which isn't necessarily the case.

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On other forums I've seen Sanders supporters say a one-term disastrous Trump presidency...

Dangerous thinking, that. With the state of the USA today, if Trump won the Big Chair, he could point at all sorts of economic successes at least, 5 years down the line, just from the inertia built up to get the economy performing at its current state. Personally, I'm starting to wonder whether that's Trump's plan: get in, do nothing, ...?, Profit!


I still think that the "disgust" reflex is strong enough on average to overcome the general monkey-brain manipulation tricks Ol' rug-head is pulling. At least I hope so.

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It would seem that Rep Schultz was booed while trying to give a speech. . It was two minutes of cringe before she left. 


It would also seem that Senator Sanders was also booed heavily the moment he tried to endorse Sec. Clinton. I really do see a significant number of his constituency either not voting for / voting against Sec. Clinton. 


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Here is a small ReasonTV article about a protest against the DNC. 


"No Hillary," said another woman. "Never Hillary. She is the 1 percent and also she is a warmonger."


Perhaps some of the vilification the Democrats have done of the wealthy and more militarily adventurous politicians is coming back to bite them in the rear when their candidate is a member of the militarily adventurous 1 percent. 



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It would seem a group of Senator Sanders supporters are passing around petition to DNC delegates to get them to switch votes for Senator Sanders. 




The list of grievances / reasons to switch they state are:




A lot of has happened since you were elected or pledged to Hillary Clinton, including but not limited to the FBI investigation conclusion and the DNC email leaks. You have the right to take these, and other events, under consideration when voting for the nomination.

You have the right to conduct a conscience vote and vote for the honorable candidate who played by the rules. A vote for Bernie Sanders shows you do not approve of these tactics by the DNC.




A savy Trump or Anti-Sec.Hillary campaigner would just make a few targeted adds citing this level of disagreement in the Democratic party. Even if it doesn't pull people to Trump, it is likely to drain people from Sec. Clinton.



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They are beyond delusional if they think 1) this will actually work to change the nominee; 2) nominating Sanders under these circumstances would be auspicious for his campaign and cause. They are full on "nutter".


Indeed. Such was essentially my point to my Senator Sanders supporter friend on FB. 



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