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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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Good posts from Tom and Dan.  As much as I want to ratchet back the tension, it's very hard for me to think the two groups equivalent.  It does feel like Trump wants to be the "anti-Obama"... that's his hand, his playing cards.  It's a mess.


In other news, back to distracting myself with irreverent roleplaying games!

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When I first read your message, I thought "What does he mean irrelevant roleplaying games?" In a case of how mistaken interpretation can start wars, I was going to completely dress you down. Then I read it again and saw that the word is irreverent.  So never mind then. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :)


:D  In your defense, this is hilarious.

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When I first read your message, I thought "What does he mean irrelevant roleplaying games?" In a case of how mistaken interpretation can start wars, I was going to completely dress you down. Then I read it again and saw that the word is irreverent.  So never mind then. Carry on. Nothing to see here. :)

But enough about GURPS.... :)

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In the NFL Preseason, the controversy over not standing at attention during the National Anthem as a form of protest has intensified after recent events. I'll leave it to someone else to fill in all the details.


My thought on the subject is probably going to be rather controversial, which is that the anthem is not an essential part of sporting events. I don't go to a Timbers match to show I love my country. I go to a Timbers match (when I can get tickets, which are never easy to come by) because I love soccer. Although I get goosebumps at the start of every season when the Timbers Army sings the anthem, for me that is not the most essential part of the experience. More significantly, I do not understand how outward shows of patriotism in which everyone is expected to join really shows off anything.


Love of country is like love of God. It is an internal process. If you believe your outright show of religious fervor is going to win you points with God, you're missing the point. Patriotism is the same. I do not have to prove to anyone that I love my country, and more significantly that I love its people. When you make a massive effort to "show" your Patriotism, yet your behavior does not match the values it represents, then what good is your exhibit? Who do you think you're going to impress?


That's why I approve of the NFL players taking a knee if that is what they see fit to do. They seem to me no less patriotic, but they also don't believe it's either one-way or unconditional. If the people in charge of the event tells me the flag represents something it does not, and that something is in defiance of my own core values, I would be strongly tempted to sit down.

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But enough about GURPS.... :)



HAH!  I keep on telling myself I'll learn that one... HERO works well for superheroics, but I find I have trouble with any concept in which being knocked out is more rare versus being killed...

I don't know you, but it seems you're a Slayers fan. I approve.

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I would suspect if anything got his goat it would be that Obama himself is more popular than he'll ever be.


I wonder if there's ever been so many changes in high ranking White House positions before in so short a time?

It seems like forever but it's only been 8 months.


Well, Trump has always struck me as coming from the Steinbrenner school of management (hell, he even had a TV show proving that point)

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Well, Trump has always struck me as coming from the Steinbrenner school of management (hell, he even had a TV show proving that point)

He bought a team in the USFL in the 1980's, but his intent was to force entry into the NFL by filing one of the stupidest lawsuits in history. He won the case, but the damage award was only $3. The league immediately folded, with the other owners losing most of their investment.


Just another of his long history of **** moves in his business career. Which is why he was able to turn a large fortune into a significantly smaller (in real terms) fortune.

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In the NFL Preseason, the controversy over not standing at attention during the National Anthem as a form of protest has intensified after recent events. 


Not standing during the National Anthem, to me, is a form of expression. To me it should always be a method of protesting something. I am a patriot that sometimes borders on Jingoism, but I haven't yet jumped over that line. 

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It appears the fash are outnumbered a bit in Boston today--400 to 1. Charlottesville cost them Bannon, the Stormfront site, a few jobs and families, a bunch of statues, and the polite tolerance that allowed them to spread their message. They still have Trump though.


Potentially even more damaging is PayPal closing down their transactions and just about every social media site actively closing down accounts of any bigots that they can find. At this rate, they will soon have to actively pursue communications through the USPS or even personal courier. They should really start laying low, licking their wounds, and letting the general public forget about them again. Well that would be a smart strategy. Let's hope they ain't that smart.

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I just know we'd be much better off if both went away.   I really wouldn't know how to grade the 2. (The former obviously acquired quite the negative yardage last weekend, of course. So they indeed are quite ahead, behind, whatever)  But, I don't want to kid myself into believing either serves a positive purpose.



Note: I find Antifa kind of ironic, in that a group who names themselves Anti-fascists, essentially, seems so.........fascists.

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I just know we'd be much better off if both went away.   I really wouldn't know how to grade the 2. (The former obviously acquired quite the negative yardage last weekend, of course. So they indeed are quite ahead, behind, whatever)  But, I don't want to kid myself into believing either serves a positive purpose.



Note: I find Antifa kind of ironic, in that a group who names themselves Anti-fascists, essentially, seems so.........fascists.


I guess to me I care less about whether they seem ironic than whether they probably kept other people from being beaten and killed.  Though I can't say for sure how that would have gone.  I can't really say much though, I agree with others in saying that 'pro Nazi/KKK' protesters have a 'proud history' of killing many, many innocent people.


What if's aside, I really wonder at how many protesters there were on either side of that conflict.  Would be interesting to see demographics of the protest.

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Yeah, no doubt who is ahead of the game.  Just that Antifa seems to have been at, or crossing the line in their own right in earlier protests this year that caused some dust ups.  So, I cant say they are more solution than problem at this point.



Course, my mind is trying to figure out a lot of this crap in the last week.  I got used to with the old Tea parties from a few years ago, that "racist protests" = one idiot in the back with a Confederate or Nazi flag.  That I took a lot for granted.  I let this incident be a boy who cried wolf on me until the worst of it happened.  ANd I am still a little mad at myself for that. Sorry, I underestimated it and all.


So, I really want to make sure I get right from now on with both Antifa and the Alt-Right.

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Yeah, no doubt who is ahead of the game.  Just that Antifa seems to have been at, or crossing the line in their own right in earlier protests this year that caused some dust ups.  So, I cant say they are more solution than problem at this point.



Course, my mind is trying to figure out a lot of this crap in the last week.  I got used to with the old Tea parties from a few years ago, that "racist protests" = one idiot in the back with a Confederate or Nazi flag.  That I took a lot for granted.  I let this incident be a boy who cried wolf on me until the worst of it happened.  ANd I am still a little mad at myself for that. Sorry, I underestimated it and all.


So, I really want to make sure I get right from now on with both Antifa and the Alt-Right.

Well, you know how I feel about the Alt-Right. I really do see a lot of "Good against Evil" in this contest. We now know what the Nazis are capable of and who they are appealing to.


This cartoon scene immediately comes to mind. The context is even similar 


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No, doubt evil there, I just see it with Antifa involved Bad vs Evil.  Antifa is less of a threat, but I still see it as a danger, if allowed to grow.  It might be enemy of my enemy is my friend right now.  But, I worry it might be the Stalin we deal with to defeat their Hitler.



Nothing I hate more than Nazis, but in our rush to stop one group, I don't want to underestimate the next threat. 

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